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Dream Scheme

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Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!




Dream Scheme creates Interactive Primary PowerPoints to really bring learning to life! All proceeds from these resources are currently being used to support the welfare of dogs in Spain. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates!
Year 1: Information Texts (Week 2 of 2)

Year 1: Information Texts (Week 2 of 2)

This bundle also includes 5 complete lesson plans, activities and a fully interactive PowerPoint to continue the learning of Information Texts. During this second and final week, children will enjoy learning about useful trucks such as Army Recovery Trucks, Logging Trucks and Snow Ploughs before planning and creating their very own! They will then create labels and captions to describe their truck’s features during lessons 3 and 4. SPAG/GPS covered this week: Phoneme /k/, graphemes c, k, ck and ch, simple sentences. Lesson 1: To create a useful big truck Lesson 2: To write sentences using the /k/ phoneme Lesson 3: To write labels and captions Lesson 4: To write an informative sentence Lesson 5: To write captions using complete sentences NB. Access to nonfiction books about trucks will support this week’s learning. Total Number of Slides: 27 Lesson Plans Included? Yes Activities Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 5: Observational  Poetry (Week 1 of 2)

Year 5: Observational Poetry (Week 1 of 2)

This easy-to-use and adaptable interactive PowerPoint includes 5 whole lessons relating to Observational Poetry based on the Year 5 National Curriculum scheme of work. During week 1 of this 2-week unit children will practise reading and understanding a selection of poems (included) as they work together to identify various poetic devices. Pupils will enjoy discussing objects and creating powerful images (with a partner) in preparation for writing their own observational poems during lesson 3. SPAG/GPS covered throughout these lessons include expanded noun phrases and relative clauses. Related Poems: ‘Sharp Freckles’ and ‘Don’t be Scared’ by Carol Ann Duffy ‘The Cow’ by Robert Louis Stevenson ‘Sir Autumn’, ‘The Matter of Holes’ and ‘Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair’ by Grace Nichols ‘Personal Helicon’ by Seamus Heaney Lesson 1: To analyse a selection of poems Lessons 2: To create expanded noun phrases based on observations Lesson 3: To write an observational poem Lesson 4: To explore relative clauses Lesson 5: To use similes, metaphors and personification Total Number of Teaching Slides: 28 Lesson Plan Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes Differentiation? Yes No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 5: Observational Poetry - Complete 2-Week Unit

Year 5: Observational Poetry - Complete 2-Week Unit

2 Resources
Throughout this exciting 2-Week unit, children will enjoy exploring and analysing a selection of observational poems (included). They will focus on a number of different grammar techniques in addition to furthering their understanding of poetic devices such as similes, metaphors and personification. Total Number of Slides: 59 Includes 10 Complete Lesson Plans Differentiated Activities and Resources #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 4: Horrid Henry - Stories in Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

Year 4: Horrid Henry - Stories in Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

This second bundle also includes 5 lesson plans, resources and an interactive PowerPoint to support the learning of Familiar Settings. During this second and final week, children will revise how to correctly use fronted adverbials when describing characters and various settings within the Horrid Henry books. To end the week, they will enjoy planning, writing and editing their very on Horrid Henry stories! SPAG/GPS covered this week: fronted adverbials and adverbs of manner. Lesson 1: To use fronted adverbials when describing a setting Lesson 2: To use adverbs and fronted adverbials to describe a character Lesson 3: To plan a story based on Horrid Henry Lesson 4: To write my story based on Horrid Henry Lesson 5: To read, edit and improve my story Total Number of Slides: 29 Lesson Plans Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes End of Unit Assessment? Yes
Year 5: Biographies and Autobiographies (Week 2 of 2)

Year 5: Biographies and Autobiographies (Week 2 of 2)

