Thank you for finding my shop.
I am a teacher with many years of experience working with individuals facing barriers to learning. My resources are designed with learners who have additional needs or who are at Entry Level in mind. Most of them have been created to use in various specialist settings throughout the key stages up to Post 16.
I also provide a resource creation service. If you would like anything specific creating, please get in touch.
Thank you for finding my shop.
I am a teacher with many years of experience working with individuals facing barriers to learning. My resources are designed with learners who have additional needs or who are at Entry Level in mind. Most of them have been created to use in various specialist settings throughout the key stages up to Post 16.
I also provide a resource creation service. If you would like anything specific creating, please get in touch.
A worksheet pack used with both KS3/KS4 and post 16 learners in a SEND setting to identify and discuss different emotions.
Could be used in ELSA sessions.
When I feel angry, sad, anxious, stressed
Emotion wordsearch
What can I do when…
Different adjectives for emotions – Sad/Angry/Stressed/Nervous including suggested words
Cola Bottle – what makes you fizz?
Stress Bucket – what makes your bucket overflow?
Talk topics – 4 different scenarios for learners to discuss what is happening, how someone might be feeling, why they feel like that and what they could do
2 Resource Packs in one.
Holiday/Country Theme Activities
Lessons powerpoint
The powerpoint contains a powerpoint presentation created on CANVA with the following tasks:
Starter Activities
Guess the tourist attraction and place – identify on a map (you will need a copy of a map/globe for this activity)
Pros and Cons of different types of holiday
Speaking and Listening Activities
What is your dream destination and why
Find out facts about a place
Find out which countries tourist attraction are located and label on a map
**Writing **
Fact Recording Sheet
Information leaflet template and checklist
Persuasive leaflet template and checklist
Diary entry template
Booklet with the following literacy activities
• Alphabetical Order
• Short reading comprehension
• Adjective hunt
• Spelling activity
Stimulus Picture Prompts in powerpoint format
Pack of pictures for discussion and describing
Second Pack as follows:
A symbol supported geography pack for learners with SEND/Additional Needs. The pack can be used to familiarise learners with the concept of world geography and to consolidate understanding of different parts of the world. It is not age specific and can be used across the key stages including Post 16.
It contains:
Geography dictionary – world, continent, country, city, town for learners to understand the meaning of these words
World map continents to label
Countries to put into alphabetical order (those in Asia, Europe and Africa)
Europe reading comprehension including a simplified version with key words and comprehension questions
Geography bingo
Information hunt prompts for learners to find out things such as food, currency, traditions, landmarks etc in a chosen country
Map matching
UK labelling
Assessment booklets covering the assessment criteria for the following units:
• Accessing Commercial Services
• Accessing Financial Services
• Accessing Health Services
• Accessing Helping Services
• Accessing Leisure Services
• Accessing the Countryside
• Choosing Clothing and Footwear
• Computer Games
• Developing Assertiveness
Each booklet contains space for photographs and annotation along with activities designed to meet the assessment criteria.
The booklets also contact feedback/evaluation sheets and a tracking document. They are fully editable to adapt to different learners and settings if required.
Assessment booklets designed to meet assessment criteria
Communicating with Others
Customer Services
Health and Safety
Learning through Work Experience
Maintaining Work Standards
Rights and Responsibilities
Tackling Problems at Work
Travelling to Work
Working with Others
Working with Numbers
Includes blank witness statements.
Each sheet has a handy ‘assessment for learning emoji’ for learners to self assess as well as a final sheet for learners/assessors to make comments and to plan next steps.
The resources were originally used in a SEND school Post 16 setting but could equally be used with entry level learners in a range of different contexts.
They are in WORD format to allow for ease of adapting to individual settings.
The booklets were designed to ensure the ASDAN units were achieved however ASDAN were not involved in the creation.
I hope that they save you some valuable time.
Best wishes
The Entry Level Helper
A selection of symbol supported activities for learners with SEND.
All resources were used in a Post 16 SEND setting.
