Highly engaging, poetry lesson based on the original Sandman image by Dina Bova.
Attractive Power Point includes:
* Cryptic starter
* Lesson objectives
* Full size image for discussion point
* Task Explanation
* Planning sheet slide
* Writing tips shared activity
* Writing prompts and plenary quiz
Planning sheet resource included.
New York Monologues – Descriptive Writing
A sophisticated descriptive writing lesson based on images from New York and scenes Woody Allen’s masterpiece Manhattan. Students fill in the senses sheet, watch and briefly analyse the opening of Manhattan (resources and links provided) before writing their own monologues!
Great engaging lesson!
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: all images copyright free, available from Wikipedia and other royalty free sites.)
Britain votes leave in the EU referendum.
Presentation on the shock result of the EU referendum, showing the immediate reaction to events following the result.
Pages include voting statistics, David Cameron’s resignation, share prices, pound vs the Euro, government and international reaction.
(Credits: all images taken from The Guardian and the BBC website.)
Images of War - Descriptive Writing Lesson
A simple, but effective descriptive writing lesson based on images of war. Nothing fancy, just display and teach!
Lesson includes:
* Lesson objectives
* Five things to help with descriptive writing slide
* Whiteboard activity using image prompts
* Main writing task with a choice of three images to produce a piece of descriptive writing
* Lesson review and self-assessment slide
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(All images are copy right free to the best of my knowledge.)
A descriptive writing lesson using peaceful images to engage students! Lots of resources included. V2 of this lesson which is slightly more challenging with more writing tasks. For V1 of this lesson see:
Full lesson includes:
* Clear image starter
* Lesson objectives
* Five things to help with descriptive writing slide
* Image + example task (resource included as a hand out)
* Image prompt and review slide
Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, a WAGOLL and descriptive word mat resources included.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(All images are copy right free to the best of my knowledge.)
A literacy ‘health check’ booklet containing 25 questions, ideal for Y6-Y9 low or average ability range. The short assessment is intended as a brief, low pressure test (hence the ‘health check’ not a ‘test’) and comprises of simple fill-in-the-blanks questions on: capital letters; there, their and they’re; to and too; apostrophes and common spelling errors.
Included on the Power Point are all the answers to the test, as well as a starter and literacy plenary ideas. All resources are included at the back of the Power Point.
Attractive 21 page Power Point includes:
• Title page.
• Fun facts - true or false starter.
• Literacy objectives page.
• Prompt pages for the test.
• Full answers for each section.
• Reflective area for students to respond to on the back of the test.
• Discussion prompt.
• Creative literacy word search activity (provided at the back of the Power Point.)
• Links to a literacy ‘Block Buster’ online game and image.
• All resources, with instructions on how to create the booklet.
You may also be interested in poetic terms full lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
Titanic Descriptive Writing – Complete Lesson
Fantastic descriptive writing lesson based on the images and film of the Titanic, with several warm-up activities and a descriptive writing bingo plenary.
(Note: you could do with a copy of Titanic the film to show the sinking part which students will write about. If this is not possible, you could show some clips available on You Tube which show several scenes of simulations of the Titanic sinking. Other than that, images from the film are included in this Power Point resource.)
Full lesson includes:
· Attractive starter activity
· Lesson objective slide
· Tips on descriptive writing
· Locating descriptive elements in two examples
· Short descriptive writing task
· Video clip and image slide
· Fantastic key word bingo plenary activity
All resources copied at the back of the Power Point. Everything you need for a full, complete and engaging lesson.
For an informative Power Point on the Titanic see here:
For more great resources or lessons see here:
(All images are copyright free from wikipedia.co)
Romeo and Juliet Prologue and Act 1 Revision Lesson
An introduction, revision or recap lesson on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Prologue and Act 1. Lesson includes:
* Starter cloze activity
* Lesson objectives
* DIRT/purple pen slide
* Who’s who, character activity
* One page brief summary
* Guess the quotation quiz
* Extract analysis and discussion prompt review
Particularly suitable to lower ability students or those new to Shakespeare.
For more great resources, visit my shop page here:
Paris – Descriptive Writing
A sophisticated descriptive writing lesson based on images from Paris, a video clip of Paris and quotes from Ernest Hemingway’s masterpiece, A Moveable Feast.
Great engaging lesson!
For the New York version of this lesson type see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-york-monologues-descriptive-writing-11309329
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: all images copyright free, available from Wikipedia and Socialeconomoy.eu.org, Thestudyaroad.com, Thelocal.fr, Placeinparis.com .)
Bakerfield Lodge – Spooky Creative Writing Lesson
Deep in the English countryside, there is a house which holds a terrible secret.
Evil has happened here and now madness lies behind every door.
The house is called Bakerfield Lodge. It does not take kindly to strangers.
