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DosbarthJJ's Shop

Providing a range of material suitable for use in primary schools, across a range of subject areas.




Providing a range of material suitable for use in primary schools, across a range of subject areas.
Guinness World Records Class Assembly

Guinness World Records Class Assembly

A class assembly written for a topic about Guinness World Records. Used in a year 4 class, but easily adapted to be used across KS2. Has 32 parts, some of which can be combined for smaller classes. In a .doc format so can easily be adapted & edited.
One Page Profile/All About Me

One Page Profile/All About Me

A template for getting to know a new class, getting a child’s perspective on their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes etc. Can be used as a One Page Profile, an introductory first week back task or as a homework task. Contains a blank version which can be used if completing using ICT and a version with lines if handwritten. Both .doc templates so can be easily edited.
New Curriculum Planning Templates - Wales

New Curriculum Planning Templates - Wales

A weekly planning document template & evaluation document template based on the new ‘Successful Futures’ curriculum for Wales. Templates are organised in the 6 new ‘Areas of Learning Experience’ (AoLEs). Easily adapted as in .doc formats.