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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Growth Mindset | "Trick or Three" Halloween Mini Book

Growth Mindset | "Trick or Three" Halloween Mini Book

Ignite a unique Halloween celebration while empowering your students to transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset! Guide your students to develop a deep awareness of their abilities, attitudes, challenges, and responsibilities in both learning and life. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate the progress they’re making, reinforcing their confidence in the connection between effort and success. The power of the number three lies in its ability to inspire your kids to reflect on their thoughts and attitudes. Instead of collecting candies, they’ll be collecting wisdom. This resource is an absolute gem for introducing and fostering a growth mindset within the classroom, especially during Halloween celebrations. Motivate your students to share their mini books and responses with their families for additional reinforcement. This resource includes: A Growth mindset -Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book in black and white 12 half pages. A Halloween award/certificate placed at the end of the mini-book in color and black and white “one-half page in color”. "------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ You may like these Halloween resources: Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 1 Ghost Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 2 Witch Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 3 Pumpkin Halloween Main Facts Monster Stick Puppets I AM… Positive Affirmations - Pumpkin Acrostic Welcome October - Monthly Activity -------------------------------" Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - "Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro (SPANISH VERSION)

Mentalidad de Crecimiento - "Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro (SPANISH VERSION)

Organiza una celebración de Halloween única mientras ayuda a tus estudiantes a pasar de una mentalidad fija a una mentalidad de crecimiento. Guía a tus niños para que desarrollen una profunda conciencia de sus capacidades, actitudes, retos y responsabilidades tanto en el aprendizaje como en la vida. Anímales a reconocer y apreciar los progresos que están haciendo, reforzando su confianza en la conexión entre esfuerzo y éxito. El poder del número tres reside en su capacidad para inspirar a tus estudiantes a reflexionar sobre sus pensamientos y actitudes. En lugar de coleccionar caramelos, coleccionarán sabiduría. Este recurso es una joya absoluta para introducir y fomentar una mentalidad de crecimiento en clase mientras celebras Halloween. Motiva a tus estudiantes para que compartan sus mini libros y respuestas con sus familias como refuerzo adicional. El recurso contiene: Mentalidad de crecimiento -Trick or “Treat” Halloween Minilibro en blanco y negro (12 medias páginas). Un certificado a color, ubicado al final del minilibro. "---------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! -----------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★ Recursos de Halloween que te van a encantar: Halloween - Banderín Versión 1 - Fantasma Halloween - Banderín - Versión 2 - Bruja Halloween - Banderín Versión 3 - Calabaza Halloween - Datos Principales Mentalidad de Crecimiento -Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro Monster Stick Puppets YO SOY… Afirmaciones Positivas - Acróstico Calabaza Welcome October - Monthly Activity ----------------------------------" ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar una cultura de mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
Día Internacional de la Mujer Banderines e Investigación Biográfica

Día Internacional de la Mujer Banderines e Investigación Biográfica

Este recurso es absolutamente fantástico para celebrar con toda la clase o la escuela la vida y los logros de las mujeres, independientemente de que hayan recibido o no reconocimiento por ello. Simplemente pide a tus estudiantes que nombren a mujeres que hayan marcado una diferencia significativa en el mundo, o a mujeres a las que admiren, quieren o que hayan tenido un profundo impacto en sus vidas. Decora la escuela o la clase con fotos. dibujos y los nombres de estas mujeres. Es un homenaje perfecto a las mujeres que les inspiran. La Ficha de investigación biográfica es una valiosa herramienta para ayudar a los estudiantes a recopilar información sobre mujeres famosas. Anímales a utilizar libros o artículos como referencias y a completar sus hojas de trabajo. Siéntete libre de utilizar el papel de colores que prefieras. Recomiendo especialmente imprimir los banderines en cartulina para obtener resultados óptimos. Este recurso incluye: Ocho banderines del Día Internacional de la Mujer en blanco y negro. Un banderín casi vacío para el estudiante lo pueda completar de acuerdo a su criterio o gusto. Una hoja de Investigación Biográfica en blanco y negro. Ocho banderines diferentes: La mujer más importante de mi vida Mi artista favorita Mi científica favorita Mi política favorita Mi deportista favorita Mi figura histórica favorita Mi escritora favorita Mi mujer favorita ________ "----------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★You may like these Women’s Day resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!) Harriet Tubman - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad ----------------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!
Labor Day - International Workers' Day BUNDLE

