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Dream Scheme

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Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!




Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!
Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Week 2 of 2)

Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed This interactive PowerPoint includes 5 whole lessons relating to Instructions and Explanations based on the Year 4 National Curriculum scheme of work. This week children take a more in depth look at the use of pronouns and how these are a simple cohesive device within a text. Internet access will be required (or a good selection of non fiction books) during lesson 3 as they begin to research and plan their own explanation texts with a partner. To end the week they will write their final explanation texts neatly onto the writing template provided which can then be used for display. Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To explore and use pronouns Lesson 2: To identify key words in a text Lesson 3: To conduct research and plan an explanation text Lesson 4: To write an introduction using pronouns Lesson 5: To create an explanation text for display Number of slides: 41 Answers Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Free Pronouns Worksheet and Answers

Free Pronouns Worksheet and Answers

This worksheet will help pupils to identify pronouns within sentences as well as developing their understanding of relative, possessive and personal pronouns. These differentiated questions can be used in conjunction with the included support sheet or without (should you choose to challenge more able students). This worksheet can be used in conjunction with the following free PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/understanding-different-types-of-pronouns-12180248 #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Free Pronouns Interactive PowerPoint

Free Pronouns Interactive PowerPoint

This interactive PowerPoint has been designed to help children understand the differences between Personal, Possessive and Relative Pronouns. They will learn to sort the different types of pronouns and complete practice questions as they begin to develop their understanding. Whiteboards can be used to complete various activities throughout this PowerPoint. Enjoy! #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Free Causal Conjunctions List

Free Causal Conjunctions List

This resource contains an easy to read list of causal conjunctions which can be used to support and extend pupil’s learning in a range of different lessons. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Free Time Conjunctions List

Free Time Conjunctions List

This resource contains an easy to read list of Time Conjunctions which can be used to support and extend pupil’s learning in a range of different lessons. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Week 1 of 2)

Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Instructions and Explanations based on the Year 4 National Curriculum scheme of work. Children will enjoy learning to write instruction and explanation texts through a variety of fun art activities such as: how to make a paper airplane, drawing a cat’s face and following the step by step instructions to draw a particular dog. Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To recognise imperative verbs in a set of instructions Lesson 2: To give verbal commands Lesson 3: To use imperative verbs when writing instructions Lesson 4: To write simple instructions relating to a picture Lesson 5: To write an explanation text Number of Slides: 44 Resources Included? Yes
Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Complete 2 Week Unit)

Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Complete 2 Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching Throughout this two week unit pupils will learn to recognise the main features of both explanation and instruction texts. They will begin by analysing given texts in groups (provided in the resources) to discuss and decide on the main features before feeding their thoughts and opinions back to the class. Children will then have the opportunity to write their own instruction and explanation texts with the support of a printable self assessment success criteria. Week 2 of this unit consists of project based learning as pupils focus on creating their own instruction and explanation texts relating to the game show ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’. Total Number of Slides: 159 (Includes ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ PowerPoint game) Teaching Duration: 10 lessons Resources Included: Yes
Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Week 2 of 2)

Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching This presentation includes 5 project based lessons relating to Instructions and Explanations based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. Children will begin by watching short clips of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ before answering 15 questions in a similar format to help understand the rules. To develop their understanding further pupils will then spend time working in groups to create their own questions (with the help of non fiction books) before writing their own instruction and explanation texts to support their game. To finish the week, children will have fun presenting and answering their questions! Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To watch and understand the rules of a game show Lesson 2: To plan my own game show questions Lesson 3: To write a set of instructions to explain a game Lesson 4: To write in the third person and in the present tense Lesson 5: To play a class game Total Number of Slides: 121 (includes the ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire quiz’) Resources Included? Yes
Free - Year 3 Resources for Explanation Texts

Free - Year 3 Resources for Explanation Texts

These resources have been created to support the teaching and learning of explanation texts relating to the Year 3 National Curriculum. Resources include an exemplar text and a supporting success criteria for pupils to refer to when applying these main features to their own writing. Presenation to support these resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-non-fiction-instructions-and-explanations-12177900
Free - Year 3 Resources for Instruction Texts

Free - Year 3 Resources for Instruction Texts

These resources have been created to support the teaching and learning of instructional texts relating to the Year 3 National Curriculum. Resources include an exemplar text, a lesson activity relating to imperative verbs and a supporting success criteria for pupils to refer to when applying the main features to their own writing. Presenation to support these resources - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-3-non-fiction-instructions-and-explanations-12177900
Year 3:  Instructions and Explanations (Week 1 of 2)

Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Instructions and Explanations based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit children will read and explore exemplar texts in order to identify various features before applying these to their own work. Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To identify the features of a set of instructions Lesson 2: To use powerful verbs Lesson 3: To write a set of instructions Lesson 4: To identify the features of an explanation text Lesson 5: To write an explanation text Total Number of Slides: 38 Resources Included? Yes
Year 6: Historical Stories (Complete 3 Week Unit)

Year 6: Historical Stories (Complete 3 Week Unit)

3 Resources
#StressFreeTeaching Pupils will read historical fiction ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo. Throughout the reading of this story they will practise writing dialogues, letters and descriptions of characters and settings. They will have the opportunity to convert a section of the story into a an authentic playscript and will have the opportunity to perform their scenes to an audience. To conclude the unit pupils will look at ‘One Boy’s War’ and ‘War Game’ in order to draw comparisons between these three historical stories. Grammar Focus: Relative Clauses and adding commas to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity. Total Number of Slides: 93
Year 2: Postcards and Letters (Complete 2-Week Unit)

Year 2: Postcards and Letters (Complete 2-Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources needed #StressFreeTeaching Throughout this two-week unit children will read and discuss the stories ‘John Patrick Norman McHennessy - The Boy Who Was Always Late’ by John Burningham and ‘Dear Greenpeace’ by Simon James (which can both be listened to on YouTube using the provided links). Children will be inspired to write letters and postcards relating to both of these wonderful stories. Grammar Focus - Pupils will learn how to use punctuation correctly, including capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. Total Number of Slides: 67 Resources Included? Yes
Year 2: Non-Fiction - Postcards and Letters (Week 2 of 2)

Year 2: Non-Fiction - Postcards and Letters (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Postcards and Letters based on the Year 2 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons relating to the story ‘Dear Greenpeace’ by Simon James (which can be listened to on YouTube using the provided link). This PowerPoint can be easily adapted to meet the specific needs of an individual class. Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To correctly sequence the events of a story Lesson 2: To practise spelling words with the /ul/ phoneme Lesson 3: To plan the continuation of a story Lesson 4: To write the first draft of my letter Lesson 5: To create a final copy of my letter for display Total Number of Slides: 32 Resources included? Yes
Year 2: Non-Fiction - Postcards and Letters (Week 1 of 2)

Year 2: Non-Fiction - Postcards and Letters (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Postcards and Letters based on the Year 2 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons relating to the story ‘John Patrick Norman McHennessy - The Boy Who Was Always Late’ by John Burningham (which can be listened to on YouTube using the provided link). Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To create new ideas based on a story Lesson 2: To recognise the features of a letter Lesson 3: To practise writing my full name and address Lesson 4: To write a postcard Lesson 5: To write a letter to a given character Total Number of Slides: 35 Resources Included? Yes
Year 1: Labels, Lists and Signs (Complete 2 Week Unit)

Year 1: Labels, Lists and Signs (Complete 2 Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching Throughout this two week unit children will learn to sequence a familiar story, write descriptive phrases, label pictures and create short sentences. In addition to this, they will also focus on the correct use of capital letters and apostrophes. These excellent stories celebrate the power of imagination and have been carefully chosen to help engage young minds. Total Number of Slides: 85 Resources Included? Yes
Year 1: Labels, Lists and Signs (Week 2 of 2)

Year 1: Labels, Lists and Signs (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Labels, Lists and Signs based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons based on the story ‘Billy’s Bucket’ by Kes Gray and Garry Parsons. This presentation is Week 2 of 2. Lesson 1: To consider an alternate ending Lesson 2: To create short sentences Lesson 3: To write descriptions Lesson 4: To design and create a poster Lesson 5: To write names with apostrophes Total Number of Slides: 42 Resources Included? Yes
Year 1: Labels, Lists and Signs (Week 1 of 2)

Year 1: Labels, Lists and Signs (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Labels, Lists and Signs based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons based on the story ‘Not a Stick’ by Antoinette Portis. This presentation is Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To sequence a familiar story Lesson 2: To correctly label a picture Lesson 3: To create imaginative responses Lesson 4: To use descriptive phrases Lesson 5: To create a role play from a familiar story Total Number of Slides: 43 Resources Included: Yes