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I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Bullying and Anti Bullying PowerPoint Presentation GS with Discussion Questions

Bullying and Anti Bullying PowerPoint Presentation GS with Discussion Questions

Empower students to stand against bullying with this impactful Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation. Covering everything from the basics of bullying to strategies for positive intervention, this presentation is designed to build awareness and foster empathy in young learners. Students will explore the definition, types, and roles involved in bullying, understanding how their actions “supportive or silent” contribute to the problem or the solution. Why Should You Use This? This resource goes beyond information, helping students connect personally with bullying. It encourages self-reflection and active discussion, creating a safe space where students feel empowered to share their stories and support each other. Ideal for fostering a respectful classroom culture, this resource reinforces empathy and teaches students practical ways to stand up against bullying. What Skills Are Students Working on with This Resource? Through this presentation, students will strengthen essential skills in empathy, self-awareness, and critical thinking. The discussion questions prompt them to analyze bullying scenarios, consider different perspectives, and evaluate the impact of bystander actions. Students will also practice effective communication, as they engage in discussions that foster empathy and mutual understanding. By learning how to identify and address bullying, they gain the confidence to advocate for themselves and others, building a foundation of integrity and social awareness that extends beyond the classroom. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Bullying? Slide 2: Types of Bullying Slide 3: Physical Bullying Slide 4: Cyberbullying Slide 5: Verbal Bullying Slide 6: Social Bullying Slide 7: Who is a Bully? Slide 8: Bully Supporters and Followers Slide 9: Victims of Bullying Slide 10: What Can You Do When You See Someone Being Bullied? Slide 11: STOP Bullying - How do I Treat Others? Slide 12: I Have Learned about - Bullying and Anti-Bullying Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "----------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version -----------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Bullying Mindmap Anti-Bullying Activity Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation ------------------------------------" Happy Anti-Bullying Day!
El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí...

El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí...

Esta actividad es una magnífica oportunidad para inspirar y motivar a los estudiantes a celebrar activamente el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Los niños mostrarán el significado de este día y le rendirán homenaje, demostrando su profunda comprensión de su verdadero sentido y propósito. Anima a tus niños a que compartan sus respuestas con sus familias para reforzar aún más la idea. Esta actividad también puede ser un fantástico tema de conversación para las familias. Además, esta actividad es perfecta para decorar la clase o la escuela, ¡y puedes esperar recibir numerosos elogios por ella! Esta actividad es el complemento ideal de la presentación en PowerPoint del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Después de debatir y compartir ideas sobre este importante acontecimiento, anima a tus hijos a escribir espontáneamente, expresando su comprensión del tema. Cómo armarla: Recorta la portada y la página de escritura por la línea de puntos. Grapa las dos mujeres en la parte superior de la cabeza. Decora tu clase, el pasillo o envíalo a casa. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: ¿Qué significa para mí el Día Internacional de la Mujer? Página 2: El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… "---------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés -----------------------------" "------------------------------ ★You may like these Women’s Day resources: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!) Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir Ruby Bridges Actividad Harriet Tubman - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad ----------------------------------------------------" " ¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!
International Women's Day Means to Me...

International Women's Day Means to Me...

This activity wonderful opportunity to inspire and motivate your students to actively celebrate International Women’s Day. The children will showcase the significance of this day and pay tribute to it, demonstrating their deep understanding of its true meaning and purpose. Encourage your kids to share their responses with their families for further reinforcement. This can serve as a fantastic conversation starter for families as well! Additionally, this activity is perfect for decorating the classroom or school, and you can expect to receive numerous compliments on it! This activity serves as the ideal complement to the International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation. After engaging in discussions and sharing thoughts about this significant event, it encourages your children to write spontaneously, expressing their understanding of the subject. How to assemble: Cut out the woman’s cover and the writing page along the dotted line. Staple the two women at the top of their heads. You can decorate your classroom or hallway with them, or even send them home as a special keepsake. This resource includes: Page 1: What Does International Women’s Day Mean to Me? Page 2: International Women’s Day Means to Me … "------------------------ ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ----------------------------" "------------------------------- ★ You may like these Women’s Day resources: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write International Women’s Day Craft and Card International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Activity ---------------------------------" Happy Women’s Day!
International Women's Day PPT BUNDLE: History & Role with Discussion Q's & Decor