Labor Day - International Workers' Day BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Labor Day / International Workers’ Day. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is IDEAL for engaging and educating students about Labor Day in an enjoyable way. The activities encourage students to reflect on the significance of this event and appreciate the vital role that workers play in our society. The students will have the opportunity to interview their family members or school staff members, identify various types of jobs, and acknowledge the significant contributions that workers make to their communities. To express gratitude and honor workers, children will create a creative pennant-card with a meaningful note. These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school. Another activity included is “If I were a worker,” which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in. This activity fosters empathy and social skills, making it an EXCELLENT addition to any lesson plan. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Labor Day Celebration Mind map (English and Spanish Version) Labor Day Main Facts Mind map - empty format (English and Spanish Version) Labor Day Interview (English and Spanish Version) Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card (English and Spanish Version) If I Were a Worker … (English and Spanish Version) Happy Labor Day! Feliz Día del Trabajador!
Día Internacional del Libro

Día Internacional del Libro

El Día del Libro es una actividad fantástica que se centra en fomentar el amor por los libros. Este recurso está diseñado para acercar a los niños a los libros y autores que ya adoran, a la vez que les presenta nuevos géneros y autores que les gustarán igualmente en el futuro. Puedes crear una experiencia verdaderamente educativa para tus estudiantes. Utiliza la Actividad del Día del Libro como la oportunidad perfecta para enseñar a los estudiantes los placeres de la lectura y presentarles nuevos géneros y autores que tal vez no conozcan. Este recurso ayuda a los niños a convertirse en mejores lectores y escritores. Asegúrate de que el Día del Libro sea una experiencia memorable y emocionante para todos. Observa cómo crece el amor de tus estudiantes por la lectura. Este recurso incluye: Banderín Mi libro favorito Ficha/ Guía Partes de Libro Reto de 7-días. Puedo leer … Géneros Literarios (2 páginas) Recomiendo un Libro… Marcapáginas "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - Google Slides -----------------------------------------------" "--------------------------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Día Internacional del Libro - Actividad Día Internacional del Libro Actividad - Google Slides Día Nacional de la Lectura Día Nacional de la Poesía - Actividades Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Actividad Libros de No Ficción - Actividad Libros de No Ficción Actividad - Google Slides Paul Bunyan - Disfruta de una Buena Historia -----------------------------------------------" Feliz Día Internacional del Libro
International Women’s Day - Banners/Pennants and Biography Research

International Women’s Day - Banners/Pennants and Biography Research

This resource is absolutely fantastic for celebrating the lives and achievements of women with the entire class or school, regardless of whether they have received recognition for it or not. Simply ask your students to name women who have made a significant difference in the world, or women they admire, love, or those who have had a profound impact on their lives. Decorate the school or classroom with pictures and names of these women. It serves as a perfect tribute to the women who inspire them. The Biography Research Worksheet is a valuable tool to help students gather information about famous women. Encourage them to utilize books or articles as references and complete their worksheets. Feel free to use colorful paper of your choice! I highly recommend printing the pennants on cardstock for optimal results. This resource includes: Eight different International Women’s Day pennants/banners in black and white. One to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc. A Biography Research Worksheet in black and white. There are eight different pennants: The most important woman in my life My favorite artist My favorite scientist My favorite politician My favorite female athlete My favorite historical figure My favorite female writer My favorite woman ________ "---------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! -----------------------------" "---------------------------- ★ You May Like These Women’s Day Resources: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - GoogleSlides International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write International Women’s Day Craft and Card International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Activity -------------------------------" Happy Women’s Day!
Constitution Day BUNDLE

Constitution Day BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Constitution Day. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This resource is perfect for immersing students in the spirit of the occasion. The Constitution can pose challenges for young learners due to its complex concepts. However, I have created a resource specifically designed to teach them the basic principles in an easy way. This resource serves as a valuable tool for kids to explore the Constitution and gain a deeper understanding of the government. It is written using language that is appropriate for kids, making it easier for them to comprehend difficult concepts. Through this resource, students will have the opportunity to recognize key facts about the Constitution. They can also engage in activities where they draw and complete information about important figures such as V.I.P.s or Framers. Additionally, the resource features a tree diagram that excellently illustrates how the Constitution divides the government. These activities are highly effective for teaching young students about Constitution Day in a quick and easy manner, all while ensuring they enjoy and understand the material. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Constitution Main Facts (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: Constitution Framers V.I.P (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Constitution Branches (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: What do you know about the Constitution…(English and Spanish Version) Page 5: My Classroom “Constitution” (English and Spanish Version) Happy Constitution Day!
End of School Year Activities - BUNDLE

