Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Contents of pack:
PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Aim: To be aware of the Commonwealth and its values
Learning outcomes:
You will be able to:
Task 1: Compare and discuss the values of Empire with those of the Commonwealth.
Task 2: Quiz 1: Show what you know about the Commonwealth.
Task 3: Quiz 2: Identify some Commonwealth flags.
Task 4: Quiz 3: Identify some Commonwealth countries.
Task 5: Answer a question about the Commonwealth Day.
Task sheets and word search
St. David’s Day
PowerPoint presentations; quizzes and task sheets to mark St. David’s Day.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications involving money management and personal finance.
1. PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Learning outcomes:
You will be able to:
Task1: Choose four new vocabulary words from the PowerPoint and find the definitions either using the PowerPoint or a dictionary.
Task 2: Demonstrate an understanding of St. David’s by taking part in a quiz.
Task 3: Answer a question about St. David’s Day.
Task 4: Make a paper dragon or colour a Welsh dragon.
2. Wale: What do you know about Wales? Quiz and work book
1 PowerPoint Wales Quiz
• 32 questions about Wales.
2 Wales Work Book:
Task 1: Cary out research about Welsh history. Produce a timeline of events of notable events in Welsh history.
Answer these questions.
Task 2: Answer true or false questions about Wales.
Task 3: Your Euro ’16 diary
Task 4: Write a mini biography about one of famous figures in Welsh history below, or write about someone of your choice.
PowerPoint presentation about Hannukah, the Jewish festival of light. Covers:
When is it?
How long does it last?
Who celebrates Hannukah?
What is Hannukah?
What is a menorah?
How is Hannukah celebrated today?
Hannukah facts
Hannukha craft idea
History: Berlin Olympics 1936 - 80 years on
1. PowerPoint presentation about the Berlin Olympics in August 1936.
Includes slides on the stars of the games; the modern nature of the games;the Nazis and the Olympics; football controversy and a quiz about the ’36 Olympics.
2. Berlin Olympics work book.
Includes tasks on writing a mini biography of one of the key figures involved in the ’36 games; answering written questions about the Berlin Olympics and writing a report as a journalist working in Berlin in August 1936.
A Bundle of activities that introduce the idea of citizenship and how to be a good citizen.
Includes short PowerPoint presentations; activities on creating a citizen superhero; bingo cards and A Question of Citizenship quiz.
1. British Values: An Introduction
PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Learning outcomes:
• Identify the different parts of Britain
• Define ‘Britishness’
• Define ‘values’
• Identify British values
• Describe British values
• Know that sharing values doesn’t mean you have to be British
• Make a British values guide
• Create a British values flag
(47 slides)
Task sheets; quiz sheets and word search.
Christmas And Other World Winter Celebrations
Interactive/adaptable PowerPoint presentations
1. Covers Diwali; Winter Solstice; Hanukkah; Christmas; Kwanzaa and Chinese New Year. Includes craft ideas and activities.
2. Winter Solstice, covering:
When is it?
What is it?
What are its roots?
Why is it celebrated?
Who were the Druids?
What are its symbols?
How it celebrated today?
Winter Solstice craft idea
Solstice Song by Finley and Pagdon
3. Hanukkah: the Jewish festival of light. Covers:
When is it?
How long does it last?
Who celebrates Hanukkah?
What is Hanukkah?
What is a menorah?
How is Hanukkah celebrated today?
Hanukkah facts
Hanukkha craft idea
British Values Bundle that could be useful to link to the upcoming General Election.
PowerPoint presentations and quizzes and task sheets about:
• Individual Liberty
• Rule of Law
• Democracy
• Tolerance and Respect
• Diversity
Two PowerPoint presentations and game: You Say, We Pay
Useful as a starter or ice breaking activity.
Based on the TV game show, this is a word game activity that helps to develop skills in speaking and listening; working in a team and in taking turns.
Useful as a starter or ice breaking activity.
56 slides in total.
British Values: Introduction
PowerPoint presentation:
• Identify the different parts of Britain
• Define ‘Britishness’
• Define ‘values’
• Identify British values
• Describe British values
• Know that sharing values doesn’t mean you must be British
• Make a British values guide
• Create a British values flag
Easter 2018: Easter Around the World
1.PowerPoint presentation/quiz and task sheets about Easter around the world and how it is celebrated.
Looking at different countries across the globe and how they mark this important religious period.
2. Twenty-Eight A3 PDF printable task sheets in zipped file for students to complete; present and display their findings about Easter around the world.
Twenty-six task sheets, each featuring a different country, with one left sheet blank to be used as seen fit by teacher or student.
One task sheet for the whole group to record the different names for Easter across the world.
A word search featuring 25 countries.
The activities include colouring nations’ flags and researching and writing about how Easter is celebrated across the globe.
Students can work individually; in a pair or in a group.
Summer 2017: Quiz: Superheroes
What do You know about Superheroes? (x2)
Rounds on:
• Superhero logos
• Superheroes
• Superhero movies
• Superheroes on TV
Adaptable PowerPoint about the Winter Soltice, covering:
When is it?
What is it?
What are its roots?
Why is it celebrated?
Who were the Druids?
What are its symbols?
How it celebrated today?
Winter Soltice craft idea
Soltice Song by Finley and Pagdon