Valentine’s Day
Weather and Seasons
Total Price £10.00 saving a total of £5.00
Contains assessment booklets for the following PSD Entry Level 1 Units:
Community Action
Environmental Awareness
Making the Most of Leisure Time
Managing Own Money
Parenting Awareness
Personal Safety in the Home and Community
Preparation for Work
Using Technology in the Home and Community
The booklets contain a range of activities designed to specifically meet assessment criteria as well as blank witness statements and space for photographic evidence. Each sheet has a handy ‘assessment for learning emoji’ for learners to self assess as well as a final sheet for learners/assessors to make comments and to plan next steps.
The resources were originally used in a SEND school Post 16 setting but could equally be used with entry level learners in a range of different contexts.
They are in WORD format to allow for ease of adapting to individual settings.
The booklets were designed to ensure the ASDAN units were achieved however ASDAN were not involved in the creation.
I hope that they save you some valuable time.
Best wishes
The Entry Level Helper
Applying for a job
Career exploration
Communication with others
Customer service
Enterprise skills
Exploring business and enterprise
Health and safety
Maintaining work standards
Contains assessment booklets for the following PSD Entry Level 2 Units:
Community Action
Dealing with Problems
Developing Self
Individual Rights and Responsibilities
Managing Social Relationships
Personal Safety in the Home and Community
Using Technology in the Home and Community
Working as Part of a Group
Working Towards Goals
The booklets contain a range of activities designed to specifically meet assessment criteria as well as blank witness statements and space for photographic evidence. Each sheet has a handy ‘assessment for learning emoji’ for learners to self assess as well as a final sheet for learners/assessors to make comments and to plan next steps.
The resources were originally used in a SEND school Post 16 setting but could equally be used with entry level learners in a range of different contexts.
They are in WORD format to allow for ease of adapting to individual settings.
The booklets were designed to ensure the ASDAN units were achieved however ASDAN were not involved in the creation.
I hope that they save you some valuable time.
Best wishes
The Entry Level Helper
This resourcecontains a powerpoint presentation to be used in a group to introduce the topic with activities that link to the assessment.
It also contains assessment booklets for Entry Level 2 and 3. They cover the learning objectives and assessment criteria of the unit.
They contain a range of activities designed to specifically meet assessment criteria as well as blank witness statements and space for photographic evidence. Each sheet has a handy ‘assessment for learning emoji’ for learners to self assess as well as a final sheet for learners/assessors to make comments and to plan next steps.
The resource was originally used in a SEND school Post 16 setting but it could equally be used with entry level learners in a range of different contexts.
It is in WORD format to allow for ease of adapting to individual settings.
The booklet was designed to ensure the ASDAN unit was achieved however ASDAN were not involved in its creation.
I hope that it saves you some valuable time.
Best wishes
The Entry Level Helper
Communicating with others at work
Customer service
Health and safety
Learning through work experience
Maintaining work standards
Overcoming barriers to work
Planning and reviewing learning
Rights and responsibilities
Tackling problems at work
Travelling to work
Working with numbers
Working with others
Assessment booklets to cover PSD Personal Safety in the Home and Community learning objectives and assessment criteria.
These were used for the ASDAN PSD qualification however ASDAN were not involved in the creation of the booklets.
In addition, the bundle contains lesson activities to support the delivery of the unit.
These are included in a powerpoint and contain short discussion points and activities:
• Lesson -Staying safe in the home
• Lesson -Staying safe in the community – includes railway and water safety
• Lesson -Staying safe online
• Staying safe discussion scenarios
These lessons have been used in both a KS3/4 SEND provision and also a Post 16 SEND provision.
These lessons filled 6 weeks of 1 lesson of 1 hour per week.
Assessment booklets to cover the learning objectives and assessment criteria of the units.
The booklets have been used to demonstrate achievement of the ASDAN Employability Health and Safety units however ASDAN were not involved in their creation.
Assessment booklets to cover the learning objectives and assessment criteria of the units.
These units were used to support evidencing of ASDAN units but ASDAN were not involved in their creation.
Assessment booklets to cover the learning objectives and assessment criteria of the units.
Created to evidence achievement of the ASDAN units however ASDAN have not been involved in the creation of the booklets.
A resource pack containing assessment booklets to cover the PSD unit at Entry levels 1,2 and 3. Please note that although these booklets supported the assessment of the ASDAN unit, ASDAN were not involved in their creation.
