I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Anima a tus estudiantes a leer varias historias y a elegir su favorita. Después, pueden ordenar los puntos de la trama y presentarla al resto de la clase.
Para conmemorar el Día de Paul Bunyan, tus estudiantes pueden leer algunas cautivadoras historias del folclore estadounidense, en concreto los asombrosos Tall Tales que tanto gustan a muchos niños.
Esta actividad puede ser una excelente oportunidad para decorarla clase y los pasillos o para enviar a casa. Los comentarios positivos están garantizados y, sin duda, tus estudiantes se lo pasarán en grande.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Paul Bunyan - Estructura de la Historia (Actividad de Escritura)
Página 2: Paul Bunyan - Estructura de la Historia (Actividad de Dibujo)
¡Feliz Día de Paul Bunyan!
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
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Día Internacional del Libro - Actividad
Día Internacional del Libro Actividad - Google Slides
Día Nacional de la Lectura
Día Nacional de la Poesía - Actividades
Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Actividad
Libros de No Ficción - Actividad
Libros de No Ficción Actividad - Google Slides
Paul Bunyan - Disfruta de una Buena Historia
Encourage your students to read a variety of stories and select their favorite. Afterwards, they can arrange the plot points and present it to the rest of the class.
To commemorate Paul Bunyan Day, it would be fitting to read some captivating American folklore stories, specifically the astounding Tall Tales that are beloved by many children.
This activity can be an excellent opportunity to decorate your classroom and halls or to send home as a take-home activity. Positive feedback is guaranteed, and your students will undoubtedly have a great time.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Page 1: Paul Bunyan - Story Order (Writing activity)
Page 2: Page 2: Paul Bunyan - Story Order (Drawing activity)
Happy Paul Bunyan Day!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You may like these resources:
Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Activity
National Poetry Day Activities
National Reading Day
Nonfiction Books Activity
Nonfiction Books Activity - Google Slides
Paul Bunyan - Enjoy a Good Story
World Book Day Activity
World Book Day Activity - Google Slides
This album is an invaluable treasure that will preserve precious memories for a lifetime, making it an ideal gift for your students. Encourage your students to draw and write in the album, making it a personalized and cherished keepsake.
Time flies quickly in school, and memories can easily slip away. Capturing moments through pictures is crucial to preserving these memories. By creating this album, you can ensure that the special moments of your students are recorded and can be relieved by generations to come.
Just imagine the joy and nostalgia these memories will evoke, as your students flip through the album, recalling their experiences and milestones.
This album is the perfect way to commemorate the end of the school year, and it will undoubtedly bring smiles and laughter to families and children alike. So, don’t hesitate to create this album for your students, as it will be a source of joy and pride for all involved.what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: End of the School Year Album - Cover (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: My Past and My Present (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: My Teacher (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: My Friends & Me (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: My Classroom (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: Favorite Class(es) (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: Greatest Memories (English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: I Learned (English and Spanish Version)
Page 9: Challenges I Overcame (English and Spanish Version)
Page 10: My Family’s Support (English and Spanish Version)
Page 11: I’ll Miss (English and Spanish Version)
Page 12: Next School Year - My Future (English and Spanish Version)
Happy End of the School Year!
Este álbum es un tesoro de valor incalculable que conservará preciosos recuerdos para toda la vida, lo que lo convierte en un regalo ideal para sus estudiantes. Anima a sus estudiantes a dibujar y escribir en el álbum, convirtiéndolo en un recuerdo personalizado y entrañable.
En el escuela, el tiempo pasa volando y los recuerdos se escapan con facilidad. Capturar momentos a través de imágenes es crucial para preservar estos recuerdos. Al crear este álbum, te aseguras de que los momentos especiales de tus estudiantes queden grabados y puedan ser revividos por las generaciones venideras.
Imagínate la alegría y la nostalgia que evocarán estos recuerdos cuando los estudiantes hojeen el álbum y recuerden sus experiencias e importantes momentos.
