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I am a head of English who has been teaching for 9 years in middle school and Primary. For the last 5 years, I have also been a year 5 and year 3 class teacher. I have been a TES contributor for a while, with free and premium resources and I always upload resources that I have used successfully in my own teaching. I hope you might find them useful too!




I am a head of English who has been teaching for 9 years in middle school and Primary. For the last 5 years, I have also been a year 5 and year 3 class teacher. I have been a TES contributor for a while, with free and premium resources and I always upload resources that I have used successfully in my own teaching. I hope you might find them useful too!
Stage 6 (Year 6) English: Stage planning for Writing

Stage 6 (Year 6) English: Stage planning for Writing

I made this document to support our year 6 teachers to plan focused, purposeful learning challenges for teaching and assessing Writing in their English lessons. The bold statements on the left are end of year expectations for Composition and SPAG (specifically vocabulary, punctuation and grammar). I have then broken down each bold statement into focused learning challenges on the right, which can be used as small steps for pupils to build their skills and confidence as they work towards their end of year expectations. Every teacher does not have to use every target; they can choose those appropriate to their ability groups, or use all of them as small building blocks to build up understanding.
Key Stage 2 Maths: Division

Key Stage 2 Maths: Division

This Powerpoint includes task cards and activities to support children to understand the vocabulary of division and the written methods needed to solve division questions. I used these resources with my LA/MA year 5 class, but they could be used or adapted for any KS2 Maths group.
KS2 English: Identifying and using adverbial phrases to build descriptive detail

KS2 English: Identifying and using adverbial phrases to build descriptive detail

This PowerPoint includes definitions and examples of the different types of adverbial phrases, as well as Grammar and writing activities to consolidate children's understanding and encourage them to use adverbial phrases to build and up-level detail in their description. The activities have been split into two sessions - 1) understanding and identifying adverbial phrases and 2) using the different types of adverbial phrases to build sentences and to up-level description - but they can be used for an extended lesson. Each writing activity includes answers or modelled examples to use. I used these resources with an HA group in year 5 who were writing a setting description of a factory during the Industrial Revolution, but they could be used for writing and up- levelling any narrative description and for any KS2 or lower KS3 group.
Primary classroom display pack for the new school year

Primary classroom display pack for the new school year

This PowerPoint includes: Seating plan templates, Display posters for Literacy and reading areas (including a range of non- fiction text types and poetic terms), Posters with assessment targets for Reading, Writing and Maths, Editable tray labels, Tables to record monitors and table points, Classroom rules for behaviour, Display posters and skills tips for an ICT/ Computing area Prompt cards with useful websites to support Maths, Reading and Spelling I have been using it and building it up over a few years now and I hope you find it useful too.
Year 5 Newspapers: Who stole the Victoria Cross?

Year 5 Newspapers: Who stole the Victoria Cross?

This WWII- related unit is based around a scenario in which a V.C medal has been stolen from the Imperial War Museum. Pupils become detectives in order to investigate the case (studying suspect photos, analysing evidence pictures and interviewing staff in role) and write newspaper articles about their suspicions.
Times Table Practice Sheets

Times Table Practice Sheets

I have used these resources with groups of Key Stage 2 pupils of lower, higher and mixed ability, but they can also be used with Key Stage 1 pupils as they begin to learn their multiplication tables. They are activity/ quiz sheets with 20 multiplication questions - 12 about a particular times table and 8 ‘bonus’ questions from other times tables. The activity sheets can be used for: Times table revision Times table tests – with children working through the different times tables each week. They could even be awarded certificates if they achieve 20/20. Differentiation for more able pupils: Timed multiplication challenges: How many times table Qs can children answer in 1min/ 2min? This is an ideal resource for Year 3 and 4 pupils working towards the future Year 4 multiplication tests!
Year 5 Literacy: Instructions for an astronaut

Year 5 Literacy: Instructions for an astronaut

These week plans were created for a mixed ability year 5 class, whose topic was Space. Their written outcome is an instructional manual for an astronaut. The PowerPoint includes the slides I used with the children, as well as grammar and group activities and task cards for differentiated writing activities.
KS2/ KS3 Persuasion and advertising: group task to design and promote a new chocolate product

KS2/ KS3 Persuasion and advertising: group task to design and promote a new chocolate product

