eachers and parents have a shared desire for their children to have good friendships, and it is their responsibility to help them grasp the essential elements that contribute to forming strong bonds.
This resource incorporates the fundamental principles of a growth mindset, such as embracing challenges, adopting the power of “yet,” finding inspiration in others’ successes, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes, and embracing constructive criticism. These principles will guide children in developing a meaningful understanding of friendship.
The activities included in this resource are designed to encourage students to think critically about the qualities required to establish and maintain good friendships.
Furthermore, this resource assists teachers and parents in getting to know their children’s friends and understanding the reasons behind their choices.
Viewing friendship as an opportunity to foster a growth mindset.
Recognizing that a growth mindset contributes to building strong friendships.
Understanding the meaning of friendship and the effort it entails to establish and maintain connections.
Overcoming common friendship challenges or difficulties in a straightforward manner.
Acknowledging and appreciating the qualities and talents of friends, drawing inspiration from them, and understanding that learning takes time and effort.
Recognizing that feedback from friends can make us stronger and better individuals.
Understanding that problems and mistakes may arise in friendships but can be viewed as opportunities to strengthen the bond.
Identifying strategies for making new friends.
This resource includes:
Page 1: My Friends
Page 2: My Friends Inspire Me to Be Better
Page 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET
Page 4: I am a Problem Solver
Page 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend
Page 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback
Page 7: I Learn From Mistakes
Page 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
Download More Versions
English Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - Google Slides
Este recurso ofrece a tus estudiantes un regalo que conservarán para siempre. Su objetivo es reforzar la gratitud y la amabilidad. Ambos son atributos esenciales que ofrecen beneficios significativos, mejorando la vida de los niños ahora y en el futuro. Fomentar estos atributos es la mejor manera de ayudar a los estudiantes a sentirse bien consigo mismos, con los demás y con el mundo que les rodea.
El formato de lista de control es fantástico, ya que anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las contribuciones que han hecho al colegio, a los maestros y a los compañeros de clase. Esta autorreflexión les infunde un sentimiento de logro y reconocimiento por sus esfuerzos.
Las pulseras son una poderosa herramienta para que los niños reconozcan y aprecien a las personas que les han apoyado a lo largo del curso escolar. Llevar estas pulseras les ayuda a desarrollar un sentimiento de orgullo y gratitud por sus logros y por las personas que les han ayudado a lo largo del camino.
Los lápices son fácilmente imprimibles y se pueden exponer en el pasillo o clase o en una pared de la casa. ¡Prepárate para recibir muchos cumplidos!
Recuerda, la amabilidad y la gratitud son contagiosas, y al fomentarlas en tus estudiantes, puedes ayudar a crear un recuerdo inolvidable que durará toda la vida.
Este recurso incluye:
Brazalete de fin de año
Estoy agradecido …
Fin de Año Escolar - Checklist
Recuerdos de Fin de Año
Este año fue … (Lápiz fantástico para decorar la clase o el tablero de anuncios)
Feliz Fin de Año Escolar!
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés!
★ You may like this resource:
Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum
This activity is an excellent way to help your kids cherish their summer camp memories. During the activity, children can create a unique craft that incorporates watermelon seeds - five in total - to write down the things they have learned and the accomplishments they are proud of.
This craft project not only encourages children to reflect on their experiences, but it also provides a valuable record of the activities they feel proud he most.
Families can see how much their children have grown and learned during their time at camp and appreciate the effort that organizers put into creating a fun and educational environment for their kids. As a result, you can expect to receive fantastic compliments for the successful summer camp.
To ensure the best results, it is recommended to print the activity on cardboard. Children can then decorate their crafts using paint, coloring materials, or paper balls, depending on their age and preferences. This fun and engaging activity is suitable for children of all ages and can provide a treasured keepsake that will remind them of their summer camp days for years to come.
This resource includes:
Page 1: My summer camp - 5 things I’ve learned…
Page 2: My summer samp - 5 things that make me feel proud…
Page 3: Empty template
Happy Summer Camp!
★ Related items:
Download the Spanish Version
Summer Camp Craft - Popsicle
Summer Camp Craft - Watermelon
Summer Camp Craft - Ice Cream Cone
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
This PowerPoint is meticulously crafted to enable your students to identify their self-talk patterns and effectively address them. It empowers children to confront their fears with unwavering confidence, encourages the regular practice of positive self-talk, and instills a sense of self-worth.