Este álbum es la forma perfecta de conmemorar el final del curso escolar, y sin duda provocará sonrisas y carcajadas tanto en las familias como en los niños. Así que no dudes en crear este álbum para tus estudiantes, ya que será una fuente de alegría y orgullo para todos los implicados.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum - Portada
Página 2: Mi Pasado y Mi Presente
Página 3: Mi Maestra/o
Página 4: Mis amigos y Yo
Página 5: My Classroom
Página 6: Mi Clase
Página 7: Mejores Recuerdos
Página 8: Aprendí
Página 9: Desafíos Que Superé
Página 10: El Apoyo de Mi Familia
Página 11: Extrañaré…
Página 12: Próximo Curso Escolar - Mi Futuro
¡Feliz Fin de Curso!
★ You may like these resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★Related resources:
Fin de Año Escolar - Actividades
This album is an invaluable treasure that will preserve precious memories for a lifetime, making it an ideal gift for your students. Encourage your students to draw and write in the album, making it a personalized and cherished keepsake.
Time flies quickly in school, and memories can easily slip away. Capturing moments through pictures is crucial to preserving these memories. By creating this album, you can ensure that the special moments of your students are recorded and can be relieved by generations to come.
Just imagine the joy and nostalgia these memories will evoke, as your students flip through the album, recalling their experiences and milestones.
This album is the perfect way to commemorate the end of the school year, and it will undoubtedly bring smiles and laughter to families and children alike. So, don’t hesitate to create this album for your students, as it will be a source of joy and pride for all involved.
This resource includes:
Page 1: End of the School Year Album - Cover
Page 2: My Past and My Present
Page 3: My Teacher
Page 4: My Friends & Me
Page 5: My Classroom
Page 6: Favorite Subject(s)
Page 7: Greatest Memories
Page 8: I Learned
Page 9: Challenges I Overcame
Page 10: My Family’s Support
Page 11: I’ll Miss
Page 12: Next School Year - My Future
Happy End of the School Year!
★ You may like these resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★Related resources:
End of School Year Activities
End of the School Year
End of the School Year Task Cards | Self-Reflection Activity
Fomenta una cultura de paciencia en clase con esta Actividad de Manualidad de la Paciencia con Tema de Tortuga. Perfecta para el aprendizaje socioemocional (SEL) y la expresión creativa, esta actividad decora tu espacio con coloridas y significativas manualidades mientras promueve una valiosa habilidad para la vida. El tema de la tortuga es un recordatorio divertido de que, a veces, al igual que la tortuga, debemos ir despacio y practicar la paciencia tanto en la escuela como en la vida.
¿Por Qué Usar Este Recurso?
La paciencia es una habilidad socioemocional fundamental que ayuda a los estudiantes a enfrentar los desafíos de manera tranquila y reflexiva. Esta actividad permite a los niños explorar cómo se ve la paciencia, cuándo es más difícil practicarla y cómo pueden ser más pacientes en situaciones cotidianas. Es una forma creativa y práctica de integrar el SEL en el entorno educativo.
¿Qué Habilidades Trabajan los Estudiantes con Este Recurso?
Con esta manualidad de tortuga, los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades esenciales de SEL, como la autorreflexión, la regulación emocional y el establecimiento de metas. La actividad de escritura los anima a pensar en situaciones reales donde se requiere paciencia, ayudándolos a expresar y profundizar su comprensión de esta virtud. Al diseñar su propia manualidad, los niños practican la creatividad y las habilidades motoras finas, aportando un toque personal a su aprendizaje.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Caparazón de Tortuga - Paciencia
Página 2: Partes del Cuerpo de la Tortuga
Página 3: Caparazón de Tortuga “Paciencia” - Plantilla vacía
Página 4: Caparazón de Tortuga - Plantilla Vacía
★ Related Resources:
Download the English version
Paciencia Presentación PowerPoint y Decor Tema la Tortuga
Paciencia - Tema la Tortuga
¡Feliz Día de la Tortuga y la Paciencia!
