TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
Music Christmas Quiz - Christmas Interactive 12 Rounds and 66 Questions (Identifying Musical notes, Santa in the Music Department, Song titles, Matching Lyrics, Observing the piano, linking round, Famous guitarists, , Design Challenge and more…) Complete with falling snow and the pulling of crackers!
This resource contains:
☞ 1x Music PowerPoint with questions and answers laid out in a professional format
☞ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /66+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
☞ 3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Contains 12 Rounds:
✿ This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
✿ A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability)FUN/C8/QZ/39
✿ This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves drawing an image top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term and Christmas.
You may also want to check out these other great music Cre8tive resources for your students
⇨ Musical Instrument Workbooklet
⇨ Big film and TV Quiz
⇨ Fun Christmas Music Quiz -
⇨ Christmas Music Big bundle
⇨ Nursery Rhymes KS2 and KS1 Christmas music Quiz
Geography Christmas Quiz - Christmas Interactive Christmas / End of Term Quiz aimed at KS3 or KS4 students. Every round is completely different and not just your boring Q and A style but instead each round tests a different type of skill. (Guess the Present, The Emoji Round, Where is Santa?, Christmas Crackers, Spot the Difference, True or False, Meme Challenge, and More… ) Product Code: FUN/C8/QZ/153
Full 1 hour Lesson
☞ Over 11 rounds and 62+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
☞ 1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
☞ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /62+ Marks
☞ 3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Round 1: Identify the Christmas Present
Guessing Christmas presents before they are unwrapped
Round 2: Christmas Around the World
Match the Christmas Greeting to the country
Round 3: Christmas Cracker Jokes
Let your class have a go at pulling the four interactive Christmas Crackers
Round 4: Where is Santa is the World
Identify the country from its landmass and flag
Round 5: Spot the differences at Christmas Time
Not as easy as it first appears. Which teams have a careful eye
Round 6: Christmas Truth, Fake News or a Lie
Good variety of Christmas themed questions
Round 7: Emoji Christmas Round
Say what you see catch phrase style to make the names of famous Christmas movies
Round 8: But which two are right
Christmas trivia and confusion
Round 9: Anagrams
Unscramble the countries
Round 10: Multiple Choice Numbers Round
Pick the right one
Round 11: Identifying Landmarks Geo Round
How good is your teams Geo Knowledge
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
This will last a full hour for the full quiz by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves create a meme top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term and Christmas.
You may also want to check out these other great Cre8tive resources for your students
⇨ Geography Christmas Quiz
⇨ Science Christmas Quiz
⇨ Drama Christmas Quiz
⇨ Maths Christmas Quiz
⇨ BREXIT - EU in or out this Christmas
⇨ History Christmas Quiz
⇨ Christmas Quiz
GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1: Complete EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP Assessment/Tracking/Analysis EDEXCEL Package
Product Code: CIT/C8B/E23
This Bundle Includes:
12 x 10 Page Assessment Packages
1 x MCQ Assessment
1 x EDEXCEL PLC Tracker
1 x Student Campaign Planning Portfolio
1 x Set of marking grids that have been adapted for each of the three exam boards (AQA, OCR and EDEXCEL) to cover the ‘Evaluate’ style Questions
1 x GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
Large set of Brand New Citizenship Revision Question Trees
The Jumbo Package covers all EDEXCEL topics and we can honestly say that it will save you so much time and effort in planning and preparation and will help to boost the GCSE Citizenship grades for your department (It did for us! - Way above the national average). Created by experienced lead teachers of Citizenship.
All this for the price of three textbooks or 1/3 day cost for a supply teacher.
Product Code: CIT/C8B/E23
Each individual Assessment is:
Exam Practice for the New GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
Each exam is out of 40 marks and consists of;
Section A: Knowledge and Understanding
Section B: Source Analysis and Application
Section C: Evaluation through Essay Practice
Each individual assessment package contains:
Exam Paper
SEN Adapted Exam Paper (Essay Question)
Source Sheet - with up to date relevant challenging sources
Feedback Sheet - with marking scheme, example answers and grade boundaries to be used by students or teacher
Track missing marks to improve exam technique
This resource is matched against the tougher new requirements of GCSE Citizenship (9-1) and made by a team of GCSE Citizenship experts.
