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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Álbum

Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Álbum

Este álbum será atesorado para siempre y es el regalo perfecto para el Día de los Maestro/as y/o Directores. Solo imprime y pídele a que tus estudiantes que dibujen y escriban. Imprime las dos páginas: portada, hoja de trabajo, premio y mensaje. Luego, entrega una hoja de trabajo por estudiante, los niños la completan, dibujándose a sí mismos y a su Maestro/Director, y escribiendo un lindo mensaje desde el fondo de sus corazones. Finalmente, reúne todas las hojas de trabajo y engrápalas todas juntas a lo largo del lomo del álbum. Obtendrás un hermoso álbum hecho con la participación de todos y cada uno de los estudiantes. Los maestros leen todos los mensajes escritos por cada uno de sus niños. ¡La mayoría de sus respuestas pueden causarles ataques de risa o hasta una que otra lagrima! Esta hermosa actividad no solo promueve la participación de todos los niños, sino que también fomenta el trabajo cooperativo. Si estás a cargo de celebrar este increíble día porque eres parte de (PTA/PTO), es el consejero de la escuela o quieres celebrar con los niños este día a los maestros de otras áreas, este es un adorable y único regalo que no van a olvidar jamas. Además, si tú y tus compañeros quieren celebrar el Día del Director. Es un regalo divertido de los profesores a los directores. ¡Es único e inolvidable! Hay dos versiones del álbum, una para los profesores y otra para los directores. También hay un premio y un mensaje adorable. Este recurso incluye: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Álbum Feliz Día del Maestro - Álbum Feliz Día de la Directora - Álbum Feliz Día del Director - Álbum Feliz y bien merecido Día del Maestro/a y Dorector/a! "------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a | Premios Editables Álbum de Feliz Cumpleaños - Maestros, Estudiantes y Directores --------------------------------------------------------"
Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Albums - BUNDLE

Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Albums - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day - Album. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This album will be treasured forever and it makes the perfect Teachers or Principals’ Day gift. Just print it out and have your students draw and write. Print the two pages: cover, worksheet, award, and message. Then, give a worksheet per student. Ask children to complete it, drawing themselves and their Teacher/Principal, and writing from the bottom of their hearts. Finally, collect all the worksheets and staple them together along the album spine. You will get a beautiful album made with the participation of each student. Teachers read all the messages written by each one of their students. Most of their responses may cause them to break out into fits of laughter! This beautiful activity promotes the participation of all your kids but also encourages cooperative work. If you are in charge of celebrating this amazing day because you are part of (PTA/PTO), you are the school counselor or you want to celebrate with the kids to the exceptional teachers, this is an adorable and unique gift they are not going to forget. If you and your fellow teachers want to celebrate Principals’ Day. It could be an awesome gift for teachers to principals. It is unique and unforgettable! There are two versions of the album, one for teachers and the other for principals. There is also an award and an adorable message. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Teacher Appreciation Day - Album Principal Appreciation Day - Album Feliz Día de la Maestra - Álbum Feliz Día del Maestro - Álbum Feliz Día de la Directora - Álbum Feliz Día del Director - Álbum Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!
Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad

Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad

Haz que los maestros/as y directores no olviden y atesoren los mensajes de gratitud de todos los niños que les quieren, respetan y admiran. Esta adorable tarjeta dejará un lindo recuerdo, los maestros y directores se reirán e incluso algunas lágrimas saldrán, al leer cada uno de los mensajes. Pide a los niños que escriban todas las razones por las que quieren dar las gracias a su maestro/a o director/a. Después, recortan por la línea de puntos y grapan las dos “siluetas”. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Feliz Día de la Maestra Página 2: Feliz Día del Maestro Página 3: Feliz Día de la Directora Página 4: Feliz Día del Director** ¡Feliz Día del Maestro/a y del Director/a! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a | Premios Editables Álbum de Feliz Cumpleaños Maestro/as, Estudiantes y Directores Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a | Premios Editables Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Álbum --------------------------------------------------------"
Feliz Día del Maestro | Maestra Presentación PowerPoint

