At Clickt, we want to bring our great resources to your classroom. We do our homework and believe that we 'get it' so that your learners will 'get it' also. We try our very best to bring you high quality and engaging resources - thoughtfully planned and highly structured with incremental challenge. Explore our shop to find resource bundles containing 'Think-lets' (reflective questions), 'Teach-lets' (teaching slides), 'Quiz-lets' (assessment opportunities) and Challenges.
At Clickt, we want to bring our great resources to your classroom. We do our homework and believe that we 'get it' so that your learners will 'get it' also. We try our very best to bring you high quality and engaging resources - thoughtfully planned and highly structured with incremental challenge. Explore our shop to find resource bundles containing 'Think-lets' (reflective questions), 'Teach-lets' (teaching slides), 'Quiz-lets' (assessment opportunities) and Challenges.
This Year 1 science resource helps children to identify everyday materials and to sort objects according to the materials from which they are made. Children will learn useful topic-related words, be posed interesting questions (Think-lets), follow highly structured teaching slides (Teach-lets) about objects and materials and have their scientific knowledge and understanding assessed throughout (Quiz-lets).
This resource provides 3 increasingly difficult and differentiated challenges. The easier challenge asks children to sort everyday objects according to the materials from which they are made, the moderate challenge asks children to identify which objects have been sorted wrongly (and to explain how they know), and the harder challenge asks children to sort objects according to the material or materials from which they are made. This is trickier than Challenge 1. All useful words, visual image prompts, sentence starters and answers are provided.
‘Everyday Materials - Materials and Sorting Objects’ can be explored through this exciting, engaging and original resource. It will give you the tools to teach with focus and confidence, knowing your pupils will successfully develop essential scientific knowledge and skills.
This bundle includes:
• Useful Words with supporting images and written explanations.
• Thought-provoking Think-lets, providing speaking and listening opportunities.
• Informative Teach-lets providing all the necessary information to teach with confidence.
• Timely Quiz-lets, providing on-going assessment opportunities.
• Answers providing a model of accuracy and good practice.
• 3+ Challenges (with answers) testing both basic knowledge and reasoning skills.
Statutory requirements:
• identify and name a variety of everyday materials.
Our products are:
• based upon thorough research and sound teaching pedagogy.
• visually appealing, engaging and challenging.
• designed with age-appropriate word count, vocabulary and sentence structures.
• reflective of Year 1 expectations.
Other resources:
If you like this resource, why not explore more of our great value science resources at:
This Year 1 science resource helps children to distinguish between objects and the materials from which they are made. Children will learn useful topic-related words, be posed interesting questions (Think-lets), follow highly structured teaching slides (Teach-lets) about objects and materials and have their scientific knowledge and understanding assessed throughout (Quiz-lets).
This resource provides 3 increasingly difficult and differentiated challenges. The easier challenge asks children to guess and label everyday objects using photos and clues, the moderate challenge asks children to label everyday objects with the materials from which they are made, and the harder challenge asks children to identify objects and label the material from which they are made. All useful words, visual image prompts, sentence starters and answers are provided. Useful words are only provided for children requiring additional support in the independent tasks.
‘Everyday Materials - Objects and Materials’ can be explored through this exciting, engaging and original resource. It will give you the tools to teach with focus and confidence, knowing your pupils will successfully develop essential scientific knowledge and skills.
This bundle includes:
• Useful Words with supporting images and written explanations.
• Thought-provoking Think-lets, providing speaking and listening opportunities.
• Informative Teach-lets providing all the necessary information to teach with confidence.
• Timely Quiz-lets, providing on-going assessment opportunities.
• Answers providing a model of accuracy and good practice.
• 3+ Challenges (with answers) testing both basic knowledge and reasoning skills.
Statutory requirements:
• distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
Our products are:
• based upon thorough research and sound teaching pedagogy.
• visually appealing, engaging and challenging.
• designed with age-appropriate word count, vocabulary and sentence structures.
• reflective of Year 1 expectations.
Other resources:
If you like this resource, why not explore more of our great value science resources at:
This impressive resource provides everything you’ll need to deliver the complete Year 1 science unit of ‘Plants’ in one TERRIFIC TOPIC BUNDLE. It provides teachers with 12 SETS of highly structured TEACH-LETS (teaching slides) which come with countless THINK-LETS (reflective questions for speaking and listening opportunities), countless QUIZ-LETS (ongoing teacher assessment opportunities) and over 30 Challenges for children to complete with adult support or independently. All answers are provided.
This Year 1 science TERRIFIC TOPIC BUNDLE will allow you to teach ‘Plants’ with consistency, focus and confidence, knowing your pupils will successfully develop essential skills, knowledge and understanding.
Curriculum Links:
Year 1: Science: Working Scientifically:
observing closely, using simple equipment
identifying and classifying
using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.
Year 1: Science: Plants:
identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees;
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
Our Products are:
• based upon thorough research and sound teaching pedagogy.
• visually appealing, engaging and challenging.
• designed with age-appropriate word count, vocabulary and sentence structures.
• reflective of end of KS1 SATs structure and expectations.
Other Resources:
Find more great value differentiated reading comprehension resources at: