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A group of teachers sharing quality resources.




A group of teachers sharing quality resources.
Paper 1 Question 5 - 5 lessons

Paper 1 Question 5 - 5 lessons

A series of lessons based around producing a piece of creative writing inspired by images of Hiroshima. All lessons include differentiation and learning objectives. There is also a model response to annotate. Also includes a lesson that looks at high grade exemplars of a lighthouse description.
Comparing perspectives in two non-fiction literacy texts for English Language Paper 2. 6 lessons

Comparing perspectives in two non-fiction literacy texts for English Language Paper 2. 6 lessons

6 lessons building towards an assessment comparing two literary texts: Touching the Void and Red Dust by Ma Jian. Focus on the author’s perspectives on survival. Lots of differentiated embedded into the lessons. Lessona 1 and 2. Analyse Red Dust Lessons 3 and 4. Analyse Touching the Void Lesson 5. Prepare for comparative assessment through the learning journey. Lesson 6. Complete assessment
War Photographer and Exposure high grade response Power and Conflict

War Photographer and Exposure high grade response Power and Conflict

Example high level comparison of War Photographer and Exposure. Save money by purchasing as part of a bundle of grade 9 responses: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-grade-9-model-essays-12213236 Or buy my full power and conflict bundle also containing lessons and various revision activities: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/power-and-conflict-bundle-2018-11881499
Stave 3 A Christmas Carol:

Stave 3 A Christmas Carol:

40 questions on Stave 3 of A Christmas Carol. Useful to set after reading the Stave to check understanding. Includes 8 extension questions based around A03 to develop understanding of context and Dickens’ purpose. Also includes a revision PowerPoint guiding students on how to make a mind map to revise the key quotations from the Stave.
Macbeth Revision of Theme and Character

Macbeth Revision of Theme and Character

PowerPoint revising theme and character quotations. Each quotation is click activated so you can go through them one by one after first giving students a chance to select and explaining quotations themselves. Covers 4 themes: Don’t trust the supernatural Don’t trust appearances Ambition is toxic Guilt is inescapable and covers 3 characters Macbeth Lady Macbeth Banquo