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A group of teachers sharing quality resources.


Use the 9 Step Plan to help students structure their responses to 4 different questions on A Christmas Carol. Also includes a quote revision sheet to help students plan the answers. Step 1: Explain why the given extract is a pivotal moment in the novel. (A01) Step 2: Analyse 3 quotes from the extract. (A02) Step 3: link to extract to Dickens’ purpose/context (A03) Step 4: Choose a 2nd part of the novel linked to the question. How is is similar and different (A01) Step 5: Analyse up to 3 quotes from second part of novel. (A02) Step 6: Link 2nd extract to Dickens’ purpose/context (A03) Step 7: Choose a 3rd part of the novel linked to the question. How is is similar and different (A01) Step 8: Analyse up to 3 quotes from 3rd part of novel. (A02) Step 9: Link 3rd extract to Dickens’ purpose/context (A03) New for 2024 is a resource which offers 3 levels of differentiation to help guide students on how to structure a full length response on the following 4 themes/topics: children, materialism, ghosts, Christmas. Tier 1 difficulty (I do): Big idea, topic sentences and quotations are provided. Students add the analysis of the quotations. Tier 2 difficulty (We do): Students must choose 2 quotations to support each topic sentence and analyse the quotations. Tier 3 difficulty (You do): Students have to generate the big idea, the topic sentences, 2 quotations a paragraph and the quotation analysis.
Lord of the Flies Character Revision

Lord of the Flies Character Revision

Character revision sheets for the 5 main characters in Lord of the Flies - Piggy, Ralph, Jack, Roger and Simon. Each sheet explores 10 key quotations from across the novel. Also includes a revision sheet on the island because this is a common exam question that hasn’t come up for a couple of years. Perfect revision preparation for 2024. Includes a pdf version or an editable word version in case you need to swap around any of the top 10 quotations to suit your teaching.
Big Ideas - Macbeth Revision - Differentiated

Big Ideas - Macbeth Revision - Differentiated

Two revision resources covering big ideas in Macbeth which allow students to chart how the major themes of the novel develop through the course of the play. There is a version aimed at grade 9 students which contains perceptive inferences for the key quotations linking. There is also a version aimed at students working towards grade 4 or 5 with clear and relevant comments on the quotations.
Punctuation Worksheets and lessons

Punctuation Worksheets and lessons

18 Resources
A wide range of lessons and worksheets aimed at getting students to use a full range of punctuation accurately. Take a look through the previews to see the variety of resources on offer. These can be used as starters, homeworks or to promote literacy across the curriculum. Includes lessons and worksheets on colons, apostrophes, brackets, semi colons, relative clauses, subordinate clauses and avoiding comma splices.
A Christmas Carol Revision

A Christmas Carol Revision

4 handy revision sheets covering the following 4 characters in A Christmas Carol: Scrooge Fred Cratchit Family Ghost of Christmas Past Also includes analysis of the 10 key words in the novella for zooming in on. Also includes: A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist. A01: What is the meaning of the quotation? A02: What is the impact of words/methods? A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation? Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it. Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations. Also contains a lesson and resource to help students explore multiple interpretations for what each character symbolises or represents.
Macbeth Theme Revision Cards New for 2024

Macbeth Theme Revision Cards New for 2024

11 Resources
6 sets of revision cards on the following 6 themes in Macbeth: Kingship Macbeth’s fears Supernatural Blood and violence Guilt Ambition Each set has 6 key quotations analysed in detail to meet the requirements for A01, A02 and A03.
Lord of the Flies - Character Revision Sheet 2023-2024

Lord of the Flies - Character Revision Sheet 2023-2024

A new and vastly improved character revision sheet for 2023-2024 This A3 sheet contains a thesis-style introduction and 10 key quotations analysed in detail for the 4 main characters in Lord of the Flies: Piggy, Simon, Ralph and Jack. Also contains a blank template version. I give students the blank template first to see how much they can recall before going over the answers. Which character do you think is going to come up in the 2025 exam?
Lord of the Flies - notes to help annotate over 200 quotations

Lord of the Flies - notes to help annotate over 200 quotations

Extensive notes to help guide students in finding and annotating over 200 key quotations from Lord of the Flies. The page numbers link to the popular Faber version of the text. This quotation organiser is especially useful for helping students catch up with any missed learning. Ideal for teachers new to teaching the book or for students who want to increase the depth of the whole text on a second reading.
Macbeth: how to structure an exam response

