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Evaluation of Contract Essay Templates

Evaluation of Contract Essay Templates

2 Resources
Essay template for 25 mark evaluation questions in the OCR A Level Law Paper 3 – The Nature of Law and the Law of Contract. Contract evaluation covers: Formation: o Offer and Acceptance o Intention to Create Legal Relations o Consideration o Privity of Contract Contract Terms o Classification of Terms o Incorporation of Terms o Implied Terms o Exclusion Clauses
Evaluation of Formation Essay Templates

Evaluation of Formation Essay Templates

Essay template for 25 mark evaluation questions in the OCR A Level Law Paper 3 – The Nature of Law and the Law of Contract. Formation of contract covers: Offer and Acceptance Intention to Create Legal Relations Consideration Privity of Contract
Evaluation of Tort Essay Templates

Evaluation of Tort Essay Templates

5 Resources
Essay template for 25 mark evaluation questions in the OCR A Level Law Paper 2 - Law-making and The Law of Torts. Tort evaluation covers: Private Nuisance Public Nuisance Rylands v Fletcher Occupier’s Liability Vicarious Liability