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Get SET to teach secondary English with Sian's English Toolkit. These resources are based on my experience teaching secondary English for thirteen years. During this time I gained experience teaching language and literature to all ability levels within the age range 11-18. I also have extensive experience of writing schemes of learning as I was a department lead for ten of those years.




Get SET to teach secondary English with Sian's English Toolkit. These resources are based on my experience teaching secondary English for thirteen years. During this time I gained experience teaching language and literature to all ability levels within the age range 11-18. I also have extensive experience of writing schemes of learning as I was a department lead for ten of those years.
Reading Skills War of the Worlds

Reading Skills War of the Worlds

Reading Skills War of the Worlds is a resource aimed towards KS3 learners in Wales. Answers are included. The questions are based upon the style of those that learners will see in the National Reading Test (now called Personalised Assessments). The resource has been used successfully with a Year 9 group, and a more able Year 8 group. Using this resource will leave teachers able to use the old paper tests for internal assessment purposes. Questions encourage learners to practise: extracting information reading for meaning inference word definitions sequencing true/false At the end of the resource there is an area to encourage learners to reflect on their own learning and identify skills areas in need of improvement.
Inference Worksheets Alice in Wonderland / What Katy Did

Inference Worksheets Alice in Wonderland / What Katy Did

Inference Worksheets 4 - Alice in Wonderland / What Katy Did These worksheets support learners in developing the skills of reading for meaning and making inferences. The teacher guide at the start helps you navigate through a series of activities that support learners in understanding a text. Each text will take approximately an hour to complete. These work particularly well with groups of 3-6 learners but can also be used 1-1 and with larger groups. These activities help learners to practise: making connections with current knowledge visualising questioning word meaning explaining subtext empathy prioritising summarising The two texts in this pack are extracts from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and What Katy Did. Also available in my shop are: Inference Worksheets 1: Peter Pan & The Wind in the Willows Inference Worksheets 2: Treasure Island & The Secret Garden Inference Worksheets 3: A Christmas Carol & The Wizard of Oz A bundle offer including Inference Worksheets 1-3
Inference Worksheets

Inference Worksheets

4 Resources
Inference Worksheets These worksheets support learners in developing the skills of reading for meaning and making inferences. The teacher guide at the start helps you navigate through a series of activities that support learners in understanding a text. Each text will take approximately an hour to complete. These work particularly well with groups of 3-6 learners but can also be used 1-1 and with larger groups. These activities help learners to practise: making connections with current knowledge visualising questioning word meaning explaining subtext empathy prioritising summarising The eight texts included in this bundle are extracts from: The Wind in the Willows Peter Pan Treasure Island The Secret Garden The Wizard of Oz A Christmas Carol
Inference Worksheets A Christmas Carol / Wizard of Oz

Inference Worksheets A Christmas Carol / Wizard of Oz

Inference Worksheets 3 - A Christmas Carol & The Wizard of Oz These worksheets support learners in developing the skills of reading for meaning and making inferences. The teacher guide at the start helps you navigate through a series of activities that support learners in understanding a text. Each text will take approximately an hour to complete. These work particularly well with groups of 3-6 learners but can also be used 1-1 and with larger groups. These activities help learners to practise: making connections with current knowledge visualising questioning word meaning explaining subtext empathy prioritising summarising The two texts in this pack are extracts from The Wizard of Oz and A Christmas Carol. Also available in my shop are: Inference Worksheets 1: Peter Pan & The Wind in the Willows Inference Worksheets 2: Treasure Island & The Secret Garden A bundle offer including all six extracts
Inference Worksheets Treasure Island / The Secret Garden

Inference Worksheets Treasure Island / The Secret Garden

Inference Worksheets 2 - Treasure Island / The Secret Garden These worksheets support learners in developing the skills of reading for meaning and making inferences. The teacher guide at the start helps you navigate through a series of activities that support learners in understanding a text. Each text will take approximately an hour to complete. These work particularly well with small groups of 3-6 learners but can be used 1-1 or with larger groups. These activities help learners to practise: making connections with current knowledge visualising questioning word meaning explaining subtext empathy prioritising summarising The two texts in this pack are extracts from Treasure Island and The Secret Garden. Also available in my shop are: Inference Worksheets 1: Peter Pan & The Wind in the Willows Inference Worksheets 3: A Christmas Carol & The Wizard of Oz A bundle offer including all six extracts
Inference Worksheets Peter Pan/The Wind in the Willows

