A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
This revision lesson has been designed to challenge the students on their use of a range of mathematical skills that could be assessed on the six OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science papers. The mathematical element of the GCSE Combined Science course has increased significantly since the specification change and therefore success in those questions which involve the use of maths can prove to be the difference between one grade and another or possibly even more.
The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources contain a wide range of activities that include exam-style questions with displayed mark schemes and explanations so that students can assess their progress. Other activities include differentiated tasks, class discussion points and quick quiz competitions such as “It doesn’t HURT to CONVERT”, “YOU DO THE MATH” and “FILL THE VOID”.
The following mathematical skills (in a scientific context) are covered in this lesson:
The use of Avogadro’s constant
Rearranging the formula of an equation
Calculating the amount in moles using mass and relative formula mass
Calculating the relative formula mass for formulae with brackets
Using the Periodic Table to calculate the number of sub-atomic particles in atoms
Changes to electrons in ions
Balancing chemical symbol equations
Empirical formula
Converting between units
Calculating concentration in grams per dm cubed and volumes of solutions
Calculating size using the magnification equation
Using the mean to estimate the population of a sessile species
Calculating percentages to prove the importance of biodiversity
Calculating percentage change
The BMI equation
Calculating the acceleration from a velocity-time graph
Recalling and applying the Physics equations
Understanding prefixes that determine size
Leaving answers to significant figures and using standard form
Helpful hints and step-by-step guides are used throughout the lesson to support the students and some of the worksheets are differentiated two ways to provide extra assistance.
Due to the detail of this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3 hours of GCSE teaching time to cover the tasks and for this reason it can be used over a number of lessons as well as during different times of the year for revision
This revision lesson has been designed to challenge the students on their use of a range of mathematical skills that could be assessed on the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science papers. The mathematical element of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science course has increased significantly since the specification change and therefore success in those questions which involve the use of maths can prove to be the difference between one grade and another or possibly even more.
The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources contain a wide range of activities that include exam-style questions with displayed mark schemes and explanations so that students can assess their progress. Other activities include differentiated tasks, class discussion points and quick quiz competitions such as “It doesn’t HURT to CONVERT”, “YOU DO THE MATH” and “FILL THE VOID”.
The following mathematical skills (in a scientific context) are covered in this lesson:
The use of Avogadro’s constant
Rearranging the formula of an equation
Calculating the amount in moles using mass and relative formula mass
Calculating the relative formula mass for formulae with brackets
Calculating the relative atomic mass using the mass and abundance of isotopes
Using the Periodic Table to calculate the number of sub-atomic particles in atoms
Changes to electrons in ions
Balancing chemical symbol equations
Empirical formula
Converting between units
Calculating concentration in grams per dm cubed and volumes of solutions
Calculating size using the magnification equation
Using the mean to estimate the population of a sessile species
Calculating percentages to prove the importance of biodiversity
Calculating percentage change
The BMI equation
Calculating the acceleration from a velocity-time graph
Recalling and applying the Physics equations
Understanding prefixes that determine size
Leaving answers to significant figures and using standard form
Helpful hints and step-by-step guides are used throughout the lesson to support the students and some of the worksheets are differentiated two ways to provide extra assistance.
Due to the detail of this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3 hours of GCSE teaching time to cover the tasks and for this reason it can be used over a number of lessons as well as during different times of the year for revision.
This revision lesson has been designed to challenge the students on their use of a range of mathematical skills that could be assessed on the AQA GCSE Combined Science papers. The mathematical element of the AQA GCSE Combined Science course has increased significantly since the specification change and therefore success in those questions which involve the use of maths can prove to be the difference between one grade and another or possibly even more.
The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources contain a wide range of activities that include exam-style questions with displayed mark schemes and explanations so that students can assess their progress. Other activities include differentiated tasks, class discussion points and quick quiz competitions such as “YOU DO THE MATH” and “FILL THE VOID”.
The following mathematical skills (in a scientific context) are covered in this lesson:
The use of Avogadro’s constant
Rearranging the formula of an equation
Calculating the amount in moles using mass and relative formula mass
Calculating the relative formula mass for formulae with brackets
Using the Periodic Table to calculate the number of sub-atomic particles in atoms
Changes to electrons in ions
Balancing chemical symbol equations
Converting between units
Calculating concentration in grams per dm cubed and volumes of solutions
Calculating size using the magnification equation
Using the mean to estimate the population of a sessile species
Calculating percentages to prove the importance of biodiversity
Calculating percentage change
Calculating the acceleration from a velocity-time graph
Recalling and applying the Physics equations
Understanding prefixes that determine size
Leaving answers to significant figures and using standard form
Helpful hints and step-by-step guides are used throughout the lesson to support the students and some of the worksheets are differentiated two ways to provide extra assistance.
