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Scratch Jr - Classroom decorations

Scratch Jr - Classroom decorations

Banner and bunting showing the Scratch Jr blocks and icons. Grouped by category and great as an additional teaching resource or as decoration as part of a IT storage space, coding area or classroom display. ScratchJr serves as a beginner’s coding language, empowering children between the ages of 5 and 7 to craft their own captivating stories and animations. By simply connecting graphical programming blocks, kids can bring characters to life, making them move, speak, dance, and interact. With the paint editor, children can customize characters, incorporating their unique voices, sounds, and even personal photos. The programming blocks serve as the magic wand, enabling children to animate their characters and unleash their imagination. ScratchJr is available free from the Apple and Android stores, plus on desktops using this site Scratch Desktop from GitHub Great starter projects can be found at ScratchJr’s website.
Scratch Jr - Matching Excercises (4 Differentiated Sets)

Scratch Jr - Matching Excercises (4 Differentiated Sets)

These A4 vocabulary and command block matching excercise give students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Scratch Jr blocks, their names and their functions. These differentiated worksheets, offer matching task, with icon and name, icon and function, opposites, icon only, name only, and function only alternatives, plus editable blank pages so you can create cut and paste activities too. Using these as a whole class on in smaller groups can really open up quality discussions and opportunities for children to explain their thinking and record their learning. Scratch Jr serves as a beginner’s coding language, empowering children between the ages of 5 and 7 to craft their own captivating stories and animations. By simply connecting graphical programming blocks, kids can bring characters to life, making them move, speak, dance, and interact. With the paint editor, children can customize characters, incorporating their unique voices, sounds, and even personal photos. The programming blocks serve as the magic wand, enabling children to animate their characters and unleash their imagination. ScratchJr is available free from the Apple and Android stores, plus on desktops using the GitHub site. Great starter projects can be found on the ScratchJr Site for free help showing students what the blocks can do.
ScratchJr - Student Project Planning Sheets

ScratchJr - Student Project Planning Sheets

50 pages - 10 differentiated project ideas - plus blank sheets for your own projects. These differentiated project planning sheets, offer 2, 3 and 4 scene boxes plus many topic ideas and all the ScratchJr blocks to plan with. Prepared on A4 sheets to give students a organised space to plan their own Scratch Jr projects on paper before building them with the device. Planning and explaining the code, before building, is a great process for developing fluency and confidence with Scratch Jr, and programming in general. Equally, once students have built something they are proud of, recording the process to teach peers is a great review of their learning. This reflective process can really open up quality discussions and opportunities for children to explain their thinking and record their learning. ScratchJr serves as a beginner’s coding language, empowering children between the ages of 5 and 7 to craft their own captivating stories and animations. By simply connecting graphical programming blocks, kids can bring characters to life, making them move, speak, dance, and interact. With the paint editor, children can customize characters, incorporating their unique voices, sounds, and even personal photos. The programming blocks serve as the magic wand, enabling children to animate their characters and unleash their imagination. ScratchJr is available free from the Apple and Android stores,plus on desktops using the GitHub site. Great starter projects can be found by searching for ScrathJr’s own site too, to help students learn what the blocks can do.