Inference Worksheets Peter Pan/The Wind in the Willows

Inference Worksheets 1 - Peter Pan and The Wind in the Willows These worksheets support learners in developing the skills of reading for meaning and making inferences. The teacher guide at the start helps you navigate through a series of activities that support learners in understanding a text. Each text will take approximately an hour to complete. These work particularly well with small groups of 3-6 learners but can be used 1-1 or with larger groups. These activities help learners to practise: making connections with current knowledge visualising questioning word meaning explaining subtext empathy prioritising summarising The two texts in this pack are extracts from Peter Pan and The Wind in the Willows. Also available in my shop are: Inference Worksheets 2: Treasure Island & The Secret Garden Inference Worksheets 3: A Christmas Carol & The Wizard of Oz A bundle offer including all six extracts
An Inspector Calls Revision Bundle

An Inspector Calls Revision Bundle

4 Resources
An Inspector Calls Revision Activities Bundle includes a range of different ways in which learners can revise for their GCSE English Literature Unit 2 exam (WJEC). This bundle includes: a narrative overview of the play five part essay structures for each character and four key themes an essay planning tool that enables learners to incorporate all elements of success criteria, and using shapes to support different learning styles a range of revision activities that can be used as a pack or as classroom activities All of the above have been tried and tested in a classroom environment.
Heroes Robert Cormier Essay Structures

Heroes Robert Cormier Essay Structures

Heroes Essay Structures provides essay structures for learners who are fairly confident with writing essays, or as a quick revision tool. There is an essay structure for each character, in addition to four thematic structures. This has worked well as a revision resource for all abilities, and as a lighter form of scaffolding for B+ grade learners when beginning to produce essays (GCSE - Wales).
An Inspector Calls Essay Structures

An Inspector Calls Essay Structures

An Inspector Calls Essay Structures provides essay structures for learners who are fairly confident with writing essays, or as a quick revision tool. There is an essay structure for each character, in addition to four thematic structures. This has worked well as a revision resource for all abilities, and as a lighter form of scaffolding for B+ grade learners when beginning to produce essays.
An Inspector Calls Essay Planning Tool

An Inspector Calls Essay Planning Tool

An Inspector Calls Essay Planning Tool support learners to plan responses for whole text questions in the GCSE English Literature Unit 2 exam (WJEC). The use of shapes supports some learners in planning more effectively than bullet points/mind-maps. In this resource, the triangle shape reminds learners of the importance of the rule of three when producing whole text responses. Additionally, having a set space for each element of planning ensures that no element of the success criteria is missed. This resource helps learners to plan for: context content analysis/evaluation quotation This pack contains: a blank template a labeled template a plan for a Mr Birling question a plan for a Sheila question a plan for a Gerald question a plan for a Mrs Birling question a plan for an Eric question At the end, there is a blank circle template in case any learners find this shape more manageable when planning.
An Inspector Calls Narrative Overview

An Inspector Calls Narrative Overview

An Inspector Calls Narrative Overivew is a three page account of the play. This is particularly useful to give to GCSE English Literature learners prior to reading the text, to provide them with an overview of key characters and events. This is also helpful during the revision stage to ensure that learners remember in which order the characters are questioned, which can become a point of confusion.
Valentine's Day Colour by Number Spellings

Valentine's Day Colour by Number Spellings

A Valentine’s Day Colour by Number worksheet, including answer key. This worksheet is designed to help learners practise the key homophones there/their/they’re and to/too/two. This resource is suitable for pupils in primary, but could range beyond that depending on ability. It will take about 30 minutes to complete. In this task, pupils will select the correct use of the homophone to complete each sentence. Correct answers will provide a key to use to colour in the image. The image is suited to a Valentine’s Day activity. An answer key for staff is included for both elements of the worksheet.
Of Mice and Men Revision Activities Bundle

Of Mice and Men Revision Activities Bundle

4 Resources
Of Mice and Men Revision Activities Bundle includes a range of different ways in which learners can revise for their GCSE English Literature Unit 1 exam (WJEC). This bundle includes: a narrative overview of the novel and a supporting task sheet to support recall of main points/characters/themes five part essay structures for each character and three key themes scaffolded approaches to essays, with space for learners to add supporting quotation an essay planning tool that enables learners to incorporate all elements of success criteria, and using shapes to support different learning styles a range of revision activities that can be used as a pack or as classroom activities All of the above have been tried and tested in a classroom environment.
A Christmas Carol Revision Bundle

A Christmas Carol Revision Bundle

6 Resources
A Christmas Carol Activity Bundle contains multiple resources to support GCSE learners with their revision. It includes: annotated extracts for the most important scenes in the novel quotes revision in two different formats revision activities to suit different learners and learning styles a colour by number activity which tests understanding of characters (especially useful for lower ability/less engaged learners) All activities have been tried and tested in the classroom setting.
Of Mice and Men Essay Planning Tool (WJEC)

Of Mice and Men Essay Planning Tool (WJEC)

Of Mice and Men Essay Planning Tool support learners to plan responses for whole text questions in the GCSE English Literature Unit 1 exam (WJEC). The use of shapes supports some learners in planning more effectively than bullet points/mind-maps. In this resource, the triangle shape reminds learners of the importance of the rule of three when producing whole text responses. Additionally, having a set space for each element of planning ensures that no element of the success criteria is missed. This resource helps learners to plan for: context content analysis/evaluation quotation This pack contains: a blank template a labeled template a plan for a Curley’s Wife question a plan for a Crooks question a plan for a George & Lennie question At the end, there is a blank circle template in case any learners find this shape more manageable when planning.
Cross-curricular Literacy Anagrams

Cross-curricular Literacy Anagrams

Cross-curricular Literacy Anagrams includes six worksheets and answer sheets aimed at supporting GCSE students with subject-specific vocabulary. Six subjects are covered in these anagrams: English Numeracy Science Geography History Physical Education There are twenty anagrams per subject. These are ideal as form time activities or starters, taking 10-20 minutes each, depending on the learners’ confidence with subject-specific terminology.
Of Mice and Men Essay Structures

Of Mice and Men Essay Structures

Of Mice and Men Essay Structures provides two different types of structures for learners, depending on ability/level of confidence with the novel. These have been tried and tested with groups of differing abilities in preparation for the Unit 1 Literature exam (WJEC). The first set of essay structures is for pupils who don’t have much exam practice. It provides them with a detailed scaffold for some of the key ideas they may want to discuss and in which order. There are spaces for them to add notes about context and key quotations to include. There is an essay structure for each character and for the theme of ‘loneliness’. This has worked very well with C/D borderline learners. The second set of structures are brief notes for learners who are more confident with writing essays, or as a quick revision tool. There is an essay structure for each character, in addition to three thematic structures. This has worked well as a revision resource for all abilities, and as a lighter form of scaffolding for B+ grade learners when beginning to produce essays. You may also be interested in the following: Narrative tasks: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12970442 Revision activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12945645
Of Mice and Men Narrative Worksheet

Of Mice and Men Narrative Worksheet

Of Mice and Men Narrative Worksheet includes a narrative overview of the play and group activities to support understanding of key elements of narrative and character. Once they have read through the summary, they complete a series of questions that require them to locate answers from within the summary. The sheet is differentiated into must, should, could sections, and the level of complexity increases per section. An answer sheet is included so that students can self-mark their work once finished. You may also be interested in the following: Essay structures: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12970873 Revision activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12945645
Keats Revision Sheets for Key Poems

Keats Revision Sheets for Key Poems

Keats Revision Sheets for Key Poems contains key points and notes for nine of his poems: Bright Star Burns’ Tomb Chapman’s Homer Imitation of Spenser La Belle Dame Sans Merci On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again On the Sea To Sleep When I have fears that I may cease to be These are useful overviews when initially reading one of these poems, and are also useful revision sheets once poems have been studied. They contain a copy of the poem itself, in addition to notes on content, analysis, context, language and form.
GCSE English Language IRP Booklet (WJEC)

GCSE English Language IRP Booklet (WJEC)

GCSE English Language Individual Researched Presentation Booklet (WJEC) This eight page resource supports students whilst they prepare their individual researched presentations, worth 10% of their English Language GCSE (in Wales). This can be used as a resource with the whole class to ensure they consider all required elements during the planning stages. This is also a useful resource for any student who is absent from preparation lessons, as they can still be guided through the stages of planning through accessing this booklet.