This bundle includes 5 complete lesson plans, resources and an interactive PowerPoint to support the learning of Biographies and Autobiographies. During this second and final week, children will now focus on autobiographies; in particular, ‘The Long Walk to Freedom’ by Nelson Mandela. They will be fascinated to learn about the political history of South Africa and how becoming an anti-apartheid activist contributed towards Nelson Mandela’s positive and negative experiences in life. Once pupils have developed their understanding of the purpose and structure of an autobiography through this example text, they will then begin to plan, write and edit their own during the final 3 lessons. SPAG/GPS covered this week: adverbials, head nouns and expanded noun phrases. Lesson 1: To read, understand and discuss an autobiography Lesson 2: To answer questions about Nelson Mandela’s autobiography Lesson 3: To plan an autobiography Lesson 4: To write an autobiography Lesson 5: To edit, improve and assess my autobiography Total Number of Slides: 28 Lesson Plans Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 3: Recounts - 'The Diary of a Killer Cat' by Anne Fine

Year 3: Recounts - 'The Diary of a Killer Cat' by Anne Fine

NB. A copy of ‘The Diary of a Killer Cat’ by Anne Fine is required to complete this unit. Click here to download lesson 1 for FREE. This bundle includes: a detailed scheme of work, all necessary resources and 2 fully interactive PowerPoints. These lessons are based upon the diary recount book ‘The Diary of a Killer Cat’ by Anne Fine which will help children to learn about this style of writing in a fun and engaging way. SPAG/GPS covered: Time Conjunctions, Adverbials of Time, Place and Manner, Inverted Commas and Prefixes. Lesson 1: To explore the features of a diary entry Lesson 2: To answer questions about a text Lesson 3: To write sentences using the prefixes un-, in-, dis- and mis- Lesson 4: To use adverbs to express manner Lesson 5: To use adverbs to express time and place Lesson 6: To correctly punctuate speech using inverted commas Lesson 7: To discuss ideas for a new character Lesson 8: To plan a diary recount Lesson 9: To write my own diary recount Lesson 10: To finish and edit my diary Total Number of Slides: 61 Scheme of Work Included? Yes Activities and Resources Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Jubilee - The Queen, her Family and Horses

Jubilee - The Queen, her Family and Horses

This double lesson (approximately) has been created to help children explore the life of Queen Elizabeth II, especially in relation to her equestrian life. Children will learn: Facts about the Queen’s life, family and marriage How the Queen succeeded to the throne How various members of the royal family have a close relationship with horses How the Queen’s love of horses began The Queen’s links to horse racing Information about horse breeding Towards the end of the lesson, children will have fun watching a horse race via a YouTube video. Before watching the video, they must firstly look at the information on each horse and guess who will win. There are two races in total for the children to watch after predicting the results. At the end of the PPT, there is a 17 question quiz to see how much they have learnt!
Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Complete 2-Week Unit)

Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Complete 2-Week Unit)

2 Resources
This bundle includes 10 interactive fun-filled lessons where children will learn to read and understand a selection of short poems (included). Pupils will participate in a range of activities such as: creating interesting noun phrases, writing a prose description, memorising and performing a poem, learning/revising how to use a dictionary and more! Lessons include differentiated resources as well as additional visual aids to support activities. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Week 1 of 2)

Year 3: Poetry - Creating Images (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources needed This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Creating Images based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit children will revise and practise using adjectives, nouns and verbs. They will enjoy working together in small groups to memorise and perform small parts of a poem before performing together as a whole class. To end the week they spend time writing their own chant with a partner whilst applying the same structure and rhythm as ‘The Bug Chant’ by Tony Mitton. Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To create noun phrases Lesson 2: To understand abstract nouns Lesson 3: To write a prose description Lesson 4: To memorise part of a poem Lesson 5: To use adjectives and verbs to write my own chant Total Number of Slides: 33 Success Criteria Included? Yes Differentiated Activities and Resources? Yes Resources Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 6: Recounts (Week 1 of 2)

Year 6: Recounts (Week 1 of 2)

Required Text: The Day of Ahmed’s Secret by Florence Parry Heide and Judith Heide Gilliland This interactive PowerPoint includes 5 whole lessons relating to Recounts based on the Year 6 National Curriculum scheme of work. Within this unit you will find lessons based around the thought-provoking story ‘The Day of Ahmed’s Secret’. This book will take children to an unknown world with a powerful message. They will revise the features of recounts whilst writing in both the first and third person as well as applying their knowledge of adverbials and homophones within written sentences. This presentation is Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To listen and discuss a story Lesson 2: To write a recount in the third person Lesson 3: To write sentences using homophones Lesson 4: To correctly use and punctuate adverbials within a sentence Lesson 5: To write a recount in the first person Total Number of Slides: 38 Worksheets Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 5: Recounts (Complete 2-Week Unit)

