Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Employability/Work Skills: Job Application Forms
PowerPoint presentation; task sheets and application forms to introduce the topic of applying for a job.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
Employability Skills: Health and Safety at Work
PowerPoint presentation and quiz (20 questions) with Word task sheets to introduce and or recap the topic of health and safety.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
PSHE: Citizenship: Personal Safety in the Community
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets on personal safety and how to stay safe in the community
Could be useful for tutorials or with entry level students working on qualifications about independence and personal skills.
PowerPoint presentation and quiz (20 questions) about Lent.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday and after Shrove Tuesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. This year Lent starts on March 1.
Could be useful to introduce or recap the topic of in the run up to Easter.
St. David’s Day
PowerPoint presentations; quizzes and task sheets to mark St. David’s Day.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications involving money management and personal finance.
1. PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Learning outcomes:
You will be able to:
Task1: Choose four new vocabulary words from the PowerPoint and find the definitions either using the PowerPoint or a dictionary.
Task 2: Demonstrate an understanding of St. David’s by taking part in a quiz.
Task 3: Answer a question about St. David’s Day.
Task 4: Make a paper dragon or colour a Welsh dragon.
2. Wale: What do you know about Wales? Quiz and work book
1 PowerPoint Wales Quiz
• 32 questions about Wales.
2 Wales Work Book:
Task 1: Cary out research about Welsh history. Produce a timeline of events of notable events in Welsh history.
Answer these questions.
Task 2: Answer true or false questions about Wales.
Task 3: Your Euro ’16 diary
Task 4: Write a mini biography about one of famous figures in Welsh history below, or write about someone of your choice.
Employability/Work Skills: CVs; Application Forms and Interviews
PowerPoint presentations and quizzes; task sheets and application forms to introduce the topic applying for a job.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
PowerPoint presentation about Hannukah, the Jewish festival of light. Covers:
When is it?
How long does it last?
Who celebrates Hannukah?
What is Hannukah?
What is a menorah?
How is Hannukah celebrated today?
Hannukah facts
Hannukha craft idea
PSHE/Citizenship: Personal Finance: Understanding Payslips
A bundle of resources that introduce the concept of a payslip and the items shown on a payslip.
1. A PowerPoint game (Deal or No Deal: Understanding Payslips) that covers the definitions of key terms:
• Gross pay
• Net pay
• Dedications
• Income tax
• National Insurance contributions
• Pension contributions
20 questions with multiple choice answers.
Based on the TV game show.
2. You Say: What’s on a payslip? PowerPoint speaking and listening quiz that includes 12 questions about what’s on a payslip.
3. Understanding payslips task sheet: Seven tasks to help students understand payslips.
These resources were made for and delivered to a group of Level One students studying personal finance. All resources can be adapted to suit needs.
A Bundle of activities that introduce the idea of citizenship and how to be a good citizen.
Includes short PowerPoint presentations; activities on creating a citizen superhero; bingo cards and A Question of Citizenship quiz.
Employability/Work Skills: Interview Skills
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets to introduce the topic of interview skills and for students to plan and take part in a mock interview..
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are:
• democracy.
• the rule of law.
• individual liberty.
• mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
Eights sets of work books/task sheets about the British values listed above.
A bundle of resources that introduce the idea of personal safety in the community.
Includes PowerPoint presentations and activities that cover hazards and how to deal with them; peer pressure and its effects.
British Values Bundle that could be useful to link to the upcoming General Election.
PowerPoint presentations and quizzes and task sheets about:
• Individual Liberty
• Rule of Law
• Democracy
• Tolerance and Respect
• Diversity
PowerPoint presentation about Lent.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday and after Shrove Tuesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. This year Lent starts on March 1.
Could be useful to introduce or recap the topic of in the run up to Easter.
Adaptable PowerPoint about the Winter Soltice, covering:
When is it?
What is it?
What are its roots?
Why is it celebrated?
Who were the Druids?
What are its symbols?
How it celebrated today?
Winter Soltice craft idea
Soltice Song by Finley and Pagdon
Employability/Work Skills: Sources of Information
A short PowerPoint presentation and task sheets to introduce the topic of searching for a job and the source of information students could use.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.