Welcome to your new home…
Complete lesson includes:
* Starter activity
* Information pages with hints
* Discussion prompts
* Scenario page
* Descriptive writing page (resource included)
* Writing prompts
* Fantastic ‘spooky bingo’ plenary with caller’s card
Highly engaging lesson!
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits: based on a blurb by Christ Priestley from the book The Dead of Winter, copyright free images used.)
The Cornish Murder Mystery - Full Lesson
A group of friends take what was supposed to be a peaceful trip to a remote Cornish coast only to discover strange goings-on in the village, smuggling in the coves and possibly, even murder! But who is responsible? And will the friends make it out alive?
Visually attractive, creative writing mystery lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson.
Power Point includes:
* Title page.
* Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story.
* Effective lesson starter.
* Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above).
* Quick planning sheet (included at the back of the Power Point).
* Page prompts.
* Fantastic “murder mystery bingo” plenary activity with teacher’s caller card and 30 unique bingo cards (with instructions on how to best play the game included).
* Extra Power Point pages to allow for lesson 2.
* All resources included at the end of the Power Point.
*Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!*
Please take a second to rate the lesson if you enjoyed it.
You may also be interested in these further murder mystery lessons:
(Copyright free images from Wikipedia, bingo from my free bingo.com)
A topical writing to argue and persuade lesson on the new sugar tax! Visually attractive lesson, guaranteed to promote debate. This is the writing to argue letter lesson. If you prefer this lesson as a main task to write a lively article you can find that at the link below:
Lesson Power Point includes a shock starter, learning objectives, links to video clips for information on the sugar tax and planning prompts throughout.
BBC article included.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
You may also be interested in this letter activity resource:
(Credits, BBC and Youtube.)
A topical speech writing to argue and persuade lesson on the new sugar tax! Visually attractive lesson, guaranteed to promote debate.
Lesson Power Point includes a shock starter, learning objectives, links to video clips for information on the sugar tax and planning prompts throughout.
BBC article included.
If you prefer the letter writing version of this lesson see here:
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits, BBC and Youtube.)
The Speckled Band - Sherlock Holmes
Three complete lessons on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Classical Sherlock Holmes story, “The Speckled Band.”
What’s included in this download?
20 page Power Point with tasks and information slides throughout.
Character activity task.
Your opinion task for the end of the story.
A great starting point to teach this story!
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Copyright: Images: wikipedia and youtube, text from cooltext.com.)
New Year 2017 Complete First Lesson
Ideal first lesson back after the holiday’s for any class!
Lesson consists of several engaging tasks with a main writing reflection 2016 and a look forward to 2017.
Complete attractive Power Point consists of:
* Attractive title page
* Lesson starter
* Lesson objective page
* Discussion prompts
* Post it-note + discussion prompt
* Two video clip slides – looking back at 2016
* Writing task slide + review
* A choice of two (or both) lesson plenaries in a fun word game or a New Year’s bingo activity, complete with caller’s card and 30 individual bingo cards.
Everything you need for a fun and engaging start to the school year! All resources included.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits: copyright free images from youtube. Bingo cards from myfreebingocards.com.)
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
Descriptions of Paradise - Complete Lesson
A descriptive writing lesson using beautiful images to engage students!
Full lesson includes:
* Clear image starter
* Lesson objectives
* Five things to help with descriptive writing slide (resource included)
* Highlighter review
* Main task description and lesson review
Student checklist, things to include in descriptive writing, and a descriptive word mat resources included.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(All images are copy right free from https://www.pexels.com/search/nature/.)
Visually attractive newspaper headline writing lesson complete with all resources, including starters and prompt sheets.
Power Point includes:
• Title page.
• Two lesson starters (at the back of the Power Point) linking to the main task.
• Starter prompt.
• Lesson objectives – WALT and WILF.
• Three suggested newspaper headlines (with help sheets) UFO landing, earthquake/volcano and flooding.
• What to include in your article prompt.
• Progress check prompt and lesson continuation
• Link to an online, interactive hangman game.
• (All resources included at the back of the Power Point.)
The Christmas Horror Story – Creative Writing
Fantastic Christmas horror writing lesson or series of lessons, using stimulating gifs and imagery and a haunting scenario line, packed with resource material. Allow at least two lessons for this premium resource.
Students get to write their own Christmas horror story based on an evil Santa!
A Christmas MUST download.
Exciting 30 page Power Point includes everything you need for a stimulating Christmas lesson(s) that students will enjoy. Also includes a fun bingo plenary activity, including 30 individual bingo cards and caller’s card.
The Time Machine – Creative Writing Lesson.
Highly engaging and visually appealing, creative writing lesson!
Lesson scenario:
When clearing out an old house, under a dust sheet in the attic, you discover some kind of strange machine. There is a chair and lots of odd looking machinery and dials. You sit in the chair out of curiosity and press a few buttons. Suddenly, things start to happen and you are transported in time. Where will you go? What will you do?
Full lesson Power Point and planning sheet included.
*Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!*
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: sherdog.com, waltbox.com)