Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on the Earth. In this lesson students will explain day and night and learn why the seasons change throughout the year.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords task (vocabulary: axis, pole, equator, season and constellation)
-Task boxes
-Comprehension and recall task
-Handout sheet task
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Next lesson The Moon
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on the Moon. In this lesson students will learn about eclipses and the phases of the Moon.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords task (vocabulary: phases of the moon, new moon, full moon, solar eclipse and lunar eclipse)
-Task boxes
-Comprehension task
-Discussion task
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-End of Topic Revision
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on thermal decomposition. In this lesson students will learn what a thermal decomposition reaction is, predict the products of thermal decomposition reactions and identify thermal decomposition reactions from word equations.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: thermal, decomposition, thermal decomposition, limewater test and metal carbonate)
-Task boxes
-Consolidation exercise
-Numeracy task
-Next lesson Conservation of Mass
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on chemical formulae. In this lesson students will learn the chemical names and formulae of some common compounds. They will also learn to interpret chemical formulae and predict some simple formulae based on names.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: dioxide, monoxide, chloride, fluoride and relative number of atoms)
-Task boxes
-Numeracy task
-Consolidation exercise
-Answer slides included
-Next lesson Revision
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on compounds. In this lesson students will learn what a compound is and how they have different properties to the elements they contain.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: compound, molecule and chemical formula)
-Task boxes
-Hand out sheet
-Element, compound or mixture identification exercise
-Consolidation exercise
-Answer slides included
-Next lesson Chemical Formulae
Full lessons for chemistry C1b for key stage 3 year 7 students. Answers included for tasks in slide form for self-assessment.
Suggested Order:
-Chemical formulae
-Revision lesson
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete revision lesson for Chemistry C1b (Elements, Atoms and Compounds). This lesson covers the major topics from this unit and can be used to revise for end of topic tests or to address knowledge gaps identified in the end of topic assessments.
In this lesson students will revise:
Key points from C2a (Particle Model)
The difference between elements, mixtures and compounds
Finding elements and their chemical symbols in the periodic table
Atoms and compounds
Naming compounds
Return to start of the topic
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on atoms. In this lesson students will learn how to state what an atom is, explain how one atom is different from many atoms together and relate what they have learned about particle theory and elements to atoms.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-Hand out sheet
-Numeracy task relating atoms to previous topics
-Recall questions relating atoms to previous topics
-Answer slides included
-Next lesson Compounds
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on elements. In this lesson students will learn how to state what an element is, recognize some common chemical symbols for different elements and use the periodic table to find the symbols for different elements.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-A group reading task (literacy)
-A task box exercise
-A handout sheet task
-Numeracy task
-Find the elements task
-True or false discussion exercise
-Answer slides included
-Next lesson Atoms
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete revision lesson for Chemistry C1c (Chemical Reactions). This lesson covers the major topics from this unit and can be used to revise for end of topic tests or to address knowledge gaps identified in the end of topic assessments. There is enough content in this lesson to spread out over two lessons or select the areas you want your group to focus on.
In this lesson students will revise:
-Key points from the previous chemistry topics (Particles and Atoms, Elements and Compounds)
-Chemical reactions vs physical changes
-Word equations
-Renewable and non-renewable fuels
-Combustion, oxidation and thermal decomposition reactions
-Conservation of mass and balancing equations
-Exothermic and endothermic reactions
-Contains two double-sided optional handout sheets; one on this topic and one on the previous two which can be used in the lesson or set as homework tasks.
-Return to the start of the topic
Full lessons for chemistry C1b for key stage 3 year 7 students. Answers included for tasks in slide form for self-assessment.
Suggested Order:
-Chemical Reactions
-Word Equations
-Burning Fuels
-Thermal Decomposition
-Conservation of Mass
-Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
-Revision Lesson Chemical Reactions
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on chemical reactions. In this lesson students will learn about what happens to atoms during chemical reactions, the difference between chemical and physical reactions and the definition of a catalyst.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: reversible, chemical bond, chemical reaction, catalyst and physical change)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet
-Consolidation exercise
-Note taking exercise
Next Lesson Word Equations
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on exothermic and endothermic reactions. In this lesson students will learn about the difference between exothermic and endothermic changes and how to use experimental data to determine whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: energy transfer, endothermic, exothermic, dissolve and thermometer)
-Task boxes
-A discussion exercise
-Handout sheet task
-Next lesson Revision
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on conservation of mass. In this lesson students will learn what conservation of mass is, how to calculate the masses of reactants and products and how to balance simple chemical equations.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: conservation, mass, conservation of mass and balanced)
-Task boxes
-Calculating masses numeracy task
-Problem solving (why the mass appears to decrease when a gas is formed) discussion exercise
-Balancing equations walkthrough
-Balancing equations practice questions
-Next lesson Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on burning fuels. In this lesson students will learn what a combustion reaction is, predict the products of combustion reactions and list some common examples of fuels.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: combustion, oxidation, fuel, fossil fuels and non-renewable)
-Task boxes
-Consolidation exercise
-True of false discussion exercise
-Next lesson Thermal Decomposition
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on word equations. In this lesson students will learn how to identify reactants and products from word equations, write word equations and discuss some of the hazards which can come from chemical reactions.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: reactants, products, hazard and risk)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet
-Consolidation exercise
-Hazards and risks exercise
-Next lesson Burning Fuels
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on indicators and pH. In this lesson students will learn how to use the pH scale to measure acidity and alkalinity, to describe how indicators can be used to measure how acidic or alkaline a solution is and to name some different types of indicators.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: indicator, neutral, pH scale, Universal Indicator, red litmus paper and blue litmus paper)
-Task boxes
-Double-sided handout sheet task
-Consolidation questions
-Next lesson Neutralisation
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on neutralisation reactions. In this lesson students will learn what neutralisation means, some examples of uses for neutralisation reactions and how the pH changes during neutralisation reactions.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: neutralisation, base, acid rain, acid lakes, acidic soil)
-Task boxes
-Comprehension questions
-Data interpretation
-A problem solving task
-Next lesson Making Salts
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on acids and alkalis. In this lesson students will learn about the properties of acids and alkalis, give some examples of common household acids and alkalis and explain the differences between dilute and concentrated solutions.
Note: the Activate course which these lessons follow is unusually difficult for year 7 for this topic. We suggest using the mid-ability version of the comprehension questions in the last activity.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-Starter task
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: acid, alkali, solute, solution, solvent and corrosive)
-Task boxes
-Consolidation exercise
-True or false discussion exercise
-Next lesson Indicators
Key stage 3 ~ year 7 ~ complete lesson on refraction. In this lesson students will explain what refraction means, describe what happens when light passes through a lens and understand the difference between apparent depth and real depth.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords task (vocabulary: optical illusion, refraction, focus, convex lens and concave lens)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Comprehension task
-Discussion exercise on glasses and contact lenses
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Next lesson Eyes and Cameras