TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
Careers in American Politics Escape Room Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, Video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive ‘Bank Heist themed Escape room’ experience.
Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.
There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
Careers in American Politics Escape Quiz Escape Room is fully editable and takes less than 1 Minute to set up.
Careers in American Politics Escape Quiz Bank Heist Escape Room Contents
☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge
☞ Optional Escape Certificates
☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)
Common FAQ’s
★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)
★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)
★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.
How to run this escape challenge
This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.
The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.
Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success
At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.
Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.
Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.
Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.
Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully
(Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.
** Independence Day Escape Room ** Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive 'themed Escape Room’ experience.
Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.
There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
** Escape Room Quiz Experience** Saving the Mascot Escape Room Contents
☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge
☞ Optional Escape Certificates
☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)
Common FAQ’s
★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)
★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)
★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.
How to run this escape challenge
This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.
The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.
Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success
At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.
Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.
Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.
Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.
Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully
(Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.
History of Labour Party Escape Room - Great for the start of end of term. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge on the History of Labour Party but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”
“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast
before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator
in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the
replacement artifacts from secret locations.”
Cre8tive Resources was nominated by TES for the national teaching awards 2021 and runner up in home learning resources of the year!!
Escape Room Contents:
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
Product Code: C8/ES/624
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
Queen Elizabeth II - Platinum Jubilee Escape Room - Great for the start of end of term. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge on Queen Elizabeth II but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”
“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast
before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator
in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the
replacement artifacts from secret locations.”
Cre8tive Resources was nominated by TES for the national teaching awards 2021 and runner up in home learning resources of the year!!
Escape Room Contents:
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
U.S President’s Wives Escape Room - Great for the start of end of term. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge on the U.S President’s Wives but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”
“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast
before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator
in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the
replacement artifacts from secret locations.”
Cre8tive Resources was nominated by TES for the national teaching awards 2021 and runner up in home learning resources of the year!!
Escape Room Contents:
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
Product Code: C8/ES/597
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
November Tutor Time Form Time Quiz Bundle Assembly / Form time / Lessons / Activities
FUN\C8B\11 This Bundle contains 6 of our most popular November themed special days, PSHE, RSE, British Values & Citizenship quiz resources:
Remembrance Day Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (11th November)
UK Parliament Week Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (Mid November).
Anti Bullying Week Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (11th - 15th November)
St Andrew’s Day Quiz & Student Answer Sheets (30th November )
St Andrew’s Day Activity Pack (30th November)
Freebie - Making Peace Doves
Each Quiz Resource contains around 10 different rounds and 55+ Questions.(rounds range from True or False, Themed General Knowledge, Observation and memory Rounds, Fun Rounds, Multiple choice, Exploring Numbers, statistics, anagrams and a Design Challenge and much more…
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time (Tutor, PSHE, Citizenship, RSE, British Values) form time, extracurricular clubs, part of a drop-down day or as an educational treat for your class or stimulus for an interactive assembly.
Great way to engage students, promote healthy competition and discussion on sensitive and topical issues.
Each Quiz could last up to 1 hour easily or could be split over several form tutor sessions with a variety of different tasks/Rounds to chose from - The opportunities for implementation are various. Any Activity Packs (if included ) have 2-4 Hours worth of material/activities.
A variety of different rounds and different challenges for all types of students to access (something for all abilities within the quiz)
You may also like some of our popular cre8tive resources…
Brexit Explained
Big Brexit Quiz
October Tutor Time Package
November Tutor time Package
December Tutor Time Package
January tutor Time Package
February Tutor time Bundle
March Tutor Time Bundle
Brexit Britain. A weeks work of Cre8tive Form Tutor Brexit Activities to celebrate this event. CIT/C8/AP/03 (Powerpoints, Worksheets, activities and more)
Monday - Exploring Key terms and learning about why Brexit is happening (PPt and Worksheet Provided)
Tuesday - Understanding Brexit - Both sides of the argument Comprehension (Ppt and Worksheet)
Wednesday - Who is in the EU anyway? - Problem Solving activities
Thursday - Imagining Brexit was a fictional Story how would the review go?
Friday - News Reporter journalism activity.
There are also five debating slides one for each day of the week available to
There is also some Slides and Ballot papers to allow each class to conduct their own Referendum if they wanted to.
This resource will easily fill five 20-30 Minute Form tutor slots and also at the same timewith a few ‘extras’ could fill 5 hours if needed. Therefore this resource could be used as a basis for a drop down day of activities to celebrate Brexit - Especially if used with our Big Brexit Quiz and Brexit Activity Packs
Here are some of our other popular fast selling Brexit resources:
British Values Quiz
Brexit and The European Union Lesson
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The European Union and Brexit GCSE Work Booklet
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Spring Term Tutor Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
x6 European Union and Brexit Revision Rubix Cubes for GCSE Citizenship CIT/C8/TL/10
Suitable for KS4 possibly KS3
x1 Brief Powerpoint teaching students about EU membership
6 PAGE pack of a classroom-ready activities that will educate and engage students.
This mini booklet has been created by a dedicated team of citizenship experts.
