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Minibeasts in local environment

Minibeasts in local environment

Go on a walk in the school grounds to discover there are different plants and animals in the local environment. Collect minibeasts. Think about where we might find them. Name, label and draw minibeasts back in the classroom. Suitable for Year 2 pupils.
Melting investigation

Melting investigation

Practical class investigation about melting chocolate and then shaping it before allowing it to cool and harden. Focus on planning a fair test, prediction and use of scientific vocabulary. Optional addition of rice pops to shapes! Suitable for Year 2 pupils.
Clean Water and Health

Clean Water and Health

Children research the impact of dirty water on health. They present research to the class and identify the biggest killer diseases. Opportunity here to link back to the water topic, and understanding of a preventable disease. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Properties of soil

Properties of soil

Discussing how soil is formed and why it is important to look after it. Find answers to questions on the web. Closely observe a soil sample and record what is found. Look at and draw a soil profile. Discuss erosion. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Testing Materials for Roman Weapons

Testing Materials for Roman Weapons

Children look at Roman weapons and discuss the materials that these would have been made from. They then carry out some experiments to discover which materials are most suitable for which purposes. They devise a series of fair tests and communicate results. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Separate solids

Separate solids

In this session children start by separating what they already know from what they want to find out, then start to separate materials using sieves of different sizes and magnets. They find out that these methods have real life applications. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


In this session a representative from Native Nursery visits to hear the findings from the growing tests and find out more about the electrical security devices. Will the children impress with their understanding of scientific concepts? Suitable for Y5/6 pupils.


Time to get down and dirty! Children bring in soil samples from home and carry out a simple experiment to separate it into layers. This is followed by an experiment to test soil quality before finding out that some plants don’t need soil at all! Suitable for Y5/6 pupils.


There will be no time to lurk in the shadows in this session as groups create fair tests to answer questions before carrying them out and recording the results. Groups then draw conclusions and report their findings to the class. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Children look at different aeroplanes, make paper aeroplanes and then see which flies the furthest.


Children look at trains from different ages, then try to make a moving vehicle using magnets, then have a competition involving choosing magnetic metal objects.
Tumble Driers

Tumble Driers

Children find out how a tumble drier works, list the advantages and disadvantages of tumble driers and then have a debate about whether they are a good or bad thing!
Soil investigation

Soil investigation

Look at images, and discuss the effects and causes of flooding. Do a practical investigation about the permeability of 3 different types of soils including measuring. Review what children have learnt. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Circuit repairs

Circuit repairs

Time to call out the experts! Children start the session with some drama before turning their attention to some circuits in need of attention! Children repair broken circuits and identify repairs needed using circuit diagrams. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


In this session symbols say it all! Children discover the conventions that are used in circuit diagrams before using them to create their own. Can they create working circuits from a diagram? Time to find out! Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Keeping cool!

Keeping cool!

Children continue their investigative work by finding out which material is best for keeping ice cubes cold. What are they going to measure? An understanding of how insulators stop heat from being transferred from or to something is established. Suitable for Year 4 pupils.
Sources of light

Sources of light

Time to shed some light on what the children already know in this session as they create a concept map and are quizzed on their current understanding! They then identify sources of light and find out why the Moon isn’t one of them! Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Session 1 - Changes at puberty prepare our bodies to have children of our own. Look in more detail at human fertilisation and pregnancy and learn how important it is for mother-to-be to look after her health. Look at baby growth in utero and explain function of umbilical cord. Session 2 - Watch a video of a birth and discuss other forms of delivery such as Caesarean or forceps deliveries. Discuss how the parents’ lives will now change and relate this to children’s Flour Babies experience. Research birth rites of passage in different cultures. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Burning materials

Burning materials

Which coverings did prevent nails going rusty? Find out what happens to materials that are burnt, rather than heated – using the fire triangle. Discuss fire safety including furniture fire hazard labels. Review what children have learnt over the Strand. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Reflection research is in order during this session as children discover that shiny and polished surfaces reflect more light than dull surfaces. Can they use mirrors to bounce torch beams or redirect the laser beam to hit the target? Suitable for Y6 pupils.