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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Responsibility - Rabbit Theme

Responsibility - Rabbit Theme

Prepare your children to be responsible and act with responsibility. This resource provides effective strategies, such as “count to ten,” “visual reminders,” and the “responsibility jar,” to help your students explore the concept of responsibility and its relevance in their daily lives. As educators, we have the power to nurture the skill of self-reflection in our students, enabling them to assess their actions and identify areas for improvement in order to cultivate responsibility. Through this resource, our children can become proficient in guiding an adorable rabbit on its journey towards responsibility. This endearing character, the rabbit, serves as a constant reminder for students to recognize instances when they fail to act responsibly towards themselves and others. Furthermore, I encourage you to motivate your students to share their books or written responses with their families as a means of reinforcement. This can serve as an excellent conversation starter for families, fostering discussions about responsibility and its significance in their lives as well. This resource includes: Page 1: Responsibility Meaning and Golden Rules Page 2: Count to 10 - I am Responsible Page 3: Responsibility Visual Reminder Page 4: The Responsibility Jar Page 5: Teach the Rabbit Responsibility Enjoy Teaching Your Children Responsibility! "------------------------------ ★ Related items: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Honesty - Panda Theme Patience - Turtle Theme Responsibility - Rabbit Theme Self-Respect - Fox Theme Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme Tolerance - Bear Theme -----------------------------"
Responsibility - Rabbit Theme BUNDLE

Responsibility - Rabbit Theme BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Responsibility - Rabbit Theme. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Prepare your children to be responsible and act with responsibility. This resource provides effective strategies, such as “count to ten,” “visual reminders,” and the “responsibility jar,” to help your students explore the concept of responsibility and its relevance in their daily lives. As educators, we have the power to nurture the skill of self-reflection in our students, enabling them to assess their actions and identify areas for improvement in order to cultivate responsibility. Through this resource, our children can become proficient in guiding an adorable rabbit on its journey toward responsibility. This endearing character, the rabbit, serves as a constant reminder for students to recognize instances when they fail to act responsibly towards themselves and others. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Responsibility Meaning and Golden Rules (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: Count to 10 - I am Responsible (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Responsibility Visual Reminder (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: The Responsibility Jar (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Teach the Rabbit Responsibility (English and Spanish Version) Enjoy Teaching Your Children Responsibility!
Día de la Familia - Mi Familia es Especial - SPANISH VERSION

Día de la Familia - Mi Familia es Especial - SPANISH VERSION

Es hora de honrar a todas las familias y celebrar los valores que las unen, sus rutinas, costumbres, gustos, actividades etc. Ayuda a tus estudiantes a reconocer la importancia de tener una familia y a disfrutar de todo aquello que las hace únicas y especiales. Este recurso le ofrece a tus estudiantes la oportunidad de comprender y celebrar el significado de una familia, les permite reflexionar sobre el tiempo que comparten juntos y reforzar mensajes positivos para la vida familiar, cómo mantenerse unidos, y la importancia de compartir y trabajar en equipo. Los padres de familia, disfrutan y aprecian completamente esta actividad, aprenden mucho sobre lo importante que es dar a sus familias experiencias, más que cosas materiales. Trabaja el folleto en clase o puedes enviarlo a casa para trabajarlo en familia. ¡Es un lindo regalo y también un iniciador de conversación y reflexión familiar! Este recurso incluye: Un folleto del Día de la Familia: Mi Familia es Especial en versión en blanco y negro (8 medias páginas). Feliz Día de la Familia! "----------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! -----------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: La Familia - Presentación PowerPoint Día de la Familia - Mi Familia es Especial (Actividad) Mi Familia es Especial -----------------------------------"
Growth Mindset - Friendship