Feliz Día del Maestro | Maestra Presentación PowerPoint

Haz sentir a tus Maestros y Maestras especiales en su día, recuérdales lo importantes que son para nuestra sociedad, hazlos sentir únicos y orgullosos de su labor. Esta es una oportunidad maravillosa para escuchar a tus estudiantes hablar de ellos, de cómo los perciben y de cómo los aprecian realmente. Esta presentación es perfecta para rendir homenaje a todos los maestros y hacerles sentir y vivir un momento inolvidable con la información y las reflexiones de sus estudiantes durante la presentación. Cada diapositiva hará que los niños entiendan y valoren a sus maestros, comprendan la importancia que ellos tienen en sus vidas y el apoyo que ellos como estudiantes pueden brindarles cada día de escuela. Es una oportunidad fabulosa para que los niños sean conscientes del esfuerzo y el tiempo que dedican sus maestros a enseñarles, ayudarles y a reforzarlos. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es el Día del Maestro/a? Diapositiva 2: Historia del Día del Maestro/a - Parte I Diapositiva 3: Historia del Día del Maestro/a - Parte II Diapositiva 4: Los Maestros/as son MUY Importantes Diapositiva 5: Cómo Influyen los Maestros/as en la Vida de los Estudiantes Diapositiva 6: ¿Qué Significa ser Maestro/a? Diapositiva 7: ¿Cómo Podemos Ayudar a Nuestros Maestros/as? Diapositiva 8: ¿Qué Hacen los Maestros/as en su Tiempo Libre? Diapositiva 9: Los Maestro/as También son Humanos Diapositiva 10: El Día de los Maestros/as es Todos los Días Diapositiva 11: Maestros/as que Inspiran Diapositiva 12: Hemos Aprendido Sobre - El Día del Maestro/a ¡Feliz Día del Maestro/a! "------------------------------------------ ★ You May Like These Resources: Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Álbum Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a | Premios Editables Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad Álbum de Feliz Cumpleaños - Maestro/as, Estudiantes y Directores -------------------------------------------"
Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Editable Awards

Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Editable Awards

You know how hard your teachers and principals work every day to make a positive impact on the lives of their students. It’s time to recognize their hard work and let them know how much they are appreciated and valued. This resource is the perfect way to reward and congratulate all those fantastic teachers and principals in the best way possible. It’s designed to make teachers and principals feel valuable, exceptional, and proud of their work and accomplishments. You’ll be able to celebrate and remember their heroic work on Teacher Appreciation Day, and leave a lasting mark of recognition, gratitude, and affection in their hearts. The awards are specifically created to thank those who educate and give their lives every day to our kids. By showing your appreciation, you can inspire and motivate them to continue making a difference in the lives of their students. It’s time to reward our real leaders and let them know how much they are valued. Let’s work together to make Teacher Appreciation Day a memorable and meaningful event for everyone involved. Don’t miss this opportunity to show your appreciation and make a difference in the lives of those who make a difference in the lives of our students and teachers. Let’s celebrate our fantastic teachers and principals in the best way possible! This resource includes: Award # 1: Cup (Big 1 x Page / Medium 2 x Page) Award # 2: Certificate Award # 3: Check Coupon (4 colors) Award # 4: Medal (Big 1 x Page / Medium 2 x Page) Versions: Teacher / Principal Color / Black and White Printable PDF / Editable Slides Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Album Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Bulletin Board and Door Decor Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft Happy Birthday Album - Teachers, Students and Principals --------------------------------------------------------"
Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day - Album

Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day - Album

This album will be treasured forever and it makes the perfect Teachers or Principals’ Day gift. Just print it out and have your students draw and write. Print the two pages: cover, worksheet, award, and message. Then, give a worksheet per student. Ask children to complete it, drawing themselves and their Teacher/Principal, and writing from the bottom of their hearts. Finally, collect all the worksheets and staple them together along the album spine. You will get a beautiful album made with the participation of each student. Teachers read all the messages written by each one of their students. Most of their responses may cause them to break out into fits of laughter! This beautiful activity promotes the participation of all your kids but also encourages cooperative work. If you are in charge of celebrating this amazing day because you are part of (PTA/PTO), you are the school counselor or you want to celebrate with the kids to the exceptional teachers, this is an adorable and unique gift they are not going to forget. If you and your fellow teachers want to celebrate Principals’ Day. It could be an awesome gift for teachers to principals. It is unique and unforgettable! There are two versions of the album, one for teachers and the other for principals. There is also an award and an adorable message. This resource includes: Teacher Appreciation Day - Album Principal Appreciation Day - Album Happy Teacher/Principal Appreciation Day! "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------" "-------------------------------- ★You May Like These Resources: Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Bulletin Board and Door Decor Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Editable Awards Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz Happy Birthday Album - Teachers, Students and Principals --------------------------------"
Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft

Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft

Ensure that teachers and principals remember and cherish the messages of gratitude from all the children who love, respect, and admire them. This adorable card will create a lasting memory, bringing both laughter and tears to teachers and principals as they read each heartfelt message. Encourage children to write down all the reasons why they want to thank their teacher or principal. Then, have them cut along the dotted lines and staple the two “silhouettes” together to create a beautiful and unique card. This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day Page 2: Happy Principal Appreciation Day Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Bulletin Board and Door Decor Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Editable Awards Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day - Album Happy Birthday Album - Teachers, Students and Principals --------------------------------------------------------"
Día del Trabajo - Día de los Trabajadores - (SPANISH VERSION)

Día del Trabajo - Día de los Trabajadores - (SPANISH VERSION)

Este recurso es IDEAL para implicar y educar a los estudiantes sobre el Día del Trabajo de una forma amena. Las actividades animan a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre el significado de este acontecimiento y a apreciar el papel vital que desempeñan los trabajadores en nuestra sociedad. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de entrevistar a miembros de su familia o miembro de la escela, identificar diversos tipos de trabajos y reconocer las importantes contribuciones que los trabajadores hacen a sus comunidades. Para expresar su gratitud y honrar a los trabajadores, los niños crearán una creativa tarjeta-banderín con una nota significativa. Estos banderines son una fantástica decoración para el aula o el hogar, y siempre es un placer para los niños ver sus trabajos expuestos por toda la escuela. Otra actividad incluida es “Si yo fuera un trabajador”, que inspira a los estudiantes a considerar sus aspiraciones profesionales y a hacer una lluvia de ideas sobre distintos tipos de trabajos que podrían interesarles. Esta actividad fomenta la empatía y las habilidades sociales, lo que la convierte en un EXCELENTE complemento para cualquier plan de clases. Este recurso incluye: Celebración del Día del Trabajo. Mapa Mental Datos Principales del Día del Trabajo. Mapa Mental (formato vacío) Entrevista del Día del Trabajo Día del Trabajo. Banderín-Tarjeta Si Yo Fuera Trabajador… Feliz Día del Trabajo! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------"
Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides

Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides

Easily use this activity for distance learning by sending Google slides to your students’ homes! Mothers are always juggling long lists of tasks they must complete. Now, children can remind them of how wonderful and special they are with a heartfelt checklist full of love. This charming checklist card is a creative and sweet way to demonstrate appreciation and love for all hardworking moms. With this checklist, your students will have the opportunity to express their feelings and affection towards their moms in a fun and unique way. It is a fantastic resource that children enjoy completing and giving as a thoughtful present. By participating in this activity, children can showcase their gratitude and love towards their mothers, creating a beautiful memory for everyone involved. If you want to make moms smile and show them how much they are appreciated, surprise them with this adorable and thoughtful card. This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or add their favorite pictures to complete this amazing and beautiful card. Also, you will have the opportunity to share just one link, depending on your students’ family members. If you want to make moms smile, surprise them with this adorable card. Moms can see and share from their mobiles and computers the most important list of their lives! This resource includes: Link 1: Happy Mother’s Day Card Link 2: Happy Grandma’s Day Card Link 3: Happy Aunt’s Day Card Link 4: Empty Version Card Happy Mother’s Day!!! "------------------------------------------- Download More Versions: English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides -------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- You may like this resouce: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Mother’s Day Craft Mother’s Day Mini Book -------------------------------------------"
Mother’s Day Checklist Cards - Google Slides BUNDLE