International Women's Day PPT BUNDLE: History & Role with Discussion Q's & Decor

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day History PowerPoint Presentation and Decor. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Promote critical thinking and spark meaningful discussions with this International Women’s Day History Resource. This engaging PowerPoint presentation and decor pack are designed to inspire reflection and help students explore the rich history and significance of International Women’s Day. With interactive slides and thought-provoking questions, this resource provides an impactful, educational experience that highlights the vital role of women in history and society. Ideal for bulletin boards or classroom doors, the decor helps students not only engage with the content but also immerse themselves in a space filled with energy, celebration, and respect. Inspire a sense of unity and appreciation from the moment they step into the classroom. When students, colleagues, or parents see the decorated room, they’ll immediately know they’re part of a special event focused on equality, human rights, and the achievements of women. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: History International Women’s Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: History International Women’s Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: History International Women’s Day - Part III (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Women’s Role In The Past (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Women’s Role In The Present (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Inspiring Women (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: How to Promote Gender Equality (Women - Men) (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: I Don’t Stereotype Women (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: We Have Learned About - International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version) **Decor: **(English and Spanish Version) Letters (Happy Women’s Day): Large Size: 1 letter per page (14 pages in color) Medium Size: 2 letters per page (7 pages in color) Small Size: 6 letters per page (4 pages in color) Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color Happy Women’s Day!
Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia, PowerPoint with Discussion Qs and Decor in SPANISH

Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia, PowerPoint with Discussion Qs and Decor in SPANISH

Promueve el pensamiento crítico y fomenta discusiones significativas con este recurso sobre la Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Esta atractiva presentación en PowerPoint y paquete de decoración están diseñados para inspirar reflexión y ayudar a los estudiantes a explorar la rica historia y el significado del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Este recurso ofrece una experiencia educativa e impactante que resalta el papel vital de las mujeres en la historia y la sociedad. Ideal para los tablones de anuncios o las puertas de las aulas, la decoración ayuda a los estudiantes no sólo a comprometerse con el contenido, sino también a sumergirse en un espacio lleno de energía, celebración y respeto. Inspira un sentimiento de unidad y aprecio desde el momento en que entran en el aula. Cuando los estudiantes, compañeros o padres vean el aula decorada, sabrán inmediatamente que forman parte de un acto especial centrado en la igualdad, los derechos humanos y los logros de las mujeres. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Diapositiva 2: Por qué celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer… Diapositiva 3: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte I Diapositiva 4: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte II Diapositiva 5: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte III Diapositiva 6: El Papel de la Mujer en el Pasado Diapositiva 7: El Papel de la Mujer en el Presente Diapositiva 8: Mujeres que Inspiran… Diapositiva 9: Cómo Promover La Igualdad de Género (Mujeres - Hombres) Diapositiva 10: Yo No Estereotipo a las Mujeres Diapositiva 11: Hemos aprendido sobre… El Día Internacional de la Mujer Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images** "------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!) Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir ----------------------------------------------------"
International Women's Day PPT: History & Role with Discussion Questions and Decor

International Women's Day PPT: History & Role with Discussion Questions and Decor

This resource is absolutely fantastic for introducing and celebrating the lives and accomplishments of women with the entire class or school, regardless of whether they have received recognition for it or not. With this interactive presentation, our students will gain a deep understanding of the history and true significance of International Women’s Day. Each slide includes thought-provoking questions that will help children grasp and appreciate the importance of this important event. The presentation covers various topics, such as the role of women both in the past and present, stereotypes, ways to promote women’s equality, and more. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to discuss women who have personally inspired them, whether they are family members or well-known figures. This resource includes: Slide 1: International Women’s Day Slide 2: Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day Slide 3: History International Women’s Day - Part I Slide 4: History International Women’s Day - Part II Slide 5: History International Women’s Day - Part III Slide 6: Women’s Role In The Past Slide 7: Women’s Role In The Present Slide 8: Inspiring Women Slide 9: How to Promote Gender Equality (Women - Men) Slide 10: I Don’t Stereotype Women Slide 11: We Have Learned About - International Women’s Day Decor: Letters (Happy Women’s Day): Large Size: 1 letter per page (14 pages in color) Medium Size: 2 letters per page (7 pages in color) Small Size: 6 letters per page (4 pages in color) Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the spanish version International Women’s Day Activity International Women’s Day Means to Me… International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write International Women’s Day Craft and Card International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!! Harriet Tubman Activity Rosa Parks - Activity ---------------------------------" Happy Women’s Day!
George Washington Carver Activities BUNDLE, Worksheets, Pennant and Medal

