Health & Social Care Shop #HSCresources #tlevelhealth
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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
A complete resource package for teaching Learning Aim B of the BTEC First optional unit, Unit 8 Individuals Rights. There are 4 PowerPoint presentation with engaging content, activities and videos to enhance learning as well as lots of applied paper based activities and worksheets.
B.1 Responsibilities of employers and employees in ensuring safety Ways of ensuring safety:
● risk assessment (the application of risk assessment to a health and social care setting and its importance, considering, the right to take acceptable risks)
● safeguarding (importance of preventing harm)
● other ways, e.g. control of substances hazardous to health, use of Personal Protective Equipment and infection control, reporting and recording accidents and incidents, complaints procedures, provision of toilets, washing facilities and drinking water, provision of first-aid facilities
● current and relevant legislation, e.g. the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
B.2 Responsibilities of employers and employees in ensuring confidentiality: ● accurate recording and proper storage and retrieval of information (including electronic methods), written records, use of photographs, mobile phones and social media)
● disclosure
● importance of maintaining confidentiality, including to safeguard service users, to adhere to legal and workplace requirements, to respect the rights of service users
● instances when breaches of confidentiality are appropriate, including to safeguard other individual(s), to safeguard a service user, to report criminal activities
● current and relevant legislation, e.g. the Data Protection Act 2018 including General Data Protection Regulations, the Freedom of Information Act 2005
For more Level 1, 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, visit my TES Shop
HSCresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,300 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
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A complete resource package for teaching Learning Aim A of the BTEC First optional unit, Unit 8 Individuals Rights. There are 14 PowerPoint presentation with engaging content, activities and videos to enhance learning as well as paper based activities and worksheets.
The content covere, is below:-
Topic A.1 The rights of individuals using health and social care services
● to be respected
● to be treated as an individual
● to be treated with dignity
● to be treated equally and not discriminated against
● to be allowed privacy and confidentiality
● to be allowed access to information about self
● to have account taken of own choices, e.g. to communicate in preferred method/language
● to be allowed independence
● to be safe
● to be able to take risks
● to be involved in own care
● current and relevant legislation and how it protects the rights of service users, e.g. Human Rights Act (1998), Equality Act (2010), Mental Health Act (1983).
Topic A.2 How care workers can uphold the rights of service users Learners must be able to give examples of how rights of service users can be upheld in health and social care settings, including the difficulties of doing so.
Learners must also understand the associated benefits of upholding the rights of service users.
● anti-discriminatory practices
● ensuring privacy during personal care
● offering person-centred approach
● showing empathy
● being honest.
For more Level 1, 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, visit my TES Shop
HSCresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,300 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
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BTEC First Unit 1 Human Lifespan and Development Learning Aim A home study booklet.
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For more free and small charge Health and Social care resources and resource packages, HSCresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,300 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
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There are specific qualifications care values posters and worksheets, depending on the relevant parts of the spec. These include BTEC L3 Nationals Unit 2, BTEC Tech Award Component 2, CACHE Level 2 TAHCS Unit 2, BTEC First, WJEC GCSE and CamNat R021.
The poster could be displayed, projected on a smartboard or given to individual learners. The worksheet encourages engagement and can be personalised, depending on your own teaching style, when students complete this.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
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A Health & Social Care Life stages, growth and development poster as well as an overview of lifestyle choices that will impact on this. To ensure learners take note, there is an accompanying worksheet, to keep them engaged. This can be introduction to a unit.
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#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
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This is a student booklet which introduces the spec content and an overview of the assignment and criteria.
There is a resource package for Learning Aim A, B , C and D are also available
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,500 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
T-Level Health Science Supporting Adult Nursing Student Reflective Journal but can be adapted (Word document) for any number of courses.
The template for a weekly reflecting using Gibbs Reflective Cycle for students such as attendance, uniform (if applicable), punctuality and prepared to learn, homework and independent student and then progress that week in general.
The template for set task reflection can be used for exam/test, role play activity, presentation or group task etc
A presentation explains Gibbs Reflective Cycle and how to use the journal so getting in the habit from week 1 is advisable.
The Reflective Journal can be ring bound to be a formal document and (in theory) raise their attitude towards improving, progression and professional behaviours. This will map progress for tracking purpose and can be used in the classroom or on placement.
In the ESP Task 4 is reflection on Tasks 1-3 and in the 2nd year OSA Task 4 requires students to refer to their reflective portfolio. Correct skills for reflection must be developed and become habit.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,500+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care Component 3 complete 100 page revision book with activities and exam practice questions. There is a student friendly mark scheme for each question and techniques throughout to help with structuring answers.
It is a word document and therefore adaptable to suit your needs.
Designed for students to work in pairs or independently and good for homework tasks. This should cover 12-15 hours of revision lessons and set homework tasks.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
September 2025 is the start for the OCR Cambridge AAQ in Health & Social Care, here I am sharing my initial planning for F091 Anatomy & Physiology
I will be resourcing the first mandatory aspects of the course completely by mid-January and units delivered towards the end of the first year, by the beginning of May.
