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Game to Learn

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(based on 1117 reviews)

I am passionate about educational learning games in all year groups including A level. Learning should be fun and games in lessons stimulate the students' motivation and engagement, their creativity and their team spirit. Games encourage discussions with one another and learning from each other. I hope my resources help students to be "game to learn".




I am passionate about educational learning games in all year groups including A level. Learning should be fun and games in lessons stimulate the students' motivation and engagement, their creativity and their team spirit. Games encourage discussions with one another and learning from each other. I hope my resources help students to be "game to learn".
Genetics - 14x Mini-tests (KS3/4)

Genetics - 14x Mini-tests (KS3/4)

14 Resources
14x short 10-15 min Genetics tests on vocab and processes of Genetic topics: • Genetics vocab • Chromosomes, genes, DNA • Cloning • Genetic engineering • Mitosis • Meiosis • Genetic Crosses (dominant/recessive alleles) • Genetic Crosses (codominant alleles) • Genetic Crosses (sex-chromosome linked alleles) • Pedigree Trees • Genetic Fingerprinting • Protein Synthesis (Transcription / Translation) • Stem Cells • Evolution
Specialised Cells - 7x Games & Activities (KS3/4)

Specialised Cells - 7x Games & Activities (KS3/4)

7 Resources
Bundle with 7x Games & Activities on Specialised cells and their functions. • Loop Game • Tarsia Puzzle • Crossword • Card Sort Digital activities (can be done by students on computer / iPad using the Powerpoint or Keynote App without the need for printing. Open file in “Normal View” mode and move around labels.) • Digital Loop Game • Digital Card Sort • Digital Tarsia
Journeys around the body - 7x Card sorts (KS3/4)

Journeys around the body - 7x Card sorts (KS3/4)

7 Resources
Bundle with 7x fun revision activities that bring together various biology topics (e.g. respiratory system, circulatory system, digestion, homeostasis, excretory system, plant reproduction, etc) • From O2 to CO2 (32 cards) • From French fries to CO2 (32 cards) • From chocolate to glycogen (28 cards) • From chicken wings to wee (30 cards) • From sun to poo (20 cards) • From water to wee (42 cards) Plus bonus • From pollen to new apple tree (20 cards)
The Eye - 8x games and activities (KS3/4)

The Eye - 8x games and activities (KS3/4)

8 Resources
Bundle with 8x fun games and activities on the eye topic. Great as starter, plenary or revision activities Includes: • Eye structure – loop game • Eye function – loop game • Eye – crossword puzzle • Eye – board game • Eye - Tarsia • Pupil Reflex – card sort • Accomodation – card sort • Accomodation – card sort
Organ systems - 7x Games and Activities (KS3/4)

Organ systems - 7x Games and Activities (KS3/4)

7 Resources
Bundel with 7x Games and Activities on levels of organisation (molecule, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism) Print activities • Loop Game / domino game • Card Sort • Tarsia • Revision cubes • Body model craft activity Digital activities (can be done by students on computer / iPad using the Powerpoint or Keynote App without the need for printing. Open file in “Normal View” mode and move around labels.) • Digital Loop Game • Digital Card Sort
Organelles - 8x Activities and Games

Organelles - 8x Activities and Games

8 Resources
Bundle with 8x Activities and Games on organelles of animal and plant cells and their functions • Loop Game • Tarsia Puzzle • Crossword • Card Sort Digital activities (can be done by students on computer / iPad using the Powerpoint or Keynote App without the need for printing. Open file in “Normal View” mode and move around labels.) • Digital Loop Game • Digital Tarsia • Digital animal and plant cell label activity • Digital Card Sort
Microbes and Immune system - 10x Activities (KS3/4)

Microbes and Immune system - 10x Activities (KS3/4)

10 Resources
10x fun games and activities great as starter, plenary or revision activity • Loop Game on keywords and definitions • Card Game comparing pathogens and diseases they cause • Fun and quick card game spotting key images • huge A3 concept map with 68 keywords • Microorganisms card sort • Microorganisms crossword • whole topic board game • Tarsia on keywords and definitions • Coronavirus - True / false card sort • Coronvirus - Loop Game
Carbon Cycle - 7x Activities and Games (KS3/KS4)