The slides present a wealth of exceptional strategies that will aid in cultivating and enhancing positive self-talk among your students.
By employing this PowerPoint, your classroom fosters an environment where students are encouraged to openly express their ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Consequently, they will gain a heightened self-awareness regarding their self-talk and develop the ability to discern between positive and negative inner dialogue.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: Positive Self-Talk Questions
Slide 2: What is Positive Self-Talk?
Slide 3: Examples of Positive Self-Talk?
Slide 4: Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk
Slide 5: Why is Positive Self-Talk good for you?
Slide 6: Types of Self-Talk
Slide 7: What is Negative Self-Talk?
Slide 8: Effects of Negative Self-Talk
Slide 9: Negative Self-Talk Examples
Slide 10: How to Stop Negative Self-Talk
Slide 11: Negative Self-Talk Vs. Positive Self-Talk
Slide 12: We have learned about Positive Self-Talk
Google Slides
JPG images
Enjoy with your students the benefits of Positive Self-Talk!
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ Download More Versions:
Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation
Positive Self-Talk Mini-Book With Emojis
Positive Self-Talk - Emojis Mini Craft
Positive Self-Talk Cootie Catcher with Emojis
This resource aims to reward all campers, filling them with pride and enthusiasm for their work, participation, enthusiasm, and growth.
Make this camp an unforgettable experience and provide them with a resource to treasure and remember always.
Both children and families will be filled with joy and motivation to continue participating in this wonderful type of activity.
Motivate your students to give their best and enjoy the summer camp even more!
This resource includes:
Award # 1: Cup (Big 1 x Page / Medium 2 x Page)
Award # 2: Certificate
Award # 3: Check Coupon (4 colors)
Award # 4: Medal (Big 1 x Page / Medium 2 x Page)**
Google Slides
JPG images
Color / Black and White
Printable PDF / Editable Slides
★ Related resources:
Summer Camp Craft - Popsicle
Summer Camp Craft - Watermelon
Summer Camp Craft - Ice Cream Cone
Summer Camp Activity
My Summer - Action Plan
Summer Review - Personal Growth
Summer Reading Log - Google Slides (FREE SAMPLE!)
Happy Summer Camp!
Encourage your children to appreciate the genuine blessings in their lives: the ability to make a difference, experience emotions, love, and, most importantly, embrace their unique qualities. This activity emphasizes gratitude for what kids already possess and can contribute to others, rather than longing for what they lack.
The activity provides a creative outlet for students to express their thoughts and wishes regarding luck and St. Patrick’s Day.
Enhance your classroom, school, or home with these delightful shamrocks. They make a perfect addition for various grade levels! Experience the joy as children express their gratitude and acknowledge their good fortune by completing the following writing prompts:
I am lucky because:
I can…
I have…
I am…
I feel…
I love…
I help…
I like…
This resource includes two versions:
The first version is designed to assist your students in recognizing and appreciating their own qualities and actions.
The second version includes a shamrock template that can be utilized for drawing or writing lucky messages.
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of St. Patrick’s Day - Writing Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
Encourage your children to appreciate the genuine blessings in their lives: the ability to make a difference, experience emotions, love, and, most importantly, embrace their unique qualities. This activity emphasizes gratitude for what kids already possess and can contribute to others, rather than longing for what they lack.
The activity provides a creative outlet for students to express their thoughts and wishes regarding luck and St. Patrick’s Day.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes two versions:
The first version is designed to assist your students in recognizing and appreciating their own qualities and actions.
The second version includes a shamrock template that can be utilized for drawing or writing lucky messages.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Anima a tus niños a apreciar las auténticas bendiciones de sus vidas: la capacidad de experimentar emociones, lo que es más importante, abrazar sus cualidades únicas. Esta actividad hace hincapié en la gratitud por lo que los niños ya poseen y pueden aportar a los demás, en lugar de anhelar lo que les falta.
La actividad proporciona una salida creativa para que tus estudiantes expresen sus pensamientos y deseos en relación con la suerte y el Día de San Patricio.