Encourage a classroom culture of patience with this Turtle-Themed Patience Craft Activity! Perfect for social-emotional learning (SEL) and creative expression, this activity decorates your space with colorful, meaningful crafts and promotes a valuable life skill. The turtle theme serves as a fun reminder that sometimes, like the turtle, we must slow down and embrace patience in school and life.
Why Should You Use This?
Patience is a foundational social-emotional skill that empowers students to approach challenges calmly and thoughtfully. This craft activity allows students to explore what patience looks like, when it’s hardest to practice, and how they can become more patient in everyday situations. It’s a creative, hands-on way to integrate SEL into your environment!
What Skills Are Students Working on with This Resource?
With this turtle-themed craft, students work on essential SEL skills like self-reflection, emotional regulation, and goal setting. The writing prompt encourages them to think about real-life scenarios where patience is required, helping them articulate and deepen their understanding of this virtue. By designing their unique turtle craft, students practice creativity and fine motor skills, bringing a personalized touch to their learning.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Turtle shell - Patience
Page 2: Turtle Body Parts
Page 3: Turtle shell Patience - Empty Template
Page 4: Turtle shell - Empty Template
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Patience PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Turtle Theme
Patience Turtle Them Activity
Happy Turtle and Patience Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Patience Activity Turtle Theme. This resource will transform the way your students approach patience and self-control! Designed to help children appreciate the waiting process, this tool empowers them to stay calm during stressful moments and manage frustration effectively. By encouraging a positive attitude toward challenges, students can practice patience with one another, enhancing their social skills in the process.
Meet your new classroom companion: an adorable turtle who embodies patience’s importance. Use this charming character to guide discussions and activities reinforcing this vital virtue.
Inspire your students to develop their “patience muscles” through fun and interactive practices. Teach them that waiting isn’t just a delay, but often the key to achieving the best outcomes in life. Help your children discover that embracing patience leads to greater rewards.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Patience (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: Why do I feel Impatient? (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: When I feel Impatient, I breathe (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: I Practice Patience (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Teach the Turtle to Be Patient (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy Teaching Patience to Your Students and Happy Turtle Day!
Este recurso promueve el valor de la paciencia en la enseñanza y ayuda a los estudiantes a apreciar el proceso de espera y a cultivar el autocontrol.
A través de este recurso, los niños adquirirán la capacidad de mantener la calma en situaciones de tensión y de gestionar eficazmente su estrés y frustración.
Este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a adoptar una actitud más positiva ante sus frustraciones. Pueden practicar la paciencia entre ellos y mejorar sus habilidades sociales.
Utiliza esta adorable tortuga como medio para comprender la importancia de la paciencia y practicar eficazmente esta virtud esencial.
Realiza prácticas de paciencia con sus estudiantes y fomente el crecimiento de su músculo de la paciencia.
Educa a sus niños sobre la importancia de no exigir constantemente una gratificación inmediata en la vida. A menudo, esperar es el ingrediente fundamental para obtener los mejores resultados.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Paciencia
Página 2: ¿Por qué me siento impaciente?
Página 3: Cuando me siento impaciente, respiro …
Página 4: Yo practico la paciencia
Página 5: Enseña a la tortuga a ser paciente
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Paciencia Presentación PowerPoint y Decor Tema la Tortuga
Paciencia - Tortuga Manualidad
¡Disfruta Enseñando Paciencia a tus Estudiantes y Feliz Día de la Tortuga!
This resource will transform the way your students approach patience and self-control! Designed to help children appreciate the waiting process, this tool empowers them to stay calm during stressful moments and manage frustration effectively. By encouraging a positive attitude toward challenges, students can practice patience with one another, enhancing their social skills in the process.
Meet your new classroom companion: an adorable turtle who embodies patience’s importance. Use this charming character to guide discussions and activities reinforcing this vital virtue.
Inspire your students to develop their “patience muscles” through fun and interactive practices. Teach them that waiting isn’t just a delay, but often the key to achieving the best outcomes in life.
