A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (44 slides) and associated worksheets, all of which have been differentiated two ways to allow students of differing abilities to access the work. The range of activities cover the content of Topic C11 (Air and water) of the CIE IGCSE Combined Science specification, for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The aim was to cover as much of the content as possible but the following topics have received particular attention:
The composition of clean air
Changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
The formation of carbon dioxide
Common air pollutants and their effects on health and structures
The treatment of water to make it safe
The chemical tests for water
A number of quiz competitions are included in the lesson such as “POLLUTE the air…with the answer” where students compete to be the first to identify a common pollutant from the clues. These competitions act to engage them whilst the exam questions and quick tasks will enable them to assess their understanding of the content.
This bundle contains 8 revision lessons which cover some of the major topics in the CIE IGCSE Biology specification, for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. All of the lessons are engaging and motivating and give the students the opportunity to assess their understanding of these topics so they can recognise those areas which need their further attention.
The topics included in this bundle are:
Topic 1: Characteristics and classification of living organisms
Topic 2: Organisation of the organism
Topic 3: Movement in and out of cells
Topic 4: Biological molecules
Topic 5: Enzymes
Topic 9: Transport in animals
Topic 10: Diseases and immunity
Topic 11 & 12: Gas exchange in humans & respiration
This revision resource has been designed to cover the content in both topic 11 (Gas exchange) and topic 12 (Respiration) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. The topics have been combined because of the huge crossover and the aim was to encourage students to see those connections and to make the Biological links. The resource contains an engaging and detailed PowerPoint (77 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which have been differentiated to provide assistance for those students who need it.
Included in the resource are exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions which try to cover as much content as possible with the following areas receiving particular attention:
The internal and external structure of the trachea
The structure of the alveoli to allow efficient gas exchange
The role of the ribs, intercostal muscles and diaphragm in ventilation
The differences in composition between inspired and expired air
Aerobic respiration in seeds
The uses of energy in the body of humans
Anaerobic respiration and the oxygen debt
This resource contains a large emphasis on the mathematical element of the Biology course. Students are guided through key skills such as percentage change and then challenged to apply
A considerable amount of time has been taken to design this revision resource so that the included activities engage the students whilst containing sufficient detail to enable them to assess their understanding of the content in topic 9 (Transport in animals) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification. This resource can be used with those students taking both the 0610 and 0970 specifications and will be examined in June and November 2020 and 2021. This topic contains a lot of key details about the workings of the human body and is therefore likely to be heavily involved in the make up of upcoming examinations. The range of activities include exam questions with answers explained, differentiated tasks and quiz competitions such as “FOUND in the PLASMA” where students have to be the 1st to name the substances that are carried in this liquid and also “Is this passage on the right PATH” where students have to analyse a passage about the pathway of blood to determine if it is 100% correct.
The lesson has been written to cover as much content from both the Core and Supplement sections as possible but the following have received particular attention:
The functions of the different components of blood
The structure of arteries and veins and how this is related to their functions
The risk factors and treatments for CHD
The structure of the heart and its associated blood vessels
The function of the valves found in the heart and veins
The double circulatory system
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been written to motivate and engage the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 4 (Biological molecules) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (36 slides) and associated worksheets.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and Supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
List the chemical elements that make up carbohydrates
State how starch, glycogen, cellulose, proteins and fats and oils are made from their specific smaller molecules
Describe the use of the iodine and Benedicts solution test
Explain how the specific sequence of the amino acids in a protein controls the shape and the effect this has on an enzyme and antibodies
Describe the structure of DNA
Recognise that water is an important solvent which is involved in a large number of roles in the human body
In addition, links have been made to other topics such as hormones and organelles so that students can see the importance of making links between Biological topics
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed to motivate and engage the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 2 (Experimental techniques) of the CIE IGCSE Chemistry specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (50 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which have been differentiated to help and challenge differing abilities.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and Supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Identify substances and assess purity from melting and boiling point data
Describe and explain the method of distillation
Understand how fractional distillation separates mixtures according to their boiling points
Describe and explain the method of crystallisation
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of paper chromatography
Interpret simple chromatograms, including the calculation of the Rf values
In addition, topics from other modules such as states of matter at different temperatures are covered so that students can see the importance of being able to make connections and links between Chemistry topics.