Here are a few examples of our resources we provide to support EDEXCEL GCSE Citizenship:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
EDEXCEL Revision and Intervention Package
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
Brand New KS3 Geography Escape Room all about OS Maps - End of Year - 2nd Generation Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! Can you escape the School Before the End of Term? This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class.
Product Contents:
☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
☞ Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
☞ Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking to escape the School)
☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
✿ The 7 Rooms include: Playground, Hallway F, English Classroom, Never Ending Basement, Heads Office, The Library and Finally the Secret Laboratory (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable for KS3 Student.
They can also be used to encourage a flipped learning environment.
Product Code C8/ES/30
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may also want to check out these other great Geography Cre8tive resources for your students:
✿ GCSE Geography Revision 9-1 Bundle - 350 Questions
✿ Geography General Knowledge End of Term Quiz
✿ KS3 Top Selling Geography Escape Room
✿ Map Reading Skills - Geography Escape Room
✿ Geography Christmas Quiz
✿ What is Fair Trade Lesson
✿ FairTrade Fortnight Activity Pack
✿ World Trade Organisation (WTO) Lesson
Autumn Term News Quiz Over 11 rounds and 60+ Questions. News & General Knowledge Quiz. A fun news based quiz that tests a range of different skills with students working in teams to compete against each other. Let the best team win!
This resource contains:
☞ 1x PowerPoint with questions and answers laid out in a professional format
☞ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
☞ Contains 11 Rounds: Identify People in the News, Real or Fake News, Link the Event to the Country, Observation, Multiple Choice, De-Scrabble, Design Challenge and more…
☞ 3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
✿ This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
✿ A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability)
✿ This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves drawing an image top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to teach your students about Geography . Product Code:FUN/C8/QZ/22
You may also like some of our other popular form tutor resource Packages …
⇨ Autumn Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ Spring Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ Summer Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ 1-2 Years Worth of Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ Summer School Package - Team Building Challenges / Quizzes and Fun stuff!
Brand New Summer Quiz End of Year Brand New !** With Certificates and Team sheets and much much more. Over 10 rounds and 58+ Questions. Tutor Time End of Year treat. A fun knowledge quiz that tests a range of different skills with students working in teams to compete against each other. Let the best team win!
This resource contains:
☞ 1x PowerPoint with questions and answers laid out in professional format
☞ 1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /58+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
☞ Contains 10 Rounds: Identify what you can see, True or False, Observation and memory Round, Fun Rounds, Multiple Choice, Exploring Numbers, statistics, anagrams and a Design Challenge and much more…
☞ BONUS Item is a 10 Page 4+ Hours Activity Pack of Fun Resources for students to do (summer Homework, Team Challenges and Fun end of term competitions and team building tasks)
✿ This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun and educational treat for your class.
✿ A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability)
✿ This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
✿ This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves drawing an image top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to teach your students about Geography . Product Code:FUN/C8/QZ/69
You may also like some of our other popular form tutor resource Packages …
⇨ Autumn Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ Spring Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ Summer Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ 1-2 Years Worth of Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
⇨ Summer School Package - Team Building Challenges / Quizzes and Fun stuff!
AQA Personalised Learning Checklist CIT/C8/TL/11
This 13 page document covers 100+ topics, can be used by students to help structure their revision for the new AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP.
Designed to help support potentially struggling students by providing a renewed focus on 100% exam revision for AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This document is the most important part of your revision and prep.
Leave a Review and we will send you any resource up to £4 for free!
How can it be used?
Here are just a few suggestions to get the most of this revision aid;
Colour code how much you know already for each topic
As you complete revision and grow in confidence on each topic colour more boxes and tick if you have completed the revision.