Please feel free to contact me at any point mrs.alisonburton @
There is a dedicated Facebook group which has been set up to discuss the qualification and optional units, you may wish to join.
If you prefer WhatsApp, there is a qualification specific group with subgroups for the different units with uploaded resources, signpost links and advice/guidance.
You may also wish to join the biggest health and social care subject team and become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,500+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
#AAQhealthandsocial care
This is a resource package contains a 22 page booklet covering the A1 and A2 spec content for the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care - Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice Learning Aim A. There are three PowerPoints to aid delivery and activities to help students fully understand, related to the case studies and marking criteria.
The resource package cover the below:-
Learning aim A: Examine how a duty of care contributes to safe practice in health and social care settings
A1 Duty of care
• Legal obligation to protect wellbeing and prevent harm.
• Upholding the rights and promoting the interests of individuals experiencing abuse or neglect.
• Protecting health, safety and wellbeing.
• Ensuring safe practice.
• Balancing individual rights with risks.
A2 Complaints procedures
• Complaints policies and procedures.
• Reasons why complaints may be made, e.g. failure in a duty of care, dissatisfaction with quality of care.
• Investigating complaints.
• Responding to complaints with respect and treating them seriously.
• Using complaints to improve the quality of service provision.
• Legal proceedings and clinical negligence.
For more BTEC or CTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop to find the full range, with a handy search facility to cut down on time.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
This is a large complete resource package for the delivery of the BTEC Level 3 Unit 12 - Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs Learning Aim A, A1, A2, A3 and A4. This package includes a 52 page Word booklet that can be adapted and altered to suit your teaching needs. It allows students to organise their notes and assignment planning, in one place. There are activities, research task and application, signposting learners to understand the assessment criteria.
To aid understanding, during delivery, there are ELEVEN powerpoints and relevant videos to engage learners. The package covers the below topics, in the Learning Aim A spec.A: Examine Reasons why individuals may experience additional needs
A1 Diagnosing or determining additional needs
• Definitions of mild, moderate, severe and profound learning disabilities.
• Diagnostic procedures, tools and standards used to diagnose a disability.
• Professional background, qualifications and experience of those undertaking the diagnosis and assessment.
• Parameters used to describe the diagnosed condition. This must include the type, causation, severity and stability over time, and prognosis of the condition.
A2 Cognitive and learning needs
• Learning difficulties, to include dyslexia, dyspraxia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
• Autism-spectrum disorders, to include Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) and childhood disintegrative disorder.
• Inherited conditions, to include Down’s syndrome, Huntington’s disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s.
• Needs of older people, to include memory loss, slower cognitive speed, life-long learning.
A3 Physical and health needs
• Needs of older people, to include arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
• Health needs, to include physical needs cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disorders, stroke a mental illnesses.
• Sensory disabilities, to include deafness and hearing impairment, visual impairment.
• Accidents, to include paraplegia, loss of limb.
• Infectious diseases that can lead to individuals having additional needs.
• Problems during pregnancy and birth that can lead to individuals having additional needs.
A4 Social and emotional needs
• Needs generated from family circumstances, to include specific needs of looked-after children, bereavement, school refuser (non-attendance) and bullying.
• Needs generated by being elderly, to include loss of loved ones, fear of dying, family far away, isolation, lack of money.
• Needs affected by the learning environment.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
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This complete resource package consists of a 10 page booklet you can add to or alter, which students can print off in order to keep notes together. There are 5 engaging PowerPoints with embedded videos to support understanding and with activities and exam practice incorporated to stimulate learning and challenge students.
The content covers the spec for Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development B1
• Development across the lifespan is a result of genetic or inherited factors – Gesell’s maturation theory (compare to Piaget’s)
• Dr.Money’s Experiment outcome, unethical, make your own decisions
• Development across the lifespan is a result of environmental factors – Bandura’s social learning theory.
• Both factors may play a part – stress-diathesis model.
For other sections of the Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development spec content, follow me on TES so you have easy access to the different section, each has booklets, activities, exam practice and engaging PowerPoints. There’s a
Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Why waste your precious time on developing resources that, for a few quid, can be purchased and easily used? Enjoy! Alison
A resource package consisting of 33 page Word booklet which you can add to or alter to suit your teaching style. There are areas for students to make notes, activities and the application to Assignment 1 throughout. There are ELEVEN accompanying PowerPoints with animation and embedded videos to engage students and help with delivery. The booklet and presentations reflect the change in case studies from November 2018.
Resources cover every aspect of the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs Learning Aim C, as below:-
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges
• Different types of challenges faced by individuals with care and support needs, to include:
• awareness and knowledge
• practical challenges
• skills challenges
• acceptance and belief challenges
• motivational challenges
• communication challenges.
• Methods of identifying challenges to include observation, focus groups, talking to individuals informally or via questionnaires.
• Strategies used to overcome challenges to include educational information materials, training courses, opinion leaders, clinical audits, computer-aided advice systems, patient-mediated strategies.
• Role of policy frameworks in minimising challenges, including:
• NHS Patient Experience Framework in particular, understanding of the eight elements that are critical to the service users’ experience of NHS services
• Health Action Plans and how they are used to minimise challenges
• Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework
• Common Assessment Framework (CAF).
