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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Día Internacional del Libro | Actividad  Google Slides

Día Internacional del Libro | Actividad Google Slides

El Día del Libro es una actividad fantástica para centrarse en la lectura y fomentar el amor por los libros. Se trata de acercar a los niños a los libros y autores que ya adoran, al tiempo que se les presentan nuevos libros y autores que apreciarán igualmente en el futuro. Sea cual sea la forma que elijas para celebrar el Día del Libro, asegúrate de que sea una experiencia educativa. Este podría ser el día perfecto para enseñar a los estudiantes los placeres de la lectura y ayudarles a descubrir nuevos géneros y autores que quizá no sabían que existían. Utiliza fácilmente esta actividad interactiva para la enseñanza a distancia enviando las diapositivas de Google a casa de tus estudiantes. Este recurso ofrece una guía sencilla para ayudar a padres e hijos a dibujar o utilizar formas para completar la actividad. Este recurso incluye: Slide 1: Banderín Mi libro favorito Slide 2: Ficha/ Guía Partes de Libro Slide 3: Reto de 7-días. Puedo leer… Slide 4: Géneros Literarios Slide 5: Géneros Literarios Slide 6: Recomiendo un Libro… Slide 7: Marcapáginas "----------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - Google Slides -----------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día Internacional del Libro!
Labor Day - International Workers' Day BUNDLE

Labor Day - International Workers' Day BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Labor Day / International Workers’ Day. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is IDEAL for engaging and educating students about Labor Day in an enjoyable way. The activities encourage students to reflect on the significance of this event and appreciate the vital role that workers play in our society. The students will have the opportunity to interview their family members or school staff members, identify various types of jobs, and acknowledge the significant contributions that workers make to their communities. To express gratitude and honor workers, children will create a creative pennant-card with a meaningful note. These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school. Another activity included is “If I were a worker,” which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in. This activity fosters empathy and social skills, making it an EXCELLENT addition to any lesson plan. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Labor Day Celebration Mind map (English and Spanish Version) Labor Day Main Facts Mind map - empty format (English and Spanish Version) Labor Day Interview (English and Spanish Version) Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card (English and Spanish Version) If I Were a Worker … (English and Spanish Version) Happy Labor Day! Feliz Día del Trabajador!
Herencia Hispana - Actividad

Herencia Hispana - Actividad

Este recurso celebra y honra las valiosas contribuciones del pueblo hispano. Proporciona una excelente oportunidad para que los niños comprendan realmente el significado de la celebración de la Herencia Hispana. Es esencial proporcionar a los niños oportunidades para celebrar y explorar diferentes culturas, especialmente cuando se trata de su propia herencia. El Mes de la Herencia Hispana ofrece una excelente oportunidad para explorar la diversidad dentro de la población hispana. También nos permite apreciar la abundancia cultural hispana. Invita a tus niños a participar en lecciones sobre la importante presencia e influencia de los hispanos en nuestra sociedad. El juego Come Cocos es una actividad excelente para facilitar el aprendizaje y el reconocimiento de la belleza y diversidad de otras culturas. Ofrece una forma atractiva e interactiva de que los niños aprecien y abracen las tradiciones culturales. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Herencia Hispana Comic - Lee y Dibuja Página 2: Hispanos - Acróstico Página 3: Herencia Hispana - Países Página 4: Mi Herencia Hispana Página 5: So yo Fuera Hispano/a Página 6: Herencia Hispana - Come Cocos ¡Feliz Herencia Hispana! “----------------------------- ★Related Resources: * Descarga la Versión en Inglés -----------------------------”
Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir

Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir

Comprender los orígenes de los acontecimientos que celebramos es realmente extraordinario. Este recurso es una herramienta ideal para explicar y ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender la auténtica historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer. A través de este recurso, los niños conocerán mejor los retos a los que se enfrentaron las mujeres en el pasado y apreciarán por qué merecen un reconocimiento en este día tan significativo. Anima a tus estudiantes a reconocer y honrar a las innumerables mujeres que han dejado su huella en la historia. La realización de actividades como la escritura y el dibujo brindará a los estudiantes una excelente oportunidad para contemplar y reflexionar sobre el papel fundamental de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Portada - Lo Que Sé, Lo Que Quiero Saber Página 2: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Parte I Página 3: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Parte II Página 4: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Parte III Página 5: Mujeres De La Historia Que Inspiran Página 6: Mujeres De La Historia Que Inspiran Página 7: Lo Que he Aprendido - Pensamientos… "----------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★You may like these Women’s Day resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!) Harriet Tubman - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad Ruby Bridges Actividad -------------------------------" *¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!
International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write