End of School Year Activities - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of End of School Year Activities. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource provides your students with a gift they will cherish forever! It aims to reinforce gratitude and kindness. Both are essential attributes that offer significant benefits, improving the lives of students now and in the future. Encouraging these attributes is the best way to help students feel good about themselves, others, and the world around them. The checklist format is fantastic, encouraging your kids to reflect on the contributions they have made to the school, teachers, and classmates. This self-reflection instills a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their efforts. The bracelets are a powerful tool for students to recognize and appreciate the people who have supported them throughout the school year. Wearing these bracelets helps kids develop a sense of pride and gratitude for their accomplishments and the people who have helped them along the way. The pencils are readily printable and can be displayed in the hall or on a wall in the house. Get ready to receive many compliments! Remember, kindness and gratitude are contagious, and by promoting them in your students, you can help create an unforgettable memory that will last a lifetime. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: End of the Year Bracelets (English & Spanish Version) I am thankful for - “Chart” (English & Spanish Version) End of School Year Checklist (English & Spanish Version) School Memories (English & Spanish Version) This Year Was …Pencil Craft ( fantastic on a bulletin board) English & Spanish Version) Happy End of the School Year!
Back to School Activities - BUNDLE

Back to School Activities - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Back to School Activities. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This resource provides a unique opportunity to focus on students as distinct and diverse individuals. Instead of asking generic questions about their names and favorite things, it encourages inquiries that facilitate self-recognition of their emotions, needs, and desires. Teachers consistently prioritize the well-being of their students and the involvement of parents. Therefore, engaging in an “A Letter to My Family” activity is an exceptional way to inform parents about their children’s experiences during the first week of school. Parents value a wide range of information beyond just routines and schedules; they also desire insights into their children’s emotional management and overall well-being. These activities promote a feeling of belonging are often referred to as school connectedness, wherein connected students believe that their parents, teachers, school staff, and peers genuinely care about their well-being and academic progress. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: English Version: Who Am I? First Week of __ Grade First Day of ______ Grade Letter to My Family - First Day/Week of School Getting to Know My School My First Day/Week of School Pennant (Mind Map Version) Spanish Version: ¿Quién Soy Yo? Mi Primera Semana en _____ Grado Mi Primer Día en __ Grado Carta a Mi Familia - Primera Semana de Escuela Carta a Mi Familia - Primer Día de Escuela Conociendo Mi Escuela Mi Primer Día de Escuela Banderín con Mapa Mental Mi Primera Semana de Escuela Banderín con Mapa Mental Happy Back to School!
Family Day - My Family is Special BUNDLE

Family Day - My Family is Special BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Family Day - My Family is Special. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. By utilizing this resource, children have the opportunity to celebrate the true essence of being a family. It encourages them to reflect on the time they spend together and learn positive messages about the significance of sharing and working together as a team within the family unit. Parents highly value and appreciate this activity as it teaches them about the importance of providing meaningful experiences for their families, emphasizing that experiences hold more value than material possessions. You can choose to work on the booklet in class or assign it as a project for children to complete at home with their families. Encourage students to share their booklets and responses with their families, fostering open discussions and strengthening family bonds. This resource serves as an excellent present and conversation starter for families, fostering meaningful connections and interactions among family members. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: A Family Day Booklet: My Family is Special, in black and white - 16 half pages. (English and Spanish Version) Happy Family Day!
Grandparents' Day - Time Line Cards BUNDLE

Grandparents' Day - Time Line Cards BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes English and Spanish versions of the Grandparents’ Day - Time Line Card. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! The purpose of this card is to assist your students in expressing their love for their grandparents and honoring them for the affection, wisdom, and commitment they have bestowed upon them. Additionally, this resource reinforces the concepts of the past, present, and future. Students will have the opportunity to write about their cherished memories and experiences with their grandparents (either Grandma or Grandpa) and compile a list of reasons why they hold such deep affection for them. In doing so, children can also contemplate the valuable lessons imparted by their grandparents while envisioning their own aspirations for the future. This exceptional resource offers three versions: one for grandparents, another for grandmothers, and a third for grandfathers (allowing students to personalize their message based on their specific grandparent). Prepare for the joyous reaction of grandparents, who may burst into laughter while reading the card. They truly appreciate it! To create the brochure, simply make copies of these pages front and back, and then fold along the dotted lines. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Happy Grandparents’ Day Time Line Cards (English and Spanish Version) Happy Grandma’s Day Time Line Cards (English and Spanish Version) Happy Grandpa’s Day Time Line Cards (English and Spanish Version) Happy Grandparents’ Day!
Growth Mindset | My New Year’s Resolutions Mini Book