This 6 page Booklet Contains:
3 x 2x2 Revision Cubes for GCSE Citizenship 9-1 (Differentiated for Lower ability 1-5)
3 x 3x3 Revision Cube for GCSE Citizenship 9-1 (Differentiated for Higher ability 6-9)
1 x 3x3 Blank Revision Cube for students to create their own
1 Set of Credits and Flipped Learning Opportunities
Fantastic resource to support quick and easy planning to educate students about this event!
Here are some of our other popular fast selling Brexit resources:
British Values Quiz
Brexit and The European Union Lesson
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The European Union and Brexit GCSE Work Booklet
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Spring Term Tutor Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
Brexit Lesson KS3 - CIT/C8/LS/03 (Powerpoint, worksheets, fun activities all about views on Brexit and EU membership).
This resource could be used in English / Citizenship / Literacy / PSHE / Humanities or form tutor sessions to celebrate this event.
This booklet has been created by a dedicated team of teachers.
This Activity Booklet is fully editable and customisable.
1x Activity Booklet Version
1 x Brexit lesson Powerpoint (Larning objectives, Links to educational Videos, Starter, Plenary, lots of activities, differentiated)
Fantastic resource to support quick and easy planning to educate students about this event!
Here are some of our other popular fast selling Brexit resources:
British Values Quiz
Brexit and The European Union Lesson
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The European Union and Brexit GCSE Work Booklet
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Spring Term Tutor Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
2 Year’s worth of Form Tutor Materials
14 pages of Brexit Britain. Brexit: The Uncivil War Channel 4 TV Booklet. 5-8+ Hours Worth of Activities Activities to celebrate this Channel 4 TV Drama. ( Worksheets, activities and more) CIT/C8/WB/97
Watch the 90 Minute TV drama with your students and then use this workbooklet to really explore all the topics raised and questioned in this TV drama about why the UK really voted to leave the European Union. CIT/C8/WB/97
The Work Booklet Contents:
All of these are printable student worksheets…
Pro-Leave Views on Brexit
The Voting Demographic
Pro-Remain Views on Brexit
6 Key players Influencing Brexit
6 More Key players -Influencing Brexit
Pro-Leave Campaigners Continuum Activity
Planning your own campaign strategy
Brexit Debate topics raised by the Tv drama
Writing a Review about Brexit: The Uncivil War
10-11. More Debate topics raised by the Channel 4 Drama
Starting a Brexit Campaign of your own
13+. Start a Bremain Campaign of your own
Here are some of our other popular fast selling Brexit resources:
British Values Quiz
Brexit and The European Union Lesson
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The European Union and Brexit GCSE Work Booklet
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Spring Term Tutor Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision and Intervention Question Trees 10 Different Topics Covered
Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards CIT/C8/TL/07
This Resource Contains:
Intervention and revision materials for OCR Section 2
x10 Question Trees for GCSE Citizenship
x1 Blank Copy of a Citizenship Question Tree
This product had the input from 10 Different GCSE Citizenship Teachers from across the country who set Cre8tive Resources the Challenge to design them each a bespoke Revision Question Tree for a topic they were teaching this week. This product was a result
The ten topics they challenges us to create a revision question tree for were:
Local and National Devolved Governments, Human Rights, Active Citizenship, Politics BEyond the UK – Focus China, United Nations, and the Commonwealth, Judicial Hierarchy, Electoral Reform in the UK and Voting systems, Constitutional Principles, Civil and Criminal law and the Courts and Devolution of Power
Some real difficult and topical parts of the GCSE Course.
How could you use this resource?
Homework tasks or plenary tasks or part of a lesson
Targeted Intervention for specific students
Enlarge to A3 and do a fun group learning task
Targeted Intervention groups
Review a topic once studied.
Suitable for Black and White or colour Printing
In total, this resource package contains 200 Questions for students to attempt and tackle.
TOP TIPS: The resource is differentiated by the route the student takes and the question increase in difficulty as you advance down the tree. Each resource ends with a deeper thinking essay topic question. Students could then use the tree to plan out and then undertake a timed essay.
Fantastic for quick and easy planning!
Careers Education Unit (8- Hours worth of Material) . Exploring 8 Different Careers linked to the Public Sector, Politics and Law and Journalism. suitable for KS3 or KS4 students. A 20 page pack of classroom-ready Careers activities that will enthuse and engage students. Could be used as part of your PSHE Curriculum offer or Character Education & Careers and Finance
or a nice way to link Careers with Citizenship
What specific expectations are addressed?
