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A Level and ESOL Resources's Shop

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A Level English Literature / A Level English Language / GCSE English Language / ESOL & EFL / Creative Writing




A Level English Literature / A Level English Language / GCSE English Language / ESOL & EFL / Creative Writing
EFL/ESOL - Advanced+ - Accentism

EFL/ESOL - Advanced+ - Accentism

In this lesson, learners use socio-linguistic lexis to describe how ‘accentism’ reinforces class stereotypes. LO1 to recall and use terminology and theory from previous lessons LO2 to identify possible linguistic variation between classes and explain why these variations may occur LO3 to debate whether one should keep their accent or change it
EFL/ESOL - Advanced - Adverbials of Time

EFL/ESOL - Advanced - Adverbials of Time

This lesson explores adverbials of time to express narratives. There is a reading, CCQs, a ‘natural language’ quiz, and ends with a guided and freer writing practice. Adapted from the Speak Out! Advanced series.
EFL/ESOL - Advanced - Short Stories

EFL/ESOL - Advanced - Short Stories

Two lessons which explore the shape and elements of a short story, using technical vocabulary and Freytag’s Linear Plot Structure. There are plenty of short stories included in this pack, which are differentiated for learners. The end result of the lesson is that learners will write a 55 word short story to be shared with the class.
EFL/ESOL - Advanced - The Passive Aspect

EFL/ESOL - Advanced - The Passive Aspect

This lesson encourages learners to differentiate between different uses of the passive voice and be able to write a short myth they have created using the passive aspect. Adapted from Speak Out! Advanced, 5.3. ‘Truth or Myth?’ (pp.59-60)
ESOL/EFL - Advanced - Concessional Clauses

ESOL/EFL - Advanced - Concessional Clauses

This advanced vocabulary and grammar lesson teaches concessional clauses to give information that contrasts with the information in a main clause declarative. This lesson is adapted from the Speak Out! Advanced ed.2, 6.2, ‘A Global Language?’, (pp.71-2).
Introduction to TEFL - Short Course

Introduction to TEFL - Short Course

13 Resources
This is a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This course is delivered as an additional module to a Level 3 programme, but can be easily adapted to a homelearning/flipped learning course. The lessons on the course all include ‘Homelearning?’ suggestions. You will find a SOW, 16 lessons with full resources and exemplars. This is NOT a certificated CELTA or other teacher training course, it is an introduction to teaching for learners who are interested in a career in the field in the future.
Introduction to TEFL - Close Group Research Task

Introduction to TEFL - Close Group Research Task

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This is a handout which sets up a research task for Closed Groups, where learners will create a handout which examines the the spelling, vocabulary, grammar, syntax and pronunciation concerns a language teacher would need to be aware of for teaching a closed-nationality group of learners. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Worksheets and SOW

Introduction to TEFL - Worksheets and SOW

These materials are part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. The resources here are the 14 week SOW, microteach feedback forms and student/peer observation forms. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Intro to TEFL - Productive Skills - Writing and Speaking

Intro to TEFL - Productive Skills - Writing and Speaking

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. In this lesson together we will look at activities which support the productive skills, speaking and writing. Students examine why and how these skills are used in the ESOL classroom as well as a range of activities which can be used to support the development of these skills. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Receptive Skills - Listening

Introduction to TEFL - Receptive Skills - Listening

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. In this lesson together we will look at a range of skills for effective listening activities in the ESOL classroom; students will be introduced to technical terminology, how to scaffold a listening skills lesson, and create a chart of different types of listening activities. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Receptive Skills - Reading

Introduction to TEFL - Receptive Skills - Reading

his lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. In this lesson together we will look at a range of skills for effective reading; students will be introduced to technical terminology and reflect on the use of authentic reading resources. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Interviewing an ESOL Learner

Introduction to TEFL - Interviewing an ESOL Learner

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This homelearning/flipped lesson encourages students to engage with one of the parts of the CELTA course - the Learner Profile Interview. Students generate questions to ask an adult ESOL learner in the next lesson on the SOW. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Lesson Planning

Introduction to TEFL - Lesson Planning

his lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This lesson of the course demonstrates two scaffolded lesson structures - one for grammar and skills, and a second for vocabulary and functional language. By the end of the lesson, students will draft a microteach using a four element scaffold. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Intro to TEFL - Using Songs

Intro to TEFL - Using Songs

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This lesson of the course demonstrates a range of activites which use popular songs which can be used to teach ESOL. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Intro to TEFL - Behaviour Management

Intro to TEFL - Behaviour Management

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This sixth lesson of the course shows trainee teachers how to best manage the classroom and also looks at grading language. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - The PPP model

Introduction to TEFL - The PPP model

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This fifth lesson of the course overviews the Presentation, Practise, Production (PPP) model used to scaffold grammar and skills lessons. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Teaching Vocabulary

Introduction to TEFL - Teaching Vocabulary

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This forth lesson of the course puts students in the position of an MFL student using a range of vocabulary learning activities. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Introduction to TEFL - Introduction to Phonetics

Introduction to TEFL - Introduction to Phonetics

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This is the third lesson of the course which works through a series of acitivites introducing phonetics, the phonemic chart, and it’s useage in the ESOL classroom. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.