George Washington Carver Activities BUNDLE, Worksheets, Pennant and Medal

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the George Washington Carver Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! George Washington Carver Black History Month Activities: These worksheets and crafts help children recognize key facts about George Washington Carver and complete a biography research worksheet. The pennant serves as a great classroom and school decoration, inspiring children to think like persevering individuals who can make a difference. Additionally, kids will write about why perseverance is important for themselves and those around them. Moreover, your students will have the opportunity to take home a medal featuring this fantastic historical figure. Just imagine them proudly walking through the school or leaving it, wearing this amazing and inspiring character on their chest. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: George Washington Carver Biography Research (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: If I Were Perseverant Like George Washington Carver (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Interesting Facts - George Washington Carver (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: George Washington Carver Medal - Perseverance and Service Version (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: George Washington Carver - Empty Version (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: George Washington Carver Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Happy Black History Month!
George Washington Carver Actividad, Worksheets, Pennant and Medal in Spanish

George Washington Carver Actividad, Worksheets, Pennant and Medal in Spanish

George Washington Carver Actividades del Mes de la Historia Negra: Estas hojas de trabajo y manualidades ayudan a los niños a reconocer datos clave sobre George Washington Carver y a completar una hoja de trabajo de investigación sobre su biografía. El banderín sirve como una gran decoración para la clase y la escuela, inspirando a los niños a pensar como individuos perseverantes que pueden marcar la diferencia. Además, los niños escribirán por qué la perseverancia es importante para ellos y para los que les rodean. Imagina a tus niños paseando orgullosos por el colegio o saliendo de él, llevando en el pecho a este increíble e inspirador personaje. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Investigación Biográfica - George Washington Carver Página 2: Si Fuera Perseverante como George Washington Carver Página 3: George Washington Carver - Datos de Interés Página 4: George Washington Carver - Medalla (Valentía y Libertad) Página 5: George Washington Carver - Medalla (Versión Vacía) Página 6: George Washington Carver - Banderín "--------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés George Washington Carver - Actividad Harriet Tubman - Actividad Martin Luther King Jr. - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad Ruby Bridges - Actividad Nelson Mandela - Actividad --------------------------------" ¡Feliz Mes de la Historia Afroamericana!
George Washington Carver Activity Worksheets, Pennant and Medal

George Washington Carver Activity Worksheets, Pennant and Medal

George Washington Carver Black History Month Activities: These worksheets and crafts help children recognize key facts about George Washington Carver and complete a biography research worksheet. The pennant serves as a great classroom and school decoration, inspiring children to think like persevering individuals who can make a difference. Additionally, kids will write about why perseverance is important for themselves and those around them. Moreover, your students will have the opportunity to take home a medal featuring this fantastic historical figure. Just imagine them proudly walking through the school or leaving it, wearing this amazing and inspiring character on their chest. This resource includes: Page 1: George Washington Carver Biography Research Page 2: If I Were Perseverant Like George Washington Carver Page 3: Interesting Facts - George Washington Carver Page 4: George Washington Carver Medal - Perseverance and Service Page 5: George Washington Carver - Empty Version Page 6: George Washington Carver Pennant "------------------------------------------ ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version Harriet Tubman Martin Luther King, Jr. PowerPoint Presentation PDF & GS, Discussion Questions Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Martin Luther King, Jr. Nelson Mandela Activity --------------------------------------------" Happy Black History Month!
Harriet Tubman | Activities BUNDLE

Harriet Tubman | Activities BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Harriet Tubman - Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Are you looking for an engaging activity to teach about Black History Month or Women’s Day? This resource is perfect for getting into the spirit! Some of the concepts and information about this amazing leader can be challenging for young learners, so I have created a resource that helps teach the most relevant information about Harriet Tubman quickly and easily, in a way that they can enjoy and understand. Students will recognize the main facts of Harriet Tubman’s life and complete a biography research worksheet. The pennant is excellent for decorating the school and the classroom. Kids will think like a leader and write their proposals, sharing their ideas and thoughts. Additionally, they will be able to take home a medal featuring this fantastic historical figure. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Harriet Tubman Biography Research (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: If I Were Courageous Like Harriet Tubman (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Interesting Facts - Harriet Tubman (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: Harriet Tubman Medal - Courage and Freedom (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Harriet Tubman Medal - Empty (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Harriet Tubman Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Happy Black History Month!
Harriet Tubman Actividad