Growth Mindset - Friendship

eachers and parents have a shared desire for their children to have good friendships, and it is their responsibility to help them grasp the essential elements that contribute to forming strong bonds. This resource incorporates the fundamental principles of a growth mindset, such as embracing challenges, adopting the power of “yet,” finding inspiration in others’ successes, viewing effort as the path to mastery, learning from mistakes, and embracing constructive criticism. These principles will guide children in developing a meaningful understanding of friendship. The activities included in this resource are designed to encourage students to think critically about the qualities required to establish and maintain good friendships. Furthermore, this resource assists teachers and parents in getting to know their children’s friends and understanding the reasons behind their choices. Benefits: Viewing friendship as an opportunity to foster a growth mindset. Recognizing that a growth mindset contributes to building strong friendships. Understanding the meaning of friendship and the effort it entails to establish and maintain connections. Overcoming common friendship challenges or difficulties in a straightforward manner. Acknowledging and appreciating the qualities and talents of friends, drawing inspiration from them, and understanding that learning takes time and effort. Recognizing that feedback from friends can make us stronger and better individuals. Understanding that problems and mistakes may arise in friendships but can be viewed as opportunities to strengthen the bond. Identifying strategies for making new friends. This resource includes: Page 1: My Friends Page 2: My Friends Inspire Me to Be Better Page 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET Page 4: I am a Problem Solver Page 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend Page 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback Page 7: I Learn From Mistakes Page 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class! "-------------------------------------------------------- Download More Versions English Version - PDF Printable Spanish Version - PDF Printable English Version - Google Slides Spanish Version - Google Slides --------------------------------------------------------"
Fin de Año Escolar  Actividades (SPANISH VERSION)

Fin de Año Escolar Actividades (SPANISH VERSION)

Este recurso ofrece a tus estudiantes un regalo que conservarán para siempre. Su objetivo es reforzar la gratitud y la amabilidad. Ambos son atributos esenciales que ofrecen beneficios significativos, mejorando la vida de los niños ahora y en el futuro. Fomentar estos atributos es la mejor manera de ayudar a los estudiantes a sentirse bien consigo mismos, con los demás y con el mundo que les rodea. El formato de lista de control es fantástico, ya que anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las contribuciones que han hecho al colegio, a los maestros y a los compañeros de clase. Esta autorreflexión les infunde un sentimiento de logro y reconocimiento por sus esfuerzos. Las pulseras son una poderosa herramienta para que los niños reconozcan y aprecien a las personas que les han apoyado a lo largo del curso escolar. Llevar estas pulseras les ayuda a desarrollar un sentimiento de orgullo y gratitud por sus logros y por las personas que les han ayudado a lo largo del camino. Los lápices son fácilmente imprimibles y se pueden exponer en el pasillo o clase o en una pared de la casa. ¡Prepárate para recibir muchos cumplidos! Recuerda, la amabilidad y la gratitud son contagiosas, y al fomentarlas en tus estudiantes, puedes ayudar a crear un recuerdo inolvidable que durará toda la vida. Este recurso incluye: Brazalete de fin de año Estoy agradecido … Fin de Año Escolar - Checklist Recuerdos de Fin de Año Este año fue … (Lápiz fantástico para decorar la clase o el tablero de anuncios) Feliz Fin de Año Escolar! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum --------------------------------------------"
Mi Primavera Plan de Acción

Mi Primavera Plan de Acción

¿Sabes a qué aspiran tus niños en la vida? ¿Cuáles son sus metas y sus sueños? La primavera es tiempo de nuevos comienzos y nuevas ideas. Este plan de acción personal ha sido diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a ser más conscientes de sí mismos y a tomar decisiones con mayor determinación, lo que en última instancia les permitirá forjar su propia vida. Les permite tomar mejores decisiones y aprovechar mejor su tiempo y sus recursos. Los niños suelen tener muchas ideas que compartir, pero no siempre se sienten escuchados. Mi plan de acción de primavera enseña a los niños habilidades valiosas, como defender sus deseos, establecer objetivos y llegar a compromisos. Este recurso ayuda a los niños a reforzar su autoestima y la confianza en sí mismos mientras trabajan en sus planes. La actividad ofrece una oportunidad para la reflexión y fomenta la creación de consenso con sus familias y amigos. La manualidad primaveral que se incluye es perfecta para los tablones de anuncios o para decorar la casa. Recomiendo imprimirla en cartulina amarilla para obtener los mejores resultados. Este recurso incluye: Plan de Acción de Primavera. Álbum - Plan de Acción de Primavera. Metas Plan de Acción Primavera (Manualidad flor de primavera). "---------------------------------- Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés "---------------------------------- "---------------------------------- Descarga el resto de Estaciones: Mi Primavera - Plan de Acción Mi Verano - Plan de Acción Mi Otoño - Plan de Acción Mi Invierno - Plan de Acción ------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Primavera!
My Spring  Action Plan