Mother’s Day Checklist Cards - Google Slides BUNDLE

2 Resources
This bundle includes an English and Spanish version of the Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Easily use this interactive activity for distance learning by sending Google slides to your students’ homes! Mothers are always juggling long lists of tasks they must complete. Now, children can remind them of how wonderful and special they are with a heartfelt checklist full of love. This charming checklist card is a creative and sweet way to demonstrate appreciation and love for all hardworking moms. With this checklist, your students will have the opportunity to express their feelings and affection towards their moms in a fun and unique way. It is a fantastic resource that children enjoy completing and giving as a thoughtful present. By participating in this activity, children can showcase their gratitude and love towards their mothers, creating a beautiful memory for everyone involved. If you want to make moms smile, surprise them with this adorable card. Moms can see and share from their mobiles and computers the most important list of their lives! The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Link 1: Happy Mother’s Day Card (English and Spanish Version) Link 2: Happy Grandma’s Day Card (English and Spanish Version) Link 3: Happy Aunt’s Day Card (English and Spanish Version) Link 4: Empty Version Card (English and Spanish Version) Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Mother’s Day - Checklist Card

Mother’s Day - Checklist Card

Mothers are always juggling long lists of tasks they must complete. Now, children can remind them of how wonderful and special they are with a heartfelt checklist full of love. This charming checklist card is a creative and sweet way to demonstrate appreciation and love for all the hardworking moms out there. With this checklist, your students will have the opportunity to express their feelings and affection towards their moms in a fun and unique way. It is a fantastic resource that children enjoy completing and giving as a thoughtful present. By participating in this activity, children can showcase their gratitude and love towards their mothers, creating a beautiful memory for everyone involved. If you want to make moms smile and show them how much they are appreciated, surprise them with this adorable and thoughtful card. This resource includes: Happy Mother’s Day Card Happy Grandma’s Day Card Happy Aunt’s Day Card Empty Version Happy Mother’s Day!!! "------------------------------------------- Download More Versions: English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides -------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- You may like this resource: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Mother’s Day Craft Mother’s Day Mini Book -------------------------------------------"
Mother's Day Mini Book

Mother's Day Mini Book

Imagine a mini-book where children can write their thoughts and feelings about their mothers, and mothers can treasure those precious words every day, even for years to come. This lovely mini-book is an ideal gift for Mother’s Day, and every page is an expression of a child’s love and appreciation for their mom. To introduce Mother’s Day in your classroom, you can use the Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation, which raises awareness about the significance of mothers in our lives and promotes self-reflection. The presentation can also help students to complete their mini-books with ease and creativity. Overall, this resource offers a great opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation for all the hardworking moms out there and to celebrate the special bond between mothers and their children. It is essential to note that there are two versions of the mini-book, one for mothers and another for children who do not have a mother or want to write to another mother figure in their lives, such as their grandmother, aunt, or friend. This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Mother’s Day Cover Page 2: All About My Mom Page 3: My Mom is Unique and Special Page 4: I Love my Mom Because Page 5: What I Love Doing with My Mom Page 6: Things I Love About my Mom Page 7: My Mom is SO Important Because… Page 8: Mom Thank you For… Page 9: Mom, I Can Be a Better Son/Daughter By… Page 10: Mom If I Were Rich I Would… Happy Mother’s Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Mother’s Day Craft Mother’s Day Checklist Card Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother's Day Mini Book BUNDLE

Mother's Day Mini Book BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This lovely mini-book is an ideal gift for Mother’s Day, and every page expresses a child’s love and appreciation for their mom. This resource offers a great opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation for all the hardworking moms and celebrate the special bond between mothers and their children. It is essential to note that there are two versions of the mini-book, one for mothers and another for children who do not have a mother or want to write to another mother figure in their lives, such as their grandmother, aunt, or friend. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Mother’s Day Cover (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: All About My Mom (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: My Mom is Unique and Special (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: I Love my Mom Because (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: What I Love Doing with My Mom (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Things I Love About my Mom (English and Spanish Version) Page 7: My Mom is SO Important Because… (English and Spanish Version) Page 8: Mom Thank you For… (English and Spanish Version) Page 9: Mom, I Can Be a Better Son/Daughter By … (English and Spanish Version) Page 10: Mom If I Were Rich I Would… (English and Spanish Version) Happy Mother’s Day!
Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas

Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas

¿Te gustaría decorar tu clase o tu colegio para el Día del Maestro o del Director? Haz que sea inolvidable con este recurso que te ayudará a crear un ambiente alegre y agradecido. Tus maestros y directores estarán encantados y recordarán el día con orgullo y alegría por todo lo que hacen para influir en las vidas de los niños. Haz de este día una verdadera celebración de gratitud y reconocimiento. El concurso de escritura es una excelente manera de añadir un toque personal y decorar con notas personalizadas de cada uno de los estudiantes o maestros. Con toda seguridad, los mensajes se leerán con atención y es probable que dejen una impresión duradera en cada maestro o director que los lea. Es imposible exagerar lo que nuestros maestros y directores hacen por nosotros cada día. Esta es una oportunidad para demostrarles lo mucho que significan para nosotros creando un ambiente festivo y especial en tu aula o escuela. El día debe estar lleno de alegría, calidez y amor por nuestros maestros, nuestros compañeros, nuestros directores y todos nosotros en su conjunto. Este recurso incluye: Letras: Gracias Maestras/os - Gracias Directoras/es** Tamaño grande: 1 letra por página (61 páginas a color) Tamaño mediano: 2 letras por página (32 páginas a color) Tamaño pequeño: 3/4 letras por página (20 páginas en color) Ejercicio de Escritura: Maestro (1 pag color - 1 pag byn) Maestra (1 pag color - 1 pag byn) Director (1 pag color - 1 pag byn) Directora (1 pag color - 1 pag byn) Póster de la clase: Maestro (1 página a color) Maestra (1 página a color) Director (1 página a color) Directora (1 página a color) Maestro Editable (1 página a color) Maestra Editable (1 página a color) Director Editable (1 página a color) Directora Editable (1 página a color) Pósteres: Maestro/as (6 páginas a color) Directora/or (6 páginas a color) Banderines: Con imágenes - Maestros y Maestras (6 páginas a color) Con imágenes - Director y Directora (6 páginas a color) Banderín de equipo - Maestros y Maestras (1 página a color) Banderín de equipo Director / Directora / Director y Directora (3 página a color) Imágenes Decorativas: Estrellas (1 página a color) Utensilios oficina (1 página a color) Utensilios de clase (2 páginas a color) Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images ¡Feliz Día del Maestro/a y del Director/a! "------------------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés ------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------ ★You May Like These Resources: Feliz Día del Maestro | Maestra Presentación PowerPoint Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Álbum Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad Álbum de Feliz Cumpleaños - Maestro/as, Estudiantes y Directores -------------------------------------------"
Día del Loro Manualidad

Día del Loro Manualidad

Este recurso hará que tus estudiantes desplieguen sus alas y vuelen con creatividad. La manualidad del loro es el complemento perfecto para tu plan de clases. A los niños les encantará crear su propio loro, con plumas brillantes y una sonrisa radiante. Los niños pueden escribir sus mejores ideas para proteger a estos divertidos y adorables animales en las alas del loro. Esta actividad permitirá a tus niños generar conciencia y amor por los animales salvajes desde una edad muy temprana. Imagina la alegría en las caras de tus estudiantes cuando muestren con orgullo sus loros hechos a mano en la clase o en casa. Observa cómo vuela la imaginación de tus niños. Para ver más manualidades. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Partes del cuerpo de los loros Página 2: Plumas del loro Página 3: Partes del cuerpo del loro (versión vacía) Página 4: Plumas de loro (versión vacía) ¡Feliz Día Mundial del Loro! "----------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descargar la Versión en Inglés -----------------------------------------------"
Parrot Day Craft

Parrot Day Craft

This resource will have your students spreading their wings and soaring with creativity. The Parrot craft is the perfect addition to your lesson plan. Your students will love creating their own unique parrot, complete with vibrant feathers and a beaming smile. Children can write their best ideas to protect these funny and adorable animals on the parrot’s wings. This activity will enable your children to generate awareness and love for wild animals from a very young age. Imagine the joy on your students’ faces as they proudly display their handcrafted parrots in the classroom or at home. Watch your students’ imaginations take flight. To see more crafts check here! This resource includes: Page 1: Parrot body parts Page 2: Parrot feathers Page 3: Parrot body parts (empty version) Page 4: Parrot feathers (empty version) Happy World Parrot Day! "----------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Español -----------------------------------------------"
Paul Bunyan - Disfruta De Una Buena Historia

