Fully resourced unit of 5 lessons which introduce the unseen prose element to A Level students. Can also work for high ability GCSE students as a transition/bridging to A Level.
Extracts from 19th century classic are used to give students a grounding of themes within classic literature before the transition to post-1945 texts.
Each lesson is focused on how to answer an exam-style theme question based on a short extract.
Lesson 1:
Great Expectations - Miss Havisham extract.
Explore the significance of degeneration in this extract.
Lesson 2:
Frankenstein - Chapter 5 extract.
Explore the significance of disappointment in this extract.
Lesson 3:
Jane Eyre - Extract about Bertha
Explore the significance of restriction in this extract.
Lesson 4:
Jekyll and Hyde - Extract from Jekyll’s statement
Explore the significance of duality in this extract.
Lesson 5:
The Catcher in the Rye - opening paragraph
Explore the significance of cynicism in the extract.
3-5 lessons which revise the Beethoven set work-Sonata in C minor.
Lesson 1 focuses on the key features of the movement and categorises the musical elements into the main features of the piece e.g. piano and sonata form. The lessons is differentiated with success criteria and has answers included. This also focuses on the main musical elements and how you would describe them in an essay. This would take more than 1 hour long lesson.
Lesson 2-3 focuses on the extended answer for Question 9 in the exam by picking out the main features for all the musical elements and trying to explain them to ensure AO4 is achieved in the answer. Lesson 3 also focuses on wider listening and uses 3 example piece from different time periods (sheet music provided).
There is also a document with a summary of the Beethoven movement on just over 2 sides of A4 with the main features students need to know for the exam (this is in prose). There are 20 differentiated questions where answers can be found in the text. Ideal for revision lesson, homework or a cover lesson. Answer are provided.
A full scheme of learning focusing on the Eduqas GCSE Music Chamber Music strand. This scheme of learning has differentiated tasks and worksheets throughout as well as success criteria for all homework. All resources are attached.
It combines theoretical knowledge with composition ideas and listening tasks.
12 lessons covering all 12 chapters of the novel. Each PowerPoint typically includes animated annotations of the key quotations in each chapter to go through with students alongside an engaging starter, a chapter summary, comprehension questions and a range of extension activities.
Each lesson is clearly labelled to aid organisation.
Lessons and resources looking at key extracts to prepare Year 9 students for studying prose at GCSE. Also includes context and revision lessons.
The areas of the novel I particular focus on are as follows
Curley meets Lennie (foreshadowing)
Curley’s wife meets Lennie (foreshadowing)
fight between Lennie and Curley (violence)
Crooks (character)
Setting in Chapter 6
Death of Curley’s Wife
Lesson On Curley
Lesson on Slim in Chapter 2
Lesson on Curley’s Wife in Chapter 2
20 question multiple choice quiz
A second bundle of GCSE resources for Romeo and Juliet containing 20 resources I could not fit into my primary 2018 Romeo and Juliet bundle as there are only 20 resources allowed in one bundle.
A complete lesson on each Chapter that is all ready and set to teach.
Each lesson includes:
An engaging starter
A brief chapter summary
Comprehension questions
Discussing of key quotations
Detailed notes to help students find, highlight and annotate the key 10-20 quotations from each chapter
The annotations are animated so you can go through each of them one by one.
extension activities relevant to each chapter to get students to explore big ideas in the novel
For even better value, try the full bundle which also includes lots of revison resources:
A scheme of learning based on the Edexcel GCSE Music set work ‘Music for a While’ by Purcell. These worksheets are based on Flip learning - students do the work at home/independently (this could be to learn the piece or as a revision tool). They then are tested on their knowledge and their score dictates whether they need extra support from the teacher.
The set work is split into 4 sections. Each worksheet has differentiated success criteria and all key words are underlined. There is then a test which summarises each section which can be used as a starter or plenary activity and should then dictate whether students know the set work or not. THere is an answer sheet for each question.
Following this activity students should also have a fully annotated Purcell score.
This 43 page revision workbook on An Inspector Calls includes:
Plot summary task with answers
Revision of 10 quotations per character task with answers
Theme revision cards
10 partially or fully completed essay plans to a range of questions
Notes to top up annotations of the play
9 model answers at grades ranging from 4 to 9 with examiner comments
Test on who speaks each quotation
Also has an extra 7 page booklet with key quotations for each character.
20+ lessons covering the anthology poems in the EDUQAS GCSE anthology. Also includes revision cards and a revision quiz.
Links to other Eduqas poetry resources:
Revision Cards
Lessons on all poems
Revision resources:
A bundle of resources covering the WJEC/EDUQAS grade 9-1 anthology poems with lessons on individual poems and resources to revise the whole collection.
Includes: revisions cards and a revision grid, revision lessons by theme, lessons on learning key quotations, quizzes and lots more. Have a look through the previews.