My Spring Action Plan

Do you know what your children aspire to achieve in life? What are their goals and dreams? Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh ideas. This personal action plan is designed to help your students become more self-aware and purposeful in their decision-making process, ultimately shaping their own lives. It enables them to make improved decisions and make better use of their time and resources. Children often have numerous ideas to share, but they may not always feel heard. My Spring action plan teaches valuable skills to children, such as advocating for their desires, setting goals, and making compromises. This resource aids children in strengthening their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. The activity provides an opportunity for reflection and fosters consensus-building with their families and friends. The spring craft included is perfect for bulletin boards or home decoration. I highly recommend printing it on yellow cardstock for the best results. This resource includes: Spring Action Plan Achieving My Spring Goals - Album Spring Action Plan Goals (Daisy Craft) “-------------------------------------------- Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! ----------------------------------------------” "-------------------------------------------- Download the rest of the Seasons: My Spring - Action Plan My Summer - Action Plan My Autumn - Action Plan My Winter - Action Plan ----------------------------------------------" Happy Spring!
My Spring  Action Plan BUNDLE

My Spring Action Plan BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My Spring Action Plan. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh ideas. This personal action plan is designed to help your students become more self-aware and purposeful in their decision-making process, ultimately shaping their own lives. It enables them to make improved decisions and make better use of their time and resources. Children often have numerous ideas to share, but they may not always feel heard. My Spring action plan teaches valuable skills to children, such as advocating for their desires, setting goals, and making compromises. This resource aids children in strengthening their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. The activity provides an opportunity for reflection and fosters consensus-building with their families and friends. The spring craft included is perfect for bulletin boards or home decoration. I highly recommend printing it on yellow cardstock for the best results. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Spring Action Plan (English and Spanish Version) Achieving My Spring Goals - Album (English and Spanish Version) Spring Action Plan Goals (Daisy Craft) (English and Spanish Version) Happy Spring!
Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua

Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua

El objetivo de la actividad es fomentar la responsabilidad y la organización entre los estudiantes, al tiempo que se les garantiza una experiencia divertida y agradable. Este recurso está diseñado para ayudar a los niños a participar plenamente y anticiparse a este maravilloso acontecimiento. Este recurso incluye: Voy a una búsqueda de huevos de Pascua. - Tarjeta de invitación. Voy a una búsqueda de huevos de Pascua. - Hoja de secuencia. Reglas de la Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua. (Para los niños más sensibles y menos competitivos). Voy a ir a la Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua… - “Me gustaría ver.” Si yo fuera un Conejito de Pascua. Carta al conejito de Pascua. - (Quiero- Necesito). Banderín de la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua. Cuanto más preparas a tus estudiantes, más disfrutan. "-------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------- ★You may like this resource: La Pascua - Me Siento Feliz --------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua!
Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

The activity aims to promote responsibility and organization among students while ensuring they have a fun and enjoyable experience. This resource is designed to help our students fully engage in and anticipate this wonderful event. This resource includes: An Easter Egg Hunt Pennant in black and white. I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Invitation card. I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Sequencing worksheets. Easter Egg Hunt Rules - for the more sensitive kids. ** I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - I would like to see… If I were an Easter Bunny. Dear Easter Bunny Letter - (needs and wants) The more you prepare your students they will enjoy the most. "----------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! ------------------------------------" "----------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Easter Activity - I Feel Happy -----------------------------------" Happy Easter Egg Hunt!
Easter Egg Hunt BUNDLE

Easter Egg Hunt BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Easter Egg Hunt. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! The activity aims to promote responsibility and organization among students while ensuring they have a fun and enjoyable experience. This resource is designed to help our students fully engage in and anticipate this wonderful event. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: An Easter Egg Hunt Pennant in black and white. (English and Spanish version) I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Invitation card. (English and Spanish version) I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - Sequencing worksheets. (English and Spanish version) Easter Egg Hunt Rules - (for the more sensitive kids). (English and Spanish version) I am going on an Easter Egg Hunt - I would like to see… (English and Spanish version) If I were an Easter Bunny. (English and Spanish version) Dear Easter Bunny Letter - (needs and wants) (English and Spanish version) The more you prepare your students they will enjoy the most. Happy Easter Egg Hunt!
Easter Activities | I Feel Happy BUNDLE