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed with the aim of motivating and engaging the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 2 (Organisation of the organism) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (53 slides) and an associated worksheet.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and Supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The function of the organelles found in animal and plant cells
The features of specialised cells which allow them to perform their function
The mitochondria and the production of energy for use in cell activities
Calculating size and magnification by converting between millimetres and micrometres
Tissues, organs and organ systems
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed with the aim of motivating and engaging the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 10 (Diseases and immunity) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (37 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which have been differentiated to help and challenge differing abilities.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and Supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Pathogens as disease causing microorganisms that cause transmissible diseases when they are spread
Pathogens can be spread through direct or indirect contact
Vaccinations as a form of active immunity that leads to the production of memory cells
Examples of passive immunity
The human body’s defence systems to include the white blood cells
Diabetes type I as an example of an autoimmune disease
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed with the aim of motivating and engaging the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 5 (Enzymes) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains an engaging PowerPoint (25 slides) and associated worksheet.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Define enzymes as proteins that function as biological catalysts
Explain enzyme action with reference to active site, substrate and enzyme-substrate complex
Explain the specificity of enzymes
Explain the effect of changes of temperature on enzyme activity
Explain the effect of changes of pH on enzyme activity
Describe what happens to an enzyme when it is denatured
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed with the aim of motivating and engaging the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 3 (Movement in and out of cells) of the CIE IGCSE Biology specification for examination in June and November 2020 and 2021. This revision resource contains a detailed and engaging PowerPoint (42 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which have been differentiated to help and challenge differing abilities.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the Core and supplement content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Active transport as the movement of particles against their concentration gradient using energy from respiration
The importance of active transport as demonstrated by the absorption of mineral ions by the root hair cells
The movement of water across cell membranes by osmosis
The importance of osmosis and water potential in the uptake of water by plants
The effects on plant cells of immersion into solutions of different concentrations
The importance of turgor pressure for a plant
Diffusion as the net movement of particles with the concentration gradient
Recognising the factors that influence the rate of diffusion
In addition, topics from other modules such as specialised plant cells are covered so that students can see the importance of being able to make connections and links between Biological topics.
This bundle of 4 revision lessons has been designed to motivate and engage the students whilst they are being challenged on their knowledge of the content of the following topics in unit 1 (Cells, organ systems and ecosystems) of the WJEC GCSE Biology specification:
Topic 1.1: Cells and movement across cell membranes
Topic 1.2: Respiration and the respiratory system in humans
Topic 1.3: Digestion and the digestive system in humans
Topic 1.4: Circulatory system in humans
Each of the lessons contains a wide range of activities including exam questions and quiz competitions that will prepare the student’s for an end of topic test or terminal examination
This revision resource has been filled with a range of activities that will motivate the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in module 4.2.1 (Biodiversity) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The content of this module is regularly assessed in the exams and therefore time has been taken to design the lesson to encourage recall. The resource includes a detailed and engaging Powerpoint (80 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which are differentiated to allow students of differing abilities to access the work.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Considering biodiversity at different levels including species biodiversity
Calculating the biodiversity of a habitat using the Simpsons index of diversity
Assessing genetic diversity by looking at polymorphic gene loci
Zoos as an ex situ method of maintaining biodiversity
The factors affecting biodiversity
There is a real emphasis on the mathematical element of the course in this lesson as students are challenged to apply the formulae in this module as well as more general skills such as percentage change. There are also links to topics from other modules such as selection pressures and codominance so students can experience the need to make connections between modules
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed with the aim of motivating and engaging the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 1.1 (Cells and movement across cell membranes) of the WJEC GCSE Biology specification.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
Active transport as an active process
The differentiation of cells in animal and plants to become adapted for specific functions
The functions of the organelles of animal and plant cells
Enzymes as proteins which speed up reactions
The active site, substrates and enzyme-substrate complexes
The effect of pH on enzyme activity
Diffusion as a passive process, which allows substances including oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass across a membrane