-Explore Careers Education in a unique fun and explorative way
-Recognise key elements to different job roles and look at the skills, qualities and experience needed to persue a career in 8 different chosen fields
-Identify ways of building an accurate self-image that can guide successful career choices
What is included in this product?
Civil Service - Explore this Job
Librarians - Explore this Job
Politicians - What is a life in politics like / Research your local MP
Local Councillors - What do they do?
Police Officer - Look at the structure of the Police Force and the Rights and Responsibilities
Magistrate - What skills and Qualities are needed?
A Judge - Look at their role and the different types
Journalist - Look at the role of the media in society and the importance of journalism
Research a specific Job template
Pages of ready-to-use student worksheets designed to be written on
A wide range of activities, to suit all types of learners.
Minimal preparation required – Just print and go!
Discussion activities included in with every case study, challenging your most able students
With Each of the 8 Jobs there is a worksheet (sometimes 2 ) To complete and an information sheet with general information about the role these jobs perform in society. (Perfect blend of Citizenship and Careers Education
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers.
Description of Product
Ready-to-Print pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students.
Suitable for Secondary School students to explore this topic. It can be used to revise the topic and teach the Careers through a range of stimulating exercises, encouraging discussion and liven up lessons through structured engagement between students.
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
Find “Cre8tive Resources” on Social Media:
Follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) to be the first to know about new product releases, giveaways and contests.
Independence Day Escape Room for a class. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge of Independence Day and culture capital but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”
“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast
before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator
in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the
replacement artifacts from secret locations.”
Escape Room Contents
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students. Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our amazing subject specialist!
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made optional Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 or 10 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.
Product Code: C8/ES/6
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
History of Democratic Party Escape Room for a class. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge of History of Democratic Party and culture capital but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”
“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast
before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator
in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the
replacement artifacts from secret locations.”
Escape Room Contents
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students. Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our amazing subject specialist!
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made optional Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 or 10 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.
Product Code: C8/ES/6
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
** Russia and Its Rulers Escape Room ** Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive 'themed Escape Room’ experience.
Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.
There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
** Escape Room Quiz Experience** Saving the Mascot Escape Room Contents
☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge
☞ Optional Escape Certificates
☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)
Common FAQ’s
★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)
★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)
★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.
How to run this escape challenge
This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.
The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.
Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success
At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.
Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.
Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.
Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.
Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully
(Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.
** International Organisations and Aid Escape Room ** Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive 'themed Escape Room’ experience.
Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.
There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
** Escape Room Quiz Experience** Super Hero Escape Room Contents
☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge
☞ Optional Escape Certificates
☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)
Common FAQ’s
★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)
★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)
★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.
How to run this escape challenge
This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.
The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.
Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success
At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.
Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.
Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.
Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.
Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully
(Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.
**Ethics and Fast Fashion ** bundle of resources great for teaching students engaging lessons. Could even be used for revision purposes or a treat. Answers included with every resource and activity. The resources come in editable format so you can amend and make changes if you wish.
Contents of Teaching Bundle
☞ 1 x Escape Room with all resources - Great Fun!
☞ 1 x Work Booklet
☞ 1 x 1 Hour Powerpoint Lesson
☞ 1 x 1 Hour Powerpoint Lesson
We use practicing Heads of Departments to create our resources. Our resources in 2021 have been award nominated by TES and have been downloaded and used across thousands of classrooms.
How can you use the Escape Rooms?
☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
☞ The 7 Rooms each have a specific Puzzle that has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable for secondary Students
How can you use Topic Task Cards?
Use in Pairs or Table Groups
Use As A whole Class activity
Used for Homework
Fact hunt – treasure hunt scavenger task
Market shop or Student White board feedback
Q and A Revision on a topic
Use as quick extension or AFL activities
Use as a fun way to start a lesson or plenary
Use as part of a board game – get the students to create a game they can be used with
Used as part of a classroom display
Play noughts and crosses with them
Quick Quiz Trade
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
History of Republican Party Escape Room for a class. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge of History of Republican Party and culture capital but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.
The plot…
“Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”
“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast
before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator
in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the
replacement artifacts from secret locations.”
Escape Room Contents
☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!
☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)
☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students. Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our amazing subject specialist!
☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!
☞ Professionally made optional Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.
As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!
As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 or 10 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!
This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!
The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.
Product Code: C8/ES/6
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
** President’s wives Escape Room ** Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive 'themed Escape Room’ experience.
Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.
There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.
The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…
** Escape Room Quiz Experience** Saving the Mascot Escape Room Contents
☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge
☞ Optional Escape Certificates
☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)
Common FAQ’s
★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)
★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)
★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.
How to run this escape challenge
This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.
The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.
Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success
At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.
Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.
Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.
Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.
Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully
(Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.