I am an ESL/EALD/EFL teacher based in Australia. I have taught for decades in schools, Tertiary institutions and language schools in 4 different countries. I teach adult students - migrants, refugees and International students who want to learn or improve their English. Their levels range from complete beginners to almost native speaker level. I also help students prefer for a variety of exams - IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Exams, OLNA (a basic literacy and numeracy test specific to Australia). I now
I am an ESL/EALD/EFL teacher based in Australia. I have taught for decades in schools, Tertiary institutions and language schools in 4 different countries. I teach adult students - migrants, refugees and International students who want to learn or improve their English. Their levels range from complete beginners to almost native speaker level. I also help students prefer for a variety of exams - IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Exams, OLNA (a basic literacy and numeracy test specific to Australia). I now
Use these task cards with your Adult ESL Beginner students to practice asking and answering questions using the present simple tense.
These cards are great to use with multi level classes (as beginners’ classes tend to be). They are easy to use because I’ve done all the hard work for you.
There are 2 sets of 16 cards - all with questions in the present simple tense. Set 1 has the complete question, Set 2 has gaps in the question requiring the student to create the question before asking it. In both Set 1 and Set 2 , questions 1 - 8 are easier than questions 9 -16 which include more difficult vocabulary and will be more difficult to answer.
Task cards are very versatile and an be used in a variety of ways in a classroom:
•To practice a grammar point/ target language that has been taught
•As a warm up activity
•As a review of a previous lesson
•As a diagnostic tool for you
•To change the pace during the lesson and get the students talking
• Can be used with pairs or groups
This lesson prints to A4 paper and may have some UK/Australian spelling.
If you see any other errors please let me know so that I can correct them.
Thank you for visiting my store. And I hope you find many uses for this free product. If you found it useful could you please leave a quick review.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
Here are some other similar resources in my store that you may like:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson - My Family and I (Present Simple - very easy )
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL - Daily Routines (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous Tense
Do you struggle to find appropriate resources for your Adult ESL students? Why not save your time and take advantage of my 30+ years of ESL teaching experiences? Find out how and get your free copy of Speaking and Listening Activities for Adult ESL Beginner students sent to your email box when you subscribe to my newsletter. details of how to do this are in the resource once you download it.
This is a versatile, multi level speaking activity for Adult ESL students. It uses a fun speed dating style to get students talking to each about a variety of topics. It would work well as a getting to know you, back to school activity but will work equally well at any time you would like to student to focus on conversational fluency.
This resource can be used at a variety of levels from high beginner to advanced with some modifications and extra scaffolding for lower levels.
There is an optional follow up writing and speaking task.
Detailed teachers notes are included, including how to set and run the activity.
The resource includes:
Topic cards (2 versions)
A notetaking template
Useful language for students
Follow up writing and speaking task
Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners.
I put a lot of effort into creating and checking my resources. If you happen see an error/typo etc please let me know so that I can correct it. And if you loved the resource a review is much appreciated .
Slides print to A4 paper and language is UK/Australian English
Thank you for visiting my store.
If you are looking for lessons that are meaningful and relevant for adult students, you will find more lessons like this in my store as well as easier lessons for Adult ESL Beginners. ALL my resources are written for adults, there are no cute or childish illustrations or texts.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
Idiomatic language and especially phrasal verbs are something that high level intermediate or advanced learners find challenging to understand or use. In some exams such as IELTS students need some familiarity with phrasal verbs to get a high score. I created this resource to use with one to one online IELTS students but it’s adaptable to any situation.
Resource includes:
A list of 21 phrasal verbs using TAKE and their meaning
Activity 1 - a gap fill activity to insert the missing phrasal verb
Activity 2 - ideas for a role play activity using the phrasal verbs
Teacher’s notes with suggestions for use
Answer key to Activity 1
Suggestions for use included. It can be used in a number of ways according to the needs of your students. You might want to do it as a whole class, group work, one to one.