Help your children discover that embracing patience leads to greater rewards.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Patience
Page 2: Why do I feel Impatient?
Page 3: When I feel Impatient, I breathe
Page 4: I Practice Patience
Page 5: Teach the Turtle to Be Patient
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Patience PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Turtle Theme
Patience Craft Activity Turtle Theme, Social Emotional Learning & Writing Prompt
★You may like these resources:
Honesty Panda Theme
Patience PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Turtle Theme
Responsibility Rabbit Theme
Self-Respect Fox Theme
Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme
Social Problem Solving Raccoon Theme
Tolerance Bear Theme
Enjoy Teaching Patience to Your Students and Happy Turtle Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual language classrooms and schools!
Are you looking for an activity that helps your students believe in themselves, train their minds, grow up and recognize the way they perceive the world and themselves?
This PPT is FANTASTIC for introducing a growth mindset and helping your kids realize that anything they want to learn is possible.
Each slide explains how growth and fixed mindsets perceive the world, strategies to develop a growth mindset, and questions to guide your students to reflect on their attitudes and beliefs.
When your kids believe in dedication and effort, they grow and become successful students. It is fundamental for us to empower and offer our kids all the tools they need to shine.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: There are two mindsets … (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: A Growth Mindset - Embraces challenges (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: A Fixed Mindset - Avoids challenges (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: A Growth Mindset - Persists despite obstacles (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: A Fixed Mindset - Gives up easily due to the obstacles (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: A Growth Mindset - Sees effort as a path to mastery (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: A Fixed Mindset - Sees effort and hard work boring (English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: A Growth Mindset - Learns from mistakes (English and Spanish Version)
Page 9: A Fixed Mindset - Finds it so hard to accept mistakes (English and Spanish Version)
Page 10: A Growth Mindset - Feels inspired from the success of others (English and Spanish Version)
Page 11: A Fixed Mindset - Feels bad to see others’ success (English and Spanish Version)
Page 12: Fixed and Growth Mindset (English and Spanish Version)
Page 13: We have learned about Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!!
Are you looking for an activity that helps your students believe in themselves, train their minds, grow up and recognize the way they perceive the world and themselves?
Offer your students a clear presentation of what a growth mindset is and what it is for in their lives and, encourage your students’ participation as they reflect on their experiences and beliefs. Promote a growth mindset in your classroom and enjoy the benefits!
This PPT is FANTASTIC for introducing a growth mindset and helping your kids realize that anything they want to learn is possible.
Each slide explains how growth and fixed mindsets perceive the world, strategies to develop a growth mindset, and questions to guide your students to reflect on their attitudes and beliefs.
When your kids believe in dedication and effort, they grow and become successful students. It is fundamental for us to empower and offer our kids all the tools they need to shine.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: There are two mindsets …
Slide 2: A Growth Mindset - Embraces challenges
Slide 3: A Fixed Mindset - Avoids challenges
Slide 4: A Growth Mindset - Persists despite obstacles
Slide 5: A Fixed Mindset - Gives up easily due to the obstacles
Slide 6: A Growth Mindset - Sees effort as a path to mastery
Slide 7: A Fixed Mindset - Sees effort and hard work boring
Slide 8: A Growth Mindset - Learns from mistakes
Slide 9: A Fixed Mindset - Finds it so hard to accept mistakes
Slide 10: A Growth Mindset - Feels inspired from the success of others
Slide 11: A Fixed Mindset - Feels bad to see others’ success
Slide 12: Fixed and Growth Mindset
Slide 13: We have learned about Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset
Google Slides
JPG images
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!!
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Arbor Day Craft. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This resource offers a great opportunity to decorate your classroom with beautiful and informative trees, creating a learning environment that your students will love. Additionally, it includes writing prompts to encourage your students to explore the numerous benefits of trees, how to conserve them, and why we should all love and appreciate them.
You can honor and celebrate this special event in a way that is unique to your classroom. Teach your students about the importance of trees and conservation, and watch them grow in their appreciation of the natural world!
