Art and design

New for 2024! Summer Holiday Art Challenges
A choice of 3 summer holiday art challenges. Perfect to send home for pupils to dip into over the holidays.
Great as a whole school project or for individual classes.

Outdoor Art - Pitter Patter Painting (rainy day)
Don’t let the rain put you off an outdoor outing! Here are a selection of art activities that require a bit of rain!

Outdoor Art - A Windy Day
The perfect resource for windy weather! Art ideas that can be enjoyed in the wind - kites, windmills, paper planes. Also a Monet artist focus - looking at how he portrayed wind in some of his great masterpieces.

Outdoor Art -Finding and Creating Patterns
Lots of art ideas on the theme of patterns in nature - spirals, symmetry, tessellation. Featuring inspiration from James Brunt.

Outdoor Art - Take Me to the Beach!
A selection of beach themed art and craft activities suitable across age groups.

Outdoor Art - Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
A selection of bug, bee and butterfly themed outdoor art activities to enjoy with all age ranges

Outdoor Art - Bubble, Bubble, Bubble, Pop!
A series of outdoor art ideas linked to the theme of bubbles - bubble blowing, printing, drawing with oil pastels and more.

Outdoor Art - Sticks, Sticks And More Sticks!
Lots of outdoor art activities to carry out using sticks as a base. Weaving, painting, printing, hedgehogs and twig art!

Outdoor Art -Spirals and Snails
Outdoor art linked to spirals and snails - spiral mobile, spiral doodles, large spirals, observational drawings of snails and a look at one of the works of Henry Matisse.

Outdoor Art - Spirals and Snails
A selection of art activities linked to spirals and snails. Spiral mobile, large spirals, spiral doodles, drawing snails and a look at the Henri Matisse classic The Snail.

Outdoor Art - Clouds and Sky
Look up and take inspiration from the clouds and the sky for these art activities. Cloud doodle, watercolour skies, hues of blue and a look at the amazing artist Georgia O’Keeffe.

Rainbow Doodle
A doodle I created in response the current situation. Plus a blank version with windows for children to add their own characters and their own message across the middle.

Outdoor Art - Take One Leaf
Lots of art ideas using just one leaf. Leaf threading, character making, line drawing and more!

Outdoor Art - Using your school building
Lots of outdoor art ideas using your school building as a stimulus. Drawing ideas, texture rubbings and more!

Outdoor Art - Using Shadows
This is the first in a series of outdoor art ideas. Focusing on using light and shadows. Shadow puppets, shadow hand, drawing shadows. Perfect for a sunny day!

Primary Art Texture Hunt
Sheets to accompany a hunt for texture. One for inside and one for outside. Space to tick that the actual texture has been found and a space to have a go at implying the texture through mark making.