Due to the detail of this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3 hours of GCSE teaching time to cover the tasks and for this reason it can be used over a number of lessons as well as during different times of the year for revision.
This revision resource contains an engaging and detailed PowerPoint (66 slides) and associated worksheets, all of which are differentiated to allow students of different abilities to access the work. The range of activities that include exam questions with explained answers and quiz competitions covers the content within topic 11 (Air and water) of the CIE IGCSE Chemistry specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The resource was written to cover as much of the content as possible but the following topics have received particular attention:
The fractional distillation of air to separate oxygen and nitrogen
The composition of clean air
The variety of reactions that form carbon dioxide
The changes in the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and the link to global warming
The common pollutants and their effects on health and buildings
The treatment of water to make it safe
The chemical tests for water
The conditions needed for the Haber Process
Efforts have been made during the design of this lesson to make connections between topic 11 and the other topics in order to show students how important it is to make Biological links. In addition, there is a big emphasis on mathematical skills and guidance is given throughout to break down any barriers that students may have with these types of questions.
This bundle of 7 revision lessons covers 7 of the 12 Chemistry topics that are found on the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. Each of the lessons has been designed to include exam questions, differentiated tasks and quiz competitions that challenge the students on their recall of the content and their ability to apply knowledge. Students will be engaged and motivated by the range of activities whilst recognising those areas that need further attention.
The following topics are included in this bundle:
Topic C2: Experimental techniques
Topic C3: Atoms, elements and compounds
Topic C4: Stoichiometry
Topic C5: Electricity and chemistry
Topic C9: Periodic Table
Topic C11: Air and water
Topic C12: Organic chemistry
If you like these lessons, please look at my revision lessons for the Biology and Physics topics of the Combined Science specification as well as the IGCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics
This revision resource has been designed to include a range of activities that will engage the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content of topic C2 (Experimental techniques) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. Exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions such as “SEPARATE the FACT from the FICTION” will challenge the students on their recall of the content as well as their ability to apply this knowledge.
The lesson was written to cover as much of the content as possible, but the following topics have received particular attention:
• Simple distillation and fractional distillation
Choosing appropriate apparatus
Experimental and investigational skills
Crystallisation and filtration
Paper chromatography
Calculating the retention factor
This resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (45 slides) and associated worksheets and is ideal for use at the end of this topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual terminal exams
This is a concise revision resource which has been designed to cover the crucial details of topic C5 (Electricity and chemistry) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification, for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The topic of electrolysis is commonly assessed in the examinations so time was taken during the design to ensure that understanding is constantly checked so that any misconceptions are addressed.
The following content receives particular attention in this revision lesson:
The use of the terms electrolyte, electrode, cathode and anode
Understanding that solid ionic compounds cannot be used in electrolysis, but only electrolytes when molten or in aqueous solution
The attraction of positive ions to the cathode and the gain of electrons
The attraction of negative ions to the anode and the loss of electrons
Predicting the products at the electrodes
The lesson finishes with a summary task about the electrolysis of aluminium oxide where students have to apply their knowledge. This sheet has been differentiated two ways so that students of different abilities are able to complete the task
This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (56 slides) and associated worksheets, one of which has been differentiated two ways to allow students of differing abilities to access the work. The range of activities cover the content of Topic C4 (Stoichiometry) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification, for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The aim was to cover as much of the content as possible but the following topics have received particular attention:
Naming compounds containing 2 or 3+ elements
Constructing word equations for general chemical reactions
Monatomic or diatomic molecules
Writing formulae for ionic compounds using the charges on the ions
Balancing symbol equations
Writing fully balanced chemical symbol equations with state symbols
Students are given hints and guidance throughout the lesson so they can build confidence in the lead up to an end of topic test, mocks or the terminal exams.