International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write

Understanding the origins of the events we celebrate is truly remarkable. This resource is an ideal tool to explain and help your students grasp the authentic history behind International Women’s Day. Through this resource, children will gain insight into the challenges women faced in the past and develop an appreciation for why they deserve recognition on this significant day. Encourage your students to acknowledge and honor the countless women who have left their mark on history. Engaging in activities such as writing and drawing will provide an excellent opportunity for students to contemplate and reflect upon the pivotal role of women throughout history. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover & What I Know, What I Want to Know Page 2: The History of International Women’s Day, Part I Page 3: The History of International Women’s Day, Part II Page 4: The History of International Women’s Day, Part III Page 5: Inspiring Women In History Page 6: Inspiring Women In History Page 7: What I Learned and Thoughts…** Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Women’s Day Resources: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - GoogleSlides International Women’s Day Craft and Card International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Activity --------------------------------------------------------" Happy International Women’s Day!
International Women’s Day - Banners/Pennants and Biography Research

International Women’s Day - Banners/Pennants and Biography Research

This resource is absolutely fantastic for celebrating the lives and achievements of women with the entire class or school, regardless of whether they have received recognition for it or not. Simply ask your students to name women who have made a significant difference in the world, or women they admire, love, or those who have had a profound impact on their lives. Decorate the school or classroom with pictures and names of these women. It serves as a perfect tribute to the women who inspire them. The Biography Research Worksheet is a valuable tool to help students gather information about famous women. Encourage them to utilize books or articles as references and complete their worksheets. Feel free to use colorful paper of your choice! I highly recommend printing the pennants on cardstock for optimal results. This resource includes: Eight different International Women’s Day pennants/banners in black and white. One to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc. A Biography Research Worksheet in black and white. There are eight different pennants: The most important woman in my life My favorite artist My favorite scientist My favorite politician My favorite female athlete My favorite historical figure My favorite female writer My favorite woman ________ "---------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! -----------------------------" "---------------------------- ★ You May Like These Women’s Day Resources: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - GoogleSlides International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write International Women’s Day Craft and Card International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Activity -------------------------------" Happy Women’s Day!
Campamento de Verano Actividad

Campamento de Verano Actividad

Ayuda a tus estudiantes a recopilar información y a compartir las experiencias más relevantes de su campamento de verano. Cada actividad ayuda a tus niños a apreciar las actividades realizadas durante el campamento. Este recurso permite a los estudiantes tomar conciencia de todo lo que han aprendido y explorado, se dan cuenta de que han obtenido lecciones inolvidables. Esta actividad integra elementos de organización, planificación y creatividad. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Campamento de verano - Información Página 2: Actividades especiales Página 3: Actividades especiales - Plantilla Vacía Página 4: Juegos favoritos - Desafíos Página 5: Despedida del Campamento de Verano Página 6: Despedida del Campamento de Verano Página 7: El Campamento de Verano de mis Sueños "----------------------------------- ★ Related resources: * Descarga la Versión en Inglés Campamento de Verano Manualidad - Sandía Campamento de Verano Manualidad - Paleta de Hielo Campamento de Verano Manualidad - Cono de Helado Campamento de Verano | Premios Editables Mi Verano - Plan de Acción Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal - Google Slides -----------------------------------" ¡Feliz Campamento de Verano!
Holy Week Reflections Mini Book

Holy Week Reflections Mini Book

This mini book is an excellent resource for our kids, as it brings meaning to Jesus’ last days and life lessons in a thoughtful way. Children can read it and connect history to their daily experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of the real meaning behind Jesus’ teachings. It also includes a Holy Week challenge and self-reflection, allowing kids to engage on a personal level. Furthermore, this mini book is a fantastic take-home activity for families. It provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to learn and discuss together. You can expect to receive fantastic feedback from families who use this resource. This resource includes: Page 1: Holy Week Cover Page 2: Sunday Palm Page 3: Holy Monday Page 4: Holy Tuesday Page 5: Holy Wednesday Page 6: Holy Thursday Page 7: Holy Friday Page 8: Holy Saturday Page 9: Life Lessons from Jesus Page 10: Holy Week Challenge "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------" "-------------------------------- ★ You May Like This Resources: Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation Holy Week Timeline --------------------------------" *Happy Holy Week! *
Summer Camp Activity

