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I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
End of School Year Activities - BUNDLE

End of School Year Activities - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of End of School Year Activities. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource provides your students with a gift they will cherish forever! It aims to reinforce gratitude and kindness. Both are essential attributes that offer significant benefits, improving the lives of students now and in the future. Encouraging these attributes is the best way to help students feel good about themselves, others, and the world around them. The checklist format is fantastic, encouraging your kids to reflect on the contributions they have made to the school, teachers, and classmates. This self-reflection instills a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their efforts. The bracelets are a powerful tool for students to recognize and appreciate the people who have supported them throughout the school year. Wearing these bracelets helps kids develop a sense of pride and gratitude for their accomplishments and the people who have helped them along the way. The pencils are readily printable and can be displayed in the hall or on a wall in the house. Get ready to receive many compliments! Remember, kindness and gratitude are contagious, and by promoting them in your students, you can help create an unforgettable memory that will last a lifetime. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: End of the Year Bracelets (English & Spanish Version) I am thankful for - “Chart” (English & Spanish Version) End of School Year Checklist (English & Spanish Version) School Memories (English & Spanish Version) This Year Was …Pencil Craft ( fantastic on a bulletin board) English & Spanish Version) Happy End of the School Year!
End of School Year Activities

End of School Year Activities

This resource provides your students with a gift they will cherish forever! It aims to reinforce gratitude and kindness. Both are essential attributes that offer significant benefits, improving the lives of students now and in the future. Encouraging these attributes is the best way to help students feel good about themselves, others, and the world around them. The checklist format is fantastic, encouraging your students to reflect on the contributions they have made to the school, teachers, and classmates. This self-reflection instills a sense of accomplishment and recognition for their efforts. The bracelets are a powerful tool for students to recognize and appreciate the people who have supported them throughout the school year. Wearing these bracelets helps students develop a sense of pride and gratitude for their accomplishments and the people who have helped them along the way. The pencils are readily printable and can be displayed in the hall or on a wall in the house. Get ready to receive many compliments! Remember, kindness and gratitude are contagious, and by promoting them in your students, you can help create an unforgettable memory that will last a lifetime. This resource includes: End of the Year Bracelets I am thankful for (chart) End of School Year - Checklist School Memories This Year Was …Pencil Craft ( fantastic on a bulletin board) I HIGHLY recommend printing on card stock (different colors) for best results. Happy End of the School Year! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: End of the School Year - Album End of the School Year Task Cards | Self-Reflection Activity End of the School Year - Album --------------------------------------------"
Grandparents' Day | Time Line Card

Grandparents' Day | Time Line Card

The love of grandparents knows no bounds. The purpose of this card is to assist your students in expressing their love for their grandparents and honoring them for the affection, wisdom, and commitment they have bestowed upon them. Additionally, this resource reinforces the concepts of the past, present, and future. Students will have the opportunity to write about their cherished memories and experiences with their grandparents (either Grandma or Grandpa) and compile a list of reasons why they hold such deep affection for them. In doing so, children can also contemplate the valuable lessons imparted by their grandparents while envisioning their own aspirations for the future. This exceptional resource offers three versions: one for grandparents, another for grandmothers, and a third for grandfathers (allowing students to personalize their message based on their specific grandparent). Prepare for the joyous reaction of grandparents, who may burst into laughter while reading the card. They truly appreciate it! To create the brochure, simply make copies of these pages front and back, and then fold along the dotted lines. This resource includes: Happy Grandparents’ Day Time Line Card Happy Grandma’s Day Time Line Card Happy Grandpa’s Day Time Line Card "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! Grandparents’ Day PowerPoint Presentation Grandparents’ Craft Card --------------------------------------------" Happy Grandparents’ Day!
Día de los Abuelos - Línea de Tiempo - Tarjeta - SPANISH VERSION

