A quick and easy resource to make and carry around! You will need to purchase some keyrings from somewhere like Amazon. They usually don't cost more than a couple of pounds for a hundred or so. Failing that, you could always staple them, or hole-punch them and tie them together with a treasury tag.
There is a double-sided revision card for each unit, featuring key concept words, definitions and key themes and ideas from that topic.
An information sheet on Islamophobia to tackle discrimination.
File also includes a simpler, differentiated version.
Can be implemented in a variety of ways.
Revision booklets for all units in WJEC Religious Studies: Paper 2: Religion and Human Experience
Full course revision - including differentiating between Christian denominations (RC/CoE).
Religion and Conflict
Religion and Medicine
Religion and the State
Religious Expression
Booklets also include a whole page of practise exam questions!
Revision booklets for all units in WJEC Religious Studies: Paper 1: Religion and Life Issues
Full course revision - including differentiating between Christian denominations (RC/CoE).
Our World
Looking For Meaning
Is It Fair?
Booklets also include a whole page of practise exam questions!
Double-sided revision sheet with key information about Sikhism!
Good for using in lessons or as a revision sheet for end-of-unit or assessments or preparation for exams!
Ket vocabulary and images included. Can be easily differentiated.
Includes information on:
Christian Aid (justice/poverty/fairness/equality/human rights/duty)
Corrymeela (conflict/reconciliation/interfaith dialogue/pacifism)
Martin Luther King (discrimination/prejudice/justice/human rights/personal conviction)
A Rocha (environment/creation/stewardship/dominion/duty/responsibility)
Chico Mendes (environment/creation/stewardship/dominion/justice/personal conviction)
Information to support written answers to GCSE Religious Studies exam questions!
Add evidence and examples from this sheet to improve exam technique!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 2: Religion and Human Experience!
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 2: Religion and Human Experience!
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 2: Religion and Human Experience!
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 2: Religion and Human Experience!
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 1: Religion and Life Issues
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 1: Religion and Life Issues
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 1: Religion and Life Issues
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 1: Religion and Life Issues
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
Based on the popular and well-known History revision game - 'Brain Box'.
RS Brain Box allows pupils to revise the topic quickly and then compete to answer the questions!
Instructions are on the PPT
Pupils love the competition! You will also need dice :)
Based on the popular and well-known History revision game - 'Brain Box'.
RS Brain Box allows pupils to revise the topic quickly and then compete to answer the questions!
Instructions are on the PPT
Pupils love the competition! You will also need dice :)
Based on the popular and well-known History revision game - 'Brain Box'.
RS Brain Box allows pupils to revise the topic quickly and then compete to answer the questions!
Instructions are on the PPT
Pupils love the competition! You will also need dice :)
Based on the popular and well-known History revision game - 'Brain Box'.
RS Brain Box allows pupils to revise the topic quickly and then compete to answer the questions!
Instructions are on the PPT
Pupils love the competition! You will also need dice :)
Based on the popular and well-known History revision game - 'Brain Box'.
RS Brain Box allows pupils to revise the topic quickly and then compete to answer the questions!
Instructions are on the PPT
Pupils love the competition! You will also need dice :)
Based on the popular and well-known History revision game - 'Brain Box'.
RS Brain Box allows pupils to revise the topic quickly and then compete to answer the questions!
Instructions are on the PPT
Pupils love the competition! You will also need dice :)