Fantastic “The Perfect Christmas Bingo” plenary or starter activity with teacher’s caller’s card and 30 unique bingo cards (with instructions on how to best play the game included.)
For more great resources, visit my shop page here:
(Credits: Outdoors scene bingo cards created from
A collection of exciting murder mystery lessons and resources!
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
Zombie Apocalypse Complete Lesson
Highly engaging zombie apocalypse creative writing lesson guaranteed to motive.
The scenario:
You and a group of friends take a spin out of town in your new sports car. At first you are enjoying the night air and freedom of the road, but then a heavy fog suddenly descends
Passing along a dark and dreary wood, you suddenly see a woman covered in blood appear along the main road. You swerve to avoid her and crash into a tree.
Fortunately, everyone is well, but it becomes apparent that all is not what it seems…
You are pursued through the woods by what seems to you to be an angry, crazed mob.
Through the woods you and your friends discover an abandoned school. You immediately enter to take shelter from the encroaching hordes. Can you survive? What will happen next?
Highly attractive Power Point includes:
* Full lesson scenario
* Starter task
* Survival objectives
* Planning sheet
* Writing and discussion prompts
* Interactive ‘zombie bingo’ with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from
Fantastic lesson!!
You may also be interested in my other zombie apocalypse lesson or the first dystopian bundle:
Note: this brand new lesson is not part of this bundle.
For more great resources and lessons, see my page here:
(Credits: copyright free images used in this lesson. Main zombie image copyright free: School image copyright free:, bingo cards from
You created this resource.
The Christmas Horror Story – Creative Writing
Fantastic Christmas horror writing lesson or series of lessons, using stimulating gifs and imagery and a haunting scenario line, packed with resource material. Allow at least two lessons for this premium resource.
Students get to write their own Christmas horror story based on an evil Santa!
A Christmas MUST download.
Exciting 30 page Power Point includes everything you need for a stimulating Christmas lesson(s) that students will enjoy. Also includes a fun bingo plenary activity, including 30 individual bingo cards and caller’s card.
A blank spelling template featuring the tried and tested method to spelling improvement!
PLUS top 20 commonly misspelled words in English (UK Spellings)
LOOK - Look closely at the word.
BREAK - Break the word down.
COVER - Cover the word.
WRITE - Write the word from memory.
CHECK - Have you spelt it correctly?
RE-WRITE - Re-write the word.
Example word + 10 slots for words to be added.
Blank template can easily be adapted to use with any set of words.
The Time Machine – Creative Writing Lesson.
Highly engaging and visually appealing, creative writing lesson!
Lesson scenario:
When clearing out an old house, under a dust sheet in the attic, you discover some kind of strange machine. There is a chair and lots of odd looking machinery and dials. You sit in the chair out of curiosity and press a few buttons. Suddenly, things start to happen and you are transported in time. Where will you go? What will you do?
Full lesson Power Point and planning sheet included.
*Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!*
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
Amazing value literacy pack! One full literacy lesson complete with all resources and four literacy games, all on one Power Point! Click on the links below to purchase individually or download the complete pack here. Great for improving students' SPAG.
Literacy Health Check £3:
Literacy Bingo 1 £2:
Literacy Bingo 2 £2:
Literacy True or False 1 £2:
Literacy True or False 2 £2:
Hope for Paws lesson 2.50:
*Now also includes - Literacy Nuts and Bolts - Zizi's Story* £2.50
£16.00 pack for £6.49!!
Please rate, thank you.
Summer Holiday Creative Writing - Double Pack
A double pack of two great creative writing murder lessons. Available to download individually following the links, or as a value double pack here.
The Lake District Murder
Fantastic creative writing murder mystery story, with a clear scenario and structure to help students write an amazing story, diary version.
Lesson scenario:
A family weekend getaway to the Lake District turns to horror as one guest in the lodge is poisoning the guests. But who? And why? And will you make it out alive?
Lesson includes attract imagery, full lesson prompts, lesson objectives, starters and interesting plenary activity! Planning sheet included.
The Summer Holiday Murders
Fantastic creative writing murder mystery story, with a clear scenario and structure to help students write an amazing story.
Lesson scenario:
The summer is finally here. School’s over and you are on the perfect holiday, away and relaxing by the pool in a private and secluded hotel. Until you realise, one by one, someone is killing the guests…
Lesson includes attract imagery, full lesson prompts, lesson objectives, starters and interesting plenary activity! Planning sheet included.
For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here:
(Credits given in each page.)
A simple and effective way to make literacy and learning fun. Literacy bingo 2! Students have to spot the incorrect word as each sentence appears (common literacy errors) and replace them with the correct word. This is the word they cross off on their bingo cards. Further instructions on how to play inside. Power Point resource, playing time with line and house 15 minute approx. Resource suitable for key stages 2/3, but easily adaptable format/template to create further bingo games. Student satisfaction guaranteed!
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Copyright free images used throughout.)
Spooky ghost story. Creative writing lesson.
The scenario:
You are travelling alone at night when a mysterious fog encircles your car and it suddenly cuts out. With no means to call for help, you take to the road. Through the woods you stumble across an old mansion house. You are about to walk towards the house, when to your horror, you see on the path the words “look behind you” you turn, shaken to you core, and…
Full lesson includes all resources. Starter, lesson objective and a spooky bingo plenary finish with 30 individual bingo cards!
