Understanding the world

Celebrations Assessment / Test - Special Days - Celebrations Around the World
This resource is a PDF file of a written test for Kindergarten to Year 2 which assesses the student understanding of different types of celebrations.
The test is two pages long. On the first page students have to identify celebrations and the types of items that are regularly found at celebrations. On the second page students have to match a list of celebrations with pictures that represent them.
This resource is great for a Stage 1 class studying Celebrations.
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Australian Plants and Animals Test - Fauna and Flora Assessment
This resource is a PDF file of a written test about Australian flora and fauna.
This test is three pages long. On the first page students have to distinguish between the terms fauna and flora, identify what a mammal, marsupial and monotreme is and draw an example of each. On the second page students have to identify what environment well-known Australian animals are mostly found in and on the third page students have to match well-known Australian plants with their names.
This PDF document also includes a copy of the test with answers for the teacher, bringing the total document size to 6 pages.
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Vertebrate or Invertebrate Sorting Activity - Assessment - Animal Classification
This resource is a PDF file of a vertebrate or invertebrate sorting activity where students have to cut out different animals and sort them into the two different categories.
This resource is four pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the vertebrate and invertebrate animal pictures (black and white) the students need to sort. The third page has the same vertebrate and invertebrate animal pictures but this time in colour. The last page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
You can choose whether you would like to use the black and white pictures or the colour ones. We thought this would be helpful for teachers that don’t have access to a colour photocopier or may have limits on how much colour photocopying they can do.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Farm Animal or Zoo Animal Sort - Identifying Animals - Assessment
This resource is a four page PDF file of a farm animal or zoo animal sort where students have to cut out ten different types of animals and sort them into the two different groups.
This resource is four pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the animal pictures (black and white) the students need to sort. The third page has the same animal pictures but this time in colour. The last page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
You can choose whether you would like to use the black and white pictures or the colour ones. We thought this would be helpful for teachers that don’t have access to a colour photocopier or may have limits on how much colour photocopying they can do.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Past and Present Toys Venn Diagram Sorting Activity - Olden Days
This resource is a four page PDF file with an activity where students have to sort out toys from the past and present into a Venn diagram.
The first page provides the Venn diagram for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the toy pictures the students need to sort and the third page is an answer sheet for the teacher. The last page is an extension activity which is a blank Venn diagram where students can list any other toys that they can think of from the past or present.
Please bear in mind that the teacher answer sheet is just a guide. There are many schools that have hopscotch grids painted in the playground and every now and then marbles make a comeback etc. A Lego set is also shown in the ‘present’ even though Lego started in 1932. We have chosen a robotic "Mindstorms’ set to represent Lego so have therefore placed the picture in ‘present’. The teacher answer sheet is just a guide but the answers many vary from school to school, or even classroom to classroom.
This activity leads to some good discussion point about the placement of toys in the Venn diagram. Students can also discuss why the toys they sorted into ‘past’ are no longer used by most children.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Changes in Technology Around The Home - Past and Present Family Life
This resource is a three page PDF document about changes in technology around the home over the past 200 years.
The first page features 15 pictures of olden-day machines / equipment. Students need to cut out these pictures and glue them into the table on the second page based on which part of the house these items would have been found in. The third page is an answer page for the teacher.
This activity is great for discussions about how life has changed and supports History units such as Then and Now and The Way We Were.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