A lot of time and effort has gone into the design of this revision resource as it covers the very important Atoms, elements and compounds topic (C3) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Specification which will be examined in June and November 2020 and 2021. This topic tends to contribute a high volume of the questions in the examination papers as it contains fundamental understanding. The resource contains a detailed and engaging PowerPoint (87 slides) and associated worksheets, which have been differentiated to allow differing abilities the chance to complete the task. The range of activities that include exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions aim to cover as much of the content as possible but the following topics have received particular attention:
Metals vs non-metals
Using the proton and nucleon number to calculate the number of sub-atomic particles
Atoms vs ions
Drawing dot and cross diagrams for ionic compounds
The structure of an ionic compound and the relation to its properties
Drawing dot and cross diagrams for simple molecules
Understanding of the terms solution, solvent, solute and soluble
Throughout the lesson, links have been made to other modules (e.g. Electricity and chemistry) so that students can see how they will be expected to make these connections. The detail of this lesson means that it can be used a number of times and is ideal for revision during the learning of C3, at the end of the topic or in the lead up to mocks or terminal exams.
This revision resource contains an engaging and informative PowerPoint (55 slides) and differentiated worksheets that will enable the students to assess their understanding of the topic C9 content of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The range of exam questions (with explained answers), quick tasks and quiz competitions have been designed to cover as much content as possible but the following topics have received particular attention:
• The properties of the alkali metals, halogens and noble gases
• Explaining the reactivity of these groups in terms of electron configurations
• The transition elements
• The arrangement of the Periodic Table
• Predicting properties of the undiscovered elements
The question sheet about the properties of the different groups has been differentiated three ways so that a range of abilities can access the work
This revision resource has been designed to include a range of activities that will engage the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content of topic C12 of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. Exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions such as “Are you on FORM” will challenge the students on their recall of the content as well as their ability to apply this knowledge.
The lesson was written to cover as much of the content as possible, but the following topics have received particular attention:
• The conditions needed for cracking
• Alkanes and alkenes as the products of cracking
• Alkanes as saturated hydrocarbons with single covalent bonds between their atoms
• Alkenes as unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double covalent bond
• Testing between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons using aqueous bromine solution
• The fractional distillation of crude oil
• The uses of the fractions
This resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (51 slides) and associated worksheets and is ideal for use at the end of this topic or in the lead up to mocks or the actual terminal exams
This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (44 slides) and associated worksheets, all of which have been differentiated two ways to allow students of differing abilities to access the work. The range of activities cover the content of Topic C11 (Air and water) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification, for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The aim was to cover as much of the content as possible but the following topics have received particular attention:
The composition of clean air
Changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
The formation of carbon dioxide
Common air pollutants and their effects on health and structures
The treatment of water to make it safe
The chemical tests for water
A number of quiz competitions are included in the lesson such as “POLLUTE the air…with the answer” where students compete to be the first to identify a common pollutant from the clues. These competitions act to engage them whilst the exam questions and quick tasks will enable them to assess their understanding of the content.
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed to motivate and engage the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 2 (Experimental techniques) of the CIE IGCSE Chemistry specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (50 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which have been differentiated to help and challenge differing abilities.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and Supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Identify substances and assess purity from melting and boiling point data
Describe and explain the method of distillation
Understand how fractional distillation separates mixtures according to their boiling points
Describe and explain the method of crystallisation
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of paper chromatography
Interpret simple chromatograms, including the calculation of the Rf values
In addition, topics from other modules such as states of matter at different temperatures are covered so that students can see the importance of being able to make connections and links between Chemistry topics.
This REVISION resource has been written with the aim of motivating the students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content in Chemistry TOPIC 2 (States of matter and mixtures) of the Edexcel GCSE Combined Science specification. The resource contains an engaging and detailed PowerPoint (65 slides) and accompanying worksheets, most of which are differentiated to allow a range of abilities to access the work.
The wide range of activities, which include exam questions and quiz competitions, have been designed to cover as much of topic 2 as possible but the following sub-topics have been given a particular focus:
Pure substances in Science
Using melting and boiling points to distinguish between pure and impure
Separating mixtures using simple and fractional distillation
Determining a state of matter using data
Physical changes
The mobile and stationary phases of paper chromatography
Calculating the retention factor
The treatment of water to make potable water
This resource is suitable for use at the end of topic 2, in the lead up to mocks or in the preparation for the final GCSE exams.
This bundle contains 6 detailed revision lessons which will engage and motivate the students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content found in topics 6 - 10 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification. These are the topics which can be assessed on PAPER 2.
Each of the lessons has been written to contain a wide range of activities, including exam questions and quiz competitions, which will enable the students to recognise those areas which require their further attention.
The following topics are covered in this bundle:
Topic 6: The rate and extent of chemical change
Topic 7: Organic chemistry
Topic 8: Chemical analysis
Topic 9: Chemistry of the atmosphere
Topic 10: Using resources
The bundle also contains a PAPER 2 revision lesson which covers all of the topics within 1 lesson and shows students how questions can make links between the different topics.