The resource pack also contains the following:
Simple introductory powerpoint with activites
Worksheet activities for independent learners
Differentiated reading text
Simple instructions for making jacket potatoes in the microwave
PSD Community Action – ASDAN
This resource pack contains assessment booklets to cover the learning objectives and assessment criteria of the PSD Community Action units at Entry levels 1, 2 and 3.
These units were used to support evidencing of ASDAN units but ASDAN were not involved in their creation.
In addition, there is a powerpoint that can be used for classroom based activities. This is approximately 15 pages long. There is also a worksheet prompt for staff with classroom group work ideas. These could be given out to learners as it is, cut into sections or personalised to the needs of the group
I hope that you like this resource. I would love to hear from you with feedback.
The Entry Level Helper
Animals Lesson Activities
Lesson activities used in a SEND setting with learners working between Entry Level 1 – Level 1
Introductory Powerpoint – covers farm, wild and pet animals; key words, sorting animals; habitat and food; creative pet care leaflet
Wild Animal factsheet WAGOLL and template
Farm, wild and pet flashcards (8 animals per set). These could be used for matching pairs, sorting or learning spellings
Animal wordsearch
Animal colouring sheets
Pet care leaflet WAGOLL
Wild animal quiz
Assessment booklet used to meet the criteria for the PSD Entry Level 3 Healthy Living unit.
In addition the bundle includes a set of resources that could be used to support delivery and assessment.
Used in a SEND setting with both Post 16 and KS3/4 learners with additional needs
The lessons could form the basis of 6 weeks of lessons of 1-2 hours per week or longer depending upon level of learners.
The pack contains the following:
Introduction to healthy living powerpoint including key vocabulary definitions
Healthy / Unhealthy discussion prompts
Healthy / Unhealthy worksheets
Smoking powerpoint and activities including labelling what smoking does to the body. Could also be simple reading activities
Importance of sleep activities
Exercise diary
Emotional awareness worksheets
Flashcards – fruit and vegetables
What I know about smoking worksheet
Colouring sheets
Finish the sentences worksheet
Healthy Living article for reading or as a WAGOLL
I hope you like these resources and that they save you some valuable time
The Entry Level Helper
A set of healthy living resources that could be used in a variety of lessons such as PSHE, Science, English and/or as part of Healthy Living assessment activities such as ASDAN PSD
Used in a SEND setting with both Post 16 and KS3/4 learners with additional needs
The lessons could form the basis of 6 weeks of lessons of 1-2 hours per week or longer depending upon level of learners.
The pack contains the following:
Introduction to healthy living powerpoint including key vocabulary definitions
Healthy / Unhealthy discussion prompts
Healthy / Unhealthy worksheets
Smoking powerpoint and activities including labelling what smoking does to the body. Could also be simple reading activities
Importance of sleep activities
Exercise diary
Emotional awareness worksheets
Flashcards – fruit and vegetables
What I know about smoking worksheet
Colouring sheets
Finish the sentences worksheet
Healthy Living article for reading or as a WAGOLL
I hope you like these resources and that they save you some valuable time
The Entry Level Helper
This resource bundle contains 2 full units of work.
**Unit 1 **
Introduces online safety for learners with SEND or who are at Entry Level. It contains:
A simple powerpoint with links to some websites for independent research
Accompanying workbook containing the following worksheets:
Identify the Apps
Being Online -For and Against
Upsetting Messages
Managing Online Bullying
Sharing Images online
Image Sharing Checklist
Rules for staying safe online
Editable glossary that could be used as a matching game:
Symbols supports - Key words and Staying Safe Online Rules
Unit 2
Personal Safety
Lesson activities are included in a powerpoint and contain short discussion points and activities:
• Lesson -Staying safe in the home
• Lesson -Staying safe in the community – includes railway and water safety
• Lesson -Staying safe online
• Staying safe discussion scenarios
These activities could be useful for learners following ‘Personal and Social Development’ units.
These lessons have been used in both a KS3/4 SEND provision and also a Post 16 SEND provision.
These lessons filled 6 weeks of 1 lesson of 1 hour per week.