Paul Bunyan - Disfruta De Una Buena Historia

Anima a tus estudiantes a leer varias historias y a elegir su favorita. Después, pueden ordenar los puntos de la trama y presentarla al resto de la clase. Para conmemorar el Día de Paul Bunyan, tus estudiantes pueden leer algunas cautivadoras historias del folclore estadounidense, en concreto los asombrosos Tall Tales que tanto gustan a muchos niños. Esta actividad puede ser una excelente oportunidad para decorarla clase y los pasillos o para enviar a casa. Los comentarios positivos están garantizados y, sin duda, tus estudiantes se lo pasarán en grande. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Paul Bunyan - Estructura de la Historia (Actividad de Escritura) Página 2: Paul Bunyan - Estructura de la Historia (Actividad de Dibujo) ¡Feliz Día de Paul Bunyan! "---------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés -----------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Día Internacional del Libro - Actividad Día Internacional del Libro Actividad - Google Slides Día Nacional de la Lectura Día Nacional de la Poesía - Actividades Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Actividad Libros de No Ficción - Actividad Libros de No Ficción Actividad - Google Slides Paul Bunyan - Disfruta de una Buena Historia -------------------------------------"
Paul Bunyan - Enjoy a Good Story

Paul Bunyan - Enjoy a Good Story

Encourage your students to read a variety of stories and select their favorite. Afterwards, they can arrange the plot points and present it to the rest of the class. To commemorate Paul Bunyan Day, it would be fitting to read some captivating American folklore stories, specifically the astounding Tall Tales that are beloved by many children. This activity can be an excellent opportunity to decorate your classroom and halls or to send home as a take-home activity. Positive feedback is guaranteed, and your students will undoubtedly have a great time. This resource includes: Page 1: Page 1: Paul Bunyan - Story Order (Writing activity) Page 2: Page 2: Paul Bunyan - Story Order (Drawing activity) Happy Paul Bunyan Day! "----------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Activity National Poetry Day Activities National Reading Day Nonfiction Books Activity Nonfiction Books Activity - Google Slides Paul Bunyan - Enjoy a Good Story World Book Day Activity World Book Day Activity - Google Slides ------------------------------"
Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad

Feliz Día de la Madre Manualidad

Este es un excelente recurso para celebrar el Día de la Madre. Es el detalle perfecto para que las mamás de tu clase lo recuerden y lo atesoren para siempre. Pide a tus niños que piensen en todo el amor y la dedicación que sus madres, abuelas o figuras maternas, les dan cada día de sus vidas. Es una excelente oportunidad para inspirar a los niños sobre el trabajo y el esfuerzo diario de sus mamás. Recibirás muchas notas de agradecimiento. Habrá algunas lágrimas y muchas risas por parte de las madres. El recurso tiene dos versiones, una para la madre y otra para los niños que no viven con su mamá o no la tienen. Este recurso incluye dos versiones: Página 1: Portada (Versión Mamá y Vacía) Página 2: Acróstico (Versión Mamá y Vacía) Página 3: La Mejor Mamá del Mundo (Versión Mamá y Vacía) ¡Feliz Día de la Madre! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Feliz Día de la Madre Presentación PowerPoint Feliz Día de la Madre Mini Libro Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card - PDF Printable Feliz Día de la Madre Checklist Card - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Mother's Day Collection BUNDLE

Mother's Day Collection BUNDLE

5 Resources
Save time and energy and make your students feel thankful, admiring, and loving on Mother’s Day. With our activities, kids will run to their moms with open arms more than ever before. Ensure that the moms in your class receive more than just a gift – give them the recognition they deserve from their children. Sensitize your students to the important role their mothers play in their lives and help them recognize the true importance of Mother’s Day. Celebrate this lovely event with engaging activities that foster understanding and appreciation. Our activities will help children understand that their love and attitude can reciprocate their mother’s devotion to them. They will be able to express their feelings of love, respect, admiration, and understanding for their mothers through written and graphical means. Our activities are inclusive and suitable for all children, including those who may not have a mother. However, they can dedicate this day to a mother figure who takes care of them. This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Mother’s Day PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Mother’s Day Mini Book Resource 3: Mother’s Day Checklist Card Resource 4: Mother’s Day Checklist Card - Google Slides Resource 5: Mother’s Day Craft Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Mother’s Day!