Easter Activities | I Feel Happy BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Easter Activity - I Feel Happy. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource provides an excellent activity to assist children in identifying and exploring their feelings of happiness. It guides them in recognizing what brings them joy and offers strategies for attaining happiness. Sometimes children may not fully understand what brings them happiness. While they can easily recognize feelings of anger or sadness, they may overlook the importance of cultivating happiness as an emotion. This activity presents a fantastic opportunity to celebrate new beginnings and reflect on the elements that contribute to harmonious living. Additionally, this resource is a perfect way to commemorate Happiness Day and promote a positive mindset. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: “I Feel Happy When…“ worksheets in black and white, two for writing and two for drawing (English and Spanish Version) “My Happy List” worksheets in black and white (English and Spanish Version). “I Feel Happy Bracelets” in black and white (English and Spanish Version). Happy Easter and Happiness Day!
La Pascua | Me Siento Feliz

La Pascua | Me Siento Feliz

Este recurso ofrece una actividad excelente para ayudar a los niños a identificar y explorar sus sentimientos de felicidad. Les guía en el reconocimiento de lo que les produce alegría y les ofrece estrategias para alcanzar la felicidad. A veces, los niños no acaban de entender qué les produce felicidad. Mientras que pueden reconocer fácilmente los sentimientos de ira o tristeza, pueden pasar por alto la importancia de cultivar la felicidad como emoción. Esta actividad presenta una fantástica oportunidad para celebrar los nuevos comienzos y reflexionar sobre los elementos que contribuyen a una vida armoniosa. Además, este recurso es una forma perfecta de conmemorar el Día de la Felicidad y promover una mentalidad positiva. Este recurso incluye: Dos hojas de trabajo “Me siento feliz cuando …” en blanco y negro, una para escribir y otra para dibujar Una hoja de trabajo de “Mi lista de la felicidad” en blanco y negro Una página de pulseras (Me siento Feliz) en blanco y negro "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Búsqueda de los Huevos de Pascua --------------------------------------------" ¡Felices Pascuas y Día de la Felicidad!
Easter Activity - I Feel Happy

Easter Activity - I Feel Happy

This resource provides an excellent activity to assist children in identifying and exploring their feelings of happiness. It guides them in recognizing what brings them joy and offers strategies for attaining happiness. Sometimes children may not fully understand what brings them happiness. While they can easily recognize feelings of anger or sadness, they may overlook the importance of cultivating happiness as an emotion. This activity presents a fantastic opportunity to celebrate new beginnings and reflect on the elements that contribute to harmonious living. Additionally, this resource is a perfect way to commemorate Happiness Day and promote a positive mindset. This resource includes: “I Feel Happy When…" two worksheets, one for writing and another for drawing. “My Happy List” worksheet. I Feel Happy Bracelets. "------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Easter Egg Hunt --------------------------------------------" Happy Easter and Happiness Day!
Growth Mindset Self Reflection Chart - English & Spanish

Growth Mindset Self Reflection Chart - English & Spanish

Self-reflection is a powerful tool to cultivate a growth mindset. With this resource, students can develop self-awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals in both English and Spanish versions. Children realize the impact of a growth mindset on their academic performance and achievement. When teachers understand their students’ beliefs and self-perceptions, they can provide targeted support and focus on their strengths. By building a close relationship with their students, teachers can foster a sense of partnership and friendship in the classroom. This bilingual resource is ideal for dual-language and bilingual classrooms and schools, providing opportunities for all students to benefit from the self-reflection process. This resource includes 2 pages: A growth mindset self-reflection chart in black and white (English Version) Autorreflexión Mentalidad de Crecimiento en blanco y negro (Spanish Version) "------------------------------------------------------ ★ You may like these GROWTH MINDSET resources: Growth Mindset Posters, Badges and Cards Growth Mindset - Editable Awards Growth Mindset - Finger Counting 0 to 10 Growth Mindset - Friendship Growth Mindset - Overcoming My Challenges MiniBook My Growth Mindset Backpack ------------------------------------------------------"
Tolerancia - Comecocos (Cootie Catcher)

Tolerancia - Comecocos (Cootie Catcher)

Una de las mejores formas de fomentar la tolerancia entre nuestros hijos es a través del juego. Este juego es muy divertido para los niños y les anima a compartir sus puntos de vista y experiencias personales. El juego contiene las cuatro palabras clave de la tolerancia (respeto, aceptación, empatía e inclusión), así como ocho temas y ocho situaciones que permiten a los estudiantes analizar y demostrar su tolerancia. Se incluye una copia vacía adicional del atrapa-chupetes por si desea que sus estudiantes compartan sus experiencias personales. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Comecocos Tolerancia Página 2: Comecocos Tolerancia (plantilla vacía) "------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés -------------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta aprendiendo sobre la tolerancia con tus estudiantes!
Tolerance Cootie Catcher