This is one in a series of lessons - check out the other verbs in my store.
Phrasal verbs are something that high level intermediate or advanced learners find challenging to understand or use. In some exams such as IELTS students need some familiarity with phrasal verbs to get a high score. I created this resource to use with one to one online IELTS students but it’s adaptable to any situation.
Resource includes:
a list of 21 phrasal verbs using PUT and their meaning
Activity 1 - a gap fill activity to insert the missing phrasal verb
Activity 2 - ideas for a role play activity using the phrasal verbs
Teacher’s notes with suggestions for use
Answer key to Activity 1
Suggestions for use included. It can be used in a number of ways according to the needs of your students. You might want to do it as a whole class, group work, one to one.
This is one in a series of lessons - check out the other verbs in my store.
Idiomatic language and especially phrasal verbs are something that high level intermediate or advanced learners find challenging to understand or use. In some exams such as IELTS students need some familiarity with phrasal verbs to get a high score. I created this resource to use with one to one online IELTS students but it’s adaptable to any situation.
Resource includes:
A list of 21 phrasal verbs using COME and their meanings
Activity 1 - a gap fill activity to insert the missing phrasal verb
Activity 2 - ideas for a role play activity using the phrasal verbs
Teacher’s notes with suggestions for use
Answer key to Activity 1
Suggestions for use included. It can be used in a number of ways according to the needs of your students. You might want to do it as a whole class, group work, one to one.
This is one in a series of lessons - check out the other verbs in my store.
ESL Students find Idioms challenging. This lesson teaches 16 idioms related to feelings. As well as useful in day to day life these idioms are also particularly relevant to the speaking part of the IELTS exam.
As I know teachers are super busy and may not have time for any prep, this lesson has been designed so it can be used in 3 ways:
1.No prep print and go worksheets for in class or homework
A card matching activity requiring preparation – cutting up cards. laminating etc. Once done it can used again (and again) You will need 1 set of the blue cards (16 cards) and 1 set of the black cards (16 cards) for each pair of students.
Used in class, this activity will generate discussion and probably laughter as they try to work out the meaning of some of these idioms. This is the best way to teach this lesson if you have the time to set it up.
Mix and match– part in class with the writing activity fo homework. The writing activity can also be done orally in class.
This Powerpoint presentation is a comprehensive guide for students preparing for the IELTS exam. It covers all the practical aspects of the test as well as tips and strategies for getting a Level 7 or 8. It ends with an activity to practice Part 2 of the test with a partner and a Vocabulary extension activity.
The presention includes information on:
The format of the test
The marking criteria
The requirements of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of the test as well as examples of the questions asked.
Detailed tips on how to prepare for the test
What you need to do to get a level 7 or level 8
Vocabularly learning strategies
Some useful phrases to connect ideas
4 task cards, which are sample questions for pair work practice
It could be used individually or with a whole class - especially useful for teachers who are not familiar with this exam. No need to research - everything you need to know is here.
If you are teaching IELTS check out my other IELTS resources in my shop
I have checked this carefully, but if you find any errors, typos etc. please let me know so that I can fix it.
Use these task cards with your Adult ESL beginner/low intermediate students to practice asking and answering questions using the Present Perfect Tense.
These cards are great to use with multi level classes (as beginners’ classes tend to be). They are easy to use because I’ve done all the hard work for you.
Included in this resource.
64 task cards - 32 in colour and 32 in black and white
2 grammar reference sheets with a review of Yes/no and Wh question forms
a list of common irregular verbs for students to refer to, if needed.
There are 2 sets of 16 cards - all with questions in the present perfect tense. Set 1 has the complete question, Set 2 has gaps in the question requiring the student to create the question before asking it. In both Set 1 and Set 2 , questions 1 - 8 are Yes/No questions. Questions 9 -16 are Wh questions which include more difficult vocabulary and will be more difficult to answer.
