Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities.
All resources have been tried and tested. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it.
Please leave feedback and rate my resources.
Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities.
All resources have been tried and tested. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it.
Please leave feedback and rate my resources.
A PowerPoint and Smart Notebook set out exactly like the KS2 SATs arithmetic paper.
This resource focuses on all of the decimals question types found in the papers since 2016 and features 65 questions.
Adding and subtracting a decimal from a decimal
Subtracting a decimal from an integer
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 or 1000.
Multiplying decimals by an integer
A PowerPoint and Smart Notebook set out exactly like the KS2 SATs arithmetic paper.
This resource focuses on all of the decimals question types found in the papers since 2016 and features 50 questions.
Percentages of an amount - multiples of 10
Percentages of an amount - multiples of 5
Percentages of an amount - multiples of 1
Percentages of an amount - decimal percentages
This is a differentiated worksheet to help children master opposite angles. Answers are included.
Children are challenged to:
- name the type of angle a ‘missing angle’ is.
- calculate its size in degrees
- measure it accurately using a protractor.
All angles are correctly sized.
There are two sheets, an Expected Standard sheet and a more challenging Greater Depth sheet (2016+ Curriculum). On each sheet there are nine missing angles, meaning that children have 27 things to do in order to complete one activity sheet.
Please rate and/or comment. All feedback is valuable.
This is a differentiated worksheet to help children master opposite angles. Answers are included.
Children are challenged to:
- name the type of angle a ‘missing angle’ is.
- calculate its size in degrees
- measure it accurately using a protractor.
All angles are correctly sized.
There are two sheets, an Expected Standard sheet and a more challenging Greater Depth sheet (2016+ Curriculum). On each sheet there are nine missing angles, meaning that children have 27 things to do in order to complete one activity sheet.
Please rate and/or comment. All feedback is valuable.
Two information texts about the same subject (volcanoes). One is significantly better written than the other. A good activity to get children to compare and contrast written text, particularly good for getting children to spot grammar features and high-level punctuation.
The details are not glaringly obvious but word choice is markedly improved in the better version, as well as more detail having been added.
A VCOP'd poster version has been included to display the features in your class.
Also excellent for getting children to summarize a text.
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features all the drama of the TV show. Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’. A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
There are 15 questions, testing children’s knowledge of:
- The battle of Hastings
- William the Conquerer
- Normal Achievements
- and more!
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has.
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features all the drama of the TV show. Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’. A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
There are 15 questions, testing children’s knowledge of:
- Tudor Kings and Queens
- Famous battles
- William Shakespeare
- Explorers
- Celebrities
- Painters
- Henry VIII’s wives
- and more!
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has.
11 HD photographs of a sheep heart dissection including a look at a professional dissection kit.
Excellent for showing children the inside of a heart and great for stimulating debate.
These handy flip-packs enable children from Years 2-8 to improve their vocabulary choice within writing lessons. To create the final resource all you need to do is cut out each 'colour', laminate them and then hole punch through the hole on each laminated colour. A treasury tag can then be used to keep them all together.
I have one of these on each desk my children sit at and they find them very useful. It also gets the point across that there are many ways of saying the same thing, but some ways are more impactful than others!
A PowerPoint and Smart Notebook set out exactly like the KS2 SATs arithmetic paper.
This resource focuses on all of the addition, subtraction and order of operation question types found in the papers since 2016 and features 61 questions, with at least five questions per category below:
Order of Operations
Ideal for a whole class fun, interactive game, or this file can be saved in a shared area for children to practice with on their laptops or tablets.
This resource contains interactive spinners and interactive ‘random’ fraction and integer selectors. Challenge you class with just a few clicks - no effort required!
This fully interactive resource contains activities for:
Converting fractions into decimals
Converting fractions into percentages
Converting decimals into fractions
Converting decimals into percentages
Converting percentages into fractions
Converting percentages into decimals
Convert an improper fraction into a mixed number
Convert a mixed number into an improper fraction
Multiply unit fractions by an integer
Multiply unit fractions by another unit fraction
Multiply a non-unit fraction by an integer
Multiply a non-unit fraction by a non-unit fraction
Divide a fraction by an integer
Add or subtract non-unit fractions (different denominators)
N.B - This resource uses the ppsx format, which all modern Windows operating systems use. It is an automatic PowerPoint presentation format that has been used for your ease.
Ideal for a whole class fun, interactive game, or this file can be saved in a shared area for children to practice with on their laptops or tablets.
This resource contains spinners for:
Concrete, collective or abstract nouns
Adjectives and prepositions
Coordinating or subordinating conjunctions
Naming and using punctuation
The past and present progressive
The present and past perfect forms of verbs
Adjective or adverb? -ly words
Modal verbs - certainty or possibility?
The active and passive voice
Relative pronouns
The past, present and future tense
Prefixes and suffixes
Synonyms and antonyms
Mixed practice
N.B - This resource uses the ppsx format, which all modern Windows operating systems use. It is an automatic PowerPoint presentation format that has been used for your ease.
Resource includes:
Number Bonds to 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.
Fully interactive.
Greater Depth challenges for children who are fast graspers.
2, 5 and 10 times tables spinners included.
See the video below for a look at this great resource in action.
All times tables from 1 x 1 to 12 x 12 are included.
Square and Cube number challenges
Mixed multiplication practice
Mixed division practice
Ideal for a whole class fun, interactive game, or this file can be saved in a shared area for children to practice with on their laptops or tablets.
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features all the drama of the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire TV show.
A fun fully-interactive way, with working 50/50 lifelines, to assess and embed knowledge of measurement.
-converting between units
How much longer than… is…?
-Which of these units is the odd one out? etc.
Can be used as an individual activity or as a whole class plenary.
Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’. A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has. The music is also not copyrighted.
This is an activity that will challenge all children in a class. Suitable for Years 5-8 (depending on ability).
To complete this activity children will need to:
- recall the number of sides for polygons down to a dodecagon
- use algebra to calculate the sum of the interior angles for each shape
- find the size of each interior angle using logic (division)
- calculate the size of each exterior angle (180 - interior angle = exterior angle)
This will get the room buzzing and you'll see your children using many skills during the same lesson.
I have colour banded the activity four ways:
-Blue (easiest)
-White (Middle)
- Green (challenging)
- Purple (Mastery)
Please comment on and rate this resource.
This activity will help children meet the Roman Numeral curriculum statements for Year 5 and is excellent revision for Year 6.
Included are:
- 17 questions where the children need to change Roman Numerals into Arabic Numbers (the numbers we are familiar with)
- 5 questions where they need to turn Arabic Numbers into Roman Numerals
- 6 questions where they must complete a calculation in Roman Numerals and give their answer as both Roman Numerals and Arabic Numbers - excellent for your 'More Able' learners.
.....and an answer sheet for all activities.
Activities are given as both a word document and a pdf.
Please comment/rate this resource as all feedback is valuable.
Two differentiated activity sheets for KS1 children where they need to write certain shapes, names or words in a coordinate grid.
Activity 1 - simplified instructions e.g. 'Draw a three sided shape in'
Activity 2 - harder instructions e.g. 'Draw a ___ in the cell directly under the ______'
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features all the drama of the TV show. Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’. A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
There are 15 questions, testing children’s knowledge of:
- Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
- Victorian Wars
- Celebrities
- Composers
- Traditions
- and more!
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has.