Differentiated starter activity on the character of Scout.
Bronze: Define the words
Silver: Make links between the words
Gold: Use the words in a paragraph about Scout.
Use this test if you want to find out if your students have read the whole of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ instead of just watching the movie. All the questions test students on incidents that occur in the book but not in the film.
A useful for activity for helping students to remember key quotations while also testing their understanding of the novel as a whole.
The quotations have been carefully selected to cover a range of themes.
The answer sheet is also included.
A helpsheet containing 10 generic ways that students can improve their sentences in a second draft of a piece of narrative or descriptive writing. Ideal for Key Stage 2/3 or for low ability students at Key Stage 4. Examples are included.
The 10 strategies are differentiated in order of difficulty and are designed to help students in a mixed ability class to respond to feedback on narrative writing by selecting the methods to help them improve.
Avoid having to write out the same comment 30 times by using this numerical code that link to generic targets you are likely to give to a reading or writing response. Saves me hours of time every week and how my department have started to adopt it too!