Task cards are very versatile and can be used in a variety of ways in a classroom:
• To practice a grammar point/ target language that has been taught - in this case the present perfect tense
• As a warm up activity
• As a review of a previous lesson
• As a diagnostic tool for you
• To change the pace during the lesson and get the students talking
• Can be used with pairs or groups
This lesson prints to A4 paper and may have some UK/Australian spelling.
If you see any other errors please let me know so that I can correct them.
Thank you for visiting my store. I hope you find many uses for this resource. If you found it useful could you please a quick review.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws. Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
Here are some other similar resources in my store that you may like:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson - My Family and I (Present Simple - very easy )
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL - Daily Routines (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous Tense
Also check out my other Grammatical task cards.
I use this lesson with a mixed ability Beginner Adult ESL class. It is an integrated reading and writing lesson on the topic of language learning needs. The concept of language learning needs is introduced by a short reading text. By using this lesson with your students you will help them to become active language learners as well as learn the language to talk about their studies in general. This will work as a Back to School activity or any other time. It will help you find out more about your students and their needs and expectations.
What’s included?
a reading text
3 x reading tasks of varying difficulty
Vocab related to language learning
Extension activities – grammar focus
Completing forms
Guided writing
This lesson can be used in several ways:
•with total beginners – supported by a lot of scaffolding by the teacher
•at the beginning of the year/course to help you learn more about your students
Using a Needs Analysis gives you, the teacher, an insight into what the students need to learn and how they prefer to learn. But more importantly it will help you plan appropriate and relevant lessons specifically for them. Additionally, adult students appreciate that you are taking the time to find out about them and their needs.
A Needs analysis is an important tool for all student centred Adult ESL classes. At beginner level it can be a bit tricky to obtain detailed information but with this highly structured and scaffolded resource you, the teacher, will be able to gain some valuable information about your students. At the same time your students will be learning some useful language and skills.
Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners.
This resource may include some Australian/UK language and prints to A4 paper.
If you want to expand on this lesson, I do have a much more difficult Intermediate level, Needs Analysis lesson , in my store. But it is quite a lot more difficult than this one.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
Here are some other beginner resources in my store that you may like:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson - My Family and I (Present Simple - very easy )
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL - Daily Routines (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous
This is a beginners ESL lesson for adults based on daily routines., using the Present Simple Tense. It is a complete and flexible lesson incorporating reading, writing, speaking and listening.
The lesson covers a lot of useful elementary language
Reading and understanding simple text about familiar topics.
Present simple tense
Question forms
Vocabulary of everyday routines
Language of Time
Speaking practice –asking and answering questions
Writing simple sentences and a short paragraph
There is plenty of opportunity to differentiate learning according to your students’ levels and needs. It may take 1 lesson or could take several lessons depending on your learners and how you present the material.
Here are some other similar resources in my store that you may like:
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL - My Family and I
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous Tense
You will also find this resource in these BUNDLES
Adult Beginners ESL - Bundle of 4 complete lessons - Present Simple Tense
Grammar - Present and Past Tenses - Adult ESL Beginners - Bundle
ADULT ESL BEGINNER Present Tenses - BUNDLE of 6 Lessons
Your review of this resource would be much appreciated.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
This lesson contains 5 fun activities that are suitable for beginner or elementary Adult ESL students. Most of the activities involve speaking and listening. If students are able, most of the activities can be followed with a short writing activity and/or oral feedback to the class.
I have used all these activities at some time with adult ESL students. They work for students who are migrants, refugees or international students.
They are great for starting a new year or term because
1.They help students to get to know each other
2.They help you to get the know the students and also assess their level of English
These activities also work at other times of the year too and are a great way to get students talking. So if you don’t use them all you can keep them for later.
Bonus included - suggestions for 3 other no prep get to know you activities.
Please be aware- spelling is UK/Australia and prints to A4 paper.
Thank you for visiting my store. Please check out my other adult ESL resources.