Carbon Cycle - 7x Activities and Games (KS3/KS4)

7 Resources
Bundle including: • Carbon Cycle - Loop game • Carbon Cycle - Crossword • Carbon Cycle - Board Game • Carbon Cycle - Tarsia • Carbon Cycle - Mini-test • Powerpoint presentation 27 slides with starter, plenary and other activities • Worksheet (2 pages)
Nitrogen Cycle - 7x Activities and Games

Nitrogen Cycle - 7x Activities and Games

7 Resources
Bundle with 7x Activities and Games for Nitrogen Cycle • Nitrogen Cycle - Loop Game • Nitrogen Cycle - Crossword • Nitrogen Cycle - Board Game • Nitrogen Cycle - Tarsia • Nitrogen Cycle - Mini-test • Powerpoint presentation including starter and plenary activities (33 slides) • Accompanying Worksheet (3 pages) with diagrams, tables and other activities
Meiosis - 8x Games & Activities (KS4/5)

Meiosis - 8x Games & Activities (KS4/5)

7 Resources
Bundle with • Loop Game (small) • Loop Game (large) • Tarsia • Card Sort / Memory Game • Independent assortment in meiosis - Card Sort • Independent assortment in meiosis - Loop Game • Comparison mitosis & meiosis - Card Sort • Comparison mitosis & meiosis - Bingo
GCSE Biology - 8x Concept  maps (KS4)

GCSE Biology - 8x Concept maps (KS4)

8 Resources
7x large A3 concept maps on • Genetics • Heart, respiratory system & respiration • Microorganisms & Immune system • Food & digestion • Human Hormones • Homeostasis • Ecology • Photosynthesis and plant nutrition These are great revision activities for GCSE with 50+ keywords each (duration around 20-30 min) summarising whole topics and visualising how keywords and concepts fit together Students can complete this with or without keyword list. For each concept maps there are 3 pages including: - blank concept map for students (print A3) - completed concept map - set of keywords (2 sets per A4 page)
Enzymes and digestion - 14x  Games and Activities

Enzymes and digestion - 14x Games and Activities

15 Resources
Bundle with 14x games and activities on topic of enzymes and digestion (amylase, lipase, protease, bile, emulsification, etc) Resources for printing: Enzymes and digestion - Worksheet Enzymes and digestion - Loop Game Enzymes and digestion - Card sort Enzymes and digestion - Word search Enzymes and digestion - Tarsia Enzymes and digestion - Crossword Enzymes and digestion - Plenary Cubes Enzymes and digestion - Learning Wall Digestive system - Learning Wall Digital resources for E-learning: Open on computer or tablet in PPT/Keynote (normal view) to move pieces around. Enzymes and digestion - Digital Tarsia Enzymes and digestion - Digital Loop Game Enzymes and digestion - Digital Card Sort Enzymes and digestion - Digital Learning Wall Enzymes and enzyme Action - Digital Loop Game
Skeleton and Bones - 10x Games and Activities (KS2/3)

Skeleton and Bones - 10x Games and Activities (KS2/3)

8 Resources
Bundle with 10x Activities and Games on the bones of the human body Worksheet (2 pages) Loop Games x2 (with images, keywords, descriptions, 16 cards each or can also be played as big 32 card loop game) Fun facts bones - Loop Game (30 cards) Card sort / Memo game (48 cards) Crossword Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle (35 parts) Tarsia Puzzle Bingo Learning Wheel
20x Biology Crossword Puzzle Bundle (KS3/4)

20x Biology Crossword Puzzle Bundle (KS3/4)

20 Resources
Designed for Edexcel IGCSE Biology but also suitable for other exam boards. includes Crosswords (including solutions) on - Carbon cycle - Nitrogen cycle - Classification - Digestive enzymes - Food groups and tests - Structure and function of kidneys - Genetics - Menstrual cycle - Ecology - Organs -Osmosis - HSW -Homeostasis - Heart - Lungs - Smoking - Nervous system - Eye
SNAB Biology Topic 2 - 8x whole Topic Revision Activities (KS5)