Día de los Abuelos - Línea de Tiempo - Tarjeta - SPANISH VERSION

El amor de los abuelos no tiene límites. El propósito de esta tarjeta es ayudar a los estudiantes a expresar el amor que sienten por sus abuelos y honrarles por el afecto, la sabiduría y el compromiso que les han otorgado. Además, este recurso refuerza los conceptos de pasado, presente y futuro. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de escribir sobre sus mejores recuerdos y experiencias con sus abuelos (ya sean abuelos o abuelas) y elaborar una lista de las razones por las que les tienen tanto afecto. Al hacerlo, los niños también pueden contemplar las valiosas lecciones impartidas por sus abuelos mientras imaginan sus propias aspiraciones para el futuro. Este excepcional recurso ofrece tres versiones: una para los abuelos, otra para las abuelas y una tercera para los abuelos (lo que permite a los estudiantes personalizar su mensaje en función de su abuelo concreto). Prepárate para la alegre reacción de los abuelos, que pueden estallar en carcajadas mientras leen la tarjeta. ¡Lo aprecian de verdad! Para crear el folleto, simplemente haz copias de estas páginas por delante y por detrás, y luego dóblalas por las líneas de puntos. Este recurso incluye: Feliz Día de los Abuelos - Línea de Tiempo - Tarjeta Feliz Día de la Abuela - Línea de Tiempo - Tarjeta Feliz Día del Abuelo - Línea de Tiempo - Tarjeta Este recurso incluye: "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! Día de los Abuelos Presentación PowerPoint Día de los Abuelos | Manualidad y Tarjeta --------------------------------------------" Feliz Día de los Abuelos!
Grandparents' Day - Time Line Cards BUNDLE

Grandparents' Day - Time Line Cards BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes English and Spanish versions of the Grandparents’ Day - Time Line Card. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! The purpose of this card is to assist your students in expressing their love for their grandparents and honoring them for the affection, wisdom, and commitment they have bestowed upon them. Additionally, this resource reinforces the concepts of the past, present, and future. Students will have the opportunity to write about their cherished memories and experiences with their grandparents (either Grandma or Grandpa) and compile a list of reasons why they hold such deep affection for them. In doing so, children can also contemplate the valuable lessons imparted by their grandparents while envisioning their own aspirations for the future. This exceptional resource offers three versions: one for grandparents, another for grandmothers, and a third for grandfathers (allowing students to personalize their message based on their specific grandparent). Prepare for the joyous reaction of grandparents, who may burst into laughter while reading the card. They truly appreciate it! To create the brochure, simply make copies of these pages front and back, and then fold along the dotted lines. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Happy Grandparents’ Day Time Line Cards (English and Spanish Version) Happy Grandma’s Day Time Line Cards (English and Spanish Version) Happy Grandpa’s Day Time Line Cards (English and Spanish Version) Happy Grandparents’ Day!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Superando Mis Desafíos Mini libro

Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Superando Mis Desafíos Mini libro

Esta actividad está diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar mecanismos de superación cuando se enfrentan a situaciones difíciles. El recurso se basa en los principios fundamentales de una mentalidad de crecimiento, que hace hincapié en el poder de aceptar los retos, adoptar una mentalidad de " Aún", encontrar inspiración en el éxito de los demás, considerar el esfuerzo como el camino hacia la maestría, aprender de los errores y las críticas, y cultivar una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje. Al incorporar estos principios a la actividad, los niños adquieren competencias sociales y emocionales que les ayudarán a afrontar eficazmente las experiencias desafiantes. Beneficios: Los estudiantes descubren y encuentran nuevas fortalezas que les brindan una mejor visión de sí mismos y los llena de mayor confianza. Los estudiantes son conscientes de que son capaces de superar sus propios desafíos. Los estudiantes logran ser más responsables y comprometidos con sus propios desafíos. Los estudiantes se centran en su esfuerzo y trabajo en lugar de los resultados. Este recurso incluye 3 versiones: Una versión en blanco y negro de 12 medias páginas, con la palabra DESAFÍO Una versión en blanco y negro de 12 medias páginas, con la palabra RETO Una muestra del recurso completo en blanco y negro de 12 medias páginas; para utilizarlo como ejemplo; así los estudiantes tienen un referente de cómo desarrollar la actividad. "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar la cultura de la mentalidad de crecimiento en clase!
Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Books BUNDLE

Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Overcoming My Challenges. These are FANTASTIC for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This activity is designed to aid students in developing coping mechanisms when faced with challenging situations. The resource is grounded in the main principles of a Growth Mindset, which emphasizes the power of embracing challenges, adopting a “yet” mentality, finding inspiration in the success of others, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes and criticism, and cultivating a positive attitude towards learning. By incorporating these principles into the activity, children acquire social and emotional competencies that will help them navigate challenging experiences effectively. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. BENEFITS: Students discover and find new strengths and weaknesses. This activity gives them a better understanding of themselves. Students are aware that they are competent in overcoming their challenges. Students become more responsible and committed with their own challenges Students focus on their effort and hard work instead of the outcome. This resource includes: A Growth Mindset - Overcoming Challenges Mini-book in black and white 12 pages An overhead transparency sample of Growth Mindset - Overcoming challenges Mini-book 12 pages. Una versión en blanco y negro de 12 páginas, con la palabra DESAFÍO Una versión en blanco y negro de 12 páginas, con la palabra RETO Una muestra del recurso completo en blanco y negro 12 páginas; para utilizarlo como ejemplo, así los estudiantes tienen un referente de cómo desarrollar la actividad. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. Thank you so much for sharing this resource with your students, I hope you enjoy!
Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Book

Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Book

This activity is designed to aid students in developing coping mechanisms when faced with challenging situations. The resource is grounded in the main principles of a Growth Mindset, which emphasizes the power of embracing challenges, adopting a “yet” mentality, finding inspiration in the success of others, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes and criticism, and cultivating a positive attitude towards learning. By incorporating these principles into the activity, children acquire social and emotional competencies that will help them navigate challenging experiences effectively. BENEFITS Students are aware that they are competent in overcoming their challenges. Students become more responsible and committed with their own challenges. Students focus on their effort and hard work instead of the outcome. Students discover and find new strengths and weaknesses. This activity gives them a better understanding of themselves. Your students will be exercising critical thinking skills! This resource includes: A Growth Mindset - Overcoming Challenges Mini Book in black and white, 12 half pages. An overhead transparency sample of Growth Mindset - Overcoming challenges Mini Book, 12 half pages. "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
Character Education My Burger Menu, Printable and Reflection Worksheets

Character Education My Burger Menu, Printable and Reflection Worksheets

Transform mealtime into a character-building experience with the Character Education Burger Menu! This exciting resource makes learning essential life skills enjoyable for children. Get ready for your kids to relish delicious burgers and the opportunity to develop vital social and critical thinking skills. The activity highlights the six core pillars of character education: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, and Caring. While enjoying their tasty burgers, children will reflect on their actions, attitudes, and behaviors, helping them internalize the importance of positive values. Celebrate National Burger Day with this FANTASTIC resource that blends flavor with character education! Perfect for parents and educators looking to inspire young minds through engaging and meaningful activities. This resource includes: Menu: Character Education Burger 1: Trustworthiness Burger 2: Respect Burger 3: Responsibility Burger 4: Fairness Burger 5: Caring Burger 6: Citizenship "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" I hope you enjoy a delicious way to work on character education!
Character Education My Burger Menu BUNDLE, Printable and Reflection Worksheets

Character Education My Burger Menu BUNDLE, Printable and Reflection Worksheets

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Character Education - My Burger Menu. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Transform mealtime into a character-building experience with the Character Education Burger Menu! This exciting resource makes learning essential life skills enjoyable for children. Get ready for your kids to relish delicious burgers and the opportunity to develop vital social and critical thinking skills. The activity highlights the six core pillars of character education: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, and Caring. While enjoying their tasty burgers, children will reflect on their actions, attitudes, and behaviors, helping them internalize the importance of positive values. Celebrate National Burger Day with this FANTASTIC resource that blends flavor with character education! Perfect for parents and educators looking to inspire young minds through engaging and meaningful activities. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Character Education “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) Trustworthiness “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) Respect “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) Responsibility “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) Fairness “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) Caring “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) Citizenship “Burger Menu” (English & Spanish Version) I hope you enjoy a delicious way to work on character education!
Educación en Valores Mi Menú de Hamburguesa, Printable & Reflection Worksheets

