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Component 3 - Theatre makers in practice Section C: Interpreting a performance How to write the exam
In this powerpoint I go into detail on how to write the exam for COMP 3 - Theatre makers in practice Section C: Interpreting a performance text
It includes,
Information about the exam
Their concept
Exam questions - Dicussing the fact their are two they can chose from and how different they are
How to respond to each question
What to write
How to get a higher grade
How to answer both different types of question
Essay structure - Intro
Essay structure - Main body
Essay structure - Conclusion
Paragraph structure
Frantic Assembly Year 12 practitioners
6 lessons exploring Berkoff , their history and tasks revevant to their practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
I also have a range of other practitioners too…
Stanislavski Year 12 Practitioners
6 lessons exploring Stanislavski, his history and tasks revevant to his practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
I also have a range of other practitioners too…
Design elements inspired from other work
Berkoff Year 12 Practitioners
6 lessons exploring Berkoff , his history and tasks revevant to his practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
I also have a range of other practitioners too…
Artaud Year 12 Practitioners
6 lessons exploring Artaud, his history and tasks revevant to his practice. This work is designed to be delivered to Year 12 but could be shown to a high ability year 11
It is ready for action, starters, lesson objectives and plenaries
Grotowski - KS5 Practioners
5/6 lessons on Grotowski as a practioner. Designed for A-Level but could be used for high ability year 11’s.
This powerpoint is designed to be able to teach straight away. Lesson objectives, warm ups and plenarys included.
Level 1/2 BTEC tech award in performing arts - Component 1 (Finishes 2023 cohort)
Included are the following
LAA - Learning aim A powerpoint
LAB - Learning aim B powerpoint
Exploring blood brothers through stanislaviski and another seperate powerpoint on Curious incident.
New scheme added for new tech award
This is for component 2 Level 1/2 BTEC TECH AWARD IN PERFORMING ARTS: Skills Workshops.
They consist of 5 skills workshops that have to take place in Component 2.