• Impact of not enabling individuals to overcome challenges.
C2 Promoting personalisation
• Personalisation – ensuring that every person receiving care and support is able to set their personal goals and has choice and control over the shape of their care and support
• Methods of recognising preferences to include care plans, learning plans, behavioural plans, specialist support from health and social care professionals.
• The importance of promoting choice and control and the financial impact of this on care provision.
C3 Communication techniques
• Different approaches for effective communication to include humanistic, behavioural, cognitive, psychoanalytical and social.
• Types of communication examples to include verbal, body language, written, formal and informal.
• Alternative communications to include Makaton, British Sign Language (BSL), braille, communication boards and symbol systems.
• Theories of communication to include Argyle, Tuckman, Berne.
For more BTEC and CTEC Level’s 1, 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, follow me on TES to find all the resources in one place with a handy search facility, to save on time! For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Programme of delivery planned weekly for the BTEC Level 3 HSC Unit 2 and a wall display for students to appreciate the broad content and the importance of continual revision alongside their course work units.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,000+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
A BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 14 Physiological Disorders and their Care Introductory Word Booklet you can add to or alter. It has the spec content, an overview of both the assignments(updated Jan 2019) and the assessment criteria. To kick off with there is also an activity for students to complete to aid their understanding of key terminologies.
For more free and small charge T-Level Health Science, BTEC and CTEC Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop and use the handy search facility to find what you need easily. For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,500 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
A 41 page booklet, 2 PowerPoints and a range of activities, spaces for notes and discussion points that cover the new BTEC L3 Unit 4 Current Research in Health and Social Care Learning Aim A. It starts with an introduction on what students can expect for this unit, it's assessment and the BTEC rules and moves on through the content for A1 and A2, with some reference to the text book. You can add to and adapt this Microsoft Word booklet to suit your own teaching style and your students will have their own completed booklet, from which to revise from.
There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
This is a resource package consisting of , a 23 page booklet (Word) you can add and alter, with space for students to add notes, applied activities to complete and references to the BTEC textbook. It is a continuation fromthe Learning Aim A and B1 booklets, also on TES. Along with the booklet, there are Four PowerPoints to give interest to the delivery of the content for B2. Planning a research project and B3. Ethics Issues in research, as below:-
B2 Planning Research
How to plan a piece of research, including:
• rationale for the research
• deciding on achievable objectives
• selecting appropriate research methods
• selecting target group and sample
• deciding realistic timescales
• deciding how research will be monitored and modified
• deciding measures for success
• considering ethical issues while carrying out research.
B3 Ethical issues
Ethical principles in research reporting, including:
• maintaining confidentiality of participants, including of any settings
• ensuring that participants have given their consent
• the need to seek consent from parents or carers if participants are under 18 or lack appropriate mental capacity
• research conduct, including keeping a professional distance
• data protection legislation, policies and procedures, including using the research only for the stated purpose
• human rights legislation, policies and procedures and how this relates to conduct of research (legislation must be current at time of delivery and applicable to England, Wales or Northern Ireland)
• the use and misuse of results, including statistics that inform practice, informed consent from participants and the 1947 Nuremberg Code 10 rules, in relation to ethical research, misuse of results, e.g. Andrew Wakefield and the MMR research
• conflicts of interest in research and how to avoid them, peer reviews including human subjects, mentoring, research misconduct, professional distance, disclosure and whistle-blowing
• role of organisations, e.g. National Social Care Research Ethics Committee.
There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Good luck in your teaching :-)
A 21 page booklet with information about Learning Aims A, B and C to give students an overview
Did you know their is a Health and Social Care Resource sharing Facebook group with over 5,000 teachers all supporting each other, join the biggest ever subject team.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
THREE; Two 80 mark and one 60 Mark Mock Exam papers, each with easy to use mark scheme, suitable for peer marking for theBTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care Learning AIm A. The exam papers are saved in Microsoft Word so you can add to or alter content, as you wish.
Motivational, Aim High poster included.
For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Good luck in your teaching :-)
A large resource package which has assignments, student check list, four PowerPoint presentations, work sheet, activities and information which covers the complete content for the OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 13 Sexual Health Learning Objective 5
Resources cover the delivery of the below content:
5.1 Developmental stages, i.e.
• reference to normative data (e.g. ‘red book’)
• physical growth and appearance
• physical movement and skills
• cognitive function
• emotional development
• speech and communication
5.2 Care and nutrition of newborn to one-year-old (e.g. breastfeeding and bottle feeding, weaning, quality of nutrition, adequate/suitable clothing, standard of hygiene, types and changing of nappies, love, security and bonding, theories of attachment, equipment (e.g. cot, pram), health care (e.g. immunisations))
5.3 Health and social care and Early Years Services (e.g. monitoring and surveillance programmes, role of the health visitor, Early Years Service, Family Nurse Partnership, Children’s Centres, Nurseries)
For more free and small charge CTEC and BTEC Level’s 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, visit my TES shop to find the full range with a handy search facility.#hscresources
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,200 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out