Allows pupils to explore the SMSC involved in Christian Funerals. Pupils should already have an understanding of what a Christian funeral consists of.
Differentiated versions also included.
Explore five of Jesus’ parables:
Good Samaritan
Unforgiving Servant
Rich Young Man
Sheep and the Goats
Each parable comes with activities and reflection questions to help the students to understand the key teaching behind each story.
Christian Art and Symbolism - What is in a church? Marketplace Activity
Can be done independently or as part of a group / team.
Activity covers 8 Christian symbols and the meaning of colours in Christian art.
Pupils calculate their karma from the actions on the Fallout cards (drawn at random)
My year 7s always love playing this activity and seem to relish the fact that they might end up 'Really Evil' or 'Really Good'
Whole unit for ‘Islamophobia’ - more important in today’s world than ever.
Unit of work also provided.
Lesson sequence:
1 Introduction to Islamophobia
2 Islamophobia
3 Jihad and Quran
4 Islamic Heroes
5 Islam in Britain
6 Assessment
In this unit pupils explore issues of Islamophobia in the world. Pupils will develop their understanding of where Islamophobia comes from and how Islamophobia impacts on society today. The unit has an equally weighted AO1 and AO2 emphasis – learning about religion and learning from religion in order to develop a pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Islam whilst aiding a pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth.
Pupils will study and examine the concept of Islamophobia and explain the existence of it in our society today. They will also reflect on what this means from a humanitarian perspective and in contrast to other forms of prejudice that they already know. Pupils will consider what Islamophobia feels like from a Muslim perspective, whilst tackling the common misconceptions and prejudices usually associated with Islam.
This unit may link with work in PSHE and Citizenship. This unit can be taught through a half term, with extension activities and support for additional needs running throughout the scheme of work. The unit is expected to take approximately 7 hours.
Lesson 5 of 6 Islam in Britain for Islamophobia unit
In this unit pupils explore issues of Islamophobia in the world. Pupils will develop their understanding of where Islamophobia comes from and how Islamophobia impacts on society today. The unit has an equally weighted AO1 and AO2 emphasis – learning about religion and learning from religion in order to develop a pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Islam whilst aiding a pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth.
Pupils will study and examine the concept of Islamophobia and explain the existence of it in our society today. They will also reflect on what this means from a humanitarian perspective and in contrast to other forms of prejudice that they already know. Pupils will consider what Islamophobia feels like from a Muslim perspective, whilst tackling the common misconceptions and prejudices usually associated with Islam.
This unit may link with work in PSHE and Citizenship. This unit can be taught through a half term, with extension activities and support for additional needs running throughout the scheme of work. The unit is expected to take approximately 7 hours.
Lesson 4 of 6 of Islamophobia unit - Islamic Heroes
Lesson looks at Malala Yousafzai and Iqbal Masih
In this unit pupils explore issues of Islamophobia in the world. Pupils will develop their understanding of where Islamophobia comes from and how Islamophobia impacts on society today. The unit has an equally weighted AO1 and AO2 emphasis – learning about religion and learning from religion in order to develop a pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Islam whilst aiding a pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth.
Pupils will study and examine the concept of Islamophobia and explain the existence of it in our society today. They will also reflect on what this means from a humanitarian perspective and in contrast to other forms of prejudice that they already know. Pupils will consider what Islamophobia feels like from a Muslim perspective, whilst tackling the common misconceptions and prejudices usually associated with Islam.
This unit may link with work in PSHE and Citizenship. This unit can be taught through a half term, with extension activities and support for additional needs running throughout the scheme of work. The unit is expected to take approximately 7 hours.
Lesson 3 of 6 on Jihad and Quran including differentiated resources
In this unit pupils explore issues of Islamophobia in the world. Pupils will develop their understanding of where Islamophobia comes from and how Islamophobia impacts on society today. The unit has an equally weighted AO1 and AO2 emphasis – learning about religion and learning from religion in order to develop a pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Islam whilst aiding a pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth.
Pupils will study and examine the concept of Islamophobia and explain the existence of it in our society today. They will also reflect on what this means from a humanitarian perspective and in contrast to other forms of prejudice that they already know. Pupils will consider what Islamophobia feels like from a Muslim perspective, whilst tackling the common misconceptions and prejudices usually associated with Islam.
This unit may link with work in PSHE and Citizenship. This unit can be taught through a half term, with extension activities and support for additional needs running throughout the scheme of work. The unit is expected to take approximately 7 hours.
Whole lesson (PPT and resources) on 'Introduction to Islamophobia'
Lesson 1 of 6
In this unit pupils explore issues of Islamophobia in the world. Pupils will develop their understanding of where Islamophobia comes from and how Islamophobia impacts on society today. The unit has an equally weighted AO1 and AO2 emphasis – learning about religion and learning from religion in order to develop a pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Islam whilst aiding a pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth.
Pupils will study and examine the concept of Islamophobia and explain the existence of it in our society today. They will also reflect on what this means from a humanitarian perspective and in contrast to other forms of prejudice that they already know. Pupils will consider what Islamophobia feels like from a Muslim perspective, whilst tackling the common misconceptions and prejudices usually associated with Islam.
This unit may link with work in PSHCE and Citizenship. This unit can be taught through a half term, with extension activities and support for additional needs running throughout the scheme of work. The unit is expected to take approximately 7 hours.
Differentiated resource (green/orange/purple) information slides for research about Stewardship.
Topics include:
-A Rocha
-Animal Rights and Testing
-What does the Bible say?
-Key words and definitions
-Is stewardship only for religious people?
This PPT covers 8 different topics surrounding issues of the sanctity of life.
Questions addressed are:
1. What is the sanctity of life?
2. What do religions believe?
3. Basic Christian beliefs
4. Genesis
5. What does the Bible say?
6. Why is life so special?
7. Should people have free will to make life or death decisions?
8. What are the moral issues people must consider when making life or death decisions?