An Olden Day Nursery / Toys - Past and Present Family Life
This resource is a five page PDF document about olden day toys in an old-fashioned nursery.
The five pages feature five different photos of toys in an olden day nursery. Students need to write the toys they can see in the photo around the box and draw arrows to where they are.
This activity could also be done as a whole class / large group on an interactive whiteboard.
This activity is great for discussions about how toys have changed and supports History units such as Then and Now, The Way We Were and Past and Present Family Life.
This activity was written to use with the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Old and New Transport Types Sorting Activity - Past and Present - Assessment
This resource is a PDF file of a transport activity where students have to sort out different types of transport into the categories of old and new.
This resource is three pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the transport pictures the students need to sort and the third page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Australia's States and Territories Animal Emblems Activity
This resource is a three page PDF document on the Australian state and territory animal emblems.
The activity provides students with the opportunity to match the animal emblems to the appropriate state or territory. The activity is provided as a colour worksheet and also as a black and white worksheet.
There is a teacher answer sheet included as well.
These activities would also be appropriate to be used as an assessment activity at the conclusion of a unit of work.
This activity was written to support the new Australian Curriculum History K-10 Syllabus.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Transport - Land Transport Fold-a-Book - Craft - HSIE
This resource is a PDF file of a transport activity where students have to colour in pictures of different types of land transport and cut out and fold the page to make a concertina-style book.
This resource is one page long. The students colour in the pictures first then they cut out and fold to create the book. There are instructions given at the top of the page. Each page of the book has a picture and information about a different type of land transport.
This activity is a fun way for students to learn about different types of transport. At the end of the day students can take home their book and read it to their parents.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Australian Animal Coverings Sort - Feathers, Fur or Scales - Test
This resource is a PDF file of an Australian animals activity where students have to sort out different types of Australian animals into groups based on what they are covered in: feathers, fur or scales.
This resource is three pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the Australian animal pictures the students need to sort and the third page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Australian Animals Mammals Sort - Marsupials Monotremes - Classifying - Test
This resource is a PDF file of an Australian animals activity where students have to sort out different types of Australian mammals into placentals, marsupials and monotremes.
This resource is three pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the Australian animal pictures the students need to sort and the third page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Purposes of Transport Sort - Land, Sea and Air - Classifying - Test
This resource is a PDF file of a transport activity where students have to sort out different types of transport based on what purpose the transport has.
This resource is three pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the transport pictures the students need to sort and the third page is an answer sheet for the teacher. Please note that and teacher answers are only a guide as some transport types fit into more than one category. This activity provides for good discussion in class when students are asked to justify why they placed a certain transport type in a particular category.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Transport - Sea Transport Fold-a-Book - Craft - HSIE
This resource is a PDF file of a transport activity where students have to colour in pictures of different types of land transport and cut out and fold the page to make a concertina-style book.
This resource is one page long. The students colour in the pictures first then they cut out and fold to create the book. There are instructions given at the top of the page. Each page of the book has a picture and information about a different type of land transport.
This activity is a fun way for students to learn about different types of transport. At the end of the day students can take home their book and read it to their parents.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Transport - Air Transport Fold-a-Book - Craft - HSIE
This resource is a PDF file of a transport activity where students have to colour in pictures of different types of air transport and cut out and fold the page to make a concertina-style book.
This resource is one page long. The students colour in the pictures first then they cut out and fold to create the book. There are instructions given at the top of the page. Each page of the book has a picture and information about a different type of air transport.
This activity is a fun way for students to learn about different types of transport. At the end of the day students can take home their book and read it to their parents.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Transport - Old and New Transport Types - Venn Diagram Activity
This resource is a PDF file of a transport activity where students have to sort out different types of transport into a Venn diagram.
This resource is three pages long. The first page provides the Venn diagram for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the transport pictures the students need to sort and the third page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
This activity leads to some good discussion point about the transport types that overlap in the Venn diagram eg students can discuss how hot air balloons were used for transport originally as to how they are used now (mostly for tourism activities). Students can also discuss why the transport types they sorted into ‘old’ are no longer used by most people.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Human Body Trivia Questions / Quiz - 30 Questions With Answers
This resource is a set of 30 Human Body trivia questions with answers. This PDF is 6 pages long with 10 questions per page.
The first three pages are for student use and the last three pages are the questions with the answers for the teacher.
This resource can be used as a fun research activity for students, a whole class game where students compete to get the most answers correct or as an assessment tool at the conclusion of a unit on the human body.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Guess Who Cards - Animals Board Game Set
This resource is a seven page PDF document of Guess Who cards based on aniamls.
These cards can be printed back to back, cut out and inserted into a Guess Who set. Students can then play Guess Who based on their knowledge of various different animals.
The questions asked could be based on what type of animal it is/ whether it fits the category of mammal, reptile, bird etc / what type of environment it lives in / how it moves / what it eats etc. This game gives students plenty of opportunity to develop their understanding of the characteristics that make different animals so unique.
These cards can also be used by turning over the cards instead, provided the students have a barrier between them, if you do not have Guess Who in your classroom.
This resource is also really useful for EAL/D, ESL, NESB or LBOTE students.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Insect Trivia Questions / Quiz - 30 Questions With Answers - Insects
This resource is a set of 30 Insect trivia questions with answers. This PDF is 6 pages long with 10 questions per page.
The first three pages are for student use and the last three pages are the questions with the answers for the teacher.
This resource can be used as a fun research activity for students, a whole class game where students compete to get the most answers correct or as an assessment tool at the conclusion of a unit on Insects.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.

Insect or Spider Sort - Identifying Insects & Arachnids - Assessment
This resource is a PDF file of an Insect or Spider? sort where students have to sort out different types of insects or spiders and sort them into the two different groups.
This resource is four pages long. The first page provides the table for students to glue the pictures into. The second page contains all of the insect and spider pictures (black and white) the students need to sort. The third page has the same insect and spider pictures but this time in colour. The last page is an answer sheet for the teacher.
You can choose whether you would like to use the black and white pictures or the colour ones. We thought this would be helpful for teachers that don’t have access to a colour photocopier or may have limits on how much colour photocopying they can do.
This resource could also be used as an assessment activity.
Education Australia has other resources available for purchase.