-Use your textbook and exercise book to help focus your revision.
-Peer and self-assessment
-Revision material before exams
-Extension/ review activity in a lesson
Also contains a checklist for the active citizenship element of the course, which accounts for 15% of the final mark. (24/160 marks)
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Cre8tive Resources.
AQA - Bringing About Political change - Teaching & Revision Jumbo Pack
AQA - UK’s role in International Organisations - Teaching & Revision Jumbo Pack
[How NGO’s Respond to Humanitarian Crises around the world ](https://www
AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 1
AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 2
AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 3
AQA Complete Revision and Intervention Package
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz
A detailed lesson about the role of a local MP and what responsibilities they have. PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To describe a variety of ways the UK can help support other countries
Extended: To understand the different issues impacting countries across the world
Advanced: To evaluate whether NGO’s and International Organisations are better placed than national governments to support countries
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Humanities Teachers as part of one of the leading PSHE & Citizenship Resource Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 21 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
20 Exit Tickets
Role of an MP Profile Sheet
What do MP’s actually do continuum activity
Politics Revision Cube
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/118
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
2 x Completely Different Digital Escape Rooms for PE.
1 x Escape the Locked Room (General Fun and End of Term)
1 x Escape the Haunted School Building (Specific PE Escape Room)
Bonus Free Resource - End of Year sports Quiz
Each Escape Room Includes…
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms for the First Escape Room include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students.
The 7 Rooms for the Second Escape Room include: Playground, Hallway F, English Classroom, Never Ending Basement, Heads Office, The Library and Finally the Secret Laboratory (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student.
You may want to check out some of our other great PE resources:
✎Physical Training & diet Bundle
✎10x PE & Sport Escape Rooms
✎Health fitness & Wellbeing Bundle
✎ PE Christmas Quiz
✎ Sports Psychology
✎ Diet in Sport
✎ Football and Sport Escape Room
✎ PE Cover Lessons
✎ PE Escape Room
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Wellbeing & Health Escape Room Collection
✎ Physical Training - GCSE PE
✎Sports Psychology Bundle
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
Science Christmas Quiz - Christmas Interactive 64+ Question Christmas / End of Term Quiz aimed at KS3 or KS4 students. Every round is completely different and not just your boring Q and A style but instead each round tests a different type of skill. (Guess the Present, The Emoji Round, Name the Christmas Film from the Actors, Christmas Crackers, Spot the Difference, True or False, Meme Challenge, and More… ) Product Code: FUN/C8/QZ/156
Full 1 hour Lesson
Over 10 rounds and 64+ Questions. Christmas Quiz. This resource contains:
1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks
3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Round 1: Identify the Christmas Present
Guessing Christmas presents before they are unwrapped
Round 2: Match the Science term
Match the term
Round 3: Christmas Cracker Jokes
Let your class have a go at pulling the four interactive Christmas Crackers
Round 4: Christmas Film Round
Which movie did the 6 famous actors and actresses pictured star in
Round 5: Spot the differences at Christmas Time
Not as easy as it first appears. Which teams have a careful eye
Round 6: Christmas Truth, Fake News or a Lie
Good variety of Christmas themed questions
Round 7: Emoji Christmas Round
Say what you see catch phrase style to make the names of famous Christmas movies
Round 8: But which two are right
Christmas trivia and confusion
Round 9: Puzzle at Christmas
Solve the puzzle in the time limit
Round 10: Multiple Choice Numbers Round
Pick the right one
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
This will last a full hour for the full quiz by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves create a meme top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term and Christmas.
You may also want to check out these other great Cre8tive resources for your students
⇨ Geography Christmas Quiz
⇨ Science Christmas Quiz
⇨ Drama Christmas Quiz
⇨ Maths Christmas Quiz
⇨ BREXIT - EU in or out this Christmas
⇨ History Christmas Quiz
⇨ Christmas Quiz
Celebrate Children in Need Quiz with your students by undertaking this specially designed quiz with a variety of different rounds and question styles.