Educación en Valores Mi Menú de Hamburguesa, Printable & Reflection Worksheets

Transforma la hora de la comida en una experiencia de formación en valores con el menú de hamburguesas para la educación en valores. Este emocionante recurso hace que el aprendizaje de habilidades esenciales para la vida sea divertido para los niños. Prepárate para que tus estudiantes saboreen deliciosas hamburguesas y tengan la oportunidad de desarrollar habilidades sociales y de pensamiento crítico vitales. La actividad pone de relieve los seis pilares básicos de la educación del carácter: Confianza, Respeto, Responsabilidad, Equidad, Civismo y Solidaridad. Mientras disfrutan de sus sabrosas hamburguesas, los niños reflexionarán sobre sus acciones, actitudes y comportamientos, ayudándoles a interiorizar la importancia de los valores positivos. Celebra el Día Nacional de la Hamburguesa con este recurso FANTÁSTICO que combina el sabor con la educación en valores. Perfecto para padres y educadores que buscan inspirar a las mentes jóvenes a través de actividades atractivas y significativas. Este recurso incluye: My Menú de Hamburguesas. Confianza “Menú de hamburguesa” Respeto “Menú de hamburguesa” Responsabilidad “Menú de Hamburguesa” Justicia “Menú de Hamburguesa” Bondad “Menú de hamburguesa” Ciudadanía “Menú de Hamburguesa” "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Espero que disfrutes lo exquisito de trabajar educación en valores!
Día de los Tres Reyes Magos,  Epifanía: Actividad de Escritura, Corona y Carta

Día de los Tres Reyes Magos, Epifanía: Actividad de Escritura, Corona y Carta

Este recurso de los Tres Reyes Magos es perfecto para enseñar conciencia cultural, diversidad y generosidad en clase. Esta actividad creativa involucra a los estudiantes con las tradiciones del Día de Reyes, ayudándoles a explorar diferentes culturas a través de un aprendizaje divertido y práctico. La actividad de la corona permite a los estudiantes conectar con la celebración de una manera significativa, mientras que la plantilla de la carta les anima a expresar sus necesidades y deseos cuidadosamente. La actividad «Si yo fuera un Rey Mago» inspira la reflexión sobre el significado de hacer regalos, enseñando a los niños el valor de dar como un gesto sincero. Fomente la empatía, la creatividad y la curiosidad cultural de sus estudiantes con este atractivo recurso. Recuerda: Cuanto más das, más recibes. Este recurso incluye: Una corona de los Tres Reyes Magos en blanco y negro Una carta a los Tres Reyes Magos en blanco y negro. Una actividad “Si yo fuera un Rey Mago…” en blanco y negro "------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides Carta a los Tres Reyes Magos - Brochure Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Google Slides Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Actividad - PDF Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Presentación PowerPoint -------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de Reyes!
Three Kings Day, Epiphany Activity BUNDLE: Worksheets, Crown, and Letter

Three Kings Day, Epiphany Activity BUNDLE: Worksheets, Crown, and Letter

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Three Kings Day Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. This resource is perfect for teaching cultural awareness, diversity, and generosity in the classroom. These printable worksheets and creative activities engage students with the traditions of Three Kings Day, helping them explore different cultures through fun, hands-on learning. The crown activity allows students to connect with the celebration in a meaningful way, while the letter template encourages them to express their needs and wants thoughtfully. The “If I Were a Wise King” activity inspires reflection on the significance of gift-giving, teaching children the value of giving as a heartfelt gesture. Foster empathy, creativity, and cultural curiosity in your students with this engaging resource. Remember: The more you give, the more you receive! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: A Three Kings Crown in Black and White (English and Spanish Version) A Letter to the Three Kings in Black and White (English and Spanish Version) “If I were a Wise Man” Worksheet in Black and White (English and Spanish Version) Happy Three Kings Day!!!
Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, GS and Crafts

Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, GS and Crafts

4 Resources
Esta colección es ideal para presentar a los Reyes Magos y las valiosas enseñanzas que nos transmiten. Las actividades fomentan conciencia cultural, creatividad, curiosidad, generosidad y humildad. Muestra a los niños que el Día de Reyes es algo más que un acontecimiento. A través de estos recursos, los niños comprenden que dar es un gesto del corazón y que los regalos se hacen para expresar amor y gratitud. Dar no es sólo tarea de los Reyes Magos; todos podemos dar y no sólo cosas materiales. Tendrás la oportunidad de presentar a los personajes principales de la historia de los Reyes Magos, junto con la historia del niño Jesús. Tus estudiantes comprenderán realmente el significado genuino del Día de Reyes, creando así un recuerdo imborrable. Esta colección ofrece una ventana a diversas prácticas culturales y fomenta el aprecio por las diferentes costumbres. Proporciona una valiosa experiencia cultural y educativa. Esta colección incluye: Recurso 1: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Actividad Recurso 3: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Actividad Google Slides Recurso 4: Carta a los Tres Reyes Magos ¡Feliz Día de Reyes! "-------------------------------------------- ★Download the English Collection: Three Kings Day Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, Google Slides and Crafts --------------------------------------------"
Three Kings Day, Epiphany Activity: Worksheets, Crown, and Letter

Three Kings Day, Epiphany Activity: Worksheets, Crown, and Letter

ThisThree Kings Day resource is perfect for teaching cultural awareness, diversity, and generosity in the classroom. These printable worksheets and creative activities engage students with the traditions of Three Wise Men, helping them explore different cultures through fun, hands-on learning. The crown activity connects students meaningfully with the celebration, while the letter template encourages them to express their needs and wants thoughtfully. The “If I Were a Wise King” activity inspires reflection on the significance of gift-giving, teaching children the value of giving as a heartfelt gesture. This engaging resource fosters empathy, creativity, and cultural curiosity in your students. Remember: The more you give, the more you receive! This resource includes: A Three Kings Crown in Black and White A Letter to the Three Kings in Black and White “If I were a Wise Man” Worksheet in Black and White ★ Download More Versions: English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides Three Kings Day Activity - PDF Three Kings Day Activity - Google Slides Letter to The Three Wise Men - Brochure Three Kings’ Day - PowerPoint Presentation Happy Three Kings’ Day!
Three Kings Day Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, Google Slides and Crafts

Three Kings Day Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, Google Slides and Crafts

4 Resources
This collection is ideal for introducing the Three Kings and the valuable lessons they teach us. The activities promote cultural awareness, creativity, curiosity, generosity, and humility. It shows children that Three Kings Day is more than just an event. Through these resources, children understand that giving is a gesture of the heart and that gifts are given to express love and gratitude. Giving is not just a task of the Three Wise Men; we can all give, not just material things. You will have the opportunity to introduce the main characters in the story of the Magi, along with the story of the baby Jesus. Your students will truly understand the genuine meaning of Three Kings Day, creating a lasting impression. This collection offers a window into diverse cultural practices and fosters an appreciation for different customs. It provides a valuable cultural and educational experience. This collection includes: Resource 1: Three Kings Day PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Three Kings Day Activity Resource 3: Three Kings Day Activity Google Slides Resource 4: Letter to The Three Wise Men Happy Three Kings’ Day! "-------------------------------------------- ★Download the Spanish Collection: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos Collection BUNDLE | PPT, Worksheets, GS and Crafts --------------------------------------------"
Valentine's Day Mini Book: 'I Love Myself' SEL and Self-Love Writing Activity

Valentine's Day Mini Book: 'I Love Myself' SEL and Self-Love Writing Activity

This engaging “I Love Myself” Mini Book enhances your Valentine’s Day lessons! This resource is the perfect way to introduce students to self-love, encouraging them to identify their strengths, recognize their achievements, and understand the connection between self-love and their daily lives. It helps instill a sense of pride and empowers students to reach their full potential. By using this mini-book, students will strengthen their self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief while gaining valuable insights into themselves. It also makes a great tool for home, encouraging family conversations and reinforcing these important lessons. Aligned with Growth Mindset principles, this resource promotes essential social and emotional learning skills, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day activity for your classroom! This resource includes: Valentine’s Day Mini Book: ‘I Love Myself’ (10 half pages). "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! Valentine’s Day | I love Myself PowerPoint Presentation Valentine’s Day | I love Myself Craft --------------------------------------------"
Día de San Valentín Mini Libro, Amor Propio Actividad de Escritura, SEL Activity in SPANISH

