A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
This file includes
• 3 motdoku6 (word sudoku) games
• Où sont les trésors cachés (Les expressions AVOIR)
• 1 powerpoint presentation illustrating
15 expressions
• an 8.5" by 14" poster of those same expressions
• the free game, "Let's get to the bottom (or top) of
“OÙ SONT LES TRÉSORS CACHÉS? (La Saint-Valentin)” is a French verb conjugation game that will work well as a full-class, teacher-directed game and as a small-group activity. You’ll find that even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully to hear which squares have already been “played” by their classmates. And the promise of “treasure” tends to generate enthusiastic oral participation as well. After the fun of the oral treasure hunt, you can assign co-ordinates to create an instant written assignment to reinforce the correct spelling of the verb endings.
I’ve provided an answer key for le présent, le passé composé, le futur simple, le conditionnel présent & le plus-que parfait. However, the game can be played in all verb tenses.
To be sure that “Où sont les trésors cachés? (La Saint-Valentin)” is right for your students, download the free resource, “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les verbes ER):
Traditional Taboo® has always been a wonderful classroom tool. DIRE OU INTERDIRE?POUR LA SAINT-VALENTIN is a themed variation of the game that can be played in two very different ways.
If your students are confident and articulate, have them play DIRE OU INTERDIRE? following traditional Taboo® rules. If, however, you have students who are uncomfortable giving clues, turn the rules upside down. Tell them to use some or all of the words beneath the pink and white banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is.
This file includes 36 “Valentine” cards about friendship, relationships and love as well as a template for students to make their own DIRE OU INTERDIRE? deck.
La fin de chaque mot dans ce mini-cercle vicieux est aussi le début d'un nouveau mot.
Comme dans un mots croisés, les lettres sont toutes représentées en majuscules sans accents. Un mot accentué peut donc croiser un mot qui ne l'est pas. Fais la ronde. Combien de mots qui se chevauchent peux-tu y trouver?
In all my “Où sont les trésors cachés?” games, students must speak in full sentences as they vie to find the treasure hidden in the grid. This edition features the verbs, “porter”, “essayer”, “enlever”, “mettre” and “s’habiller”
The file includes two game boards.
The first concentrates on the key verbs in the tense or mood of the teacher’s choice. Clothing vocabulary and descriptors are provided to allow students to focus on their conjugations.
The second game board does not provide the sentence conclusions - ie: the “vêtements” vocabulary. It’s for more courageous students who will now have to come up with their own descriptions.
To see if, “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les vêtements)” is right for your students, download the free “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les verbes ER)": https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/o-sont-les-tr-sors-cach-s-les-verbes-er-6438862
As its name suggests, this is a simplified variation of the “Où sont les trésors cachés?" game. It provides the subject and the conjugated verb to allow students to focus on learning clothing vocabulary and using the appropriate definite, indefinite or partitive article.
There are two game boards in this file. One labels each item of clothing.
The other is illustrated but not labelled, making students responsible for providing the name for each garment.
As in the original, "Où sont les trésors cachés?" games, students will think and speak in full sentences as they try to locate hidden “treasure”. There’s also a simple hack for extending the lesson to written work.
To see if “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les vêtement JUNIOR)” is right for your students, download the free “Où sont les trésors cachés? (Les verbes ER)”:
YOU DON’T SAY! is a themed variation of Taboo® that can be played in two very different ways.
If your students are confident and articulate, they can play YOU DON’T SAY! following traditional Taboo® rules. If, however, you have students who are uncomfortable giving clues, turn the rules upside down. Tell them to use some or all of the words beneath the pink and white banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is.
This file includes 40 “Valentine” cards about friendship, relationships and love. I’ve also appended a template for students to make their own YOU DON’T SAY! deck.
If you are a fan of Taboo®, YOU DON’T SAY! might just be the game for you. It can be played in two very different ways.
If your students are confident and articulate, have them play YOU DON’T SAY! like traditional Taboo®. If, however, you have students who are uncomfortable speaking in public, turn the rules upside down. Tell them to use some or all of the words beneath the orange and black banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is.
This file includes 32 Hallowe’en-themed cards and a template for students to make their own YOU DON’T SAY! deck.
Are you a fan of Taboo®? Then YOU DON’T SAY! is the game for you. And it can be played in two different ways.
If your students are confident and articulate, have them play YOU DON’T SAY! like traditional Taboo®. If, however, you have students who are uncomfortable speaking in public, turn the rules upside down. Tell them to use some or all of the words beneath the green and red banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is.
This package includes 36 Christmas-themed cards and a template for students to make their own YOU DON’T SAY! deck.
Merry Christmas!
