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I have worked within secondary education for the last twelve years. I upload a lot of lessons for KS3-KS4 students. I try to make sure all of my lessons are differentiated to help students in the best way possible. For more lessons and videos please visit my youtube page




I have worked within secondary education for the last twelve years. I upload a lot of lessons for KS3-KS4 students. I try to make sure all of my lessons are differentiated to help students in the best way possible. For more lessons and videos please visit my youtube page
Functional Skills: Debate worksheet

Functional Skills: Debate worksheet

This is a free resource to help people remember the key rules when having a debate or carrying out a speaking and listening assessment. The resource helps learners to plan a response linked to the theme in my lesson: Functional Skills Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening.
English Language: Article Planning Sheet

English Language: Article Planning Sheet

This resource is part of a lesson looking at how to write an article and has been designed for learners studying GCSE English Language. If you liked the resource, then please check out the full lesson that’s available via our shop.
English Language: The Cuckoo's Calling

English Language: The Cuckoo's Calling

This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at key questions for the AQA English language paper: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing. The lesson helps learners to understand key aspects of language and also creative writing. If you liked this lesson, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
Functional skills:Vaping vs Smoking

Functional skills:Vaping vs Smoking

This is a fully differentiated lesson planned for the new functional skills reform and focuses on the impact vaping is having on us as a society. The lesson looks at two articles to understand how writers use language techniques to get their ideas across. The lesson is fun and engaging with a matching up activity as well as lots of opportunities for AFL.
Greta Thunberg Speech Transcript

Greta Thunberg Speech Transcript

A transcript from Greta Thunberg’s speech to the UN about climate change. This resources also comes with diferentuated tasks and is a sample from my bundle Functional Skills New Reform 2
Functional Skills: Colloquial language

Functional Skills: Colloquial language

This is a fully differentiated lesson on helping students to understand colloquial phrases and the different dialects of the British language. The lesson has been planned with the new functional skills reform in mind and is a short sample of the kind of activities I use in my other lessons. Each of my lessons have been tried and tested, with more resources added on a weekly basis.
English Language: Creative Writing

English Language: Creative Writing

This is a fully differentiated lesson to help develop the skills needed for question five of the English Language exam paper: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing. The lesson looks at the key language and structural techniques needed to achieve a high grade. It also includes a model example and examiner feedback. This lesson can be taught both remotely or face-to-face and has been tried and tested with my own learners. If you liked this lesson, then please check out our shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
Functional Skills New Reform: Black Friday

Functional Skills New Reform: Black Friday

This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at building key skills for level one and level two of the new functional skills reform. The lesson focuses on the topic of Black Friday and has will test both reading and writing skills
Functional Skills:New Reform: Tattoos

Functional Skills:New Reform: Tattoos

This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at our perception of tattoos and the people that have them. The lesson builds both reading and writing skills for the new functional skills level one and two reform
Macbeth quiz

Macbeth quiz

Two simple starter activities helping students to recount some of the important quotes and themes in Macbeth
English language:Structure

English language:Structure

This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at question three for paper one: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing. The lesson has been broken down to help learners understand the key aspects of the question and understand how to approach the question successfully. If you liked this lesson, then please check out our shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
Functional Skills: Reading assessment

Functional Skills: Reading assessment

This is a free mock reading assessment for the level one/level two reading assessment. There are ten questions to help test comprehension. If you liked this resource then please check out our shop for the full lesson.
Functional Skills New Reform: 3

Functional Skills New Reform: 3

8 Resources
This is a fully differentiated series of lessons helping students to build the skills they need for functional skills level one and level two. All of my lessons have been tried and tested. If you like this resource please check out my shop for more bundles and also free resources.
Travel Writing

Travel Writing

A lesson that helps students to construct their own piece of travel writing. This is a good lesson to help students to get used to a difficult form of writing.
Functional Skills: new specification

Functional Skills: new specification

This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at some of the key language techniques used within persuasive writing. The lesson has been adapted to meet the framework of the new specification of functional skills.
Functional Skills: Art

Functional Skills: Art

This is a fully differentiated lesson focusing on the theme of art. The lesson helps students build on their skills in order to prepare them for the functional skills exam level one and level two. All of my lessons have been tried and tested. If you like this resource please check out my shop for complete bundles and also free resources.
Functional Skills: Course Overview

Functional Skills: Course Overview

This is a fully differentiated lesson looking at helping students gain an overview of Functional Skills English level one and level two. It also includes an overview of the assessments as well as a quick walkthrough of some reading questions. If you enjoyed this lesson, then please check out our shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.
Functional Skills article and speech

Functional Skills article and speech

A fully differentiated lesson helping students to approach both the reading and writing components of the functional skills exam. Full lesson complete with mock exam paper
Lord of the flies: Exam Prep

Lord of the flies: Exam Prep

This is a fully differentiated lesson that can be taught over two hours and helps learners to develop their ability at approaching exam-style questions. The lesson looks at the description of the Island as well as helping learners to consolidate their understanding of key themes and characters within the novel. This lesson works well both online and face-to-face and has been tried and tested with my own groups. If you liked this lesson, then please check out my shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.