Macbeth: how to structure an exam response

4 detailed essay plans on Macbeth to convert into 4 essays. The resource is differentiated with an easier and harder version. There is a also a list of 100 quotations and explanations to support students. A detailed success criteria is provided for each paragraph. Great as a revision lesson or as a homework task. Also contains help with thesis-style introductions. ‘A thesis-style introduction that demonstrates your understanding of the question can be a really helpful way of starting your answer. It shows that you are ‘in charge’ of your essay and that you know what you think. It can provide a strong foundation for the rest of the essay. Keep referring back to the introduction to create a coherent response.’ AQA examiner’s report 2022 Creating a thesis-style introduction is a challenge for many students but is essential in helping students to reach levels 4-6 in the mark scheme. I have produced a simple 3 point structure to help students quickly generate a thesis statement in timed exam conditions. There is an example of the 3 point structure being used and then students attempt to imitate the structure for 4 other exam-style questions.
Literacy Training

Literacy Training

Literacy training ideal for whole school teacher training. The session goes through ten strategies teachers can implement instantly to help incorporate literacy more meaningfully into their lessons - whatever their subject specialism. There are 65 slides. Also includes a list of ways each department within a school can support literacy in a meaningful way within their curriculum area. Also contains a list of 5 key priorities/achievements for a literacy coordinator.
Macbeth Act 3

Macbeth Act 3

7 Resources
Lessons covering each scene from Act 3 of the play. Lessons include detailed annotations for each scene along with a range of comprehension and analytical style tasks.
Macbeth Act 1

Macbeth Act 1

9 Resources
7 Lessons covering each scene from Act 1 of Macbeth. All lessons include a starter, scene summary, questions, detailed annotations and extension activities.
A Christmas Carol Grade 9

A Christmas Carol Grade 9

A Grade 9 (or close to grade 9 response because examiner marking is always highly subjective) to a range of typical exam-style questions. There are 8 responses in total. This will be be a useful resource for students preparing for mock exams in 2024 or as a tool for teachers to use to help plan follow up tasks and walk-through mocks. Topics include: Isolation Happiness Suffering Poverty Fears Family Also contains a 9th grade 9 response answering what I predict will be the topic for May 2024: places and settings. All the responses are between 800 and 1250 words in length and were completed within 50 minutes to replicate actual exam conditions. All are consistently thoughtful and, for me, demonstrate sufficient examples of assuredness and conviction to reach level 6 in the mark scheme. All have been adapted to fit snugly onto one page for ease of printing/downloading. You might decide to increase the font size to improve readability with some classes or print A3 rather than A4. Also includes: A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist. A01: What is the meaning of the quotation? A02: What is the impact of words/methods? A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation? Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it. Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
Power and Conflict: Planning responses to 15 exam questions using a revision grid

Power and Conflict: Planning responses to 15 exam questions using a revision grid

This resource contains 15 AQA style exam questions for Power and Conflict - one for each poem. There is a grid to help students create two lines or argument for comparing the poems. The grid contains information about power, conflict, key quotations, structure and context for each poem. A PowerPoint is also included to help model how to plan lines of argument on the interactive whiteboard. Also includes 4 differentiated writing frames to 4 actual AQA power and conflict past exam questions. Each writing frame has 3 tiers of difficulty to allow for the fact different students in the class require different levels of support and guidance in the run up to the examinations. Tier 1: Students add the analysis of the quotations. The topic sentences and recommended quotations are already filled in for them. Tier 2: Students must pick their own 3 quotations from each poem and analyse the quotations. Tier 3: Students must pick their own topic sentences, quotations and then analsyse the quotations. The questions covered are as follows: 2021 question: Compare how poets present ideas about power and control in ‘London’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30) Nov 2020 question: Compare how poets present the ways people are affected by difficult experiences in ‘Remains’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30) May 2019 question: Compare how poets present the ways that people are affected by war in ‘War Photographer’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30) May 2018 question: Compare how poets present ideas about power in ‘Ozymandias’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and conflict’. (30)


Lessons and resources for the EDUQAS 9-1 anthology. Lesson 1: Pairing compatible poems and writing discriminating comparisons Lesson 2: Learn 3 quotations for each poem. Lesson 3: Memorise 3 quotations for each poem. Lesson 4: Memorise 3 words for each poem. Poetry grid. Also includes a revision grid and a quiz. Also contains PowerPoint animated annotations for all 18 poems. Free for teachers to adapt to suit their classes. Also contains a 23 page booklet with analysis of key quotations in each poem.