**Children in Need and Charity Work - **
It’s good to talk’ is all about promoting the wellbeing of people of all ages in education using their voice to create a healthier school community.
**Just added for ONLINE LEARNING / QUIZZING - NEW DIGITAL ANSWER SHEET - Student can fill in their editable PDF answer sheet and can also self mark with built in tick boxes and score counter.
Contents of Quiz
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)
☞1 x Set of certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
☞ 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)
☞ 1 x Student Answer Sheets they can fill in during the quiz
☞ Quiz can be done as an individual task or in small teams.
How could you use it
Celebrate the event / Activity / Theme
Assess Prior knowledge
As a class based activity or during form time / Form competition
An educational ’ Treat Lesson ’ For your students.
Why are Cre8tive Resources?
We are a not-for profit Community interest social enterprise made up of Teachers. We invest in developing more free and paid resources for students. We are currently working on developing a FREE Mental health and Wellbeing PSHE App for students. We run Facebook support groups for teachers and provide the PSHE and Citizenship Academy.
Product Code: C8/QZ/267
You may also want to check out these other popular selling highly rated PSHE, RE Careers & Citizenship Resources we have created:
Christianity and RE Escape Room
KS3 Intro to Six World Religions Escape Room
RE Christmas Big Bundle Pack
GCSE RE - Escape Dr. Dreadful’s Mansion
Exploring Sikhism Quiz
Celebrating Equality & Diversity
Multicultural Britain Lesson
British Values & IDentity Lesson
Discrimination & Equality Act
International Women’s Day QuizCelebrate the achievements of women worldwide. FUN/C8/QZ/38
1 x Powerpoint Quiz = Contains 9 Rounds: Identify the Famous Female, True or False, Linking the Famous Women to Her Achievement, Women in History, Wordsearch, Design Challenge and more…
1 x Printable Team answer Sheets
3 x Sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extracurricular clubs, part of a drop-down day or as a fun treat for your class.
This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves drawing an image top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate International Women’s Day.
A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability) FUN/C8/QZ/38
Here are a few examples:
Black History Quiz and Students Answer Sheets
Votes for Women KS3 and KS4 Activity Pack
Here are some of our other popular fast selling form tutor resources:
British Values Quiz
The Big Literacy Quiz
Form Tutor January Summer
Form Tutor Package Spring
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Autumn Tutor Time Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
St Davids Day: Saint David’s Day Activity Pack . Product Code: FUN/C8/AP/09
11 PAGE pack of classroom-ready activities will enthuse and engage students.
Suitable for KS2, KS3 and KS4 students to explore the topic of St David and Wales through a wide range of fun and engaging meaningful activities
This booklet has been created by a dedicated team of experts and will allow competition, peer reflection and SMSC.
It can be used to teach the topic of Patron Saints and would work well with the St David’s Quiz we have, We believe this resource will help celebrate this day through a range of stimulating exercises, encouraging discussion and lots of creative fun.
This Booklet Contains:
o Theme of St David - Handout
o Theme of Peace - Handout
o Examples of doves
o Campaign Activities
o 3D Design Templates and final Design prototype
o A wide range of activities, to suit all types of learners.
o Minimal preparation required – Just print and go!
o Topical debate Questions and a rubix cube revision activity
Bonus Extra: A work sheet on exploring the different symbolisations of peace around the world
. Product Code: FUN/C8/AP/09
They can also be used to encourage a flipped learning environment.
This resource will engage, educate and motivate your students – fantastic for quick and easy planning!
Here are some of our other popular fast selling form tutor resources:
British Values Quiz
The Big Literacy Quiz
Form Tutor January Summer
Form Tutor Package Spring
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Autumn Tutor Time Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
9-1 GCSE Citizenship Edexcel Theme B - Democracy at Work in the UK - Exam Assessment Bundle CIT/C8B/E20
All our paid exam resources are fully editable.