Tolerance Cootie Catcher

One of the best ways to promote tolerance among our children is through play. This cootie catcher game is highly enjoyable for children, and it encourages them to share their perspectives and personal experiences. The cootie catcher contains the four keywords that embody tolerance (respect, acceptance, empathy, and inclusion), as well as eight topics and eight scenarios that allow students to analyze and demonstrate their tolerance. An additional empty copy of the cootie catcher is included if you wish for your students to share their personal experiences. This resource includes: Page 1: Tolerance Cootie Catcher Page 2: Tolerance Cootie Catcher (Empty Template)** "----------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: * Download the Spanish Version -----------------------------------" Enjoy Learning About Tolerance With your Kids!
Bullying and Anti-Bullying Collection BUNDLE

Bullying and Anti-Bullying Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
This comprehensive package provides essential information for clearly defining bullying to your students and emphasizes that such behavior is unacceptable and will have consequences. It is an excellent tool for preventing and stopping bullying, as it fosters a safe environment where children can thrive socially and academically without fear. The activities empower children to identify the signs of a bully, avoid engaging in bullying themselves, and understand the appropriate steps to take if they encounter bullying at school. In some instances, children may not openly express that they are being bullied. This resource equips your students with strategies to handle bullying situations and encourages them to seek support from trusted teachers and friends if they have concerns about bullying. By utilizing this resource, your students and the entire class will enhance their social and academic achievements, enabling them to thrive in various aspects of their lives. This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Anti-Bullying Activity Resource 3: Bullying Mind Map Happy Anti-Bullying Day!
My Summer - Action Plan BUNDLE

My Summer - Action Plan BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My Summer - Action Plan. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This personal action plan helps your students become more aware and purposeful in making the decisions that shape their lives. It enables them to make improved decisions and make better use of their time and other resources. Children have many ideas to share, but sometimes they aren’t heard. This summer action plan teaches children valuable skills: advocating for what they want, setting goals, and making compromises. This resource helps children strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence as they work on their plans. It provides them with an opportunity for reflection and facilitates consensus-building with their families and friends. The crafts are excellent for bulletin boards or decorating your home. I highly recommend printing it on yellow cardstock for the best results. Children feel a sense of responsibility for the actions, resources, and tasks assigned to them. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Summer Action Plan (English and Spanish Version) Achieving My Summer Goals - Album (English and Spanish Version) Summer Action Plan Goals (Sun Craft) (English and Spanish Version) Happy Summer!
Mi Verano Plan de Acción

Mi Verano Plan de Acción

¿Sabes qué quieren sus estudiantes de la vida? ¿Qué quieren conseguir? El verano es tiempo de aprendizaje, de probar cosas nuevas, de viajes en familia y de salidas. Este plan de acción personal ayuda a los estudiantes a ser más conscientes y decididos a la hora de tomar las decisiones que conforman sus vidas. Les permite tomar mejores decisiones y aprovechar mejor su tiempo y otros recursos. Los niños tienen muchas ideas que compartir, pero a veces no se les escucha. Este plan de acción de verano enseña a los niños habilidades valiosas: defender lo que quieren, fijar objetivos y llegar a compromisos. Este recurso ayuda a los niños a reforzar su autoestima y la confianza en sí mismos mientras trabajan en sus planes. Les brinda la oportunidad de reflexionar y facilita la creación de consenso con sus familias y amigos. La manualidad del verano es excelente para los tablones de anuncios o para decorar tu casa. Recomiendo imprimirla en cartulina amarilla para obtener los mejores resultados. Los niños se sienten responsables de las acciones, los recursos y las tareas que se les asignan. Este Recurso contiene: Plan de Acción de Verano Álbum - Plan de Acción de Verano Manualidad recortable (sol verano): recomiendo imprimir en cartulina de diferentes colores para obtener mejores resultados. "-------------------------------------------- Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! ---------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- Descarga el resto de Estaciones: Mi Primavera - Plan de Acción Mi Verano - Plan de Acción Mi Otoño - Plan de Acción Mi Invierno - Plan de Acción ---------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- Download more versions ---------------------------------------------" Feliz Verano!