This bundle contains 6 detailed revision lessons which will engage and motivate the students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content found in topics 1 - 5 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification. These are the topics which can be assessed on PAPER 1.
Each of the lessons has been written to contain a wide range of activities, including exam questions and quiz competitions, which will enable the students to recognise those areas which require their further attention.
The following topics are covered in this bundle:
Topic 1: Atomic structure and the periodic table
Topic 2: Bonding, structures and properties of matter
Topic 3: Quantitative chemistry
Topic 4: Chemical changes
Topic 5: Energy changes
The bundle also contains a PAPER 1 revision lesson which covers all of the topics within 1 lesson and shows students how questions can make links between the different topics.
This REVISION resource has been designed to motivate and engage students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content in topics C6-C10 of the AQA Trilogy GCSE Combined Science specification which can be assessed on PAPER 4. This is fully-resourced and contains a detailed PowerPoint (118 slides) and accompanying worksheets, some of which have been differentiated.
The resource was written with the aim of covering as many C6-C10 sub-topics as possible, but the following ones have received particular focus:
Pure substances in Science
Detecting gases
Reversible reactions
Changing conditions and the position of the equilibrium
Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction
The structure of the alkanes
Complete combustion of the alkanes
Cracking and the alkenes
Fractional distillation of crude oil
This resource can be used in combination with the PAPER 3 revision resource which covers the content in Chemistry topics C1 - C5 as well as the other AQA GCSE Combined Science REVISION lessons which I’ve uploaded
This REVISION resource has been designed to motivate and engage students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content in topics C6-C10 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification which can be assessed on PAPER 2. This is fully-resourced and contains a detailed PowerPoint (146 slides) and accompanying worksheets, some of which have been differentiated.
The resource was written with the aim of covering as many of the sub-topics in C6-C10 as possible, but the following ones have been given a particular focus:
The general formulae of the alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and carboxylic acids
Reversible reactions and equilibrium
Changing conditions and the position of equilibrium
The factors affecting the rate of reaction
Complete combustion of the alkanes and climate change
The changes in carbon dioxide levels over time
Addition and condensation polymers
Fractional distillation and the properties of the fractions
Analysis and interpreting chromatograms
Detecting cations
This lesson can be used in combination with the PAPER 1 REVISION resource that I have uploaded.
This REVISION resource has been designed to motivate and engage students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content in topics C1-C3 of the OCR GCSE Chemistry specification which can be assessed on PAPER 1. This is fully-resourced and contains a detailed PowerPoint (184 slides) and accompanying worksheets, some of which have been differentiated.
The resource was written with the aim of covering as many of the sub-topics in C1-C5 as possible, but the following ones have been given a particular focus:
The organisation of the Periodic Table
The structure of atoms and ions
The properties of ionic compounds
Drawing dot and cross diagrams to represent ionic compounds
Electrolysis of molten salts and solutions
Writing half equations for the cathode and anode
Neutralisation reactions
Writing balanced chemical symbol equations
Ionic equations
Simple and giant covalent structures
Diamond and graphite
Calculating the relative formula mass
Moles and Avogadro’s constant
Calculating the mass in reactions
Due to the extensiveness of this resource, it is likely to be used over the course of a number of lessons with a particular class and this allows the teacher to focus in on any sub-topics which are identified as needing more time.
This REVISION resource has been designed to motivate and engage students whilst they are challenged on their knowledge of the content in topics C1-C5 of the AQA GCSE Chemistry specification which can be assessed on PAPER 1. This is fully-resourced and contains a detailed PowerPoint (208 slides) and accompanying worksheets, some of which have been differentiated.
The resource was written with the aim of covering as many of the sub-topics in C1-C5 as possible, but the following ones have been given a particular focus:
The chemical properties of the Group 1, 7 and 0 elements
The structure of atoms and ions
The properties of ionic compounds
Drawing dot and cross diagrams to represent ionic compounds
Extracting metals using carbon
REDOX reactions
Electrolysis of molten salts and solutions
Neutralisation reactions
Writing balanced chemical symbol equations
Simple and giant covalent structures
Diamond and graphite
Calculating the relative formula mass
Moles and Avogadro’s constant
Calculating the mass in reactions
Molar volume (Gas calculations)
Concentration of solutions
The organisation of the Periodic Table
Due to the extensiveness of this resource, it is likely to be used over the course of a number of lessons with a particular class and this allows the teacher to focus in on any sub-topics which are identified as needing more time.