Harriet Tubman Actividad

¿Buscas una actividad atractiva para enseñar el Mes de la Historia Negra o el Día de la Mujer? Este recurso es perfecto para entrar en materia. Algunos de los conceptos e información sobre esta increíble líder pueden ser un reto para los jóvenes estudiantes, así que he creado un recurso que ayuda a enseñar la información más relevante sobre Harriet Tubman de forma rápida y fácil, de una manera que puedan disfrutar y entender. Los niños reconocerán los hechos principales de la vida de Harriet Tubman y completarán una hoja de trabajo de investigación sobre su biografía. El banderín es excelente para decorar la escuela y el aula. Los niños pensarán como un líder y escribirán sus propuestas, compartiendo sus ideas y pensamientos. Además, podrán llevarse a casa una medalla con esta fantástica figura histórica. Imagina a tus niños paseando orgullosos por el colegio o saliendo de él, llevando en el pecho a este increíble e inspirador personaje. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Investigación Biográfica - Harriet Tubman Página 2: Si fuera Valiente como Harriet Tubman Página 3: Harriet Tubman - Datos de Interés Página 4: Harriet Tubman - Medalla (Valentía y Libertad) Página 5: Harriet Tubman - Medalla (Versión Vacía) Página 6: Harriet Tubman - Banderín "--------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------" "-------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: George Washington Carver - Actividad Harriet Tubman - Actividad Martin Luther King Jr. - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad Ruby Bridges - Actividad Nelson Mandela - Actividad --------------------------------" ¡Feliz Mes de la Historia Afroamericana!
Harriet Tubman Activity

Harriet Tubman Activity

Are you looking for an engaging activity to teach about Black History Month or Women’s Day? This resource is perfect for getting into the spirit! Some of the concepts and information about this amazing leader can be challenging for young learners, so I have created a resource that helps teach the most relevant information about Harriet Tubman quickly and easily, in a way that they can enjoy and understand. Students will recognize the main facts of Harriet Tubman’s life and complete a biography research worksheet. The pennant is excellent for decorating the school and the classroom. Kids will think like a leader and write their proposals, sharing their ideas and thoughts. Additionally, they will be able to take home a medal featuring this fantastic historical figure. Imagine your kids walking proudly through the school or leaving it, wearing this amazing and inspiring character on their chest. This resource includes: Page 1: Harriet Tubman Biography Research Page 2: If I Were Courageous Like Harriet Tubman Page 3: Interesting Facts - Harriet Tubman Page 4: Harriet Tubman Pennant Page 5: Harriet Tubman Medal - Courage and Freedom Page 6: Harriet Tubman Medal - Empty Version "------------------------------------------ ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version Martin Luther King, Jr. PowerPoint Presentation PDF & GS, Discussion Questions Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Martin Luther King, Jr. George Washington Carver Nelson Mandela Activity ----------------------------------------"
Three Kings' Day and Epiphany PowerPoint BUNDLE: Story, Tradition & Reflection

Three Kings' Day and Epiphany PowerPoint BUNDLE: Story, Tradition & Reflection

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Three Kings Day / Epiphany PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This presentation is ideal for introducing the Three Kings and the valuable lessons they teach. It emphasizes to children that Three Kings’ Day goes beyond being just an event; it embodies generosity and humility. You will have the opportunity to introduce the main characters of the Magi story, along with the story of the baby Jesus. This interactive presentation encourages reflection, generosity, and gratitude. Each slide prompts questions where children can relate each event of Jesus’ birth and the Three Kings’ journey to their own lives. This presentation offers a window into diverse cultural practices and fosters an appreciation for different customs. It provides them with a valuable cultural and educational experience. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: Three Kings’ Day - Cover (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Melchior (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Caspar or Gaspar (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Balthazar (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Three Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus - Part I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Historia de los Reyes Magos - Parte II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: The Generosity of the Three Wise Men (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: How to Show Generosity (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Receive as Baby Jesus and Family (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Practice Generosity (English and Spanish Version) Page 11: We Have Learned About - Three Kings Day (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Three Kings’ Day!
Día de los Tres Reyes Magos, Epifanía PowerPoint Historia, Tradición y Reflexión

