Hello everyone!
We are a couple of Primary Teachers interested in teaching inclusively and actively representing peoples and parts of the world which history has traditionally ignored. We are very keen to hear your feedback and suggestions about the products we currently offer and if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Hello everyone!
We are a couple of Primary Teachers interested in teaching inclusively and actively representing peoples and parts of the world which history has traditionally ignored. We are very keen to hear your feedback and suggestions about the products we currently offer and if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to get in touch!
21 high-quality activites to support the teaching of the BFG, by Roald Dahl.
The BFG vocabulary definition
2. The BFG vocabulary synonyms
3. The BFG role on the wall adjectives (Sophie, The BFG and The Bloodbottler)
4. The BFG role on the wall similes (Sophie, The BFG and The Bloodbottler)
5. The BFG adjective descriptions
6. The BFG simile descriptions
7. The BFG description paragraphs
8. Dream jars drawing activity
9. Dream labels drawing activity
10. Dream labels writing activity
11. Acronym search
12. Book VS movie spot the differences
13. Comic book template .
14. The BFG book review
15. The BFG visualising and drawing activity
16. The BFG visualising and writing activity
17. The BFG story mountain
18. The Great Plan activity
19. The BFG - conscience alley activity .
20. The BFG dream catching instructions
21. The BFG Vocabulary game
Bonus - display cards wth the BFG characters, 1 per A4 as well as 2 per A4.
Geography country packs for the following Asian countries - China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Myanmar and Iran.
Bundle also includes “Image response sheet”, which should be used with the images at the end of each country pack.