Covers all topics under Edexcel Theme B - Democracy at Work in the UK
Contains 3 Assessments
Exam Practice for the New GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
Exam Board Edexcel
Each exam is out of 41 marks and consists of;
Section A: Knowledge and Understanding
Section B: Source Analysis and Application
Section C: Evaluation through Essay Practice
Each resource contains:
Exam Paper
SEN Adapted Exam Paper (Essay Question)
Source Sheet - with up to date relevant challenging sources
Feedback Sheet - with marking scheme, example answers and grade boundaries to be used by students or teacher
Track missing marks to improve exam technique
These assessments are matched against the tougher new requirements of GCSE Citizenship (9-1) and made by a team of GCSE Citizenship experts. It will save you hours of work for the price of a coffee. CIT/C8B/E20
Bonus Extra Freebie: Marking templates
Try combining this resource with our other New GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Assessments, Double Lesson PowerPoints and Engaging Worksheets.
Here are a few examples:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
EDEXCEL Revision and Intervention Package
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
British Values Quiz
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
End of Year Citizenship Quiz Over 10 rounds and 70+ Questions. Citizenship Quiz.
Product Code: FUN/C8/QZ/25 Now with certificates
This resource contains:
1xPowerPoint about GCSE Citizenship in Quiz Format
1x Citizenship Themed Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /70+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
Contains 10 Rounds: Identify the Organisation, Inside the Court Room, True or False, Constitutional Powers, Anagrams, Multiple Choice Round, Design Challenge and more…
3 x sets of Certificates (Winning Team Gold Certificates, 2nd Place Team Silver Certificates and 3rd Place Team Bronze Certificates) The certificates come in two sizes A4 and A5 and are easily editable in PPT format.
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun and educational treat for your class.
This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included.
A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability)
Product code: FUN/C8/QZ/25
You may also like some of our other popular form tutor resource Packages …
Autumn Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
Spring Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
Summer Term Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
1-2 Years Worth of Tutor Time Form Time Super Bundle
Summer School Package - Team Building Challenges / Quizzes and Fun stuff!
Citizenship Resources:
British Values Quiz
Brexit and The European Union Lesson
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The Big Brexit Quiz
2 Year’s worth of Form Tutor Materials
2x Lessons - Asylum Seekers and Refugees . NEW GCSE Citizenship Lessons (9-1) Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/05
This resource contains:
1 x PowerPoint for double lesson 120+ mins - Asylum Seekers and Refugees and the UK
1x Card sort hand out
2 x Differentiated exam practice assessments
These PowerPoint and PDF resources can be used to cover the GCSE Citizenship topic Asylum Seekers and Refugees and the UK.
This lesson material is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 1 Life in Modern Britain
Edexcel Specification covered is: Theme A Living Together in the UK
OCR Specification covered is: Section 3 The UK and the Wider World
Product Code: CIT/C8/LS/05
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Cre8tive Resources.
AQA - Bringing About Political change - Teaching & Revision Jumbo Pack
AQA - UK’s role in International Organisations - Teaching & Revision Jumbo Pack
How NGO’s Respond to Humanitarian Crises around the world
EDEXCEL - Complete Theme C - Teaching & Revision SUPER Jumbo Pack
[EDEXCEL - Complete Theme A - Teaching & Revision SUPER Jumbo Pack]
Discrimination and the Law Work Booklet
OCR - Section 3 The UK and the Wider World - Teaching & Revision SUPER Jumbo Pack
Campaigning Student Resources
British Values Quiz
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The European Union and Brexit GCSE Work Booklet
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
St Paddy’s Day Quiz: St Patrick’s Day - Learn about the Patron Saint of Ireland with this educational Quiz . Product Code: FUN/C8/QZ/44
Over 9 rounds and 60+ Questions. Learn about the Patron Saint of Ireland.