Día de los Tres Reyes Magos, Epifanía PowerPoint Historia, Tradición y Reflexión

Esta Presentación PowerPoint es ideal para introducir a los Reyes Magos y las valiosas lecciones que enseñan. Destaca ante los niños que el Día de Reyes va más allá de ser un simple acontecimiento; encarna la generosidad y la humildad. Tendrás la oportunidad de presentar a los personajes principales de la historia de los Reyes Magos, junto con la historia del niño Jesús. Esta presentación interactiva fomenta la reflexión, la generosidad y la gratitud. Cada diapositiva suscita preguntas en las que los niños pueden relacionar cada acontecimiento del nacimiento de Jesús y el viaje de los Reyes Magos con sus propias vidas. Sus estudiantes comprenderán realmente el significado genuino del Día de Reyes, creando una impresión duradera. Esta presentación ofrece una ventana a diversas prácticas culturales y fomenta el aprecio por las diferentes costumbres. Les proporciona una valiosa experiencia cultural y educativa. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Portada Diapositiva 2: Melchor Diapositiva 3: Gaspar Diapositiva 4: Baltasar Diapositiva 5: Los Reyes Magos Visitan al Niño Jesús - Parte I Diapositiva 6: Historia de los Reyes Magos - Parte II Diapositiva 7: La Generosidad de los Reyes Magos Diapositiva 8: Cómo Demostrar Generosidad Diapositiva 9: Recibir Como El Niño Jesús y su Familia… Diapositiva 10: Practica la Generosidad Diapositiva 11: Hemos Aprendido Sobre - El Día de Los Reyes Magos Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "--------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés Carta a los Tres Reyes Magos - Brochure Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Google Slides Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Actividad - PDF Día de los Tres Reyes Magos - Presentación PowerPoint ---------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de Reyes!
Three Kings' Day and Epiphany PowerPoint: Story, Tradition and Reflection Q's

Three Kings' Day and Epiphany PowerPoint: Story, Tradition and Reflection Q's

This PowerPoint Presentation is ideal for introducing the Three Kings and the valuable lessons they teach. It emphasizes to children that Three Kings’ Day Celebration goes beyond being just an event; it embodies generosity and humility. You will have the opportunity to introduce the main characters of the Magi story, along with the story of the baby Jesus. This interactive presentation encourages reflection, generosity, and gratitude. Each slide prompts questions where children can relate each event of Jesus’ birth and the Three Kings’ journey to their own lives. Your students will truly understand the genuine meaning of Three Kings’ Day, creating a lasting impression. This presentation offers a window into diverse cultural practices and fosters an appreciation for different customs. It provides them with a valuable cultural and educational experience. This resource includes: Slide 1: Three Kings’ Day - Cover Slide 2: Melchior Slide 3: Caspar or Gaspar Slide 4: Balthazar Slide 5: Three Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus - Part I Slide 6: Three Wise Men Story - Part II Slide 7: The Generosity of the Three Wise Men Slide 8: How to Show Generosity Slide 9: Receive as Baby Jesus and Family Slide 10: Practice Generosity Page 11: We Have Learned About - Three Kings Day Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version Three Kings Day Activity - PDF Three Kings Day Activity - Google Slides Letter to The Three Wise Men - Brochure Three Kings’ Day - PowerPoint Presentation -------------------------------------------" Happy Three Kings’ Day!
Diwali Activity, Rangoli Diya Worksheets and Craft BUNDLEE

Diwali Activity, Rangoli Diya Worksheets and Craft BUNDLEE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Diwali Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools. Incorporate the vibrant traditions of Diwali into your curriculum with this engaging activity set. Designed to help students connect personally with the festival, this resource enhances their learning while celebrating multiculturalism. The “Complete the Text” worksheet introduces students to the significance of Diwali, while the five-day challenge reinforces the festival’s core theme of sharing with others. Students will also explore the artistry of Rangoli, using their creativity to design unique patterns. A Venn diagram activity highlights the similarities and differences between Diwali and Christmas, promoting cultural appreciation. Additionally, students will learn how Diwali is celebrated both in India and in their own country. Decorate your classroom or hallways with beautifully crafted Diyas for an authentic touch, earning compliments on your festive decor! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: What is Diwali? (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: What is Diwali? - Answer Sheet (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: On Diwali We Share - Five Days Challenge (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: My Rangoli (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: How Diwali is Celebrated in India / In My Country? (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Diwali and Christmas - Venn Diagram (English and Spanish Version) Page 7: Happy Diwali Craft (English and Spanish Version) Happy Diwali!
Diwali  Actividad en Español, Festival de las Luces Rangoli Diya Manualidad

