Student careers advice

30 min Lesson Observation KS1 English
Use this resource when asked to teach a 30 minute English lesson to KS1 for a job interview.
It looks at using verbs from the Gruffalo.

Verb Writing (Y2 HA)
Use this resource alongside the 30 minute lesson observation for KS1 English. This is aimed at Year 2 Higher Ability,

Verb writing (Y2)
Use this resource alongside the 30 minute lesson observation for KS1 English. This is aimed at Year 2 Lower Ability.

Gruffalo Verbs (Y1)
Use this resource alongside the 30 minute lesson observation for KS1 English. This is aimed at Year 1.

30 minute lesson observation KS1 English
Use this resource when asked to teach a 30 minute English lesson to KS1 for a job interview.
It looks at using verbs from the Gruffalo.
Differentiated resources to come.