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Scribo Crossmots' Shop

This is just the place to add some spice to teaching languages. Puzzles are available in 18 languages, to be downloaded, copied and distributed to students as homework or classroom assignments.

This is just the place to add some spice to teaching languages. Puzzles are available in 18 languages, to be downloaded, copied and distributed to students as homework or classroom assignments.
A Bundle of 24 Spanish-English Crossmots

A Bundle of 24 Spanish-English Crossmots

Crossmots crosswords: • Are two-language crosswords. If the clue is in one language, the answer is in another. Provided in a range of languages: e.g., French, Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish Devised by language professionals and a professional crossword compiler Come in a range of difficulties, languages and formats Are fun and addictive Designed for both English-speaking and overseas readers. Perfect for the general and casual puzzler as well as dedicated crossword aficionados Ideal teaching resources for UK Key Stage 3 Perfect for language students in Further and Higher Education, and for ESOL students. Crucigramas Crossmots: Son crucigramas en dos idiomas. Si la pista está en un idioma, la respuesta está en el otro. Están disponibles en varios idiomas: por ejemplo, francés, portugués, holandés y español. Diseñados por profesionales de la lengua y un creador de crucigramas profesional Están disponibles en diferentes dificultades, idiomas y formatos Son divertidos y adictivos Diseñados para lectores de habla inglesa y extranjeros Son perfectos tanto para aficionados a los crucigramas como para los que juegan ocasionalmente. Perfecto para estudiantes de idiomas de educación superior y para estudiantes de ESOL.
A Bundle of 24 Welsh-English Crossmots

A Bundle of 24 Welsh-English Crossmots

Crossmots crosswords: • Are two-language crosswords. If the clue is in one language, the answer is in another. • Devised by language professionals and a professional crossword compiler • Come in a range of difficulties, languages and formats • Are fun and addictive • Designed for both English-speaking and overseas readers. • Perfect for the general and casual puzzler as well as dedicated crossword aficionados • Ideal teaching resources for UK Key Stage 3 • Perfect for language students in Further and Higher Education, and for ESOL students. Croeseiriau mewn dwy iaith. Os yw’r cliw mewn un iaith, mae’r ateb mewn iaith arall. • Dyfeisiwyd gan luniwr croeseiriau proffesiynol a chyfieithwyr medrus. • Ar gael mewn sawl gradd o anhawster, mewn gwahanol ieithoedd ac mewn sawl diwyg. • Yn hwyl, ac yn anodd eu rhoi o’r neilltu. • Wedi’u cynllunio ar gyfer siaradwyr Saesneg sydd hefyd yn siarad iaith arall. • Yn berffaith ar gyfer croeseirwyr achlysurol a hen lawiau. Yn berffaith ar gyfer myfyrwyr iaith mewn addysg bellach ac uwch, ac ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg a siaradwyr rhugl fel ei gilydd.