This revision resource includes exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions, all of which have been designed with the aim of motivating and engaging the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 1.2 (Respiration and the respiratory system in humans) of the WJEC GCSE Biology specification.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The need and purpose of the respiratory system
The function of the mucus and cilia in the trachea and the effect of smoking on these structures
The structure of the alveolus and its blood supply
The mechanisms of inspiration and expiration
The process of aerobic respiration and the release of energy in the form of ATP
Anaerobic respiration and the production of lactic acid
The range of exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions that have been written into this revision lesson will help to motivate and engage the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 1.3 (Digestion and the digestive system in humans) of the WJEC GCSE Biology specification. The resource includes a detailed and engaging Powerpoint (51 slides) and an associated worksheet, which has been differentiated to help differing abilities to access the work.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The movement of food by peristalsis
The role of carbohydrase, protease and lipase enzymes in digestion
The tests for the presence of starch and glucose
The roles of the stomach and small intestine in digestion
The function of bile in the break down of fats
The need for a balanced diet and implication for health of excess sugar and salt in foods
This revision resource has been designed to include a range of activities such as exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions which will motivate the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in topic 1.4 (Circulatory system in humans) of the WJEC GCSE Biology specification. The resource includes a detailed and engaging Powerpoint (58 slides) and associated worksheets, some of which have been differentiated to allow all abilities of students to access the work.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The structure of a phagocyte and a red blood cell
The functions of the plasma and the platelets
The structure of arteries and veins and how this relates to their function
The role of coronary arteries in supplying oxygenated blood to the heart cells
The risk factors and treatments for cardiovascular diseases
The structure of the heart and the pathway of blood through the double circulatory system
Each of the 11 revision lessons which are found in this bundle have been written to include a range of activities that will motivate the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content in the AS modules of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The following modules are covered:
2.1.1: Cell structure
2.1.2: Biological molecules
2.1.3: Nucleic acids
2.1.4: Enzymes
2.1.5: Biological membranes
2.1.6: Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation
3.1.2: Transport in animals
3.1.3: Transport in plants
4.1.1: Communicable diseases
4.2.1: Biodiversity
4.2.2: Classification and evolution
This revision resource has been designed to include a range of activities such as exam questions, understanding checks and quiz competitions which will motivate the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in module 2.1.4 (Enzymes) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The resource includes a detailed and engaging Powerpoint (70 slides) and associated worksheets
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The role of enzymes as biological catalysts that lower the activation energy
The lock and key theory and the induced fit hypotheses
The mechanism of enzyme action to include the tertiary structure
The effect of inhibitors on the rate of enzyme-controlled reactions
The effect of pH on the rate of reaction
Coenzymes and cofactors
The idea of an optimum temperature and explaining the decrease in rate when temperatures increase or decrease
Calculating the temperature coefficient
In addition to these topics, some topics from other modules such as the PCR and precursor molecules are tested in order to challenge the students on their ability to make links between the modules.
This revision resource has been written to include a range of activities that motivate the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in module 2.1.5 (Biological membranes) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The resource includes a detailed and engaging Powerpoint (71 slides) and associated worksheets
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The movement of molecules by active transport which requires ATP as an immediate source of energy
The movement of molecules by passive processes
The use of membrane-spanning proteins in facilitated diffusion and active transport
Factors that increase the rate of simple diffusion
The movement of water across membranes by osmosis
The effects that solutions of different water potentials can have on animal and plant cells
The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure
The roles of the components of the plasma cell membrane
In addition to these topics, some topics from other modules such as organelles, synapses and autoimmune diseases are tested in order to challenge the students on their ability to make links between the modules. The range of activities include exam questions and understanding checks as well as quiz competitions to maintain student engagement.
This revision resource has been designed with the simple aim of motivating the students whilst they assess their understanding of the content found in module 2.1.6 (Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. The resource includes a detailed and engaging Powerpoint (75 slides) and an associated worksheet, which has been differentiated to allow students of differing abilities to access that task.
The range of activities have been designed to cover as much of the content as possible but the following sub-topics have been given particular attention:
The main stages of mitosis
The cell cycle including the stages of interphase and cytokinesis
The significance of meiosis in terms of variation
The main stages of meiosis
How the cells of animals are specialised to perform particular functions
The features of squamous and ciliated epithelium
How the cells of plants are specialised to perform particular functions
In addition to these topics, some topics from other modules such as organelles and magnification are tested in order to challenge the students on their ability to make links between the modules. The range of activities include exam questions and understanding checks as well as quiz competitions to maintain student engagement.