This is an integrated reading lesson for beginner level Adult ESL Students based on Valentine’s Day. It incorporates Valentine’s Day related vocabulary as well as using the simple past test. I use this lesson with a mixed ability beginner Adult Migrant Class. There is plenty of opportunity to differentiate learning according to your students’ levels and needs.
What’s included:
1 short reading text and 2 types of comprehension questions
2 vocabulary activities
pictures to illustrate the vocabulary
Guided writing activity
Speaking/Listening activity
Multi level tasks
Teachers notes
Answer key
Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners. This resource may include some Australian/UK language and prints to A4 paper. I put a lot of effort into creating and checking my resources. If you happen see an error/typo etc please let me know so that I can correct it. And if you loved the resource a review is much appreciated.
Thank you for visiting my store
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
If you are looking for lessons that are meaningful and relevant for adult students, you will find more lessons like this in my store as well as lessons for Adult ESL Intermediate/Advanced students. ALL my resources are written for adults, there are no cute or childish illustrations or texts.
If you are looking for an Intermediate level Valentine’s DAy resource. I have one of those too. You’ll find it[ here](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/adult-esl-intermediate-reading-valentine-s-day-12974553
Here are some other beginner resources in my store that you may like:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson - My Family and I (Present Simple - very easy )
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL - Daily Routines (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous
This is an integrated reading and writing lesson for intermediate/pre intermediate level adult ESL students. It is based around an information text about the origins of Valentine’s Day but expands to include other traditions relevant to the students in your class.
This is very easy to use, there are some task cards that will need to be cut up but the rest is just print and go. I’ve even given you the answers.
This lesson could be used as
• a topic based lesson about Valentine’s Day which extends to other celebrations or
• as a lesson in reading and writing Information texts.
You can use it all or just parts, up to you and the level of your students.
What’s included:
·A reading text with 3 different types of comprehension questions
·3 vocab activities
·2 guided writing activities
·A structured speaking and listening pair work activity
Conversation question cards 16 cards (colour or black and white)
·Teachers notes/How to use
·Answer key
Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners.
This resource may include some Australian/UK language and prints to A4 paper.
I put a lot of effort into creating and checking my resources. If you happen see an error/typo etc please let me know so that I can correct it. And if you loved the resource a review is much appreciated .
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
If you are looking for lessons that are meaningful and relevant for adult students, you will find more lessons like this in my store as well as easier lessons for Adult ESL Beginners. ALL my resources are written for adults, there are no cute or childish illustrations or texts.
This lesson is designed for Beginner Adult ESL learners with a limited vocabulary. The language used is supported by pictures which will make it more accessible to beginners.
It is an introduction to the Present Continuous/Present Progressive Tense in a context that is relevant to adult students with language that they will be able to use in their everyday lives.
I suggest you use this lesson after you’ve spent some time on the present simple tense, such as my beginners’ lessons on Daily Routines (see below).
The lesson is supported by a lot of pictures of everyday activities, chores, sport and hobbies. It includes 3 sets of picture cards with a total of 38 pictures. These can be used as flashcard or for interactive games. There is also another set of pictures to help pre tech the vocab in the text.
The lesson covers a lot of elementary language relevant to adult learners
•Reading and understanding simple text about familiar topics.
•Present Continuous tense
•Question forms
•Vocabulary of everyday activities
•Speaking practice –asking and answering questions
•Writing simple sentences
This is a flexible lesson that can be used in a variety of ways:
•with a whole class,
• a small group or
• one to one
Here are some other similar resources in my store that you may like:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson - My Family and I
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs
Adult Beginners ESL - Daily Routines
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Thank you for visiting my store. Please leave a review if you find the resource helpful.
This is a Low PREP (just photocopy and go) reading and writing lesson for a mixed ability beginner ESL or Adult Migrant Class. It also includes some paired speaking activities.
This is a flexible lesson that can be used in a variety of ways:
• with a whole class,
• a small group or
• one to one
There is plenty of opportunity to differentiate learning according to your students levels and needs. It may take 1 lesson or could take several lessons depending on your learners and how you present the material.