This resource contains:
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /60+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
Contains 9 Rounds: Matching items, Learn about the Patron Saint, Identify the item, True or False, Linking Rounds, Memory of the Saint Day, Numbers Round, Anagram Round, Design Challenge and more…
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extracurricular clubs, part of a drop-down day or as a fun treat for your class. A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability)
. Product Code: FUN/C8/QZ/44
This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves drawing an image top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term.
Here are some of our other popular fast selling form tutor resources:
British Values Quiz
The Big Literacy Quiz
Form Tutor January Summer
Form Tutor Package Spring
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Autumn Tutor Time Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Topic Cards x335 Revision topic cards with x1000(ish) Questions
Product Code: CIT/C8B/E17
This Resource covers the following Themes and includes:
Theme A - Living in the UK: 64 Revision topic Cards
Theme B - Democracy at Work in the UK: 144 Revision topic Cards
Theme C - How the law works: 60 Revision topic Cards
Theme D - Power and Influence: 68 Revision topic Cards
x1000 Questions to aid revision
Each key word topic revision card includes. Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
Three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique
x1 set of marking grids that have been adapted for each of the three exam boards (AQA, OCR and EDEXCEL) to cover the ‘Evaluate’ style Questions
List of teaching and learning ideas on how to use the Revision Topic Cards to gain the top CITIZENSHIP GCSE GRADES.
Active Citizenship Reflection for Edexcel
Revision Topic Cards:
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the Revision content topic term
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
If you find these useful check out our other revision sets suitable for GCSE Citizenship 9-1.
Product Code: CIT/C8B/E17
Here are a few examples:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
Why not pick up something educational and fun for the End of Term …
End of Term Quiz
The Big News Quiz
The Big summer Quiz
Citizenship Christmas Quiz
PSHE Christmas Quiz
9-1 GCSE Citizenship Edexcel Theme A - Living Together in the UK - Exam Assessment Bundle CIT/C8B/E19
All our paid exam resources are fully editable.
Covers all topics under Edexcel Theme A - Living Together in the UK
Contains 3 Assessments
Exam Practice for the New GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
Exam Board Edexcel
Each exam is out of 41 marks and consists of;
Section A: Knowledge and Understanding
Section B: Source Analysis and Application
Section C: Evaluation through Essay Practice
Each resource contains:
Exam Paper
SEN Adapted Exam Paper (Essay Question)
Source Sheet - with up to date relevant challenging sources
Feedback Sheet - with marking scheme, example answers and grade boundaries to be used by students or teacher
Track missing marks to improve exam technique
Bonus Extra Freebie: Marking templates
These assessments are matched against the tougher new requirements of GCSE Citizenship (9-1) and made by a team of GCSE Citizenship experts. It will save you hours of work for the price of a coffee. CIT/C8B/E19
Try combining this resource with our other New GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Assessments, Double Lesson PowerPoints and Engaging Worksheets.
Here are a few examples:
EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C
EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D
EDEXCEL Revision and Intervention Package
Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources
British Values Quiz
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
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Big Film and TV QUIZ !!**
Over 11 rounds and 80+ Questions! Now comes with reward certificates
This resource contains
1xPowerPoint QUIZ
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /80+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
Contain 11 Rounds: Name the Superhero, True or False, Who says it? Catchphrases, Observation, De-Scrabble, Design Challenge and more…
3 x sets of Certificates (Winning Team Gold Certificates, 2nd Place Team Silver Certificates and 3rd Place Team Bronze Certificates) The certificates come in two sizes A4 and A5 and are easily editable in PPT format.
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extra curricular clubs, part of a drop down day or as a fun treat for your class.
This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included.
A variety of different rounds and different challenges within this quiz for all types of learners to access (something fun no matter what ability)
Product Code: FUN/C8/QZ/21
This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term and contains two hidden topical Youtube videos.
Here are some of our other popular fast selling form tutor resources:
British Values Quiz
The Big Literacy Quiz
Form Tutor January Summer
Form Tutor Package Spring
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Autumn Tutor Time Package
The Big Brexit Quiz