AQA paper 1 question 4 tasks based around Crooks from ‘Of mice and Men’.
Differentiated tasks for planning.
planning sheet and timers used.
*Please note the videos are not part of the sale and can be found on youtube.
Paper 2 comparison using a Jaws text - comparison of the boy and the shark.
Break down for my week students who were struggling with the two texts for paper 2
Development of speech writing using videos about plastic/ sustainability and preservation of our environment students develop through a template and guided tasks.
2-3 lessons depending on your group ability.
*Please note that the videos are not part of the sale and can be found on youtube.
I have used these for GCSE resit (16-18), Adult functional skills and key stage three. It’s great to include colour and to help their memory and engage them in improving their vocabulary.
I find it best to print it in A3 and then slice and dice!
An AQA paper 1 based around the opening to the Liz Nugent book ‘Our little cruelties’
It starts on page 2 of the doc as my processor doesn’t like page one once line numbers have been added.
It does have some more adult language and drug references so I would advise that it isn’t for all sets.
Narrative writing lesson based around the Netflix series Wednesday.
*please not that the clips are not part of the sale and have been found on youtube.
Printable sheets are at the end of the powerpoint