The lesson is based on a simple Information Text about Christmas in Australia. It could be used as a seasonal text in Australia or elsewhere but can be used at any time of the year as a reading activity based on an Information text. There is also opportunity for the students to talk and write about celebrations in their own cultures.
It contains 6 structured tasks, 4 of them are based directly on the Information Text. The last 2 tasks extend the topic and relate to celebrations in the students country of origin, giving the students the opportunity to share something about themselves and their culture. This is great for classroom dynamics. There is a mixture of reading, writing and speaking included.
I have done all the work so all you have to do is print and go.
Language is British/Australian English but there are no big differences to prevent use in US. Slides print to A4 paper.
I have checked this carefully, but if you find any errors, typos etc. please let me know so that I can fix it.
If you are teaching IELTS classes you might be interested in my other IELTS resources. Check out my shop…
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
This is a Low PREP (just photocopy and go) reading and writing lesson for a mixed ability beginner or low level pre- Intermediate ESL or Adult Migrant Class. It also includes some paired speaking activities.
This is a flexible lesson that can be used in a variety of ways:
• with a whole class,
• a small group or
• one to one
This reading lesson is based on an Informational Text. Speaking and writing tasks are integrated as well as an opportunity to review and practice Present Simple question forms.
Some of the language will be challenging for Beginner students so it’s not suitable for complete Beginners (see my lesson My Family and I, if you are looking for something for complete Beginners) but with some scaffolding it will be accessible to most good beginners or low level pre-intermediate students.
There is plenty of opportunity to differentiate learning according to your students’ levels and needs. It may take 1 lesson or could take several lessons depending on your learners and how you present the material. The final writing task has 2 options - a simple guided writing task or a more difficult task that involves writing a semi guided Information Report.
This resource includes:
8 Activities or tasks which include:
2 x Speaking activities
2 x Vocab activities
3 x Reading tasks
1 x Writing Task (with 2 options)
Also included an opportunity to practice asking and answering questions using the present simple tense
I have done all the work so all you have to do is print and go.
Language is British/Australian English but there are no big differences to prevent use in US. Slides print to A4 paper.
I have checked this carefully, but if you find any errors, typos etc. please let me know so that I can fix it.
Thank you for visiting my store.
If you are looking for lessons that are meaningful and relevant for adult students, you will find more lessons like this in my store as well as lessons for Adult ESL Intermediate/Advanced students. ALL my resources are written for adults, there are no cute or childish illustrations or texts.
Here are some other beginner resources in [my store]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Carolyn6454) that you may like:
Complete Beginners ESL Lesson - My Family and I (Present Simple - very easy )
Adult ESL Beginners: Jobs (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL - Daily Routines (Present Simple)
Adult Beginners ESL Speaking and Listening
Adult Beginners ESL Introduction to the Present Continuous
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
This resource includes 6 ‘Getting to Know You’ activities suitable for Intermediate level Adult ESL students, that are great Back to School activities.
These resources are not intended to be a complete lesson but a variety of activities that can be used as part of other lessons. The activities in this resource stand alone and can be done in any order.
They are great for starting a new year or term because:
They help students to get to know each other
They help you to get the know the students and also assess their level of English
They are especially useful at the beginning of a course as ‘getting to know you’ activities, but they also work at other times of the year too and are a great way to get students talking. So if you don’t use them all you can keep them for later.
In this resource you will find 6 varied Activities that include:
4 x Speaking and Listening activities.
2 X Language learning strategy activities based on adult learning principles:
Goal setting
Learner needs analysis.
For more details of what’s included refer to the thumbnail for a list of contents.
Like all my resources, this lesson is designed specifically for adults. It incorporates the principles of adult learning, uses language that adults will need to use and situations that are relevant to adult learners.
I put a lot of effort into creating and checking my resources. If you happen see an error/typo etc please let me know so that I can correct it. And if you loved the resource a review is much appreciated .
