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The BIG Geography Quiz 2020
A fun but challenging geography themed quiz to have some fun with your classes in the build up to the festive break. All answers included at the end of the PowerPoint and a challenging ‘closest answer’ tie breaker question available to decide your quiz winner/ winning team.
This will take about 50 minutes to run through and mark. Only paper/books needed to write the answers down.
Rounds include:
Spot the Mistake
Christmas (Geog connection)

Globalisation & Sport: Unit of Work
Unit’s Main Aims:
To understand and assess the impact that globalised sport has on the stakeholders involved and invested.
Key Themes/Ideas covered (AQA GCSE spec):
Global shifts in economic power and the challenge of sustainable resource use.
Develop and extend knowledge of locations, places, environments and processes, and of different scales including global; and of social, political and cultural contexts.

WWW & EBI - Assessment Feedback Tickets
WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If) tickets for providing students with praise, feedback and guidance on how to improve following lesson tasks or assessments.
Could also be used to gather feedback from students on their lesson/learning experience, self-assessment or in peer-to-peer assessment/feedback.

Earth's Structure (Tectonics) - Worksheet
Full colour worksheet that requires students to label the different parts of the earth’s structure. Works well as a ‘Do Now’ (starter) or recap activity as part of a lesson with a tectonics themed scheme of work.
Includes detail on depth of the layers and an area for students to gather additional information.

Map of the World - Outline (Worksheet)
Basic A5 (x2 per A4 page) outline of the map of the world great for using during location knowledge activities and perfect for students to build up an understanding of the shape of the world, continents, countries, oceans etc.

Map Template with Grid Lines & Key Box
A4 sized map template with grid lines and an area for a key to be added.
This ready made resource can be used for students who have just completed a basic geography skills including grid references, map symbols, contour lines etc. to put together a treasure map or something similar to and use their newly developed skills.

Tectonics: L1 Natural Hazards
Introduction lesson for a year 7/early KS3 scheme of work covering tectonic hazards with a focus on earthquakes. Lesson presentation and all resources included.

Tectonics: L8 Volcanoes
An introduction to volcanoes and the relationship between tectonics, plate boundaries and earthquakes.
Lesson objectives:
Students must be able to explain where volcanoes are found and what causes them to erupt.
Students should be able to identify the positive and negative consequences to living near volcanoes.

Tectonics: L9 Volcano Case Study
Case study investigation lesson that examines the Whakaari/White Island Eruption, New Zealand in 2019.
Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to identify immediate or short-term impacts of a volcanic eruption.
Students will be able to assess the the long-term impacts of the Whakaari/White Island volcanic eruption

Geography Careers Information
Compiled list of more than 30 QR codes that provide direct and detailed access to a range of careers that can be pursued with a geography background from GCSE all the way up to degree level.
Information includes what the job/career entails, the qualification/s required, the level of pay and the route of progression that can be expected.
A simple but hopefully effective way of promoting geography as a valuable subject that offers great future prospects and opportunities.

Parents Evening - Student Feedback Proforma
Template document for collating key data, observations feedback and intended strategies of support for GCSE students to raise attainment and engagement in lessons. This can then be used to feeback on a students progress during parents evenings.
Helps you to know and understand your students better, tailor your planning to meet needs more individually and demonstrate how you intend to raise achievement. Great to use as additional evidence for NQTs, supporting data during learning dialogues and learning walks.
Fields included:
Expected Grade
Working at Grade/PPE Result
SEN Status: Yes/No
PP: Yes/No
Lesson Observations - to gather/record how students perform/engage in lessons.
PPE Observations & Feedback - to gather record WWW and EBIs of mock exams.
Strategies of Support/Interventions - how you as the class teacher intend to support and raise student attainment.

ECT/NQT - Teaching Standards Evidence Table
A completed table of evidence for each of the DfE Teaching Standards that you will be assessed against on a termly basis throughout your ECT or NQT year.
Each section contains examples of practice or actions taken that support the meeting of the required teaching standards, both Part 1 and Part 2.
Please update and amend the evidence column where necessary and also remove items when not applicable to yourself/or subject.

Geography Map Skills Classroom Display
Full set of printable resources for a map skills display for a geography classroom.
Pack includes:
Display title lettering
Slides with key skill areas

Enrichment - School Assembly KS3/4
10 minute assembly for key stage three and four students on enrichment and it’s importance in scecondary school.
Requires presonalisation to suit school formating and branding, as well as specific enrichment/extra-curricular opportunities at your school.

Lesson Plan - Template
Simple and easy to use lesson planning template, all fields can be amended to suit school and additional fields can be added to if your lesson features more or less activities or phases.

GCSE Geography OCR B – Self Assessment/RAG
GCSE Geography OCR B: Geography for Enquiring Minds – Self Assessment / RAG rating document for students to review how confident they feel with each of the 8 topics, plus the elements and case studies within.
By given each element a RAG rating (red, amber, green) teachers are able to identify knowledge and/or confidence gaps to best support students with revision on an individual basis.
Document also includes an opportunity for students to review revision methods, which they find most useful and why.
Please amend case studies to match those studied at your school.
Topic information can be changed to allow use in any subject!

OCR Changing Climate - Revision Grid
Threshold Concept Grid (TCG) revision resource for the OCR B Geography for Enquiring Minds ‘Changing Climate’ topic. Includes completed teacher answer sheet.
To be completed in three phases:
10/15 mins using only student knowledge
5/10 mins using student work book, knowledge organisers etc.
5 mins with teacher input and student contributions
May require adjustments for school specific case studies.

Educational Visits - Planning Checklist:
Educational Visits/Trips - Planning Prompts & Checklist:
This checklist is not exhaustive, and all items may not be applicable to every trip or visit but to be used by a trip leader to guide, recommend, and support the planning process

Map Skills Knowledge Organiser (Year 7)
Doubled-sided A4 knowledge organiser covering:
Existing knowledge
Grid references
Maps (UK, Europe, World)
Area for inserting school.