Summer Camp Activity

Help your students gather information and share the most relevant experiences from their summer camp. This resource allows students to become aware of all that they have learned and explored, they realize that they have gained unforgettable lessons. This activity integrates elements of organization, planning and creativity. Each activity helps your kids appreciate the activities during the camp. Perfect for Summer Camps at School! This resource includes: Page 1: Summer Camp - Information Page 2: Special Activities Page 3: Special Activities - Empty Template Page 4: Favorite Games - Challenges Page 5: Summer Camp Farewell Page 6: Best Memories - Next Summer camp Page 7: The Summer Camp of My Dreams Happy Summer Camp! "------------------------------------ Download the Spanish Version -------------------------------------"
The Holocaust - Read, Draw & Write

The Holocaust - Read, Draw & Write

The Holocaust is a challenging event to explain to our children, but it is crucial, to be honest and open about it. Children need to learn and understand the historical context of when and why the Holocaust occurred. However, teaching about the Holocaust should not be limited to presenting mere facts. The Holocaust represents more than a mere history lesson; it serves as a lesson in human behavior. Children can draw connections between this historical event and real-life situations. This resource helps children go beyond the facts and enable them to comprehend and reflect upon discrimination and unfair treatment in their own lives. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover & What I Know, What I Want to Know Page 2: The Holocaust Page 3: Why Jews? Page 4: Living Conditions for The Jewish People & The End of the Holocaust Page 5: Heroes of the Holocaust Page 6: What I Learned and Thoughts… "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish version The Holocaust PowerPoint Presentation -------------------------------" Teach your kids beyond the facts!
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides

International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides

This resource is EXCELLENT to celebrate with your class or school the lives and achievements of women, whether they have been recognized for it or not. Perfect for online lessons. Just ask your students to name some women who have made a difference in the world or a woman they admire or love, a woman who has changed their lives. These work PERFECTLY to pay a tribute to the women who inspire them. Biography Research slide helps students find out information about famous women. Use some web pages or articles and allow them to fill out their worksheets! This resource includes: Eight different International Women’s Day pennants/banners. One to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc. A Biography Research slide. There are eight different pennants (slides): The most important woman in my life My favorite artist My favorite scientist My favorite politician My favorite female athlete My favorite historical figure My favorite female writer My favorite woman ________ "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------" "------------------------------- ★ You may like these Women’s Day resources: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write International Women’s Day Craft and Card International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Activity ---------------------------" Happy Women’s Day!
Día Internacional de la Mujer | Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides

Día Internacional de la Mujer | Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides

Este recurso es excelente para celebrar con tu clase o escuela la vida y los logros de las mujeres, hayan sido o no reconocidas. También es perfecto para las clases en línea. Simplemente pide a tus estudiantes que mencionen a mujeres que hayan tenido un impacto significativo en el mundo, o a mujeres que admiren o quieran, a aquellas que hayan transformado sus vidas. Estas actividades son una forma perfecta de rendir homenaje a las mujeres que les inspiran. La diapositiva Investigación biográfica ayudan a los estudiantes a descubrir información sobre mujeres notables. Utiliza páginas web o artículos y permíteles completar sus fichas de trabajo. Este recurso ofrece un sencillo manual para ayudar a las familias y a los niños a dibujar o utilizar formas para completar esta sorprendente actividad. Este recurso incluye: Ocho banderines diferentes del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Uno para completar por una persona especial que sus estudiantes quieran celebrar: artista famosa, profesora, amiga, familiar, etc. Una diapositiva de investigación biográfica. Hay ocho banderines diferentes: La mujer más importante de mi vida Mi artista favorita Mi científica favorita Mi política favorita Mi deportista favorita Mi figura histórica favorita Mi escritora favorita Mi mujer favorita ________ "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★You may like these Women’s Day resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE! Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir Ruby Bridges Actividad Harriet Tubman - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad ----------------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!
Diwali - Actividad en Español

Diwali - Actividad en Español

Este recurso ofrece oportunidades excepcionales para incorporar eficazmente actividades multiculturales al plan de estudios. El objetivo principal de esta actividad es establecer una conexión personal con la festividad de Diwali, ya que mejora la experiencia de aprendizaje de los niños. La primera actividad, “Completa el texto”, sirve de introducción perfecta al significado del festival. La segunda actividad pretende reforzar uno de los aspectos más cruciales de Diwali, que es compartir con los demás, a través de un reto de cinco días. Al realizar estas actividades, los estudiantes comprenderán mejor el verdadero significado de una de las tradiciones más significativas de Diwali, el Rangoli. Utilizarán su creatividad para dibujar sus propios diseños de Rangoli. Además, los niños podrán identificar tanto las diferencias como las similitudes entre Navidad y Diwali, fomentando el aprecio por las diversas celebraciones. También explorarán cómo se celebra este importante acontecimiento en su propio país y en la India. Por último, tendrás la oportunidad de adornar los pasillos o tu clase con hermosas Diyas, recibiendo muchos cumplidos bien merecidos. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: ¿Qué es Diwali? Página 2: ¿Qué es Diwali? - Hoja de Respuestas Página 3: En Diwali Compartimos - Reto de Cinco Días Página 4: Mi Rangoli Página 5: ¿Cómo se celebra Diwali en la India / En mi país? Página 6: Diwali y Navidad - Diagrama de Venn Página 7: Feliz Diwali - Diya Manualidad "----------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Diwali!
Día de la Bandera - Actividad