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits: the images used in this work are COPYRIGHT FREE and can be found here: )
Emotive and visually appealing writing to advise lesson based on the excellent charity, Hope for Paws.
Suitable for KS3 classes in particular.
Attractive Power Point includes:
* Video clip link starter
* Diamond 9 activity (included)
* Mini-writing task
* Main writing task
* Quiz and word puzzle plenary
Visit my shop page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits from YouTube, Hope for Paws channel.)
English Quizzes and Starter Pack Bundle
Amazing value pack of English starters and quizzes!!! Comprising of:
Word quizzes Power Point £2:
KS4 Exam style starters pack 1 of 3 £1:
KS4 Exam style starters pack 2 of 3 £1:
Of Mice and Men spelling starter and cloze activity £1:
Of Mice and Men quiz pack £2:
Literacy starter pack £2:
Engaging starters pack 1 £2:
Great value download! £11 of individual resources for £5!!
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
Fantastic value bundle, featuring two complete lessons and a quiz bundle pack.
Click on the links for further details.
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
The Halloween Murder Mystery – Creative Writing Story
A fantastically engaging lesson with arresting imagery. Students write a Halloween murder mystery story following a set scenario.
The scenario:
On a stormy Halloween night, you and your friends set off to attend a ‘spooky’ Halloween fancy dress party.
You make your way through the storm in good spirits and arrive at the house on the hill where the party is taking place.
Inside the house, the party is in full swing and you are happy to take shelter from the storm and join in the fun! Until…
You realise someone has been murdered…
But who and why?
And will you make it out alive?
Highly attractive Power Point includes:
* Full lesson scenario
* Starter task
* Lesson objectives
* Planning sheet
* Writing and discussion prompts
* Interactive murder mystery bingo with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from
Also included: things to include in descriptive writing, writing checklist and word banks!
All the material for an excellent, one-off lesson or lessons.
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free images from, and wallpapervotex.)
The Zombie Apocalypse
Cities lie abandoned. The streets are no longer safe as the K11 virus has spread and infected large numbers of the population. You and a small group of survivors have made it out of the city and have taken refuge in an abandoned farmhouse. You have to hold out against the ‘zombie-like’ hordes for 7 days until help arrives. Will you survive?
Lesson includes:
• Attractive title pages.
• Zombie Apocalypse word search starter.
• Attractive scenario pages.
• Lesson objective page.
• Planning sheet resources. This is structured so that students are encouraged to increase the tension as the ‘waves’ of zombie attacks increase daily.
• Key word bingo plenary activity, including 30 individual bingo cards and caller card.
• Prompts and slide prompt for lesson 2
Zombie apocalypse 2 is available here:
**Now available in a dystopian and horror bundle*:
For other engaging resources, including full lessons, visit my shop page here:
(Credits: royalty free images – zombie images pixabay, scenery from Geography UK. Bingo cards from
Fun lesson where students get to design their own chocolate bar! Guaranteed to enthuse!
Fun name the bar starter activity, links to video clips, discussion points and the design sheet.
All resources included.
For other engaging resources, including full lessons, visit my shop page here:
The Deserted House poetry analysis lesson.
A simple but effective lesson, ideal for KS2/3, lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives
* Task 1: Reading and annotating of the poem
* Task 2: How does the poem make you feel? (Help sheet included.)
* Task 3: Draw and label the house with key words from the poem (poem included.)
* Extensive key word bingo – callers card and 30 individual bingo cards
Very easy to teach!
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: royalty free images and
The Haunted House Dare – Creative Writing
Fantastic complete creative writing lesson students will love.
The scenario:
You don’t believe in ghosts. You don’t think they exist. People who do are just plain silly in your opinion. So when a group of friends dare you to spend the night alone in a supposedly haunted house you take up the challenge, undaunted. However, alone in the dead of night, you start to hear strange noises and something doesn’t feel right. Will your night in the haunted house change your mind…forever?
Power Point includes:
* Attractive title page
* Engaging starter
* Lesson objectives
* Scenario page
* Descriptive prompt and planning page
* Review and writing prompts with mini-word bank
* Bingo plenary activity with 30 interactive bingo cards
Great value and engaging lesson!
Diary version of this lesson is available here:
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Copyright free image from deviant art, FairyGoodMother.)
The Beast of Bodmin Moor Investigation - Fact or Fiction
An amazing investigation lesson into the 'Beast of Bodmin Moor.'
Students get to explore and research the legend of the 'Beast of Bodmin Moor' in groups, moving from investigation area to investigation area before writing their final reports.
All resources included.
The investigation areas are:
* Newspaper reports
* Photos
* Video footage
* Fact files
* Eyewitness Accounts
Students fill in their investigation sheets as they go to each area.
An outstanding lesson.
Teacher note included.
For more great resources and lessons, see my shop page here:
Please consider rating the lesson. Thank you.
(Credits: copyright free images. Articles taken from the Mirror, Telegraph and Daily Star taken from the public domain.)
Paris – Descriptive Writing
A sophisticated descriptive writing lesson based on images from Paris, a video clip of Paris and quotes from Ernest Hemingway’s masterpiece, A Moveable Feast.
Great engaging lesson!
For the New York version of this lesson type see here:
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: all images copyright free, available from Wikipedia and,,, .)