Created using new Eduqas specification and textbook as guidance
The Lesson focuses on the 'what would Jesus do' principle, situation ethics and the utilitarian school of though
Created using the new Eduqas specification and textbook as guidance
This lesson focuses on the different types of morality (relative and absolute) and also includes a c) 8 mark question and writing frame
Created using the new Eduqas specification and textbook as guidance
This lesson focuses on the aims of punishment and enables pupils to apply the aims as well as make links to utilitarian ideas towards punishment
Eduqas 2016 specification
Component 2: Christianity - Beliefs and teachings
Literal and non-literal interpretations and the role of the Trinity in creation
New Specification
Component 2: Christianity - Beliefs and teachings
Second lesson on the Holy Trinity focusing on the b) questions including mock answers and mark scheme
The Civil Rights Movement - Main effects of Martin Luther King within the movement
lesson plan, starter, differentiated starter. includes PPT and mock answers to mark using marking scheme