This activity is an engaging craft that you can customize based on your students’ interests and ideas. And the best part? You’ll be amazed and surprised by the comments written by your students!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Things Trees Do For Us … (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: Reasons to Love Trees … (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: To Save the Trees I Can … (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: All About Trees … (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Empty Template Version 1
Page 6: Empty Template Version 2
Page 7: Tree Leaves - Writing Prompts (English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: Tree Leaves - Drawing activity (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Arbor Day!
Este recurso ofrece una gran oportunidad para decorar tu clase con árboles hermosos e informativos, creando un entorno de aprendizaje que encantará a tus estudiantes. Además, incluye ejercicios de escritura para animar a los niños a explorar los numerosos beneficios de los árboles, cómo conservarlos y por qué todos deberíamos amarlos y apreciarlos.
Puedes honrar y celebrar este acontecimiento especial de una forma que sea única para tu clase. Enseña a tus estudiantes la importancia de los árboles y de su conservación, y observa cómo aumentan su aprecio por el mundo natural.
Esta actividad es una manualidad atractiva que puedes personalizar en función de los intereses y las ideas de tus estudiantes. ¿Y lo mejor? Te sorprenderán los comentarios que escriban tus estudiantes.
Instrucciones: Para obtener los mejores resultados, recomendamos imprimir en cartulina. Utiliza papel marrón y verde para imprimir. Para decorar, los estudiantes pueden pintar, colorear o utilizar bolas de papel, especialmente los más pequeños. Hay dos plantillas en blanco disponibles.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Cosas que los Árboles Hacen por Nosotros…
Página 2: Razones para Amar los Árboles …
Página 3: Para Salvar los Árboles Puedo …
Página 4: Todo Sobre los Árboles
Página 5: Plantilla de Árbol Vacía Versión 1
Página 6: Plantilla de Árbol Vacía Versión 2
Página 7: Hojas de Árbol - Actividad Escritura
Página 8: Hojas de Árbol - Actividad de Dibujo
★ You may like this resource:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★ You May Like these Resource:
Día de la Tierra Presentación PowerPoint
Día de la Tierra | Tarjetas de Trabajo
Día de la Tierra - Actividad
Día de la Tierra Escribe y Dibuja
Día de la Tierra Manualidad
Día de la Tierra Desafío de la Semana Manualidad
Árboles de Otoño - Ficha Técnica de Facebook
¡Feliz Día del Árbol!
This resource offers a great opportunity to decorate your classroom with beautiful and informative trees, creating a learning environment that your students will love. Additionally, it includes writing prompts to encourage your students to explore the numerous benefits of trees, how to conserve them, and why we should all love and appreciate them.
You can honor and celebrate this special event in a way that is unique to your classroom. Teach your students about the importance of trees and conservation, and watch them grow in their appreciation of the natural world!
This activity is an engaging craft that you can customize based on your students’ interests and ideas. And the best part? You’ll be amazed and surprised by the comments written by your students!
Directions: For the best results, we recommend printing on cardboard. Please use brown and green paper for printing. To decorate, students can paint, color, or use paper balls, especially the younger ones. There are two blank templates available.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Things Trees Do For Us …
Page 2: Reasons to Love Trees …
Page 3: To Save the Trees I Can …
Page 4: All About Trees …
Page 5: Empty Template Version 1
Page 6: Empty Template Version 2
Page 7: Tree Leaves - Writing Prompts
Page 8: Tree Leaves - Drawing activity
★ Related resources:
Download Spanish Version
★ You may like this resource:
Earth Day PowerPoint Presentation
Earth Day Task Cards
Earth Day Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Decor
Earth Day Activity
Earth Day | Draw and Write
Earth Day Craft
Earth Day Week Challenge Craft
Autumn - Fall Trees - Facebook Datasheets
Happy Arbor Day!
Esta divertida actividad es una fuente excelente para practicar el Diálogo Interno Positivo.