Día de la Bandera - Actividad

Con este fantástico recurso, los niños podrán explorar la historia de la Bandera Americana de una forma divertida y educativa. Aprenderán sobre el Día de la Bandera y comprenderán mejor por qué es tan importante. Al final de la actividad, los niños sentirán orgullo y aprecio por este símbolo emblemático de la cultura estadounidense. Además, esta actividad anima a los niños a diseñar su propia bandera, lo que les permite expresar su creatividad y dar un significado personal a este importante símbolo. Este enfoque práctico ayuda a los estudiantes a reconocer que la bandera estadounidense es algo más que un trozo de tela: es un poderoso símbolo de inspiración y unidad para millones de ciudadanos. En general, esta actividad es una forma maravillosa de ayudar a los niños a desarrollar un sentido de patriotismo y aprecio por la historia y la cultura estadounidenses. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Día de la Bandera Portada - Colorea la Bandera Página 2: Yo Me la Sé… Página 3: Historia de la Bandera Americana Parte I Página 4: Historia de la Bandera Americana Parte II Página 5: Juramento de Lealtad a la Bandera Página 6: Mi Bandera Feliz Día de la Bandera! "-------------------------------------------- Download More Versions: Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides Día de la Bandera Corona --------------------------------------------"
Flag Day Activity

Flag Day Activity

With this fantastic resource, children will be able to explore the history of the American Flag in a fun and educational way. They will learn about Flag Day and gain a deeper understanding of why the American flag is so important. By the end of the activity, children will feel a sense of pride and appreciation for this iconic symbol of American culture. Moreover, this activity encourages children to design their own flag, allowing them to express their creativity and give personal meaning to this important symbol. This hands-on approach helps students recognize that the American Flag is more than just a piece of cloth, it is a powerful symbol of inspiration and unity for millions of citizens. Overall, this activity is a wonderful way to help children develop a sense of patriotism and appreciation for American history and culture. This resource includes: Page 1: Flag Day Cover - Color the Flag Page 2: What I know… Page 3: History of the American Flag Part I Page 4: History of the American Flag Part II Page 5: Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Page 6: My Flag Happy Flag Day! "-------------------------------------------- Download More Versions: Flag Day PowerPoint Presentation Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides Flag Day Crown --------------------------------------------"
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme

Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme

We want to make sure our students are prepared to handle daily school challenges. In our classes, we spend a lot of time teaching kids how to solve their own problems so they’re more self-sufficient. This activity centers around problem-solving within a school setting, enabling students to cultivate their social skills through discussions surrounding a range of situations encountered by an adorable and endearing “raccoon” character. The foundation of problem-solving lies in empathy, and this valuable resource aids your children in developing the capacity to comprehend the perspectives of others when confronted with conflicts or difficulties. By utilizing a straightforward 5-step process, students learn how to effectively address problems, leading them to make improved decisions. Your students have the opportunity to express their emotions within a specific scenario while also considering how someone else might feel when confronted with the same circumstances. This resource is an ideal choice to commemorate International Raccoon Appreciation Day! This resource includes: Let’s Help Solve Problems (creating a character) Identifying the Raccoon Problems I Identifying the Raccoon Problems II Problem Solving Steps Help the Raccoon Solve Problems at School Solving My Problems "----------------------------- Download More Versions Download the Spanish version -----------------------------" "----------------------------- ★Related Resources Social Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation (Raccoon Theme) Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides -----------------------------" "----------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Honesty - Panda Theme Patience - Turtle Theme Responsibility - Rabbit Theme Self-Respect - Fox Theme Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme Tolerance - Bear Theme -----------------------------" Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides

Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides

We want to make sure our students are prepared to handle daily school challenges. In our classes, we spend a lot of time teaching kids how to solve their own problems so they’re more self-sufficient. This activity centers around problem-solving within a school setting, enabling students to cultivate their social skills through discussions surrounding a range of situations encountered by an adorable and endearing “raccoon” character. The foundation of problem-solving lies in empathy, and this valuable resource aids your children in developing the capacity to comprehend the perspectives of others when confronted with conflicts or difficulties. By utilizing a straightforward 5-step process, students learn how to effectively address problems, leading them to make improved decisions. Your students have the opportunity to express their emotions within a specific scenario while also considering how someone else might feel when confronted with the same circumstances. An ideal choice to commemorate International Raccoon Appreciation Day! This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete this amazing and beautiful activity. This resource includes: Slide 1: Let’s Help Solve Problems (Creating a Character) Slide 2: Identifying the Raccoon Problems I Slide 3: Identifying the Raccoon Problems II Slide 4: Problem Solving Steps Slide 5: Help the Raccoon Solve Problems at School Slide 6: Solving My Problems "------------------------------ Download More Versions Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Social Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation (Raccoon Theme) Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme -----------------------------" Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!
Hispanic Heritage Activity

Hispanic Heritage Activity

This resource celebrates and honors Hispanic people’s invaluable contributions. It provides an excellent opportunity for children to truly comprehend the significance of the Hispanic Heritage celebration. It is essential to provide children with opportunities to celebrate and explore different cultures, particularly when it involves their own heritage. Hispanic Heritage Month offers an excellent opportunity to explore the diversity within the Hispanic population. It also allows us to appreciate Hispanic cultural abundance. Immerse your children in lessons about Hispanics’ substantial presence and influence in our society. The cookie catcher game is an excellent activity to facilitate learning and recognition of other cultures’ beauty and diversity. It offers an engaging and interactive way for children to appreciate and embrace cultural traditions. This resource includes: Page 1: Hispanic Heritage Comic - Read and Draw Page 2: Hispanics Acrostic Page 3: Hispanic Heritage Countries Page 4: My Hispanic Heritage Page 5: If I Were Hispanic Page 6: Hispanic Heritage Cootie Catcher Happy Hispanic Heritage! "------------------------------------ ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------------"
Día Internacional del Hombre - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica (SPANISH VERSION)

Día Internacional del Hombre - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica (SPANISH VERSION)

Este recurso es una herramienta excelente para celebrar la vida y los logros de todos los hombres, sean conocidos o no. Sólo tienes que pedir a tus estudiantes que mencionen a los hombres que han tenido un impacto positivo o a los que admiran y quieren por haber cambiado sus vidas. Decora la escuela o la clase con sus fotos y nombres. Esta actividad es perfecta para homenajear a los hombres que inspiran a tus estudiantes. La Ficha de investigación biográfica ayuda a los niños a recopilar información sobre hombres famosos. Proporciónales libros o artículos y deja que completen sus hojas de trabajo. La Ficha de investigación biográfica ayuda a los estudiantes a descubrir detalles sobre un hombre célebre. Utiliza libros o artículos y permíteles completar las hojas de trabajo. Para obtener los mejores resultados, recomiendo imprimir los banderines en cartulina. Reconozcamos a los hombres importantes de nuestras vidas. Hay ocho banderines diferentes: El hombre más importante de mi vida Mi artista favorito Mi científico favorito Mi político favorito Mi deportista favorito Mi figura histórica favorito Mi escritor favorito Mi hombre favorito ________ Este recurso incluye: Ocho banderines del Día Internacional del Hombre en blanco y negro. Un banderín vacío para que el estudiante lo pueda completar de acuerdo a su criterio o gusto. Una hoja de Investigación Biográfica en blanco y negro. "--------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ---------------------------" "------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint International Women’s Day Means to Me… -------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día del Hombre!
Constitution Day BUNDLE

Constitution Day BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Constitution Day. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This resource is perfect for immersing students in the spirit of the occasion. The Constitution can pose challenges for young learners due to its complex concepts. However, I have created a resource specifically designed to teach them the basic principles in an easy way. This resource serves as a valuable tool for kids to explore the Constitution and gain a deeper understanding of the government. It is written using language that is appropriate for kids, making it easier for them to comprehend difficult concepts. Through this resource, students will have the opportunity to recognize key facts about the Constitution. They can also engage in activities where they draw and complete information about important figures such as V.I.P.s or Framers. Additionally, the resource features a tree diagram that excellently illustrates how the Constitution divides the government. These activities are highly effective for teaching young students about Constitution Day in a quick and easy manner, all while ensuring they enjoy and understand the material. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Constitution Main Facts (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: Constitution Framers V.I.P (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Constitution Branches (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: What do you know about the Constitution…(English and Spanish Version) Page 5: My Classroom “Constitution” (English and Spanish Version) Happy Constitution Day!