Mejora tu clase, tu colegio o tu casa con estos encantadores tréboles. Son un complemento perfecto para los distintos niveles escolares. Experimenta la alegría mientras los niños expresan su gratitud y reconocen su buena suerte completando los siguientes ejercicios de escritura:
Tengo suerte porque:
Me encanta…
Me gusta
El recurso incluye:
La primera versión está diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes a reconocer y apreciar sus propias cualidades y acciones.
La segunda versión incluye una plantilla de trébol que puede utilizarse para dibujar o escribir mensajes de la suerte.
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés!
Feliz Día de San Patricio!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Honesty - Panda Theme. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
Looking for a fun and engaging approach to teaching your students about honesty? Our adorable panda character will guide them on this journey, emphasizing the significance of truthfulness and self-honesty.
Through this learning experience, your students will not only grasp the value of honesty but also develop essential character traits like integrity and trustworthiness. Understanding the positive impact of honesty on self-confidence, they will be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
Empower your students to grow and flourish. Give them the lifelong gift of knowledge and character development!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Honesty (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: I’m Afraid to Tell, the Truth (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Acting and Speaking Truthfully (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: I Am Honest with Myself (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Teach The Panda to be Honest (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy Teaching Honesty to Your Students!
¿Buscas un método divertido y atractivo para enseñar a tus estudiantes la honestidad? Nuestro adorable panda les guiará en este viaje, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de la veracidad y la honestidad.
A través de esta experiencia de aprendizaje, los estudiantes no sólo comprenderán el valor de la honestidad, sino que también desarrollarán rasgos de carácter esenciales como la integridad y la honradez. Al comprender el impacto positivo de la honestidad en la confianza en sí mismos, estarán equipados con las habilidades necesarias para prosperar tanto dentro como fuera del aula.
Permite que tus estudiantes crezcan y prosperen, regáleles el conocimiento y el desarrollo del carácter para toda la vida.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Honestidad
Página 2: Tengo Miedo de Decir la Verdad
Página 3: Actuar y Hablar con Sinceridad
Página 4: Soy Honesto/a Conmigo Mismo/a
Página 5: Enseña al Panda a ser honesto
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★ You may like these resources:
Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro
Honestidad - Tema el Panda
Patience - Turtle Craft
Patience - Turtle Theme
Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache
Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo
Tolerancia - Tema el Oso
Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache
¡Disfruta enseñando honestidad a tus estudiantes!
Looking for a fun and engaging approach to teach your students about honesty? Our adorable panda character will guide them on this journey, emphasizing the significance of truthfulness and self-honesty.
Through this learning experience, your students will not only grasp the value of honesty but also develop essential character traits like integrity and trustworthiness. Understanding the positive impact of honesty on self-confidence, they will be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
Empower your students to grow and flourish. Give them the lifelong gift of knowledge and character development!
This resource includes:
Page 1: Honesty
Page 2: I’m Afraid to Tell, the Truth
Page 3: Acting and Speaking Truthfully
Page 4: I Am Honest with Myself
Page 5: Teach The Panda to be Honest
★You may like these resources:
Download the Spanish version
★You may like these resources:
Honesty - Panda Theme
Patience - Turtle Theme
Responsibility - Rabbit Theme
Self-Respect - Fox Theme
Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme
Tolerance - Bear Theme
Enjoy Teaching Honesty to Your Students!
Esta actividad está diseñada para inculcar la confianza en uno mismo, promover la mentalidad de crecimiento y hacer hincapié en la importancia del aprendizaje durante la primavera. Es un recurso absolutamente fantástico para ayudar a tus estudiantes a darse cuenta de que tienen la capacidad de aprender cualquier cosa que se propongan.
Cada página de este minilibro está cuidadosamente elaborada para aumentar la confianza y la sensación de logro de los estudiantes en su viaje de aprendizaje y crecimiento personal. Destaca el valor del esfuerzo constante, el trabajo duro y la confianza en uno mismo.
Cuando los niños tienen fe en su dedicación y sus esfuerzos, experimentan un crecimiento personal y se convierten en estudiantes de éxito. Es esencial que capacitemos a nuestros hijos y les proporcionemos las herramientas necesarias para brillar.