Year 5: Recounts (Complete 2-Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources needed During this two-week unit pupils will learn about the style, structure and features of recount texts as well as when/why they are used. They will take an in depth look into fronted adverbials and the use of paragraphs in order to develop their understanding of how these are used to create cohesion within a piece of writing. To conclude the unit, children will enjoy working in small groups as they plan a ‘hoax’ UFO sighting within school. They will then apply their knowledge of recount texts as they independently draft and write their own News Reports. Number of Slides: 72 Worksheets Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 4: Poetry - Image Poems (Complete 2-Week Unit)

Year 4: Poetry - Image Poems (Complete 2-Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources needed. Throughout this two-week unit, pupils will focus on both a selection of image poems (included) as well as a range of different grammar rules. They will cover similes, metaphors, prepositional phrases, adverbs and fronted adverbials. Children will have fun learning to analyse the structure of a poem before using their imagination to create their own in a similar style. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 4: Poetry - Image Poems (Week 1 of 2)

Year 4: Poetry - Image Poems (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources needed This presentation includes 5 poetry lessons relating to Image Poems based on the Year 4 National Curriculum scheme of work. Throughout this week children will cover many different grammar aspects such as: similes, metaphors, noun phrases, adverbs and prepositional phrases. They will learn to identify similes and metaphors within a selection of poems (included) and will practise converting these from one to the other. To end the week, children will enjoy writing fun and lively adverb poems followed by a short self assessment. Week 1 of 2 Lesson 1: To use similes to create powerful images Lesson 2: To extend sentences using prepositional phrases Lesson 3: To convert metaphors in to similes Lesson 4: To use adverbs to begin a sentence Lesson 5: To write an adverb poem Total Number of Slides: 26 Differentiation? Yes Resources Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 2: Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

Year 2: Familiar Settings (Week 2 of 2)

No additional resources needed This interactive PowerPoint and 5 lesson plans conclude this unit about stories with Familiar Settings based on the Year 2 National Curriculum scheme of work. This week, children will continue to focus on ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr as well as the well-known story ‘There’s No Such Thing As A Dragon’ by Jack Kent. Using these stories, they will begin to develop ideas, plan and write their own stories using the character that they created at the end of week 1. During lesson 3, they will also have fun playing a board game with a partner as they practise reading and spelling words containing the /j/ phoneme! Lesson 1: To create an interesting problem for my story Lesson 2: To plan my own story Lesson 3: To read and spell words with the phoneme /j/ Lesson 4: To create a good story opening Lesson 5: To use my ‘writing toolbox’ to complete my story Total Number of Slides: 32 Resources included? Yes Lesson Plans Included? Yes If necessary, this PowerPoint can be easily adapted to meet the specific needs of your class. Physical copies of the books would be beneficial, but links are provided. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme Week 1: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-2-fiction-familiar-settings-week-1-of-2-12192909
Year 3: Stories From Other Cultures (Week 3 of 3)

Year 3: Stories From Other Cultures (Week 3 of 3)

No additional resources needed. All lessons include an easy-to-follow lesson plan, interactive PowerPoint, starter activity, main teaching, lesson activity and plenary. This bundle contains the final 5 lessons relating to Stories From Other Cultures based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this third and final week, children will be applying their knowledge of traditional Indian Tales by planning and writing their own in a similar style. They will choose a well-known fairy tale and replace some of these characters with the characters from the Indian Tales which have been covered during this unit. They will be aiming to apply their knowledge of prepositional phrases, adverbs of manner and powerful language. Lesson 1: To use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words Lesson 2: To ‘magpie’ powerful language to use within my own writing Lesson 3: To convert a Fairy Tale into a Traditional Indian Tale Lesson 4: To write a story in the style of a Traditional Indian Tale Lesson 5: To edit and improve my writing Total Number of Slides: 30 Lesson Plans Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes
Year 3: Stories From Other Cultures (Week 2 of 3)

Year 3: Stories From Other Cultures (Week 2 of 3)

