I'm a Head of History in a mixed comprehensive. My specialism is Early Modern Europe. Here you'll find resources for KS3-5, templates to help run a department, and even some PSHE resources from my time as Head of PSHE in 2015.
When I'm not inspiring future historians you'll find me knitting, reading a good book, playing with my children or indulging in 'Prosecco Friday'.
I'm a Head of History in a mixed comprehensive. My specialism is Early Modern Europe. Here you'll find resources for KS3-5, templates to help run a department, and even some PSHE resources from my time as Head of PSHE in 2015.
When I'm not inspiring future historians you'll find me knitting, reading a good book, playing with my children or indulging in 'Prosecco Friday'.
Over the past 5 years I have been a Form Tutor to the same group which was hugely rewarding. I have added some of the resources I made and used:
Locker organisation sheet.
Homework planner sheet.
Start of the Year PowerPoint.
CSE presentation.
Diversity assembly.
Halloween worksheet.
A great read with some really useful ideas. Here I have summarised the key points I have taken from the book and where you can find them if you want to know more.
A very simple and basic sheet to be used if you are having a guest visit your lesson or there are learning walks taking place. You can give a very brief outline of what’s happening that lesson and identify different group of students.
A simple feedback sheet for students to use when reviewing their peer’s enquiry final piece. The assessment sheet leaves space for students to consider the positives, improvement and action to be taken for each piece they review.
A PowerPoint with some key facts about Crawley. It is a very basic PowerPoint, it would not be the main attraction of your display but would be a nice addition. This fits with a local study and helps students to see how events in their local area fit with wider events such as the Second World War.
Sample letters home to A Level parents post mock exams. One letter celebrates the success of a student, one highlights the need to revise and the final letter explains that the skill of analysis needs to be improved.
Are you looking for a fun and easy way for your students to track their progress? Well look no further!
This assessment tracker allows KS3 students to track their progress throughout KS3, whether your school has a 2 or 3 year KS3.
There is space for students to record when the assessment took place, what their positives were and their next step.
Students are encouraged to reflect between assessments by recording when they met their target.
Two skills ladders allow students to use the tracker with homework and class work activities. One ladder focuses on PEEL writing and can be applied to all historical concepts. The second ladder focuses on source skills.
The benefit of students keeping their tracker through the Key Stage means they while the scheme of work may revisit concepts in different years, students will still be able to review feedback specific to that concept.
A castle for students to record historical and chronological knowledge. A method to include specific knowledge questions within assessments to help build revision and knowledge skills.
A template to help students make the best decisions in your classroom. It can be used in conversations with students, parents, for tutors and classroom teacher.
Need quick ways to test your students’ knowledge? Look no further.
This PowerPoint contains 5 assessments on aspects within the first topic- Life and government 1189- 1216
The feudal system
Kingship and succession
Royal government and finances (and answers)
English society (and answers)
The role of the Church
In addition, the PowerPoint contains two slides with knowledge and exam style questions taken from the Edexcel textbook and revision guide.
This tracker follows the same layout of my KS3 tracker to help with continuity into KS4. Especially as you have spent hours training your students on how to record and respond to feedback, it means they can hit the ground running at GCSE.
This tracker includes:
A main focus on their target and aspirational target. Great to help students remember what their target it.
A space to record historical knowledge after knowledge tests.
A graph to track their progress towards their target after each school report.
A Year 10 and Year 11 space to record exam question practice. Setting a target for the next exam practice.
This revision plan is aimed at Year 13s to help them chunk revision for Paper 1 and 2 while studying their Paper 3 topic and preparing their coursework.
This plan is dated 2017/2018 but can easily be edited for your needs. The plan is for Edexcel Paper 1- Religion and state in Early Modern Europe and Paper 2- Luther and the German Reformation.
It includes:
Break down of the topic
Suggested exam question
Mark achieved for the essay
Space for student to record their independent work.
Here I have collected different interview questions I have asked when hiring a member of the department. I have also included some Head of Department questions.
Two documents to provide team members a clear overview of assessment and DIRT lessons to help with future planning. The dates of the document are relevant for 2017/2018 but with a few minutes can be edited for next year.
The current plan includes an overview of the exam papers and our 3 year KS3. It has been colour coded to highlight the key skills each KS3 topic focuses on.
Help your GCSE and A Level students develop their independent learning skills using this questionnaire and teacher review sheet.
The questionnaire encourages students, half-termly, to reflect on their approach to their learning. It prompts students to think about the skills they need to develop and their attitude towards their learning. To encourage meaningful conversations between teacher and student on independence there is a teacher review sheet, allowing you to record how independent the student is from your perspective.
Ever wondered what your students think of their History lessons?
If yes, then this pack is for you. It is crammed with questionnaires for KS3-KS5 that ask specific agree/disagree questions followed by open ended questions.
As a Head of Department these questionnaires are a fantastic tool to review the mood of students and the impact our schemes of work are having.
As a classroom teacher they help with self reflection on good practice and allow for an open, class dialogue on the quality of learning and teaching taking place.