Este recurso es perfecto para utilizarlo como actividad para llevar a casa en la que participen las familias. Recibirá comentarios fantásticos de los padres.
Los padres más felices son los que reconocen que el maestro de su hijo les ayuda a brillar y a descubrir todo su potencial.
Este recurso incluye:
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Primavera (Spring Break) Minilibro, en blanco y negro
Total: 10 medias páginas
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión de Inglés
Feliz Primavera (Spring Break)
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Spring (Spring Break) Mini-book. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
This activity is designed to instill self-belief, promote growth mindset, and emphasize the importance of learning during the spring season. It is an absolutely fantastic resource for helping your students realize that they have the ability to learn anything they set their minds to.
Each page of this mini-book is carefully crafted to boost your students’ confidence and sense of accomplishment in their learning and personal growth journey. It emphasizes the value of consistent effort, hard work, and self-belief.
When children have faith in their dedication and efforts, they experience personal growth and become successful students. It is essential for us to empower our kids and provide them with the necessary tools to shine.
This resource is perfect for use as a take-home activity that involves families. You will receive fantastic feedback from parents!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Growth Mindset - Spring (Spring Break) Mini-book in black and white
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Primavera (Spring Break) Minilibro
Total: 20 half pages in Black
Happy Spring and Spring Break!
This activity is designed to instill self-belief, promote growth mindset, and emphasize the importance of learning during the spring season. It is an absolutely fantastic resource for helping your students realize that they have the ability to learn anything they set their minds to.
Each page of this mini-book is carefully crafted to boost your students’ confidence and sense of accomplishment in their learning and personal growth journey. It emphasizes the value of consistent effort, hard work, and self-belief.
When children have faith in their dedication and efforts, they experience personal growth and become successful students. It is essential for us to empower our kids and provide them with the necessary tools to shine.
This resource is perfect for use as a take-home activity that involves families. You will receive fantastic feedback from parents!
The most fulfilled parents are those who recognize that their child’s teacher helps them shine and discover their full potential!
This resource includes:
A Growth Mindset - Spring (Spring Break) Mini-book in black and white
Total: 10 half pages
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Happy Spring and Spring Break!
Comprender los orígenes de los acontecimientos que celebramos es realmente extraordinario. Este recurso es una herramienta ideal para explicar y ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender la auténtica historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer.
A través de este recurso, los niños conocerán mejor los retos a los que se enfrentaron las mujeres en el pasado y apreciarán por qué merecen un reconocimiento en este día tan significativo.
Anima a tus estudiantes a reconocer y honrar a las innumerables mujeres que han dejado su huella en la historia.
La realización de actividades como la escritura y el dibujo brindará a los estudiantes una excelente oportunidad para contemplar y reflexionar sobre el papel fundamental de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Portada - Lo Que Sé, Lo Que Quiero Saber
Página 2: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Parte I
Página 3: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Parte II
Página 4: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Parte III
Página 5: Mujeres De La Historia Que Inspiran
Página 6: Mujeres De La Historia Que Inspiran
Página 7: Lo Que he Aprendido - Pensamientos…
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★You may like these Women’s Day resources:
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad
El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí…
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!)
Harriet Tubman - Actividad
Rosa Parks - Actividad
Ruby Bridges Actividad
*¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!
Understanding the origins of the events we celebrate is truly remarkable. This resource is an ideal tool to explain and help your students grasp the authentic history behind International Women’s Day.
Through this resource, children will gain insight into the challenges women faced in the past and develop an appreciation for why they deserve recognition on this significant day.
Encourage your students to acknowledge and honor the countless women who have left their mark on history.
Engaging in activities such as writing and drawing will provide an excellent opportunity for students to contemplate and reflect upon the pivotal role of women throughout history.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Cover & What I Know, What I Want to Know
Page 2: The History of International Women’s Day, Part I
Page 3: The History of International Women’s Day, Part II
Page 4: The History of International Women’s Day, Part III
Page 5: Inspiring Women In History
Page 6: Inspiring Women In History
Page 7: What I Learned and Thoughts…**
Google Slides
JPG images
★ You May Like These Women’s Day Resources:
International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation
International Women’s Day Activity
International Women’s Day Means to Me…
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - GoogleSlides
International Women’s Day Craft and Card
International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!!