If you don't want to buy the full bundle, here are some ;inks to some of my other Eduqas poetry resources:
Revision grid:
Revision Cards:
Lessons on all poems
Revision resources:
Updated for 2024 bundle containing lessons, writing frames, revision grids, grade 9 model answers for the power and conflict poems. flashcards, revision powerpoints.
I do have other power and conflict resources available:
Model answers:
Revision cards:
This huge Romeo and Juliet pack has been adapted for home learning. This comprehensive collection of worksheets have been designed to help prepare students for the 9-1 GCSE examinations on Romeo and Juliet. Look through the 65+ preview pages to have a look at the range of resources on offer.
The pack includes the following resources:
Quotation revision sheets.
Examination Style Questions
Model high quality paragraphs
Writing frames
Planning sheets to help tackle exam questions
Analysis questions of key scenes
Abridged version of the whole play
20 key extracts to analyse
Revising the 6 main characters
3 A3 sheets which contain short easy to remember quotations for Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Nurse, Friar and Capulet from across the play. It has been created with the closed book AQA 1-9 examination in mind to help students remember quotations to use in their responses.
The activity is differentiated:
Bronze level: Identify where in the play the quotes come from
Silver: Relate the quotations to key themes.
Gold: Identify key words and language features within the quotations
Diamond: Relate the quotations for context.
2I have also added AQA-style examination questions based on 5 characters (Mercutio, Friar, Nurse, Prince, Capulet) which works well as a differentiated carousel activity.
An AQA-friendly writing frame to help students to structure a response to the play.
Model paragraphs aimed at grade 7-9 students.
Planning sheets for exam questions on the theme of fate and the character of Capulet.
Differentiated comprehension questions on Mercutio.
Analysis questions on Juliet’s speech in Act 4 Scene 3 and Romeo’s final speech in Act 5 Scene 3.
10 exam questions written in the style of the AQA 1-9 new spec.
Also includes PowerPoints for all scenes.
Updated lessons, revision sheets, exam questions and grade 9 model responses covering the whole play. Lots of the resources have received 5 star reviews. Looking at the previews is recommended.
Other popular Romeo and Juliet resources include:
A huge bundle of Romeo and Juliet resources.
Knowledge organisers
Revision cards
Context sheet
Lessons on each scene
Quizzes on scenes
106 page collated revision booklet
Character revision sheets
Model responses
Exam style questions
And lots more.
A collection of continually updated PowerPoints, writing frames, model essays, revision grids, planning sheets, guided annotations and comprehension worksheets on the poems from the ‘Power and Conflict’ section of the AQA anthology. There are also various resources examining how best to structure discriminating comparisons.
I do have other power and conflict resources available:
Model answers:
Revision cards:
A term’s worth of ready-to-teach resources created for the 2021 examination on A Christmas Carol.
Revision sheets containing key quotes and context points and differentiated revision tasks
Context match up sheet
9 grade 9 model answers
Writing frames
5, Sample AQA-style questions
Partially completed essay plans to finish
Difficult vocabulary glossary activity
Carousel activity on key extracts
Differentiated questions on stave 2
Differentiated questions on Marley’s ghost
Which vision in Stave 2 affects Scrooge the most worksheet
Activities with model responses on how Dickens presents ideas about Christmas in Stave 3
Comprehension questions on all staves
Top 50 quotations revision sheets
Fred lesson
Fezziwig lesson
Lesson on more obscure extracts
Lesson on women in the novella
Plus lots more
A term of resources covering everything you need to teach ‘An Inspector Calls’ for the 9-1 GCSE. Includes lessons, essay plans on all 7 characters, various model responses, carefully selected quotations, notes on themes and relevant points about context for A03 and lots of helpful worksheets! Check out the many previews to see what you will be getting.
Plus lots more that I keep adding.
New for 2023, I have collated some of the best resources into a 43 page revision booklet for ease of printing and downloading.
A huge bundle of resources created specifically for the new 9-1 GCSE Romeo and Juliet examination. Several resources have received 5 star reviews. There are over 100 pages of resources, worksheets and powerpoints sharply focused meeting the assessment objectives A01, A02 and A03.
- differentiated revision sheets for the characters of Romeo and Juliet
- activity revising the 20 key extracts
- grade 9 model essays
- planning sheets using my 9 step method
- differentiated revision sheet for supporting characters (Capulet, Mercutio, Nurse, Friar)
- differentiated AQA style exam questions
- differentiated worksheets on the prologue and Act 1 Scene 1
- Comprehension questions on Acts 1-5
- model responses
- Activities working on double zoom ins to explore Romeo's desperation in Act 3 Scene 3
- Is Capulet a good father essay guide
- Is Juliet a conventional Elizabethan woman essay guide
- exam walk through for male aggression
Revision tasks for AQA Power and Conflict.
Lots of revision activities for the Power and Conflict poems including:
10 writing frames
Revision grids
Revision card templates
Graphic Organisers
Model essays
Writing comparative sentences
Revision Quiz