Growth Mindset | My New Year’s Resolutions Mini Book

This resource presents the key principles of a Growth Mindset and aims to inspire and motivate your students for the upcoming year. Encourage your students to share their books/responses with their families to reinforce the concepts. It also serves as a great conversation starter for families! Students can personalize their mini-books by coloring them. Benefits: Setting Goals: This resource enables students to set goals and focus on how they can bring about positive changes in their lives for the new year. Self-Reflection: Children learn to contemplate where they want to be, who they aspire to become, and what they want to achieve. Supportive Guidance: Teachers and parents are aware of the goals and can encourage their children to achieve their resolutions by providing guidance throughout their journey. Critical Thinking: Students will engage in critical thinking exercises while working with this resource. This resource includes: A Growth Mindset - My New Year’s Resolutions Mini book, in black and white, (12 half pages). "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" Happy New Year!
Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts

Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts

Get ready to celebrate Christmas with a creative twist! This amazing resource invites Santa to deliver unique and special gifts to our students, including optimism, perseverance, mastery, strength, motivation, confidence, intelligence, the power of “yet,” and self-esteem. These are truly gifts worth cherishing! The letter to Santa serves as a valuable tool for students to reflect on their mindset and identify areas for improvement. Immerse your class in the spirit of a growth mindset with this mini book, making it the perfect activity for December. This resource includes: A Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Minibook, in black and white (10 half pages) BONUS - A Growth Mindset Letter to Santa, in black and white (1 page) Remember: Students can color to personalize their mini-books. Encourage your students to read their books/responses to their families for reinforcement. Great conversation starter for families as well! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Santa Claus Craft - Generosity --------------------------------------------" Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Año Nuevo Mini libro

Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Año Nuevo Mini libro

Este recurso incluye los principios fundamentales de la Mentalidad de Crecimiento (Growth Mindset) y tiene como objetivo ayudar a tus estudiantes a sentirse Este recurso presenta los principios clave de la mentalidad de crecimiento y busca inspirar y motivar a los estudiantes para el próximo curso. Anima a tus estudiantes a compartir sus libros/respuestas con sus familias para reforzar los conceptos. También sirve para iniciar una conversación con las familias. Los niños pueden personalizar sus minilibros coloreándolos. Beneficios: Establecer objetivos: Este recurso permite a los estudiantes fijar objetivos y centrarse en cómo pueden introducir cambios positivos en sus vidas para el nuevo año. Autorreflexión: Los niños aprenden a contemplar dónde quieren estar, en quién aspiran a convertirse y qué quieren conseguir. Orientación de apoyo: Los maestros y los padres son conscientes de los objetivos y pueden animar a sus niños a alcanzar sus propósitos ofreciéndoles orientación a lo largo de su camino. Pensamiento crítico: Los estudiantes realizarán ejercicios de pensamiento crítico mientras trabajan con este recurso. Este recurso incluye: Un Mini Libro de la Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Nuevo Año (12 medias páginas). "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Año!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel - Minilibro - (SPANISH VERSION)

Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel - Minilibro - (SPANISH VERSION)

¡Prepárate para celebrar la Navidad con un toque creativo! Este fantástico recurso invita a Papá Noel a entregar regalos únicos y especiales a los estudiantes: optimismo, perseverancia, dominio, fuerza, motivación, confianza, inteligencia, el poder del “todavía” y autoestima. Son regalos que merecen la pena. La carta a Papá Noel es una valiosa herramienta para que los estudiantes reflexionen sobre su mentalidad e identifiquen áreas de mejora. Sumerge a tu clase en el espíritu de la mentalidad de crecimiento con este mini libro, convirtiéndolo en la actividad perfecta para diciembre. Este recurso incluye: Minilibro Mentalidad de crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel en blanco y negro (10 medias páginas) BONUS - Carta a Papá Noel en blanco y negro (1 página) Recuerda: Los estudiantes pueden colorear para personalizar sus minilibros. Motive a sus alumnos a leer sus folletos / respuestas a sus familias para reforzarlos. Es una gran actividad para comenzar y fomentar la conversación familiar! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar una cultura de mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
International Peace Day Minibooks and Pennants - Banners BUNDLE

International Peace Day Minibooks and Pennants - Banners BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Peace Day Mini-book and Pennant. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the skills necessary to live harmoniously in society. It encourages them to acknowledge and explore various aspects of peace within their homes, schools, and the world. This activity is ideal for decorating bulletin boards using captivating pennants featuring the Peace Pledge, fostering class discussions, and fostering a sense of community within the classroom through engaging conversations about peace. It is a straightforward activity to implement and provides an excellent opportunity to teach children that peace begins from within themselves. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: International Peace Day Minibook (16 half pages in English and Spanish Versions) Peace Pledge Pennant - Banner (2 pages in English and Spanish Versions) Happy International Peace Day!
Mis 100 Días de Escuela