Diwali Actividad en Español, Festival de las Luces Rangoli Diya Manualidad

Este recurso ofrece oportunidades excepcionales para incorporar eficazmente actividades multiculturales al plan de estudios. El objetivo principal de esta actividad es establecer una conexión personal con la festividad de Diwali, ya que mejora la experiencia de aprendizaje de los niños. La primera actividad, “Completa el texto”, sirve de introducción perfecta al significado del festival. La segunda actividad pretende reforzar uno de los aspectos más cruciales de Diwali, que es compartir con los demás, a través de un reto de cinco días. Al realizar estas actividades, los estudiantes comprenderán mejor el verdadero significado de una de las tradiciones más significativas de Diwali, el Rangoli. Utilizarán su creatividad para dibujar sus propios diseños de Rangoli. Además, los niños podrán identificar tanto las diferencias como las similitudes entre Navidad y Diwali, fomentando el aprecio por las diversas celebraciones. También explorarán cómo se celebra este importante acontecimiento en su propio país y en la India. Por último, tendrás la oportunidad de adornar los pasillos o tu clase con hermosas Diyas, recibiendo muchos cumplidos bien merecidos. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: ¿Qué es Diwali? Página 2: ¿Qué es Diwali? - Hoja de Respuestas Página 3: En Diwali Compartimos - Reto de Cinco Días Página 4: Mi Rangoli Página 5: ¿Cómo se celebra Diwali en la India / En mi país? Página 6: Diwali y Navidad - Diagrama de Venn Página 7: Feliz Diwali - Diya Manualidad "----------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Diwali!
Diwali Activity, Rangoli Diya Worksheets and Craft

Diwali Activity, Rangoli Diya Worksheets and Craft

Incorporate the vibrant traditions of Diwali into your curriculum with this engaging activity set. Designed to help students connect personally with the festival, this resource enhances their learning while celebrating multiculturalism. The “Complete the Text” worksheet introduces students to the significance of Diwali, while the five-day challenge reinforces the festival’s core theme of sharing with others. Students will also explore the artistry of Rangoli, using their creativity to design unique patterns. A Venn diagram activity highlights the similarities and differences between Diwali and Christmas, promoting cultural appreciation. Additionally, students will learn how Diwali is celebrated both in India and in their own country. Decorate your classroom or hallways with beautifully crafted Diyas for an authentic touch, earning compliments on your festive decor! This resource includes: Page 1: What is Diwali? Page 2: What is Diwali? - Answer Sheet Page 3: On Diwali We Share - Five Days Challenge Page 4: My Rangoli Page 5: How Diwali is Celebrated in India / In My Country? Page 6: Diwali and Christmas - Venn Diagram Page 7: Happy Diwali - Diya Craft "---------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ----------------------------------" Happy Diwali!
SQA - Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon Week) - FREE

SQA - Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon Week) - FREE

Este recurso es el complemento perfecto para la Listón Rojo - Presentación PowerPoint. La actividad promueve un debate sencillo y fácil de llevar sobre las drogas y sus peligros. Esta actividad ayuda a tus estudiantes a organizar la información antes, durante y después de la presentación PowerPoint, o de una clase sobre la Semana del Listón Rojo. Ayuda a tus estudiantes a tomar conciencia del uso y abuso de las drogas en edades tempranas. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: SQA - Listón Rojo ¡Feliz Semana del Listón Rojo! "---------------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon - Spanish Version) Semana del Listón Rojo Manualidad - Dile NO a las drogas SQA - Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon Week) - FREE Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon) - Presentación PowerPoint ----------------------------------------------------"
KWL - Red Ribbon Week - FREE​​

KWL - Red Ribbon Week - FREE​​

This resource is the perfect compliment for Red Ribbon - PowerPoint Presentation. The activity promotes a simple and easy-to-take discussion about drugs and their dangers. This activity helps students organize information before, during, and after the PowerPoint presentation or a lesson. Help your kids become critically conscious of drug use and abuse in early ages. This resource includes: Page 1: KWL - Red Ribbon Week Happy Red Ribbon Week! "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version Red Ribbon KWL - Red Ribbon Week - FREE Red Ribbon - PowerPoint Presentation Red Ribbon Week Craft - Say NO to Drugs ---------------------------------"