Día de San Valentín Mini Libro, Amor Propio Actividad de Escritura, SEL Activity in SPANISH

Celebra con tu clase el Día de San Valentín (Valentine’s Day in Spanish) con este atractivo mini libro de «Amor Propio». Con este mini libro, los estudiantes refuerzan su autoestima y confianza en sí mismos, al tiempo que adquieren una valiosa visión de sí mismos. También es una gran herramienta para casa, ya que fomenta las conversaciones familiares y refuerza estas importantes lecciones. Alineado con los principios de la Mentalidad de Crecimiento, este recurso promueve habilidades esenciales de aprendizaje social y emocional, ¡lo que lo convierte en la actividad perfecta para el Día de San Valentín en tu clase! Este recurso incluye: Día de San Valentín, Amor propio Mini-libro en blanco y negro (10 medias páginas). "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! Día de San Valentín | Amor Propio Presentación PowerPoint Día de San Valentín | Amor Propio Manualidad --------------------------------------------"
Valentine's Day Mini Book BUNDLE: 'I Love Myself' and SEL Writing Activity

Valentine's Day Mini Book BUNDLE: 'I Love Myself' and SEL Writing Activity

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Valentine’s Day Mini Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. This engaging “I Love Myself” Mini Book enhances your Valentine’s Day lessons! This resource is the ideal way to introduce students to self-love, encouraging them to identify their strengths, recognize their achievements, and understand the connection between self-love and their daily lives. It helps instill a sense of pride and empowers students to reach their full potential. By using this mini-book, students will strengthen their self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief while gaining valuable insights into themselves. It also makes a great tool for home, encouraging family conversations and reinforcing these important lessons It helps instill a sense of pride and empowers students to reach their full potential. By using this mini-book, students will strengthen their self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief while gaining valuable insights into themselves. It also makes a great tool for home, encouraging family conversations and reinforcing these important lessons. Aligned with Growth Mindset principles, this resource promotes essential social and emotional learning skills, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day activity for your classroom! The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This BUNDLE includes: Valentine’s Day Mini Book: ‘I Love Myself’ (English and Spanish Version)
Día de San Valentín, Amor Propio Collection BUNDLE: PPT, Craft and MiniBook

Día de San Valentín, Amor Propio Collection BUNDLE: PPT, Craft and MiniBook

3 Resources
Celebra el amor en su forma más pura este San Valentín (Valentine’s Day in Spanish) con esta colección diseñada para ayudar a los niños a abrazar el amor propio y la confianza en sí mismos. Este paquete especial anima a los niños a reflexionar sobre sus cualidades únicas, fomentando el conocimiento de sí mismos y el crecimiento emocional. Esta colección anima a los niños a expresar sus pensamientos y sentimientos con sentido a través de estas actividades. A medida que exploren el poderoso tema del amor propio, adquirirán una valiosa percepción de su valía, aprendiendo a apreciar quiénes son. Transforma tu clase en un espacio donde los estudiantes se sientan orgullosos de su individualidad y construyan una base sólida para la resiliencia emocional. Perfecto para promover el crecimiento, la reflexión y la bondad, este paquete dejará un impacto duradero en sus corazones y mentes. Esta colección incluye: Recurso 1: Día de San Valentín, Amor Propio Presentación PowerPoint, Discussion Questions Recurso 2: Día de San Valentín Mini Libro, Amor Propio Actividad de Escritura Reflexiva Recurso 3: Amor Propio Día de San Valentín Manualidad, Actividad de Escritura Reflexiva ¡Feliz día de San Valentín! "-------------------------------- Download the English Version Valentine’s Day, I love Myself Collection BUNDLE: PowerPoint, Activity & Craft --------------------------------"