Mis 100 Días de Escuela

Siéntete orgulloso/a de mostrar a las familias y a tus niños lo mucho que han aprendido, disfrutado y crecido durante los 100 primeros días de clase. Las hojas de trabajo son perfectas para el trabajo matutino, los centros de escritura, la práctica independiente o los deberes. Las páginas individuales son excelentes para crear un paquete de 100 días de clase y enviarlo a casa. La corona es increíble para que tus niños la lleven con orgullo mientras pasean por el colegio, mostrando sus creaciones. También hay un adorable certificado para premiar a tus pequeños por su duro trabajo y esfuerzo. Este recurso incluye: Siete hojas de trabajo/guías en blanco y negro. Un certificado en blanco y negro. Una corona de Mis 100 Días de Escuela en blanco y negro. "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz día número 100 de Escuela!
Cinco de Mayo Actividad en Español

Cinco de Mayo Actividad en Español

Este recurso está perfectamente diseñado para que tú y tus estudiantes se sumerjan en el espíritu de esta emocionante festividad. La actividad incluye una amplia gama de actividades atractivas que enseñarán a los estudiantes acerca de los principales acontecimientos, la cultura y las tradiciones de México, proporcionándoles una comprensión más profunda del verdadero significado detrás del Cinco de Mayo. Lleva tu celebración al siguiente nivel decorando tu salón de clases con hermosos banderines y otras decoraciones festivas, ¡añadiendo un toque colorido y vibrante a tus festividades del Cinco de Mayo! Ofrece a tus estudiantes una experiencia de aprendizaje divertida, informativa y realmente inolvidable. Este recurso incluye: Historia del Cinco de Mayo (lee y dibuja) Tradiciones del Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo (Se, Quiero saber, Aprendí) Autorretrato del Cinco de Mayo (¡PERFECTO para decorar la clase o el pasillo!) Banderín del Cinco de Mayo Acróstico del Cinco de Mayo Todo Sobre el “Cinco de Mayo” Mi Comida Mexicana favorita "-------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Cinco de Mayo Presentación PowerPoint Cinco de Mayo Manualidad --------------------------------------------" >>> ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Cinco de Mayo Activity

Cinco de Mayo Activity

This resource is perfectly designed to get you and your students into the spirit of this exciting holiday! The activity includes a wide range of engaging activities that will teach students about the main events, culture, and traditions of Mexico, providing them with a deeper understanding of the true meaning behind Cinco de Mayo. Take your celebration to the next level by decorating your classroom with beautiful pennants and other festive decorations, adding a colorful and vibrant touch to your Cinco de Mayo festivities! Give your students a fun, informative, and truly unforgettable learning experience! The resource includes: Cinco de Mayo History (read and draw, two pages) Cinco de Mayo Traditions Cinco de Mayo (know, want to know, learn) Cinco de Mayo Self-portrait (PERFECT for hallway displays!) Cinco de Mayo Pennant (PERFECT for hallway displays!) Cinco de Mayo Acrostic All about “Cinco de Mayo” My Favorite Mexican Food "-------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation Cinco de Mayo Craft --------------------------------------------" Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Día de San Valentín | Amor Propio Mini Libro

Día de San Valentín | Amor Propio Mini Libro

Este minilibro es la herramienta perfecta para presentarles a tus estudiantes el significado del amor propio, animarles a identificar sus fortalezas personales, explicarles la conexión entre el amor propio y sus vidas y reconocer sus logros. Inculca un sentimiento de orgullo por lo que son, permitiéndoles alcanzar todo su potencial. A través de este recurso, puedes ayudar a tus estudiantes a desarrollar un mayor sentido de la confianza en sí mismos, la autoestima y la fe en sí mismos, al tiempo que adquieren un conocimiento más profundo de sí mismos. Anima a tus estudiantes a compartir y leer sus cuadernillos o respuestas con sus familias como refuerzo. También sirve para iniciar una conversación con las familias. Además, este recurso incorpora los principios fundamentales de la Mentalidad de Crecimiento y dota a los niños de competencias sociales y emocionales. Este recurso incluye: Amor Propio - Día de San Valentín - Mini-libro en blanco y negro, (10 medias páginas). "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Día de San Valentín | Amor Propio Presentación PowerPoint Día de San Valentín | Amor Propio Manualidad --------------------------------------------"