These slides are task cards to brief and instruct groups to design and market a new chocolate product for a fictional company: Thornbury's. Pupils will need to work together to create the packaging for their product, a promotional billboard advert and a persuasive press release. They also need to plan a professional presentation of their ideas. I gave groups a week to prepare and their results were fantastic! They were fully engaged and their presentations were very impressive: some groups arrived with leaflets and stickers to give out, boxes for their products (exhibiting their Maths skills) and even samples to taste! I used this with year 7 pupils, but it would be fantastic revision of non- fiction text types for year 5 and 6 too!
Classroom resources for the new year

Classroom resources for the new year

3 Resources
This bundle includes display posters and cards for the classroom (including resources such as class rules and rewards, Literacy posters, seating plans), checklists for a new class that can be adapted for each half term, guided reading posters (that can also be used as group discussion cards) and a pack of spelling activities which I have used for year 5, but can be used for any KS2 group.
Key Stage 2 Maths: Shape and Measures Pack

Key Stage 2 Maths: Shape and Measures Pack

4 Resources
This pack includes task cards and resources to support children to understand the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, different types of angles and measurement, including units of measurement and key skills required to measure lines, shapes and angles. The George's Marvellous Medicine resource is a practical activity to encourage children to work together and have fun with measuring. I have used these resources with Year 5, but they could be adapted for any Key Stage 2 Maths group.
Key Stage 2 Maths: Number Pack

Key Stage 2 Maths: Number Pack

3 Resources
This is a pack of resources I have used to teach the 4 operations. It includes step by step LCs (learning challenges) that can be displayed to show pupils their learning journey, task cards, word problems and homework activities. I used these resources with my MA/ LA Year 5 Maths class, but they could be used or adapted for any Key Stage 2 Maths group.
Primary teacher starter pack!

Primary teacher starter pack!

4 Resources
This bundle includes blank templates for planning Literacy and Guided Reading, display posters and cards for the classroom (including resources such as class rules and rewards, Literacy posters, seating plans) and checklists for a new class that can be adapted for each half term. I hope this will be a great starting point for any NQT or new teacher!
KS2 English:  Improving sentence structure

KS2 English: Improving sentence structure

4 Resources
This is a bundle of games and activities to support children to experiment with their sentence structure and develop their confidence with SPAG vocabulary. It includes two board games to develop detailed sentences and experiment with clauses, differentiated activities for writing with conjunctions and activities to build understanding of adverbial phrases. I hope they will be a fun way for children to build key elements of grammar into their sentences.
Primary English: End of Year Expectations for Writing

Primary English: End of Year Expectations for Writing

6 Resources
I have made these documents to support Primary teachers to plan focused, purposeful learning challenges for teaching and assessing Writing in their English lessons. They can be used long term plans as they show all of the end of year expectations for Composition, SPAG and handwriting that pupils need to work towards achieving during the year. The documents could also be used as target sheets for pupils to stick into their books in order to track their progress in writing. The columns on the right can be used by teachers to record 3 dates on which the objectives have been achieved. This bundle could be a perfect pack to support English departments to ensure consistent planning and progression of skills across the Primary phase.
Primary English: Stage Planning for Writing

Primary English: Stage Planning for Writing

6 Resources
I have made these documents to support teachers to plan focused, purposeful learning challenges for teaching and assessing Writing in their English lessons. The bold statements on the left are end of year expectations for Composition and SPAG (specifically vocabulary, punctuation and grammar). I have then broken down each bold statement into focused learning challenges on the right, which can be used as small steps for pupils to build their skills and confidence as they work towards their end of year expectations. Every teacher does not have to use every target; they can choose those appropriate to their ability groups, or use all of them as small building blocks to build up understanding.
Key Stage 2 SPAG pack

Key Stage 2 SPAG pack

6 Resources
This is a bundle of games and activities to support children to develop their confidence with SPAG vocabulary and skills. I hope they will be a fun way for children to practice their spellings and build key elements of grammar into their writing.
Key Stage 2 Maths Pack

Key Stage 2 Maths Pack

10 Resources
These resources have all be made to support and challenge children to improve their confidence and understanding in Maths. The Powerpoints include step by step learning challenges that all pupils can access and work through. There are task cards, investigations, word problems and games about the 4 operations of number, probability, fractions, decimals, measurement, shape and angles. I have used all of these resources with my MA/ LA Maths classes, but they could be used or adapted for any KS2 Maths group. I hope that you find them useful .