Harriet Tubman Activity
Rosa Parks - Activity
Ruby Bridges Activity
Happy International Women’s Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw, and Write. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
Understanding the origins of the events we celebrate is truly remarkable. This resource is an ideal tool to explain and help your students grasp the authentic history behind International Women’s Day.
Through this resource, children will gain insight into the challenges women faced in the past and develop an appreciation for why they deserve recognition on this significant day.
Engaging in activities such as writing and drawing will provide an excellent opportunity for students to contemplate and reflect upon the pivotal role of women throughout history.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Cover & What I Know, What I Want to Know (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: The History of International Women’s Day, Part I (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: The History of International Women’s Day, Part II (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: The History of International Women’s Day, Part III (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Inspiring Women In History (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: Inspiring Women In History (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: What I Learned and Thoughts…(English and Spanish Version)
Happy International Women’s Day!
This resource is EXCELLENT to celebrate with your class or school the lives and achievements of women, whether they have been recognized for it or not. Perfect for online lessons.
Just ask your students to name some women who have made a difference in the world or a woman they admire or love, a woman who has changed their lives. These work PERFECTLY to pay a tribute to the women who inspire them.
Biography Research slide helps students find out information about famous women. Use some web pages or articles and allow them to fill out their worksheets!
This resource includes:
Eight different International Women’s Day pennants/banners. One to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc.
A Biography Research slide.
There are eight different pennants (slides):
The most important woman in my life
My favorite artist
My favorite scientist
My favorite politician
My favorite female athlete
My favorite historical figure
My favorite female writer
My favorite woman ________
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You may like these Women’s Day resources:
International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation
International Women’s Day Activity
International Women’s Day Means to Me…
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research
International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write
International Women’s Day Craft and Card
International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!!
Harriet Tubman Activity
Rosa Parks - Activity
Ruby Bridges Activity
Happy Women’s Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day pennants/banners and Biography Research - Google Slides. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This resource is excellent for celebrating the lives and accomplishments of women with your class or school, whether or not they have been recognized. It is also perfect for online lessons.
Simply ask your students to mention women who have made a significant impact on the world, or women they admire or love, those who have transformed their lives. These activities are a perfect way to pay tribute to the women who inspire them.
The Biography Research slide assists students in discovering information about notable women. Utilize web pages or articles and allow them to complete their worksheets.
This resource offers an easy manual to help families and kids draw or use shapes to complete this amazing activity.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Sixteen (16) different International Women’s Day pennants/banners. Two slides to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc. (English and Spanish Version)
Two Biography Research Slides. (English and Spanish Version)
There are eight different pennants:
The most important woman in my life (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite artist (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite scientist (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite politician (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite female athlete (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite historical figure (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite female writer (English and Spanish Version)
My favorite woman ________ (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Women’s Day!
Este recurso es excelente para celebrar con tu clase o escuela la vida y los logros de las mujeres, hayan sido o no reconocidas. También es perfecto para las clases en línea.
Simplemente pide a tus estudiantes que mencionen a mujeres que hayan tenido un impacto significativo en el mundo, o a mujeres que admiren o quieran, a aquellas que hayan transformado sus vidas. Estas actividades son una forma perfecta de rendir homenaje a las mujeres que les inspiran.
La diapositiva Investigación biográfica ayudan a los estudiantes a descubrir información sobre mujeres notables. Utiliza páginas web o artículos y permíteles completar sus fichas de trabajo.
Este recurso ofrece un sencillo manual para ayudar a las familias y a los niños a dibujar o utilizar formas para completar esta sorprendente actividad.
Este recurso incluye:
Ocho banderines diferentes del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Uno para completar por una persona especial que sus estudiantes quieran celebrar: artista famosa, profesora, amiga, familiar, etc.
Una diapositiva de investigación biográfica.
Hay ocho banderines diferentes:
La mujer más importante de mi vida
Mi artista favorita
Mi científica favorita
Mi política favorita
Mi deportista favorita
Mi figura histórica favorita
Mi escritora favorita
Mi mujer favorita ________
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★You may like these Women’s Day resources:
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica
El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí…
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!
Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir
Ruby Bridges Actividad
Harriet Tubman - Actividad
Rosa Parks - Actividad
¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!