Slides print to A4 paper and language is UK/Australian English (a US spelling version is provided for 2 of the activities in this resource)
If you are looking for lessons that are meaningful and relevant for adult students, you will find more lessons like this in my store as well as easier lessons for Adult ESL Beginners. ALL my resources are written for adults, there are no cute or childish illustrations or texts.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.
Check out my store for other Intermediate level and IELTS products or if you’re looking something easier have a look at my Beginners products.
Academic Writing Tasks for IELTS
Academic Writing Skills for IELTS - Writing Complex Sentences
Academic Writing Skills - Adult ESL Students - IELTS - Bundle
Adult ESL - Academic Writing and Speaking - Topic based Lesson - Technology
Academic Writing and Speaking - Adult ESL - Topic based Lesson - Environment
This is a Low PREP (just photocopy and go) reading and writing lesson for a mixed ability Beginner or low level Pre Intermediate ESL or Adult Migrant Class. It also includes some paired speaking activities.
This is a flexible lesson that can be used in a variety of ways:
• with a whole class,
• a small group or
• one to one
This reading lesson is based on an Information Text. Speaking and writing tasks are integrated as well as an opportunity to review and practice Present Simple verb forms and question forms.
The text has an Australian flavour but will work in any country especially as students have an opportunity to describe animals from their country
Some of the language will be challenging for Beginner students so it’s not suitable for complete Beginners (see my lesson My Family and I, if you are looking for something for complete Beginners) but with some scaffolding it will be accessible to most good beginners or low level pre-intermediate students.
There is plenty of opportunity to differentiate learning according to your students’ levels and needs. It may take 1 lesson or could take several lessons depending on your learners and how you present the material. The final writing task has 2 options - a simple guided writing task or a more difficult task that involves writing a semi guided Information Report.
This resource includes:
7 Activities or tasks which include:
2 x Speaking activities
1 x Vocab activity
3 x Reading tasks
A cloze passage with focus on present simple tense
1 x Writing Task (with 2 options)
Also included is an opportunity to practice asking and answering questions using the present simple tense.
I have done all the work so all you have to do is print and go. I have also included pictures which will help you introduce the topic and pre teach some vocab
Language is British/Australian English but there are no big differences to prevent use in US. Slides print to A4 paper.
I have checked this carefully, but if you find any errors, typos etc. please let me know so that I can fix it.
Thank you for visiting my store.
Use these task cards with your Adult ESL students to practice asking and answering questions using 4 types of Conditionals.
These cards are great to use with multi level classes ( They are easy to use because I’ve done all the hard work for you.
Included in this resource.
This resource includes a total of 176 cards
Version 1 = 88 black and white cards
Version 2 = 88 cards with colour borders
The colour cards look more attractive but I’m aware that not everyone has access to coloured ink, so I have provided 2 versions. Each version has the same prompts. The cards are organised in sets as follows:
Set 1 Zero conditional 16 cards
Set 2 First conditional 16 cards
Set 3 Second conditional 1 general questions 16 cards
Set 4 Second conditional 2 environment questions 16 cards
Set 5 Third conditional 24 cards
Please note that these cards can also be found (black and white version only) in each of my 3 conditional lessons.
Task cards are very versatile and an be used in a variety of ways in a classroom:
•To practice a grammar point/ target language that has been taught - in this case the present perfect tense
•As a warm up activity
•As a review of a previous lesson
•As a diagnostic tool for you
•To change the pace during the lesson and get the students talking
• Can be used with pairs or groups
This lesson prints to A4 paper and may have some UK/Australian spelling.
If you see any other errors please let me know so that I can correct them.
Thank you for visiting my store. And I hope you find many uses for this resource. If you found it useful could you please a quick review.
Terms of use
This item is for use by you with your students only. If you want to share with other teachers please buy multiple licences. This item is bound by copyright laws . Posting, editing , selling or redistributing this item (or any part of) on the internet is strictly prohibited.