No additional resources needed. All lessons include an easy-to-follow lesson plan, interactive PowerPoint, starter activity, main teaching, lesson activity and plenary. This bundle contains 5 whole lessons relating to Stories From Other Cultures based on the Year 3 National Curriculum scheme of work. During this second week, children will have the opportunity to use their imagination when planning and writing their own versions of Rama and Sita with some changes. They will also learn to identify and use subordinate clauses as well as prepositional phrases to express time within their writing. Lesson 1: To plan a modified version of Rama and Sita Lesson 2: To use subordinate clauses within my writing Lesson 3: To make predictions about a myth Lesson 4: To use adverbs of manner to describe a verb Lesson 5: To use prepositions to express time and place Total Number of Slides: 31 Lesson Plans Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes
Year 5: Observational Poetry (Week 2 of 2)

Year 5: Observational Poetry (Week 2 of 2)

This interactive PowerPoint concludes this two-week Observational Poetry unit. During this second week, children will explore the use of imagery within poems by learning how to create powerful images using all 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell). They will have fun imagining themselves as ‘the classroom’ as they consider these senses. What would a classroom see and hear? They will then use their plans to create a poem called ‘I am a Classroom’ based on the poem ‘I am a Writer’ by Joseph Coelho. Poetic Devices/GPS covered throughout these lessons include similes, metaphors, personification, imagery and relative clauses. Related Poems: ‘Sky-Artist´ and ‘Don’t be Scared’ by Grace Nichols ’I am a Writer’ by Joseph Coelho ’Sunlight’ by David Windle Lesson 1: To explore the impact of vocabulary within a poem Lessons 2: To write a poem using metaphors and similes Lesson 3: To plan a poem using descriptive language Lesson 4: To write a poem about a given topic Lesson 5: To revise and perform my poem Total Number of Slides: 31 Lesson Plan Included? Yes Resources Included? Yes Differentiation? Yes No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 1: Songs and Repetitive Poems (Week 1 of 2)

Year 1: Songs and Repetitive Poems (Week 1 of 2)

This interactive PowerPoint includes 5 whole lessons relating to Songs and Repetitive Poems based on the Year 1 National Curriculum scheme of work which can be easily adapted to meet individual needs. This week, children will enjoy lessons and activities based around the following two poems: ‘Peter ate a Worm’ by Jack Prelutsky and ‘Wings’ by Pie Corbett. Each lesson contains a starter activity, displayed success criteria, main teaching and plenary. Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To write imaginative sentences Lesson 2: To memorise and recite a poem Lesson 3: To copy a poem using neat handwriting Lesson 4: To complete my poem and add illustrations Lesson 5: To write my own version of a poem Total Number of Slides: 27 Poems and Activity Resources Included? Yes Lesson Plan Included? Yes #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme
Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Week 1 of 2)

Year 4: Instructions and Explanations - Art Techniques (Week 1 of 2)

No additional resources needed #stressfreeteaching This presentation includes 5 whole lessons relating to Instructions and Explanations based on the Year 4 National Curriculum scheme of work. Children will enjoy learning to write instruction and explanation texts through a variety of fun art activities such as: how to make a paper airplane, drawing a cat’s face and following the step by step instructions to draw a particular dog. Week 1 of 2. Lesson 1: To recognise imperative verbs in a set of instructions Lesson 2: To give verbal commands Lesson 3: To use imperative verbs when writing instructions Lesson 4: To write simple instructions relating to a picture Lesson 5: To write an explanation text Number of Slides: 44 Resources Included? Yes
Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Complete 2 Week Unit)

Year 3: Instructions and Explanations (Complete 2 Week Unit)

2 Resources
No additional resources #StressFreeTeaching Throughout this two week unit pupils will learn to recognise the main features of both explanation and instruction texts. They will begin by analysing given texts in groups (provided in the resources) to discuss and decide on the main features before feeding their thoughts and opinions back to the class. Children will then have the opportunity to write their own instruction and explanation texts with the support of a printable self assessment success criteria. Week 2 of this unit consists of project based learning as pupils focus on creating their own instruction and explanation texts relating to the game show ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’. Total Number of Slides: 159 (Includes ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ PowerPoint game) Teaching Duration: 10 lessons Resources Included: Yes