IMHO, the old-fashioned practice of writing out vocabulary for mastery still works academic wonders. But it is a much maligned approach so I’m always looking for ways to camouflage it as fun. As students solve these 3 MOTDOKUS (word sudokus) they will inadvertently “write out” the 15 “expressions avoir” listed below:
to be thirsty - avoir soif
to be hungry - avoir faim
to be cold - avoir froid
to be hot - avoir chaud
to be wrong - avoir tort
to be right - avoir raison
to be sick - avoir mal
to be x years old - avoir x ans
to need - avoir besoin de
to be ashamed - avoir honte
to be sleepy - avoir sommeil
to be afraid - avoir peur
to have the giggles - avoir le fou rire
to be lucky - avoir de la chance
to feel like, to want - avoir envie de
To see if MOTDOKU6? games are right for your students, try the free MOTDOKU6 (Noël) resource:
Designed to help beginners master their ”kleren” vocabulary, this game is for independent work and study buddy activity. Once players have finished matching each vocabulary card with its corresponding picture card, they flip over all the pairs to check their own work. Matching icons on the back of flipped pairs confirm that the task has been well done. Icons that don’t match tell players that it’s time to try again.
This file includes two 28-card decks.
To get an idea of how "GET THE PICTURE?” cards work, download the free resource, “GET THE PICTURE? (multiplication game)” at:
Designed to help beginners master their ”clothes” vocabulary, this game is for independent work and study buddy activity. Once players have finished matching each vocabulary card with its corresponding picture card, they flip over all the pairs to check their own work. Matching icons on the back of flipped pairs confirm that the task has been well done. Icons that don’t match tell players that it’s time to try again.
This file includes two 28-card decks.
To get an idea of "GET THE PICTURE?” cards work, download the free resource, “GET THE PICTURE? (multiplication game)” at:
Designed to help beginners master their ”animal” vocabulary, this game is for independent work and study buddy activity. Once players have finished matching each vocabulary card with its corresponding picture card, they flip over all the pairs to check their own work. Matching icons on the back of flipped pairs confirm that the task has been well done. Icons that don’t match tell players that it’s time to try again.
This file includes two decks:
"GET THE PICTURE? (Pets and farm animals”) and
"GET THE PICTURE? (Wild animals”).
For a taste of how "GET THE PICTURE?” cards work, download the free resource, "Taming the 6 Times Tables without Tears (GET THE PICTURE? multiplication game)"
Un jeu conçu pour aider les débutants à apprendre le nom des animaux.
A game to help beginners, playing alone or with a study buddy, master the vocabulary of "les animaux". Once they have finished matching each vocabulary card with its corresponding picture card, players flip all the pairs to check their own work. Matching icons on the back of the flipped pair will confirm that the task has been well done. Icons that don’t match tell players that it’s time to try again.
This file includes two decks: les animaux domestiques et de la ferme et les animaux sauvages.
To see if "GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements)" is the right kind of activity for your students, download the free resource, "GET THE PICTURE (Le présent des verbes ER)"
Dans ce jeu, la tâche est plus difficile que dans GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements pour les débutants) puisque tous les indices sont sous forme de mini-textes.
This game is more challenging than GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements pour les débutants) because all the clues are written descriptions.
To see if “GET THE PICTURE (Les vêtements pour les étudiants plus avancés)” is right kind of activity for your students, try the free resource, "GET THE PICTURE (Le présent des verbes ER)”
There are 56 cards in these two decks.
These three MOTDOKU6 games are a vocabulary review dressed up as word sudoku puzzles.
To see if they’re the right kind of activity for your students, download the free MOTDOKU6 (Noël):
The puzzles feature the following vocabulary.
1 un sac à dos
2 une chaussette
3 une chemise
4 une robe
5 un chandail
6 un gant
7 un écharpe
8 un chapeau
9 un pantalon
10 une botte
11 une basket
12 un sweat à capuche
13 des lunettes de soleil
14 une ceinture
15 une chaussure
16 une casquette
17 un maillot de bain
18 une jupe
In this small-group activity, Fate (the dice) will determine which Christmas character or icon your students will describe. A relaxed way to encourage students to use their best descriptive skills. If you'd like to extend the lesson to written work, just assign any dice coordinates (ie: •• x •••• or •••• x •)
To see if “Express Yourself! (Christmas)” is right for your students, download the free resource, “Express Yourself! (Clothing):
I've included PDF and PPT formats.
In this small-group activity, Fate (the dice) will determine which garment your students must describe. Express yourself! is a relaxed way to reinforce lessons on adjectives and to encourage your students to participate in class. If you'd like to extend the lesson to written work, just assign some dice co-ordinates
(ie: •• x •••• or •••• x •)