Este poderoso juego ayuda a tus estudiantes a practicar la gratitud y a centrarse en lo que es bueno en sus vidas, a reflexionar sobre las necesidades de los demás y a intentar ayudar a los más necesitados, a practicar el uso de palabras positivas y a reconocer todo su potencial.
Este recurso incluye::
Página 1: Diálogo Interno Positivo (Versión Color)
Página 2:Diálogo Interno Positivo (Versión Blanco y Negro)
¡Disfruta con tus estudiantes los beneficios del Diálogo Interno Positivo!
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★ You may like these resources:
Diálogo Interno Positivo con Emoticones - Presentación PowerPoint
Diálogo Interno Positivo - Comecocos con Emoticones
Diálogo Interno Positivo - Mini Manualidad con Emoticones
Diálogo Interno Positivo - Con Emoticones
This fun activity is an excellent source for practicing positive self-talk.
This powerful game helps your students practice gratitude and focus on what is good in their lives, they reflect on others’ needs and try to help those in need. Kids practice using positive words and recognize their potential.
Enjoy with your students by promoting positive self-talk in your class! Perfect for sending home and practice in the family.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Positive Self-talk Cootie Catcher (Color Version)
Page 2: Positive Self-talk Cootie Catcher (Black and White)
Enjoy with your students the benefits of Positive Self-Talk!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ Download More Versions:
Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation
Positive Self-Talk Mini-Book With Emojis
Positive Self-Talk - Emojis Mini Craft
Positive Self-Talk Cootie Catcher with Emojis
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Holy Week Reflections - Mini Books. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This mini book is an excellent resource for our kids, as it brings meaning to Jesus’ last days and life lessons in a thoughtful way. Children can read it and connect history to their daily experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of the real meaning behind Jesus’ teachings. It also includes a Holy Week challenge and self-reflection, allowing kids to engage on a personal level.
Furthermore, this mini book is a fantastic take-home activity for families. It provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to learn and discuss together. You can expect to receive fantastic feedback from families who use this resource.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Holy Week Cover (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: Sunday Palm (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Holy Monday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: Holy Tuesday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Holy Wednesday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: Holy Thursday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: Holy Friday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: Holy Saturday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 9: Life Lessons from Jesus (English and Spanish Version)
Page 10: Holy Week Challenge (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Holy Week!
This mini book is an excellent resource for our kids, as it brings meaning to Jesus’ last days and life lessons in a thoughtful way. Children can read it and connect history to their daily experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of the real meaning behind Jesus’ teachings. It also includes a Holy Week challenge and self-reflection, allowing kids to engage on a personal level.
Furthermore, this mini book is a fantastic take-home activity for families. It provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to learn and discuss together. You can expect to receive fantastic feedback from families who use this resource.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Holy Week Cover
Page 2: Sunday Palm
Page 3: Holy Monday
Page 4: Holy Tuesday
Page 5: Holy Wednesday
Page 6: Holy Thursday
Page 7: Holy Friday
Page 8: Holy Saturday
Page 9: Life Lessons from Jesus
Page 10: Holy Week Challenge
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You May Like This Resources:
Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation
Holy Week Timeline
*Happy Holy Week!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day pennants/banners and Biography Research - Google Slides. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This resource is excellent for celebrating the lives and accomplishments of women with your class or school, whether or not they have been recognized. It is also perfect for online lessons.
Simply ask your students to mention women who have made a significant impact on the world, or women they admire or love, those who have transformed their lives. These activities are a perfect way to pay tribute to the women who inspire them.
The Biography Research slide assists students in discovering information about notable women. Utilize web pages or articles and allow them to complete their worksheets.
This resource offers an easy manual to help families and kids draw or use shapes to complete this amazing activity.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Sixteen (16) different International Women’s Day pennants/banners. Two slides to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc. (English and Spanish Version)
Two Biography Research Slides. (English and Spanish Version)
There are eight different pennants:
The most important woman in my life (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite artist (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite scientist (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite politician (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite female athlete (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite historical figure (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite female writer (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite woman ________ (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Women’s Day!