SNAB Biology Topic 2 - 8x whole Topic Revision Activities (KS5)

7x Games and activities to revise all of SNAB Topic 2 (Genes and Health) of the Salters-Nuffield AS/A2 Biology Edexcel Course. • Keyword cards We use these cards for an Articulate like game (students explain as many keywords as they can in 30 sec, others guess) • Whole topic concept map giant concept map (print A3) mapping out and connecting many of the concepts and keywords of the topic. • Whole topic loop game A challenging revision activity to review keywords, images from the entire topic play in groups of 4-5, activity takes 15-25 min • Topic 2 Card Game fun activity to review keywords, images from the entire topic, students need to recognise images and think of keywords quickly 31 cards with 6 symbols each, play in groups of 3-4 • Topic 2 Tarsia 24 cards with 30 descriptions/images/keywords to match up. Print on A3 for larger triangles. • Topic 2 Bingo 32 individual Bingo cards with 9 symbols each, plus master call sheet • Topic 2 Keyword Game • Topic 2 Keyword Image Game These games are great for drawing connections between keywords and concepts of different subtopics.
SNAB Biology Topic 8 - 9x Mini-tests (KS5)

SNAB Biology Topic 8 - 9x Mini-tests (KS5)

9 Resources
6x quick (10-15 min) starter / assessment activities with around 10-15 questions/marks to test vocabulary and knowledge of different aspects of Edexcel SNAB Topic 8 Grey Matter Each test includes feedback boxes and a pdf with the mark scheme. • Nervous system • Reflex arc • Action potential • Conduction of nerve impulses • Synpases • Photoreception • Coordination in Plants • The Brain • Brain imaging Designed for Salters-Nuffield A2 Biology Edexcel Topic 8 Grey Matter
Edexcel SNAB Biology Topics 1-8 - "Who can see it first?"  Whole Topic Card Games (KS5)

Edexcel SNAB Biology Topics 1-8 - "Who can see it first?" Whole Topic Card Games (KS5)

8 Resources
8x whole topic “Who can see it first?” Card Games for SNAB Topic 1-8 fun revision activity to recognise and name key images / diagrams from across each topic Cards are distributed between players. One card is placed in the middle. Players hold their cards as a pile with the top card showing symbols. The player who can first find the matching symbol between his top card and the card in the middle calls out that symbol and places his top card in the middle. Now the matching symbol of that card with the players’ top cards has to be found. The player who manages to get rid of all his cards first is the winner. print out, laminate, cut up, play! snab biology topic Salters-Nuffield A2 Biology Edexcel
SNAB Biology Topic 7 - 7x whole Topic Revision Activities

SNAB Biology Topic 7 - 7x whole Topic Revision Activities

7x Games and activities to revise all of SNAB Topic 7 (Run for your life) of the Salters-Nuffield AS/A2 Biology Edexcel Course. • Keyword cards We use these cards for an Articulate like game (students explain as many keywords as they can in 30 sec, others guess) • Whole topic concept map giant concept map (print A3) mapping out and connecting many of the concepts and keywords of the topic. • Whole topic loop game A challenging revision activity to review keywords, images from the entire topic play in groups of 4-5, activity takes 15-25 min • Topic 7 Card Game fun activity to review keywords, images from the entire topic, students need to recognise images and think of keywords quickly 31 cards with 6 symbols each, play in groups of 3-4 • Topic 7 Tarsia 24 cards with 30 descriptions/images/keywords to match up. Print on A3 for larger triangles. • Topic 7 Keyword Game • Topic 7 Keyword Image Game These games are great for drawing connections between keywords and concepts of different subtopics.
Genetics  - 11x Games and Activities (KS3/4)

Genetics - 11x Games and Activities (KS3/4)

11 Resources
Bundle with 11x games and activities for Genetics topic Great as starter or plenary Concept map (A3) Loop game Card sort Crossword Card game Board Game Tarsia Bingo Cards Revision cubes Genomes - Trumps Hidden Pictures